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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

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Visit your global Editor Settings.


                <div class="container">
    <div class="material-color-picker">
        <div class="material-color-picker__left-panel">
            <ol class="color-selector" data-bind="foreach: materialColors">
                    <input name="material-color" type="radio" data-bind="attr: { id: 'materialColor' + $index() }, checked: selectedColor, value: color" >
                    <label data-bind="attr: { for: 'materialColor' + $index(), title: color }, style: { 'color': $data.variations[4].hex }"></label>
        <div class="material-color-picker__right-panel" data-bind="foreach: materialColors">
            <div class="color-palette-wrapper" data-bind="css: { 'js-active': selectedColor() === color }">
                <h2 class="color-palette-header" data-bind="text: color"></h2>
                <ol class="color-palette" data-bind="foreach: variations">
                    <li id="clipboardItem" class="color-palette__item" data-bind="attr: { 'data-clipboard-text': hex }, style: { 'background-color': hex }">
                        <span data-bind="text: weight"></span>
                        <span data-bind="text: hex"></span>
                        <span class="copied-indicator" data-bind="css: { 'js-copied': copiedHex() === hex }">Color copied!</span>


                @import url(,500|Roboto+Mono:500);

html {
    background-color: #b0bec5;
    font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
    font-weight: 500;

.container {
    padding: 1em;

.material-color-picker {
    display: flex;
    width: 32em;
    margin: 0 auto;
    background-color: white;
    border: 1px solid #78909c;
    border-radius: 0.5em;
    box-shadow: 0 1em 8em rgba(black, 0.35);
    &__left-panel {
        z-index: 1;
    &__right-panel {
        position: relative;
        flex-grow: 1;
        overflow: hidden;

.color-selector { // this whole chunk could be done better/smarter
    @include list-reset;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    padding: 1em 0;
    border-right: 0.25em solid #E0E0E0;
    input[type='radio'] {
        display: none;
    label {
        position: relative;
        display: inline-block;
        padding: 0.5em 1.5em;
        cursor: pointer;
        &:before {
            content: '';
            display: inline-block;
            vertical-align: middle;
            padding: 0.75em;
            background-color: currentColor;
            border-radius: 50%;
        &:after {
            content: '';
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
            padding: 0.5em;
            border: 0.25em solid;
            border-radius: 50%;
            transition: padding 250ms;
    input[type='radio']:checked + label:after {
        padding: 1em;
} // end sucky chunk

.color-palette-wrapper {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    transform: translateX(-100%);
    //transition: transform 250ms;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    padding: 1.5em;
    &.js-active {
        transform: translateX(0);

.color-palette-header {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    margin: 0;
    margin-bottom: 1em;
    font-weight: 400;
    color: #757575;

.color-palette {
    @include list-reset;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    flex-grow: 1;
    &__item {
        position: relative;
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: space-between;
        flex-grow: 1;
        margin: 0.25em 0;
        padding: 0 1em;
        border-radius: 0.25em;
        font-family: "Roboto Mono", monospace;
        transition: transform 250ms;
        cursor: pointer;
        &:hover {
            transform: scale(1.05);

.copied-indicator {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, 0);
    opacity: 0;
    transition: all 250ms;

    &.js-copied {
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
        opacity: 0.75;


                var copiedHex = ko.observable();
var clipboard = new Clipboard('#clipboardItem');

clipboard.on('success', function(el) {
    console.clear();'Action:', el.action);'Text:', el.text);'Trigger:', el.trigger);


var selectedColor = ko.observable("Red"); // lazy

    materialColors: [
            color: "Red",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#FFEBEE"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#FFCDD2"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#EF9A9A"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#E57373"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#EF5350"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#F44336"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#E53935"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#D32F2F"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#C62828"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#B71C1C"
            color: "Pink",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#FCE4EC"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#F8BBD0"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#F48FB1"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#F06292"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#EC407A"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#E91E63"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#D81B60"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#C2185B"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#AD1457"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#880E4F"
            color: "Purple",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#F3E5F5"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#E1BEE7"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#CE93D8"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#BA68C8"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#AB47BC"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#9C27B0"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#8E24AA"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#7B1FA2"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#6A1B9A"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#4A148C"
            color: "Deep Purple",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#EDE7F6"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#D1C4E9"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#B39DDB"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#9575CD"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#7E57C2"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#673AB7"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#5E35B1"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#512DA8"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#4527A0"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#311B92"
            color: "Indigo",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#E8EAF6"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#C5CAE9"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#9FA8DA"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#7986CB"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#5C6BC0"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#3F51B5"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#3949AB"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#303F9F"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#283593"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#1A237E"
            color: "Blue",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#E3F2FD"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#BBDEFB"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#90CAF9"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#64B5F6"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#42A5F5"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#2196F3"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#1E88E5"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#1976D2"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#1565C0"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#0D47A1"
            color: "Light Blue",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#E1F5FE"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#B3E5FC"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#81D4FA"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#4FC3F7"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#29B6F6"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#03A9F4"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#039BE5"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#0288D1"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#0277BD"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#01579B"
            color: "Cyan",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#E0F7FA"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#B2EBF2"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#80DEEA"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#4DD0E1"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#26C6DA"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#00BCD4"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#00ACC1"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#0097A7"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#00838F"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#006064"
            color: "Teal",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#E0F2F1"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#B2DFDB"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#80CBC4"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#4DB6AC"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#26A69A"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#009688"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#00897B"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#00796B"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#00695C"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#004D40"
            color: "Green",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#E8F5E9"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#C8E6C9"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#A5D6A7"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#81C784"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#66BB6A"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#4CAF50"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#43A047"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#388E3C"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#2E7D32"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#1B5E20"
            color: "Light Green",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#F1F8E9"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#DCEDC8"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#C5E1A5"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#AED581"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#9CCC65"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#8BC34A"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#7CB342"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#689F38"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#558B2F"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#33691E"
            color: "Lime",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#F9FBE7"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#F0F4C3"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#E6EE9C"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#DCE775"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#D4E157"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#CDDC39"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#C0CA33"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#AFB42B"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#9E9D24"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#827717"
            color: "Yellow",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#FFFDE7"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#FFF9C4"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#FFF59D"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#FFF176"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#FFEE58"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#FFEB3B"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#FDD835"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#FBC02D"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#F9A825"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#F57F17"
            color: "Amber",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#FFF8E1"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#FFECB3"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#FFE082"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#FFD54F"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#FFCA28"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#FFC107"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#FFB300"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#FFA000"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#FF8F00"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#FF6F00"
            color: "Orange",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#FFF3E0"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#FFE0B2"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#FFCC80"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#FFB74D"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#FFA726"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#FF9800"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#FB8C00"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#F57C00"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#EF6C00"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#E65100"
            color: "Deep Orange",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#FBE9E7"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#FFCCBC"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#FFAB91"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#FF8A65"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#FF7043"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#FF5722"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#F4511E"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#E64A19"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#D84315"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#BF360C"
            color: "Brown",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#EFEBE9"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#D7CCC8"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#BCAAA4"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#A1887F"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#8D6E63"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#795548"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#6D4C41"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#5D4037"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#4E342E"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#3E2723"
            color: "Grey",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#FAFAFA"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#F5F5F5"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#EEEEEE"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#E0E0E0"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#BDBDBD"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#9E9E9E"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#757575"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#616161"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#424242"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#212121"
            color: "Blue Grey",
            variations: [
                    weight: 50,
                    hex: "#ECEFF1"
                    weight: 100,
                    hex: "#CFD8DC"
                    weight: 200,
                    hex: "#B0BEC5"
                    weight: 300,
                    hex: "#90A4AE"
                    weight: 400,
                    hex: "#78909C"
                    weight: 500,
                    hex: "#607D8B"
                    weight: 600,
                    hex: "#546E7A"
                    weight: 700,
                    hex: "#455A64"
                    weight: 800,
                    hex: "#37474F"
                    weight: 900,
                    hex: "#263238"
