<header><a href="http://www.christianjespersen.com/wired_magazine/">
Where I found the original layout.
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<img class="panel__caterpillar" src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/780593/catepillar.png" alt="catepillar">
<figcaption> But if humanity is going to<br> survive, we may have to learn to overcome the ick factor.</figcaption>
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<p class="drop-letter">
Pommy ipsum stew and dumps real ale tad squirrel sausage roll off t'pub throw a paddy, nicked twiglets flabbergasted half-inch it pompous in the jacksy stew and dumps, rivetting stuff blimey jammy git pompous porky-pies naff off bottled it. </p>
The black death gob Doctor Who on his tod off with her head gravy cheese and chips mince pies bargain Betty Big Ben crisps, I could reet fancy a jolly hockey sticks chav alright duck numbskull easy peasy earwig. Codswallop pigeons in Trafalgar Square a cracking scones cobbles Kate and Will, that's ace up North and could be a bit of a git.
<div class="panel panel-c">
Pommy ipsum stew and dumps real ale tad squirrel sausage roll off t'pub throw a paddy, nicked twiglets flabbergasted half-inch it pompous in the jacksy stew and dumps, rivetting stuff blimey jammy git pompous porky-pies naff off bottled it. </p>
The black death gob Doctor Who on his tod off with her head gravy cheese and chips mince pies bargain Betty Big Ben crisps, I could reet fancy a jolly hockey sticks chav alright duck numbskull easy peasy earwig. Codswallop pigeons in Trafalgar Square a cracking scones cobbles Kate and Will, that's ace up North and could be a bit of a git.
<div class="panel panel-d"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/780593/drink.png " alt="drink">
<div class="panel panel-e"> The black death gob Doctor Who on his tod off with her head gravy cheese and chips mince pies bargain Betty Big Ben crisps, I could reet fancy a jolly hockey sticks chav alright</div>
<div class="panel panel-f">
<p>Pommy ipsum gobsmacked pulled out the eating irons grab a jumper it's the dogs bollocks chinwag know your onions, Kate and Will doofer copper it's the dogs bollocks rambunctious absobloodylootely. River Song it's nicked nutter bag egg's old boy terribly blimey one feels that Sonic Screwdriver
<p>The Doctor, twiglets sling one's hook what a load of cobblers nosh Queen Elizabeth numpty. Off with her head bull dog god save the queen doing my head in biscuits cottage pie, terribly flog porky-pies. Rivetting stuff trouble and strife bow ties are cool knows bugger all about nowt black pudding roast beef know your onions, darling a cracking up at the crack of dawn proper Bad Wolf.</p>
<div class="panel panel-g">
<p>Pommy ipsum gobsmacked pulled out the eating irons grab a jumper it's the dogs bollocks chinwag know your onions, Kate and Will doofer copper it's the dogs bollocks rambunctious absobloodylootely. River Song it's nicked nutter bag egg's old boy terribly blimey one feels that Sonic Screwdriver The Doctor, twiglets sling one's hook what a load of cobblers nosh
Queen Elizabeth numpty. Off with her head bull dog god save the queen doing my head in biscuits cottage pie, terribly flog porky-pies. Rivetting stuff trouble and strife bow ties are cool knows bugger all about nowt black pudding roast beef know your onions, darling a cracking up at the crack of dawn proper Bad Wolf.
<div class="panel panel-h"><img src='https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/780593/grasshopper.png' alt='grasshopper'>
A cockroach in your drink is gross, but a grasshopper on a stick could be lunch.
<footer class="footer">
<small>Sep. 2012 <strong>Wired</strong> 048
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