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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

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                <section class="content">
  <p>Often, the thud of mail through the front door is met with a sigh. If it isn’t an electricity bill, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime promotion from a discount furniture store or a flyer from the local pizza place<span class='footnote'>Another footnote</span>. The online world—with its minefield of political fearmongering, spam links and jealousy-inducing vacation photos from acquaintances—doesn’t offer much more<span class='footnote'>Footnote 1</span>. Has the age of meaningful correspondence come to an end? And if so, what have we lost along the way?</p>
  <p>The digital age has reformed both the way that we correspond and the means through which we can view others’ correspondence<span class='footnote'>Once more, with feeling</span>. With letters, we are permitted unregulated access into the inner musings and fluctuating emotions of the author. And because of their sentimental sway they are usually lugged from one home to the next, all the great hopes and heartaches of a lifetime collected in a shoebox and stashed under the eaves. Emails, however, are password protected, guarded by privacy laws and unlikely to be found in an attic. Even if people did consciously donate their digital archives, these exchanges lack the same emotional resonance.</p>


                body {
  width: 80%;
  margin: 0 auto;

.footnote {
  color: red;

sup {
  color: blue;

a {
  color: black;
  text-decoration: none;


  1. Hide all the elements with class footnotes
  2. Add a number corresponding to the number of the footnote
    * If possible make it a hyperlink
  3. Create an ordered list
  4. Create a link for each footnote pointing to the footnote number

const fnArray = document.querySelectorAll('.footnote');

fnArray.forEach(function(elem, i) {
  let reference = document.createElement('sup');
  reference.setAttribute('id', (i+1)) // id is the target for the link
  let link = document.createElement('a');
  link.setAttribute('href', '#fn' + (i+1));
  link.innerText = (i+1);
  elem.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', reference); // 2 = 'none'; // 1

const hr = document.createElement('hr');
const ol = document.createElement('ol'); // 3
fnArray.forEach(function(elem, i) {
  let item = document.createElement('li');
  item.setAttribute('id', 'fn' + (i+1))// 4
  let link = document.createElement('a');
  link.setAttribute('href', '#' + (i+1));
  link.innerText = elem.textContent;

