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"HTI": {
"Maintopic": "Public Affairs : 33.3 %",
"Ncontributions": 3,
"Ncontributors": 3,
"Secondtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 33.3 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Seismology : 33.3 %",
"fillKey": "HTI"
"HUN": {
"Maintopic": "Planetary Sciences : 51.6 %",
"Ncontributions": 31,
"Ncontributors": 25,
"Secondtopic": "Geodesy : 16.1 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Biogeosciences : 9.7 %",
"fillKey": "HUN"
"IDN": {
"Maintopic": "Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology : 21.3 %",
"Ncontributions": 94,
"Ncontributors": 74,
"Secondtopic": "Tectonophysics : 18.1 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 16.0 %",
"fillKey": "IDN"
"IND": {
"Maintopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 19.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 720,
"Ncontributors": 605,
"Secondtopic": "Hydrology : 18.5 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 13.5 %",
"fillKey": "IND"
"IRL": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 18.6 %",
"Ncontributions": 86,
"Ncontributors": 54,
"Secondtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 17.4 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Seismology : 14.0 %",
"fillKey": "IRL"
"IRN": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 45.3 %",
"Ncontributions": 53,
"Ncontributors": 51,
"Secondtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 15.1 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 11.3 %",
"fillKey": "IRN"
"IRQ": {
"Maintopic": "Near Surface Geophysics : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "IRQ"
"ISL": {
"Maintopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 23.9 %",
"Ncontributions": 176,
"Ncontributors": 69,
"Secondtopic": "Geodesy : 21.6 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Tectonophysics : 18.2 %",
"fillKey": "ISL"
"ISR": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 24.8 %",
"Ncontributions": 133,
"Ncontributors": 106,
"Secondtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 18.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Planetary Sciences : 9.8 %",
"fillKey": "ISR"
"ITA": {
"Maintopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 14.7 %",
"Ncontributions": 1386,
"Ncontributors": 961,
"Secondtopic": "Planetary Sciences : 10.8 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Hydrology : 9.5 %",
"fillKey": "ITA"
"JAM": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 42.9 %",
"Ncontributions": 7,
"Ncontributors": 6,
"Secondtopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 14.3 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 14.3 %",
"fillKey": "JAM"
"JEY": {
"Maintopic": "SPA-Magnetospheric Physics : 44.1 %",
"Ncontributions": 59,
"Ncontributors": 25,
"Secondtopic": "SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics : 20.3 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 6.8 %",
"fillKey": "JEY"
"JOR": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 3,
"Ncontributors": 9,
"Secondtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "JOR"
"JPN": {
"Maintopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 13.9 %",
"Ncontributions": 4038,
"Ncontributors": 2326,
"Secondtopic": "Tectonophysics : 13.2 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Seismology : 9.3 %",
"fillKey": "JPN"
"KAZ": {
"Maintopic": "Atmospheric and Space Electricity : 42.1 %",
"Ncontributions": 19,
"Ncontributors": 16,
"Secondtopic": "Cryosphere : 26.3 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Union : 21.1 %",
"fillKey": "KAZ"
"KEN": {
"Maintopic": "Global Environmental Change : 34.6 %",
"Ncontributions": 26,
"Ncontributors": 28,
"Secondtopic": "Biogeosciences : 23.1 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Hydrology : 15.4 %",
"fillKey": "KEN"
"KGZ": {
"Maintopic": "Seismology : 50.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 4,
"Ncontributors": 5,
"Secondtopic": "Biogeosciences : 25.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism : 25.0 %",
"fillKey": "KGZ"
"KHM": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "KHM"
"KIR": {
"Maintopic": "Ncontribs : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "SPA-Magnetospheric Physics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Biogeosciences : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "KIR"
"KOR": {
"Maintopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 6,
"Ncontributors": 6,
"Secondtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "KOR"
"KWT": {
"Maintopic": "Seismology : 50.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 4,
"Ncontributors": 4,
"Secondtopic": "Earth and Planetary Surface Processes : 25.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Hydrology : 25.0 %",
"fillKey": "KWT"
"LAO": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 33.3 %",
"Ncontributions": 3,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 33.3 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Earth and Planetary Surface Processes : 33.3 %",
"fillKey": "LAO"
"LBN": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 87.5 %",
"Ncontributions": 8,
"Ncontributors": 10,
"Secondtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 12.5 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "LBN"
"LCA": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "LCA"
"LKA": {
"Maintopic": "Biogeosciences : 40.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 5,
"Ncontributors": 5,
"Secondtopic": "Earth and Planetary Surface Processes : 40.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Hydrology : 20.0 %",
"fillKey": "LKA"
"LSO": {
"Maintopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : nan %",
"Ncontributions": 0,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Public Affairs : nan %",
"Thirdtopic": "Union : nan %",
"fillKey": "LSO"
"LTU": {
"Maintopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 3,
"Ncontributors": 3,
"Secondtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "LTU"
"LUX": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 41.8 %",
"Ncontributions": 55,
"Ncontributors": 33,
"Secondtopic": "Geodesy : 30.9 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Tectonophysics : 7.3 %",
"fillKey": "LUX"
"LVA": {
"Maintopic": "Geodesy : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "LVA"
"MAR": {
"Maintopic": "Earth and Planetary Surface Processes : 27.8 %",
"Ncontributions": 18,
"Ncontributors": 20,
"Secondtopic": "Near Surface Geophysics : 22.2 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Cryosphere : 11.1 %",
"fillKey": "MAR"
"MDG": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 46.2 %",
"Ncontributions": 13,
"Ncontributors": 8,
"Secondtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 23.1 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Geodesy : 15.4 %",
"fillKey": "MDG"
"MEX": {
"Maintopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 12.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 885,
"Ncontributors": 558,
"Secondtopic": "Tectonophysics : 11.4 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Hydrology : 9.5 %",
"fillKey": "MEX"
"MKD": {
"Maintopic": "Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "MKD"
"MLI": {
"Maintopic": "Planetary Sciences : 48.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 25,
"Ncontributors": 24,
"Secondtopic": "SPA-Magnetospheric Physics : 40.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Natural Hazards : 8.0 %",
"fillKey": "MLI"
"MLT": {
"Maintopic": "Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology : 75.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 4,
"Ncontributors": 3,
"Secondtopic": "Earth and Planetary Surface Processes : 25.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "MLT"
"MMR": {
"Maintopic": "Seismology : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 3,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "MMR"
"MNG": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 60.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 25,
"Ncontributors": 19,
"Secondtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 20.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology : 12.0 %",
"fillKey": "MNG"
"MOZ": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "MOZ"
"MSR": {
"Maintopic": "Geodesy : 50.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 2,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Seismology : 50.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "MSR"
"MWI": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 54.2 %",
"Ncontributions": 24,
"Ncontributors": 7,
"Secondtopic": "Education : 37.5 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Natural Hazards : 4.2 %",
"fillKey": "MWI"
"MYS": {
"Maintopic": "Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology : 31.2 %",
"Ncontributions": 16,
"Ncontributors": 18,
"Secondtopic": "Natural Hazards : 31.2 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 12.5 %",
"fillKey": "MYS"
"MYT": {
"Maintopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : nan %",
"Ncontributions": 0,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Public Affairs : nan %",
"Thirdtopic": "Union : nan %",
"fillKey": "MYT"
"NAM": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 42.9 %",
"Ncontributions": 7,
"Ncontributors": 10,
"Secondtopic": "Hydrology : 28.6 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Biogeosciences : 14.3 %",
"fillKey": "NAM"
"NCL": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 44.4 %",
"Ncontributions": 9,
"Ncontributors": 8,
"Secondtopic": "Seismology : 33.3 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Geodesy : 22.2 %",
"fillKey": "NCL"
"NER": {
"Maintopic": "Global Environmental Change : 50.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 36,
"Ncontributors": 37,
"Secondtopic": "SPA-Aeronomy : 25.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Education : 8.3 %",
"fillKey": "NER"
"NIC": {
"Maintopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : nan %",
"Ncontributions": 0,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Public Affairs : nan %",
"Thirdtopic": "Union : nan %",
"fillKey": "NIC"
"NLD": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 21.6 %",
"Ncontributions": 864,
"Ncontributors": 531,
"Secondtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 12.6 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Cryosphere : 7.9 %",
"fillKey": "NLD"
"NOR": {
"Maintopic": "Cryosphere : 13.6 %",
"Ncontributions": 587,
"Ncontributors": 412,
"Secondtopic": "Tectonophysics : 12.3 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 9.7 %",
"fillKey": "NOR"
"NPL": {
"Maintopic": "Seismology : 26.5 %",
"Ncontributions": 68,
"Ncontributors": 55,
"Secondtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 19.1 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Cryosphere : 16.2 %",
"fillKey": "NPL"
"NZL": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 28.6 %",
"Ncontributions": 636,
"Ncontributors": 367,
"Secondtopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 9.6 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology : 7.9 %",
"fillKey": "NZL"
"OMN": {
"Maintopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 25.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 52,
"Ncontributors": 45,
"Secondtopic": "Hydrology : 13.5 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 13.5 %",
"fillKey": "OMN"
"PAK": {
"Maintopic": "SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics : 35.7 %",
"Ncontributions": 14,
"Ncontributors": 14,
"Secondtopic": "Tectonophysics : 21.4 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Mineral and Rock Physics : 21.4 %",
"fillKey": "PAK"
"PAN": {
"Maintopic": "Biogeosciences : 75.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 16,
"Ncontributors": 12,
"Secondtopic": "Hydrology : 12.5 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Tectonophysics : 6.2 %",
"fillKey": "PAN"
"PER": {
"Maintopic": "Ocean Sciences : 18.6 %",
"Ncontributions": 43,
"Ncontributors": 38,
"Secondtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 11.6 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Tectonophysics : 9.3 %",
"fillKey": "PER"
"PHL": {
"Maintopic": "Biogeosciences : 17.5 %",
"Ncontributions": 57,
"Ncontributors": 53,
"Secondtopic": "Natural Hazards : 17.5 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Tectonophysics : 15.8 %",
"fillKey": "PHL"
"PLW": {
"Maintopic": "Public Affairs : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Union : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "PLW"
"POL": {
"Maintopic": "SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics : 21.9 %",
"Ncontributions": 128,
"Ncontributors": 92,
"Secondtopic": "Natural Hazards : 11.7 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Geodesy : 10.2 %",
"fillKey": "POL"
"PRI": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 28.9 %",
"Ncontributions": 45,
"Ncontributors": 34,
"Secondtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 22.2 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Tectonophysics : 15.6 %",
"fillKey": "PRI"
"PRK": {
"Maintopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 26.2 %",
"Ncontributions": 1591,
"Ncontributors": 1040,
"Secondtopic": "Hydrology : 15.2 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Biogeosciences : 9.1 %",
"fillKey": "PRK"
"PRT": {
"Maintopic": "Natural Hazards : 29.9 %",
"Ncontributions": 77,
"Ncontributors": 56,
"Secondtopic": "Seismology : 16.9 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Earth and Planetary Surface Processes : 11.7 %",
"fillKey": "PRT"
"PSE": {
"Maintopic": "Seismology : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "PSE"
"PYF": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 50.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 6,
"Ncontributors": 5,
"Secondtopic": "Planetary Sciences : 33.3 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Seismology : 16.7 %",
"fillKey": "PYF"
"QAT": {
"Maintopic": "Ocean Sciences : 58.8 %",
"Ncontributions": 17,
"Ncontributors": 14,
"Secondtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 23.5 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Hydrology : 11.8 %",
"fillKey": "QAT"
"REU": {
"Maintopic": "Biogeosciences : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 2,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "REU"
"RUS": {
"Maintopic": "Cryosphere : 15.5 %",
"Ncontributions": 401,
"Ncontributors": 305,
"Secondtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 13.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Tectonophysics : 11.0 %",
"fillKey": "RUS"
"RWA": {
"Maintopic": "Biogeosciences : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 3,
"Ncontributors": 3,
"Secondtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "RWA"
"SAU": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 26.9 %",
"Ncontributions": 67,
"Ncontributors": 41,
"Secondtopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 19.4 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Seismology : 13.4 %",
"fillKey": "SAU"
"SEN": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 71.4 %",
"Ncontributions": 7,
"Ncontributors": 8,
"Secondtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 28.6 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "SEN"
"SGP": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 30.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 233,
"Ncontributors": 108,
"Secondtopic": "Seismology : 17.6 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 10.3 %",
"fillKey": "SGP"
"SLB": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 75.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 4,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 25.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "SLB"
"SLV": {
"Maintopic": "Public Affairs : 50.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 4,
"Ncontributors": 3,
"Secondtopic": "Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology : 50.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "SLV"
"SRB": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 57.1 %",
"Ncontributions": 7,
"Ncontributors": 9,
"Secondtopic": "SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics : 28.6 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 14.3 %",
"fillKey": "SRB"
"SVK": {
"Maintopic": "Geodesy : 60.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 5,
"Ncontributors": 6,
"Secondtopic": "Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism : 40.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "SVK"
"SVN": {
"Maintopic": "Global Environmental Change : 55.6 %",
"Ncontributions": 9,
"Ncontributors": 8,
"Secondtopic": "Biogeosciences : 44.4 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "SVN"
"SWE": {
"Maintopic": "Biogeosciences : 16.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 800,
"Ncontributors": 433,
"Secondtopic": "SPA-Magnetospheric Physics : 15.8 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Cryosphere : 15.1 %",
"fillKey": "SWE"
"SWZ": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 2,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "SWZ"
"SYC": {
"Maintopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : nan %",
"Ncontributions": 0,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Public Affairs : nan %",
"Thirdtopic": "Union : nan %",
"fillKey": "SYC"
"SYR": {
"Maintopic": "Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology : 50.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 2,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Seismology : 50.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "SYR"
"TCD": {
"Maintopic": "Global Environmental Change : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 3,
"Ncontributors": 4,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "TCD"
"TGO": {
"Maintopic": "Global Environmental Change : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "TGO"
"THA": {
"Maintopic": "SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics : 18.4 %",
"Ncontributions": 49,
"Ncontributors": 40,
"Secondtopic": "Atmospheric Sciences : 12.2 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Hydrology : 10.2 %",
"fillKey": "THA"
"TJK": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 4,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "TJK"
"TTO": {
"Maintopic": "Seismology : 56.2 %",
"Ncontributions": 16,
"Ncontributors": 13,
"Secondtopic": "Tectonophysics : 18.8 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Natural Hazards : 18.8 %",
"fillKey": "TTO"
"TUN": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 60.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 10,
"Ncontributors": 13,
"Secondtopic": "Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology : 30.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Hydrology : 10.0 %",
"fillKey": "TUN"
"TUR": {
"Maintopic": "Natural Hazards : 26.6 %",
"Ncontributions": 192,
"Ncontributors": 170,
"Secondtopic": "Geodesy : 15.6 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Tectonophysics : 15.1 %",
"fillKey": "TUR"
"TWN": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 18.1 %",
"Ncontributions": 800,
"Ncontributors": 554,
"Secondtopic": "Hydrology : 16.4 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Natural Hazards : 9.2 %",
"fillKey": "TWN"
"TZA": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 75.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 40,
"Ncontributors": 17,
"Secondtopic": "Biogeosciences : 22.5 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 2.5 %",
"fillKey": "TZA"
"UGA": {
"Maintopic": "Biogeosciences : 50.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 2,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Tectonophysics : 50.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "UGA"
"UKR": {
"Maintopic": "Planetary Sciences : 26.3 %",
"Ncontributions": 19,
"Ncontributors": 18,
"Secondtopic": "SPA-Magnetospheric Physics : 21.1 %",
"Thirdtopic": "SPA-Aeronomy : 21.1 %",
"fillKey": "UKR"
"URY": {
"Maintopic": "Earth and Planetary Surface Processes : 70.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 10,
"Ncontributors": 8,
"Secondtopic": "Hydrology : 20.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Tectonophysics : 10.0 %",
"fillKey": "URY"
"USA": {
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"Ncontributions": 56041,
"Ncontributors": 26897,
"Secondtopic": "Hydrology : 11.1 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Biogeosciences : 10.2 %",
"fillKey": "USA"
"UZB": {
"Maintopic": "Hydrology : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 1,
"Ncontributors": 2,
"Secondtopic": "Study of Earth's Deep Interior : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Public Affairs : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "UZB"
"VEN": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 66.7 %",
"Ncontributions": 6,
"Ncontributors": 5,
"Secondtopic": "Biogeosciences : 16.7 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Near Surface Geophysics : 16.7 %",
"fillKey": "VEN"
"VGB": {
"Maintopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : nan %",
"Ncontributions": 0,
"Ncontributors": 1,
"Secondtopic": "Public Affairs : nan %",
"Thirdtopic": "Union : nan %",
"fillKey": "VGB"
"VNM": {
"Maintopic": "Global Environmental Change : 29.6 %",
"Ncontributions": 27,
"Ncontributors": 28,
"Secondtopic": "Earth and Planetary Surface Processes : 18.5 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Tectonophysics : 11.1 %",
"fillKey": "VNM"
"VUT": {
"Maintopic": "Natural Hazards : 60.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 5,
"Ncontributors": 5,
"Secondtopic": "Seismology : 40.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "SPA-Magnetospheric Physics : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "VUT"
"ZAF": {
"Maintopic": "Biogeosciences : 11.5 %",
"Ncontributions": 96,
"Ncontributors": 86,
"Secondtopic": "Tectonophysics : 10.4 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Planetary Sciences : 7.3 %",
"fillKey": "ZAF"
"ZMB": {
"Maintopic": "Tectonophysics : 66.7 %",
"Ncontributions": 3,
"Ncontributors": 3,
"Secondtopic": "Global Environmental Change : 33.3 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Nonlinear Geophysics : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "ZMB"
"ZWE": {
"Maintopic": "Ncontribs : 100.0 %",
"Ncontributions": 2,
"Ncontributors": 4,
"Secondtopic": "SPA-Magnetospheric Physics : 0.0 %",
"Thirdtopic": "Biogeosciences : 0.0 %",
"fillKey": "ZWE"
geographyConfig: {
popupTemplate: function(geography, data) {
return ['<div class="hoverinfo">' + geography.properties.name,
'<br/>Nb of contributors :' + data.Ncontributors,
'<br/>Nb of contributions :' + data.Ncontributions,
'<br/>Main topic :' + data.Maintopic,
'<br/>Secon topic :' + data.Secondtopic,
'<br/>Third topic :' + data.Thirdtopic,
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