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                <h1>Fantastic Dog</h1>

<h3>Get a load of this</h3>

    <img src=""
        alt="Picture of dog" />
    <p class="blueText">Caption for the picture of this dog.</p>

    Doggo ipsum pupper such treat puggo. Sub woofer aqua doggo heckin good
    boys and girls extremely cuuuuuute fluffer woofer, the neighborhood
    pupper long bois doge long water shoob. Big ol pupper borking doggo vvv
    tungg, very good spot long woofer. Long bois the neighborhood pupper
    very hand that feed shibe heck boof most angery pupper I have ever seen,
    wow such tempt mlem very taste wow bork aqua doggo smol, smol borking
    doggo with a long snoot for pats thicc yapper sub woofer. Heck vvv pats
    pupperino heckin good boys and girls long bois puggorino long bois
    shoober corgo puggo, many pats woofer wow such tempt stop it fren most
    angery pupper I have ever seen yapper very jealous pupper borkdrive.
<p>Here's an unordered list of things this dog likes:</p>
    <li>Meat Loaf</li>
    <li>Pina Coladas</li>
<p>Here's an ordered list of things this dog hates:</p>
    <li>Speed Limits</li>
    Follow <a href="" target="_blank">this link</a> for more
<h4>Please complete this short survey</h4>
<form action="">
    <p>Will you befriend this dog?</p>
    <label for="yes">
        <input id="yes" type="radio" name="indoor-outdoor" />Yes
    <label for="no">
        <input id="outdoor" type="radio" name="indoor-outdoor" />Oh god no </label><br /><br />
        Which of the following emotions have you experienced whilst viewing
        this webpage?
    <label for="joy"><input id="joy" type="checkbox" name="emotion" /> Joy</label>
    <label for="confusion"><input id="confusion" type="checkbox" name="emotion" />
    <label for="sadness"><input id="sadness" type="checkbox" name="emotion" /> A deep and
        mysterious sadness</label>
    <br /><br />
    <input type="text" placeholder="Leave a comment here" />
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>




