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gsap.registerPlugin(MotionPathPlugin, CustomEase, CustomWiggle);

CustomWiggle.create("magicWiggle", {wiggles: 5, type: "anticipate"});

gsap.set('#wand',{align: "path"})
gsap.set(".star", {opacity: 0})

let tl = gsap.timeline({defaults: { duration: 1, ease: "elastic" }});"#wand", {
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   motionPath: path,
  duration: 0.1,
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}, ">-1")
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  duration: 0.1,
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}, ">-1")
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}, ">-1")
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  duration: 0.2,
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  scale: 1.2,
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  repeat: -1,
  stagger: {
      amount: 0.2, 
//Tweak the motion path
// MotionPathHelper.create(".wand")
