Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

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Want to change your Syntax Highlighting theme, Fonts and more?

Visit your global Editor Settings.


                -# Game grid variablesb
-# Make sure these are reflected in the SASS.
- rows = 4;
- columns = 12;
- tilesPerSegment = 3;
- tilePerSegmentVertical = 7;
- hasIntro = true;
- hasLoader = true;

-# Game
    -# Loader
    - if(hasLoader == true)
                    %img{:src => ''}
                    %h1 A no JS Adventure game
                %span Loading checkboxes...
    -# Intro
    - if(hasIntro == true)
            %input#intro-1{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro', :checked => 'checked'}
                %label{:for => 'intro-2'}
                    %img{:src => ''}
            %input#intro-2{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro'}
                The floor just collapsed under me
                %label{:for => 'intro-3'}
                    %img{:src => ''}
            %input#intro-3{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro'}
                Geez it sure is dark in here
                %label{:for => 'intro-4'}
                    %img{:src => ''}
            %input#intro-4{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro'}
                Let me light my torch...
                %label{:for => 'intro-5'}
                    %img{:src => ''}
            %input#intro-5{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro'}
                Better. Need to find a way out.
            %input#intro-6{:class => 'dialogue', :type => 'radio', :name => 'intro'}
    -# Padlock game
    %input#interactiveObject--lock{:type=> 'checkbox'}
        %img{:src => ''}
    -(1..3).each do |col|
        -(1..9).each do |i|
            - if(i == 9)
                %input{:type=> 'checkbox', 'value' => i, :id => "padlock#{col}-#{i}", :checked => 'checked'} 
                    %span{:id => "span-#{col}"} #{10 - i}
            - else
                %input{:type=> 'checkbox', 'value' => i, :id => "padlock#{col}-#{i}"} 
                    %span{:id => "span-#{col}"} #{10 - i}
    %label.check{:for => 'interactiveObject--lock'} check
    -# Game items

    %input#interactiveObject1{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '1', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 1"}
    %input#interactiveObject2{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '2', 'data-debug' => "Pickaxe"}
    %input#interactiveObject3{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '3', 'data-debug' => "Boulder"}
    %input#interactiveObject4{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '4', 'data-debug' => "Dynamite plunger"}
    %input#interactiveObject5{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '5', 'data-debug' => "Dynamite door"}
    %input#interactiveObject6{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '6', 'data-debug' => "Planks"}
    %input#interactiveObject7{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '7', 'data-debug' => "Plank gap"}
    %input#interactiveObject8{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '8', 'data-debug' => "Note 1"}
    %input#interactiveObject9{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '9', 'data-debug' => "Note 2"}
    %input#interactiveObject10{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '10', 'data-debug' => "Note 3"}
    %input#interactiveObject11{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '11', 'data-debug' => "Lock door"}
    %input#interactiveObject12{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '12', 'data-debug' => "Handle"}
    %input#interactiveObject13{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '13', 'data-debug' => "Cog"}
    %input#interactiveObject14{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '14', 'data-debug' => "Waterfall"}
    %input#interactiveObject15{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '15', 'data-debug' => "Dynamite"}
    %input#interactiveObject16{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '16', 'data-debug' => "Fuses"}
    %input#interactiveObject17{:type => 'checkbox', 'data-reference' => '17', 'data-debug' => "End door"}
    %input#interactiveObject18{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '18', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 2"}
    %input#interactiveObject19{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '19', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 3"}
    %input#interactiveObject20{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '20', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 4"}
    %input#interactiveObject21{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '21', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 5"}
    %input#interactiveObject22{:type => 'radio', 'data-reference' => '22', 'data-debug' => "Empty box 6"}
    -# Checkboxes for movement
    -(1..rows).each do |row|
        -(1..columns).each do |index|
            - if(row == 1 && index == 2)
                %input{:id => "indexRow#{row}-#{index}", :type => "radio", :name => "trigger", :checked => 'checked'}
            - else
                %input{:id => "indexRow#{row}-#{index}", :type => "radio", :name => "trigger"}
    -# Game character
    -# Game intermediates
    -# Game segments
        %img.level{:src => ''}
        -(1..rows).each do |row|
            -(1..columns).each do |index|
                        -(1..4).each do
                        -(1..tilesPerSegment * tilePerSegmentVertical).each do |tile|
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 3 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject1', 'data-reference' => '1'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            Nothing useful in here
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 12 && tile == 14)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject2', 'data-reference' => '2'}
                                        %img.object{:src => ''}
                                            A pickaxe. This should come in handy
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 7 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject3', 'data-reference' => '3'}
                                        %img.forced{:src => ''}
                                            Ha! That got it
                                            I need a tool to get past this
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject3'}
                                                %img{:src => ''}
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 8 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject4', 'data-reference' => '4'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            That seemed to do something...
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 7 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject5', 'data-reference' => '5'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            door gone
                                            Something must blow this up
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject5'}
                                                %img{:src => ''}
                            -if (row == 2 && index == 6 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject6', 'data-reference' => '6'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            A Plank of wood
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 5 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject7', 'data-reference' => '7'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            planks on
                                            CSS won't let me jump this
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject7'}
                                                %img{:src => ''}
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 6 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject8', 'data-reference' => '8'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            A strange note
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 10 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject9', 'data-reference' => '9'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            A strange note
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 5 && tile == 14)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject10', 'data-reference' => '10'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            A strange note  
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 4 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject--lock', 'data-reference' => '11'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            A locked door
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 2 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject12', 'data-reference' => '12'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            Cog handle
                            -if (row == 4 && index == 10 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject13', 'data-reference' => '13'}
                                        %img.forced{:src => ''}
                                            That turned off the water
                                            There's no handle
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject13'}
                                                %img{:src => ''}
                            -if (row == 4 && index == 11 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject14', 'data-reference' => '14'}
                                        %img.forced{:src => ''}
                                            Cant get through here
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject14'}
                                                %img{:src => ''}
                            -if (row == 2 && index == 3 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject15', 'data-reference' => '15'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            Dynamite sticks
                            -if (row == 4 && index == 12 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject16', 'data-reference' => '16'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            Box of fuses
                            -if (row == 2 && index == 12 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject17', 'data-reference' => '17'}
                                        %img.forced{:src => ''}
                                            If only i had some dynamite &amp; fuses
                                            %label{:for => 'interactiveObject17'}
                                                %img{:src => ''}
                            -if (row == 2 && index == 7 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject18', 'data-reference' => '18'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            Nothing useful in here
                            -if (row == 2 && index == 10 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject19', 'data-reference' => '19'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            Full of junk
                            -if (row == 3 && index == 9 && tile == 15)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject20', 'data-reference' => '20'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            Just an empty box
                            -if (row == 1 && index == 12 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject21', 'data-reference' => '21'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            Nothing i can use
                            -if (row == 4 && index == 8 && tile == 13)
                                    %label{:for => 'interactiveObject22', 'data-reference' => '22'}
                                        %img{:src => ''}
                                            Nope empty
                    %label{:for => "indexRow#{row}-#{index}"}
                            -if (index != 1)
                                    %img{:src => ''}
                            -if (index != columns)
                                    %img{:src => ''}
                    %label{:for => "indexRow#{row}-#{index}"}
                                %img{:src => ''}
                    %label{:for => "indexRow#{row - 1}-#{index}"}
                                %img{:src => ''}
    -# Game inventory
        %img{:src => ''}
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '0'}
                %img{:src => ''}
                .details A healthy snack
                .name Apple
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '2'}
                %img{:src => ''}
                .details A sturdy looking pickaxe
                .name Pickaxe
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '6'}
                %img{:src => ''}
                .details A thick plank of wood
                .name Plank
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '8'}
                %img{:src => ''}
                .details A mysterious note
                .name Note 1
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '9'}
                %img{:src => ''}
                .details A mysterious note
                .name Note 2
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '10'}
                %img{:src => ''}
                .details A mysterious note
                .name Note 3
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '12'}
                %img{:src => ''}
                .details Looks like its used to turn something
                .name Handle
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '15'}
                %img{:src => ''}
                .details No good without any fuses
                .name Dynamite sticks
            .item.pickaxe{'data-reference' => '16'}
                %img{:src => ''}
                .details Some fuses for dynamite
                .name Fuses
    -# Game conditional checks 
            %p Thanks for playing
            %a{:href => '', :target => '_blank'} Follow me on codepen
            %span for more shenanigans


                $rows: 4 !global;
$columns: 12 !global;
$gameObjects: 22;
$tileSize: 48px;
$walkSpeed: 1s;
$tilesPerSegment: 3;
$tilesPerSegmentVertical: 7;
$segmentHeight: $tileSize * $tilesPerSegmentVertical;
$debug: false;

* {
	box-sizing: border-box;

@font-face {
	font-family: pixles;
	src: url(;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Game styling

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

body {
	background: #141415;
	overflow: hidden;
	font-family: pixles;
	font-size: 15px;
	-webkit-user-select: none;
	-moz-user-select: none;
	user-select: none;
	height: 100vh;
	margin: 0;

	& .game {
		width: $tileSize * $tilesPerSegment * $columns;
		position: absolute;
		left: calc(50% - 72px);
		right: 0;
		top: calc(50% - 212px);
		margin: auto;

		input {
			display: none;

		// End screen styles

		&_win {
			position: fixed;
			left: 0;
			top: 0;
			background: #141415;
			z-index: 9;
			width: 100%;
			height: 100%;
			opacity: 0;
			pointer-events: none;
			transition: all 1s 0s;

			&__inner {
				position: absolute;
				left: 0;
				right: 0;
				margin: auto;
				width: 300px;
				top: 50%;
				transform: translateY(-50%);
				text-align: center;
				opacity: 0;
				transition: all 1s 2s;

				p {
					color: white;
					margin-bottom: 30px;

				span {
					color: white;
					opacity: 0.4;

				a {
					margin-bottom: 16px;
					color: #78f148;
					text-align: center;
					width: 100%;
					display: block;

			.character {
				width: 48px;
				height: 48px;
				position: relative;
				left: -60px;
				margin: auto;
				background: red;
				background: url("");
				animation: walk-1 $walkSpeed infinite;
				z-index: 1;
				background-position: 0 0;
				transform: translateY(-50%)
					translateX($tileSize * ($tilesPerSegment / 2) - 8);
				transition: all $walkSpeed linear;
				z-index: 1;
				pointer-events: none;

		// Side inventory styles

		&_inventory {
			position: fixed;
			z-index: 9;
			left: 0;
			color: white;
			top: 50%;
			-webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);
			font-size: 11px;
			right: 0;
			margin: auto;
			left: -420px;
			width: 140px;
			padding-left: 15px;
			transform: translateY(-50%);
			height: 64px;
			cursor: pointer;
			transition: all 0.6s 0.3s;

			&:hover {
				height: 371px;
				transition: all 0.6s 0.2s;

				.item {
					opacity: 1;
					left: 0px;
					transition: all 0.3s;
					-webkit-filter: blur(0px);

					&:first-child {
						display: block;

			h1 {
				font-weight: normal;
				font-size: 12px;

			img {
				transform: scale(3);
				image-rendering: pixelated;
				cursor: pointer;
				transform-origin: 0 0;

				&:hover {

			&__item {
				margin-top: 70px;
				text-align: center;
				position: relative;
				left: -24px;
				width: 100%;
				height: 100%;

				.item {
					margin: 10px 0 30px 0;
					display: none;
					opacity: 0;
					left: 0px;
					position: relative;
					transition: all 0s;
					float: left;
					margin-right: 10px;
					width: 34%;

					&:hover {
						z-index: 15;

						.details {
							opacity: 1;
							top: -4px;

					.name {
						position: relative;
						top: 11px;

					.details {
						padding: 7px;
						opacity: 0;
						border-radius: 4px;
						position: absolute;
						font-size: 13px;
						text-align: center;
						transition: all 0.2s 0.2s;
						pointer-events: none;
						background: white;
						color: #141415;
						width: 120px;
						top: -4px;
						left: 50px;
						z-index: 20;

					img {
						transform: scale(2);
						transform-origin: 50% 50%;

		// Padlock stuff

		.padlock {
			display: none;
			position: absolute;
			width: 280px;
			top: 71px;
			left: -70px;
			height: 280px;
			background: #301f41b8;
			z-index: 4;
			border-radius: 324px;
			border: 4px solid #ffb128;

			img {
				position: absolute;
				left: 80px;
				top: 35px;

		%o {
			display: block;
			position: absolute;
			left: 0;
			right: 0;
			top: 220px;
			margin: auto;

		.check {
			display: none;
			width: 80px;
			cursor: pointer;
			height: 80px;
			position: absolute;
			z-index: 6;
			top: 303px;
			left: 30px;
			text-align: center;
			line-height: 77px;
			background: wheat;
			color: #615133;
			border-radius: 100px;
			border: 3px solid #ffb128;
			transition: all 0.3s;

			&:hover {
				background: #ffb128;
				color: white;

		input#interactiveObject--lock:not(:checked) {
			+ span {
				display: none;

		input#interactiveObject--lock:checked {
			+ .padlock {
				display: block;

				$y: "";
				$x: " + span ";

				+ input {
					display: block;
					@for $i from 1 through 26 {
						$y: $y + " + span + input";
						$x: $x + " + input + span ";

						#{$y} {
							display: block;
						#{$x} {
							display: block;
						#{$y} + span + label {
							display: block;

		#padlock3-1 {
			&:after {
				display: block !important;

		#padlock3-9 {
			&:after {
				display: none !important;

		input[id*="padlock"] {
			@extend %o;

			z-index: 3;
			outline: none;
			display: none;
			-webkit-appearance: none;

			+ span {
				@extend %o;

				background: url(;
				width: 10px;
				width: 22px;
				height: 36px;
				left: 0;
				display: none;
				line-height: 40px;
				text-align: center;
				position: fixed;
				color: #444444;
				top: 50%;
				transform: translateY(9px) translateX(-35px);

			@for $i from 1 through 34 {
				&:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
					z-index: $i + 10;

					&:checked {
						z-index: 64 + $i;

						& + span {
							z-index: 64 - $i;

			&:checked {
				z-index: 30;

				&:before {
					display: none;

				& + span {
					& + input {
						&:after {
							display: none;

			&:after {
				background: red;
				display: block;
				content: "";
				top: 48px;
				position: absolute;
				cursor: pointer;
				height: 23px;
				left: -7px;
				width: 22px;
				background: url(;

			&:before {
				display: block;
				content: "";
				position: absolute;
				height: 23px;
				width: 22px;
				left: -7px;
				top: -30px;
				color: white;
				background: red;
				cursor: pointer;
				background: url(;

			&[id*="padlock1"] {
				left: 19px;
				+ span {
					left: -27px;

			&[id*="padlock2"] {
				left: 64px;
				+ span {
					left: 66px;

			&[id*="padlock3"] {
				left: 106px;
				+ span {
					left: 149px;

		// Loading screen styles

		&_loader {
			position: fixed;
			z-index: 15;
			background: #141415;
			left: 0;
			top: 0;
			width: 100%;
			height: 100%;
			pointer-events: none;
			opacity: 1;
			animation: fadeOut 1.5s 7s forwards;

			&__inner {
				position: absolute;
				left: 0;
				right: 0;
				margin: auto;
				top: 50%;
				transform: translateY(-50%);
				font-size: 12px;
				width: 200px;
				text-align: center;

				h1 {
					font-weight: normal;
					font-size: 12px;

				& .logo {
					width: 200px;
					height: 70px;
					margin: auto;
					margin-bottom: 10px;
					transform: scale(0);
					opacity: 0;
					animation: logo 2s forwards;

					img {
						width: 100%;

				span {
					color: rebeccapurple;
					display: block;
					opacity: 0;
					margin-top: 8px;
					animation: fadeIn 1.5s 3s forwards;

				& .bar {
					background: #3c3c3e;
					position: relative;
					height: 2px;
					margin-top: 30px;
					opacity: 0;
					animation: fadeIn 1.5s 2.5s forwards;

					&_inner {
						width: 0px;
						height: 100%;
						background: white;
						position: absolute;
						top: 0;
						animation: bar 3s 3s forwards;

				& .subtitle {
					color: #f49112;
					margin: -18px 0px 40px 0;
					opacity: 0;
					animation: fadeIn 1.5s 1.5s forwards;

		// Our little character

		&_character {
			width: 48px;
			height: 48px;
			background: red;
			background: url("");
			position: absolute;
			top: 216px;
			left: -16px;
			z-index: 1;
			background-position: 0 0;
			transform: translateY(-50%)
				translateX($tileSize * ($tilesPerSegment / 2) - 8);
			transition: all $walkSpeed linear;
			z-index: 1;
			pointer-events: none;

			img {
				position: absolute;
				border: 512px solid #0c0c0d;
				transform: translateY(-685px) translateX(-670px);
				opacity: 1;

		// Intro dialogue

		&_intro {
			position: absolute;
			top: 38px;
			left: -33px;
			z-index: 14;

			input {
				display: none;

			input[type="radio"]:checked + div {
				opacity: 1;
				top: 140px;
				transition: all 0.5s 0.8s;
				pointer-events: all;

				label {
					opacity: 1;
					bottom: -10px;

			input#intro-1[type="radio"]:checked + div {
				top: 140px;
				opacity: 0;
				transition: all 0.5s 0.8s;
				animation: dialogueIn 0.5s 9s forwards;
				pointer-events: all;

			input#intro-1[type="radio"]:not(:checked) + div {
				opacity: 0;
				top: 160px;
				transition: all 0.5s 0.8s;

			input[type="radio"]#intro-5:checked + div + input + div {
				opacity: 0;
				pointer-events: none !important;

			input[type="radio"]#intro-5:checked + div {
				opacity: 0;
				animation: showResponse 2s 2s forwards;

			& .overlay {
				position: fixed;
				top: 0 !important;
				width: 140%;
				left: 0;
				opacity: 1;
				height: 260%;
				background: #141415;
				z-index: -1;
				pointer-events: all;
				transition: all 4s 0.7s !important;

			& .dialogue {
				position: absolute;
				top: 160px;
				opacity: 0;
				width: 170px;
				left: 20px;
				padding: 15px;
				border-radius: 4px;
				font-size: 13px;
				text-align: center;
				transition: all 0.2s 0.2s;
				pointer-events: none;
				background: white;
				color: #141415;

				&.end {
					position: absolute;
					width: 130px;
					left: 0;
					text-align: center;
					right: 0;
					pointer-events: none;
					top: 100px !important;
					margin: auto;
					transform: translateY(140px) translateX(39px);
					background: white;
					color: #141415;
					padding: 8px;
					border-radius: 5px;

				label {
					border-radius: 5px;
					position: absolute;
					right: -6px;
					bottom: -20px;
					z-index: 1;
					opacity: 0;
					cursor: pointer;
					transition: all 0.4s 1s;

					img {
						transform: scale(2);
						image-rendering: pixelated;

					&:hover {
						right: -13px;
						background: #66bf60;

		// Viewport

		.viewport {
			position: relative;
			z-index: 0;
			transition: all $walkSpeed linear;

			.level {
				position: absolute;
				left: 0;
				z-index: 1;
				transform: scale(3);
				transform-origin: 0 0;
				image-rendering: pixelated;

		&_segment {
			width: $tileSize * $tilesPerSegment;
			height: $segmentHeight;
			border: 0px solid white;
			float: left;
			z-index: 1;
			position: relative;
			color: white;

			.drip_container {
				position: relative;
				top: 80px;
				display: none;
				z-index: 10;

				& .drip {
					width: 3px;
					height: 20px;
					background: #81eeef;
					position: absolute;
					height: 0;
					top: 14px;
					opacity: 1;

					@for $i from 1 through 5 {
						&:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
							left: random(144) + 0px;
							animation: drip 1.25s random(52) / 10 + 0s linear infinite;

			@keyframes drip {
				0% {
					height: 0;
				2% {
					height: 6px;
				5% {
					height: 6px;
					top: 14px;
				22% {
					top: 158px;
					height: 4px;
					opacity: 1;
				23% {
					opacity: 0;
					height: 0px;
				100% {
					opacity: 0;

			& .tiles {
				& .tile {
					width: $tileSize;
					height: $tileSize;
					float: left;
					image-rendering: pixelated;

					// Special tiles

					&.door {
						position: absolute;
						top: 92px;
						height: 144px;
						left: -12px;
						width: 60px;

						img {
							position: relative;

					&.beam {
						position: absolute;
						top: 95px;
						height: 108px;

					&.water {
						position: absolute;
						top: 107px;
						height: 108px;

					&:before {
						display: none;
						content: " ";
						position: absolute;
						width: 4px;
						height: 10px;
						border-left: 4px solid #e69c69;
						border-right: 4px solid #e69c69;
						z-index: 1;
						left: 67px;
						top: 140px;
						transition: all 1s linear;

					&:after {
						top: -48px;
						transition: all 1s linear;
						height: 40px !important;
						display: block;
						overflow: hidden;
						pointer-events: none;

						img {
							position: relative;
							top: -400px;

					img {
						width: 100%;
						cursor: pointer;

						&:hover {
							-webkit-filter: drop-shadow(2px 0px white) drop-shadow(-2px 0px white)
								drop-shadow(0px -2px white);

					label {
						pointer-events: none;

						.responseSuccess {
							display: none;
							position: absolute;
							width: 130px;
							left: 0;
							text-align: center;
							right: 0;
							pointer-events: none;
							top: calc(50% - 46px);
							margin: auto;
							background: white;
							color: #141415;
							padding: 8px;
							border-radius: 5px;

						.forcedResponse {
							pointer-events: all !important;

							label {
								border-radius: 5px;
								position: absolute;
								right: -6px;
								cursor: pointer;
								bottom: -14px;
								transform: scale(2);
								z-index: 3;
								cursor: pointer;
								transition: all 0.4s 1s;

								&:hover {
									right: -2px;

					&:after {
						display: block;
						width: $tileSize;
						height: $tileSize;
						transform: scale(3);
						image-rendering: pixelated;
						transform-origin: 0 0;

			// Game controls

			&__control {
				div {
					position: absolute;
					opacity: 0;
					pointer-events: none;
					border-radius: 4px;
					top: 50%;
					cursor: pointer;

					img {
						transform: scale(3);
						image-rendering: pixelated;
						position: relative;
						left: 0;
						top: 0;
						transition: all 0.3s;

				& .forward {
					transform: translateY(50px) translateX(-$tileSize);
					left: 66px;
					transition: all 0.3s 0s;

					&:hover {
						img {
							left: 4px;

				& .backward {
					transform: translateY(50px) translateX(47px);
					right: 65px;
					transition: all 0.3s 0.1s;

					&:hover {
						img {
							left: -4px;

					img {
						transform: rotate(180deg) scale(3);

				& .up {
					top: 90px !important;
					left: 50%;
					transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(25px);
					transition: all 0.3s 0.2s;

					&:hover {
						img {
							top: -4px;

					img {
						transform: rotate(-90deg) scale(3);

				& .down {
					bottom: 350px !important;
					left: 50%;
					opacity: 0;
					top: auto;
					transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(10px);
					transition: all 0.3s 0.2s;

					&:hover {
						img {
							top: 4px;

					img {
						transform: rotate(90deg) scale(3);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Calculate the way an animated sprite should be shown from its width and frame count
then animate the background image

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@function walkCycle($frames, $width, $height, $row) {
	$t: 100 / $frames;
	$o: 0;
	$p: "";

	@for $i from 1 through $frames {
		$o: $o + $t;
		$p: $p +
			($o - 0.1) +
			"%{background-position:-" +
			($i - 1) *
			$width +
			"px " +
			$height *
			($row - 1) +
		$p: $p +
			$o +
			"%{background-position:-" +
			$i *
			$width +
			"px " +
			$height *
			($row - 1) +
		@if ($o != 100) {
			$p: $p +
				($o + 0.1) +
				"%{background-position:-" +
				$i *
				$width +
				"px " +
				$height *
				($row - 1) +
		} @else {
			$o: 100;

	$v: "1%{background-position: 0px " + $height * ($row - 1) + "px;}" + $p;

	@return unquote($v);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name: Traverse through scenes
Description: Makes it incredibly easy to trigger scene changes using the checkbox *hack*
Instead of doing  input#index39:checked + input + div + div { props }

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin traverse($n: 4) {
	$div: "" !global; // Empty div string
	$input: "" !global; // Empty input string
	$input2: "" !global;
	$input3: "" !global;
	$input4: "" !global;
	$label: "" !global; // Empty input string
	$label2: "" !global;
	$label3: "" !global;
	$label4: "" !global;
	$inputOffset: "+ input " !global;

	// This needs to be made dynamic

	@for $i from 1 through 47 {
		$input: $input + "+ input " !global;
		$inputOffset: $inputOffset + "+ input " !global;

	@for $i from 1 through 35 {
		$input2: $input2 + "+ input " !global;

	@for $i from 1 through 23 {
		$input3: $input3 + "+ input " !global;

	@for $i from 1 through 11 {
		$input4: $input4 + "+ input " !global;

	@for $i from 1 through $columns {
		@keyframes walk-#{$i} {
			animation: walkCycle(6, 48, 48, 1);

	@for $i from 1 through $n {
		$div: "+ div" !global;
		$position: $i !global; // Make this global so we can pass it in to our content
		$i: $i !global;
		$label: $label + "+ div " !global;

		@if ($i > 1) {
			$input: str_slice($input, 0, -9) !global; // Slice out the last input string
			$input2: str_slice(
			) !global; // Slice out the last input string
			$input3: str_slice(
			) !global; // Slice out the last input string
			$input4: str_slice(
			) !global; // Slice out the last input string
			$label2: $label2 + "+ div " !global;


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When in specified semgent, show the down arrow and the up arrow of the segment below

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin moveVerticleOnTile($row, $tile) {
	$totalInputs: $rows * $columns - ($row * $columns - ($columns - $tile));
	$totalDivs: $row * $columns - ($columns - $tile) + $columns + 2;
	$id: $row * $columns - ($columns - $tile);
	$tInput: "";
	$tDiv: "";
	$tInputDown: "";

	@for $i from 1 through $totalInputs {
		$tInput: $tInput + " + input ";

	@for $i from 1 through $totalDivs {
		$tDiv: $tDiv + " + div ";

	@for $i from 1 through $totalInputs - $columns {
		$tInputDown: $tInputDown + " + input ";

	.game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id}) .tile:nth-of-type(14):after {
		content: url("");
		position: relative;
		display: block;

	.game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id}) .tile:nth-of-type(14):before {
		display: block;

		+ div
		+ div
		+ .viewport
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id + $columns}) {
		& .down {
			opacity: 1;
			pointer-events: all;
			transition: all 0.3s 1.1s;
			transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(0px);

		+ 1}-#{$tile}:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ .viewport
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id}) {
		.tile:nth-of-type(14):after {
			top: 288px;

		.tile:nth-of-type(14):before {
			height: 373px;

		+ 1}-#{$tile}:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ .viewport
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id + $columns}) {
		& .up {
			opacity: 1;
			pointer-events: all;
			transition: all 0.3s 1.1s;
			transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(15px);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Prevent movement labels showing on specified sement

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin makeWallAt($row, $tile) {
	$totalInputs: $rows * $columns - ($row * $columns - ($columns - $tile));
	$totalDivs: $row * $columns - ($columns - $tile) + $columns + 2;
	$id: $row * $columns - ($columns - $tile);
	$tInput: "";
	$tDiv: "";
	$tInputBack: "";
	$tInputDown: "";

	@for $i from 1 through $totalInputs + 1 {
		$tInput: $tInput + " + input ";

	@for $i from 1 through $totalInputs - 1 {
		$tInputBack: $tInputBack + " + input ";

		+ div
		+ div
		+ .viewport
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id}) {
		& .forward {
			display: none !important;

		+ 1}:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ .viewport
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$id}) {
		& .backward {
			display: none !important;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Compare two inputs then do something

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin checkWinCondition($criteria, $criteria2, $result) {
	$totalInputs: 48 + ($gameObjects - $criteria - 2);
	$tInput: "";

	@for $i from 1 through $totalInputs {
		$tInput: $tInput + " + input ";

		+ input:checked
		+ input:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div {
		opacity: 1;
		pointer-events: all;
		& .game_win__inner {
			opacity: 1;

		+ input:checked
		+ input:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div {
		display: none;

		+ input:checked
		+ input:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div {
		animation: end 2s forwards;
		.forcedResponse {
			display: none !important;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Compare two inputs then do something

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin compare($input, $segment, $tile, $destroy, $waterfall, $plank) {
	$totalInputs: 48 + ($gameObjects - $input - 1);
	$tInput: "";

	@for $i from 1 through $totalInputs {
		$tInput: $tInput + " + input ";

		+ input:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment - 1}) {
		.game_segment__control {
			display: block !important;

			.forward {
				display: block !important;

		+ input:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment + 3}) {
		.game_segment__control {
			display: block !important;

			.forward {
				display: block !important;

		+ input:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment + 1}) {
		.game_segment__control {
			display: block !important;

			.forward {
				display: block !important;

			.backward {
				display: block !important;

	@if ($destroy) {
			+ input
			+ div
			+ div
			+ div
			> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) {
			.tile img {
				display: none;

			+ input
			+ div
			+ div
			+ div
			> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment - 1}) {
			.game_segment__control {
				.forward {
					display: block !important;

		+ input:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) {
		.game_segment__control {
			.backward {
				display: block !important;

		@if ($waterfall) {
			& + div .tiles .tile:nth-of-type(13) {
				content: url("");

				img {
					display: none;

		@if ($plank) {
			& + div .tiles .tile:nth-of-type(13) {
				content: url("");
				img {
					display: none;

		+ input:checked
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment})
		.tile:nth-of-type(#{$tile}) {
		img {
			display: none;

		.forcedResponse {
			display: none;

		.responseSuccess {
			display: block;
			animation: showResponse 2s forwards;

// Show the rain element on specific segment

@mixin makeRainAt($segment) {
	.viewport .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) .drip_container {
		display: block;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Create an interactive object

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin makeInteractiveObject(
) {
	$totalInputs: ($rows * $columns) + ($gameObjects - $reference);
	$tInput: "";

	@for $i from 1 through $totalInputs {
		$tInput: $tInput + " + input ";

	@if ($force) {
			+ div
			+ div
			+ div
			> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment + 1}),
			+ div
			+ div
			+ div
			> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment - 1}) {
			.game_segment__control {
				display: none;

		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		.item[data-reference="#{$reference}"] {
		display: block;

	@if ($animate) {
		input#interactiveObject#{$reference}:checked #{$tInput} + div + div + div {
			animation: shake 1s forwards;

		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment})
		.tile:nth-of-type(#{$tile}) {
		img {
			pointer-events: none;

			&.object {
				display: none;

			&.forced {
				pointer-events: all;

		.response {
			display: block;
			animation: showResponse 2s forwards;

		.forcedResponse {
			display: block;
			animation: forcedResponse 2s forwards;

// Check padlock code. The math is floored in this and so its not currently dynamic TODO

@mixin checkCode($one, $two, $three, $segment, $tile) {
	$diff: 2;
	$diff2: 6; // 13
	$diff3: 13; // 2
	$diff4: 3; // 4

	$inputPadlock: "";
	$inputPadlock2: "";
	$inputPadlock3: "";
	$inputPadlock4: "";
	$totalInputs: 48 + ($gameObjects);
	$tInput: "";

	@for $i from 1 through $totalInputs {
		$tInput: $tInput + " + input ";

	@for $i from 1 through $diff {
		$inputPadlock: $inputPadlock + " + input + span ";

	@for $i from 1 through $diff2 {
		$inputPadlock2: $inputPadlock2 + " + input + span ";

	@for $i from 1 through $diff3 {
		$inputPadlock3: $inputPadlock3 + " + input + span ";

	@for $i from 1 through $diff4 {
		$inputPadlock4: $inputPadlock4 + " + input + span ";

		+ div
		+ input:checked
		+ span
		+ input:checked
		+ span
		+ input:checked
		+ span
		+ label
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		.tile:nth-of-type(#{$tile}) {
		img {
			display: none;
		content: url("");

		+ div
		+ input:checked
		+ span
		+ input:checked
		+ span
		+ input:checked
		+ span
		+ label
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		.game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) {
		.backward {
			display: block !important;

		+ div
		+ input:checked
		+ span
		+ input:checked
		+ span
		+ input:checked
		+ span
		+ label
		+ div
		+ div
		+ div
		.game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment - 1}) {
		.backward {
			display: block !important;

@include checkCode(7, 3, 6, 28, 13);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Assign an image/gif at a specific tile

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

@mixin assignTileAt($segment, $tiles, $id) {
	@each $tile in $tiles {
		.game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$segment}) .tiles .tile:nth-of-type(#{$tile}) {
			content: url($id);

/* ----------------------------------

Init the traverse

------------------------------------- */

$animationIndex: 1;

@include traverse($rows * $columns) {
	/* ----------------------------------

    Global scene transitions

    ------------------------------------- */

	$animationRow: floor($position / $columns);
	$animationIndex: $position - ($animationRow * $columns);
	$inputMap: $input, $input2, $input3, $input4;

	@for $m from 1 through 4 {
		input#indexRow#{$m}-#{$i}:checked #{nth($inputMap, $m)} #{$div} {
			animation: walk-#{$animationIndex} $walkSpeed forwards;
			//static-#{$animationIndex} 2s $walkSpeed infinite
			//background-position: 0 48px;

			& + div + div {
				@if ($debug) {
					left: (-$tileSize * $tilesPerSegment) * ($i - 1) / 2;
				} @else {
					left: (-$tileSize * $tilesPerSegment) * ($i - 1);

				@if ($debug != true) {
					clip-path: circle(
								(215px - ($tileSize * $tilesPerSegment)) +
									(($i - 1) * ($tileSize * $tilesPerSegment))
							212px +
							$segmentHeight *
							($m - 1)

				@if ($debug) {
					top: -($segmentHeight * ($m - 1)) / 2;
				} @else {
					top: -$segmentHeight * ($m - 1);

			#{nth($inputMap, $m)}
			+ div
			+ .viewport
			> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$i + 1+(($m - 1) * $columns)}) {
			& .forward {
				opacity: 1;
				pointer-events: all;
				transform: translateY(39px) translateX(-48px);
				transition: all 0.3s 0.9s;

			#{nth($inputMap, $m)}
			+ div
			+ .viewport
			> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{#{$i+(($m - 1) * $columns)}}) {
			label {
				pointer-events: all !important;

			#{nth($inputMap, $m)}
			+ div
			+ .viewport
			> .game_segment:nth-of-type(#{$i - 1+(($m - 1) * $columns)}) {
			& .backward {
				opacity: 1;
				pointer-events: all;
				transform: translateY(39px) translateX(47px);
				transition: all 0.3s 1s;

// Assign all our animated tiles
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(
@include assignTileAt(

// Create objects
@include makeInteractiveObject(1, 3, 15, false, false, false); // Empy crate
@include makeInteractiveObject(2, 12, 15, false, false, false); // Pickaxe
@include makeInteractiveObject(3, 7, 15, true, false, false); // Rock
@include makeInteractiveObject(
); // Dynamite plunger
@include makeInteractiveObject(5, 31, 13, true, false, false); // Dynamite door
@include makeInteractiveObject(6, 18, 15, false, false, false); // Planks
@include makeInteractiveObject(7, 29, 13, true, false, true); // Plank gap
@include makeInteractiveObject(8, 6, 13, false, false, false); // Note 1
@include makeInteractiveObject(9, 10, 13, false, false, false); // Note 2
@include makeInteractiveObject(10, 29, 15, false, false, false); // Note 3
@include makeInteractiveObject(11, 27, 13, false, false, false); // Lock door
@include makeInteractiveObject(12, 26, 13, false, false, false); // Handle
@include makeInteractiveObject(13, 46, 13, false, false, false); // Cog
@include makeInteractiveObject(14, 47, 13, false, false, false); // Waterfall
@include makeInteractiveObject(15, 15, 15, false, false, false); // Dynamite
@include makeInteractiveObject(16, 48, 15, false, false, false); // Fuses
@include makeInteractiveObject(17, 24, 15, false, false, false); // End door
@include makeInteractiveObject(18, 19, 15, false, false, false); // Empty box 1
@include makeInteractiveObject(19, 22, 15, false, false, false); // Empty box 2
@include makeInteractiveObject(20, 33, 15, false, false, false); // Empty box 3
@include makeInteractiveObject(21, 12, 13, false, false, false); // Empty box 4
@include makeInteractiveObject(22, 44, 13, false, false, false); // Empty box 5

// Compare game logic
@include compare(2, 7, 15, false, false, false); // Compare pick to rock
@include compare(4, 31, 13, true, false, false); // Compare plunger to door
@include compare(6, 29, 13, false, false, true); // Compare planks to gap
@include compare(12, 46, 13, false, true, false);

// Check win condition
@include checkWinCondition(15, 16, 17);

// Create vertical tiles
@include moveVerticleOnTile(
); //e.g make elevator between row 1 segment 5 and the tile below it
@include moveVerticleOnTile(1, 11);
@include moveVerticleOnTile(2, 2);
@include moveVerticleOnTile(2, 8);
@include moveVerticleOnTile(3, 9);

// Create walls
@include makeWallAt(1, 1);
@include makeWallAt(1, 8); // Blocking dynamite plunger
@include makeWallAt(1, 9);
@include makeWallAt(1, 13);
@include makeWallAt(2, 13);
@include makeWallAt(2, 4);
@include makeWallAt(2, 1);
@include makeWallAt(3, 1);
@include makeWallAt(3, 3);
@include makeWallAt(3, 4);
@include makeWallAt(3, 6); // door
@include makeWallAt(3, 10);
@include makeWallAt(4, 7);
@include makeWallAt(4, 13);
@include makeWallAt(4, 11);

// Effects
@include makeRainAt(3);
@include makeRainAt(7);
@include makeRainAt(15);
@include makeRainAt(29);
@include makeRainAt(22);
@include makeRainAt(31);
@include makeRainAt(47);
@include makeRainAt(18);

// Animations
@keyframes showResponse {
	0% {
		opacity: 1;
		top: calc(50% - 36px);
	70% {
		opacity: 1;
		top: calc(50% - 46px);
	100% {
		opacity: 0;
		top: calc(50% - 46px);

@keyframes forcedResponse {
	0% {
		opacity: 1;
		top: calc(50% - 36px);
	70% {
		opacity: 1;
		top: calc(50% - 46px);
	100% {
		opacity: 1;
		top: calc(50% - 46px);

@keyframes logo {
	0% {
		opacity: 0;
		transform: scale(0);
	100% {
		opacity: 1;
		transform: scale(1);

@keyframes fadeIn {
	0% {
		opacity: 0;
	100% {
		opacity: 1;

@keyframes fadeOut {
	0% {
		opacity: 1;
	100% {
		opacity: 0;

@keyframes bar {
	0% {
		width: 0%;
	100% {
		width: 100%;

@keyframes dialogueIn {
	0% {
		opacity: 0;
		left: 20px;
	10% {
		left: 20px;
	20% {
		left: 0px;
	30% {
		left: 20px;
	40% {
		left: 4px;
	50% {
		left: 18px;
	60% {
		left: 8px;
	70% {
		left: 20px;
	80% {
		left: 5px;
	90% {
		left: 16px;
	100% {
		opacity: 1;
		left: 20px;

@keyframes shake {
	0% {
		transform: translateX(0px);
	10% {
		transform: translateX(6px);
	20% {
		transform: translateX(-6px);
	30% {
		transform: translateX(6px);
	40% {
		transform: translateX(-6px);
	50% {
		transform: translateX(6px);
	60% {
		transform: translateX(-6px);
	70% {
		transform: translateX(6px);
	80% {
		transform: translateX(-6px);
	90% {
		transform: translateX(6px);
	100% {
		transform: translateX(0px);

@keyframes end {
	0% {
		transform: translateX(0px);
		opacity: 1;
	10% {
		transform: translateX(6px);
	20% {
		transform: translateX(-6px);
	30% {
		transform: translateX(6px);
	40% {
		transform: translateX(-6px);
	50% {
		transform: translateX(6px);
	60% {
		transform: translateX(-6px);
	70% {
		transform: translateX(6px);
	80% {
		transform: translateX(-6px);
	90% {
		transform: translateX(6px);
	100% {
		transform: translateX(0px);
		opacity: 0;

@keyframes shake-debug {
	0% {
		transform: translateX(0px) scale(0.5);
	10% {
		transform: translateX(10px) scale(0.5);
	20% {
		transform: translateX(-0px) scale(0.5);
	30% {
		transform: translateX(10px) scale(0.5);
	40% {
		transform: translateX(-10px) scale(0.5);
	50% {
		transform: translateX(10px) scale(0.5);
	60% {
		transform: translateX(-10px) scale(0.5);
	70% {
		transform: translateX(10px) scale(0.5);
	80% {
		transform: translateX(-10px) scale(0.5);
	90% {
		transform: translateX(10px) scale(0.5);
	100% {
		transform: translateX(0px) scale(0.5);

// Trailer
// Labels are out



                // Nope, nothing here. Just a big long list of checkboxes and radio buttons.... You see, what happens is, let's say you click on the boulder, the input for the boulder is checked but the input for the pickaxe isn't. So CSS check to see if the checkbox is checked and the other checkbox is checked to check if the rule should apply. If the checkbox of the pickaxe is not checked then the check shows that the checkbox checked state of the previous checkbox isnt checked and thus the current checked box doesnt apply the checked checkbox state. Got that? Great. Me neither.

