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                <div class="content">
  <div class="logo-wrap">
    <svg viewBox="0 0 352 230" xmlns="" id="logo" data-llp-composed="true"><style>.a{fill:none;}</style><path d="M64 38.3c0 0 18-21.3 4-28.7S41.8 18 38.7 51c-3.7 39-27 56.6-33 43.7 -0.9-7.8 8.3-11.3 22.7 1.7 19 16 37.3-13.3 42-19C75 71.7 93.7 60.7 89 57S60.7 82.2 75.3 90.7c6.1 2.9 22-10.7 27-32 0 0-14.7 29.7-7 29.7 11.7 0 27.3-37.7 37.7-36.3 10.3 1.3 15.3 22-10 26.7 9 16.7-7 37.3-14.7 30.3 -7.5-6.8 40-17 57.7-61.7 0 0-15 28.7-4.7 31.7 10.3 3 29.7-30.3 27-34 -2.7-3.7-6.3 1.9-9 16 -2.9 15.1-5 43-23.7 43 -5.3 0 1-7.5 7.2-11.6 7.5-4.9 16.5-8.7 28.2-23.1" data-llp-id="logo-0" data-llp-duration="3000" class="a"  /><path d="M242 67.3c0 0 14.7-15.7 6.7-25.3 -8-9.7-27.3-7.7-29.3 17.1 -2 24.9-7.7 67.6-32.3 66.9 -11.3-0.3-4.6-16.1 16.7-1 23 16.3 46.3-18 51.3-36.3 0 0-10.3 33 0 32.7 10.3-0.3 26-38.9 26-38.9s-2.3 27.2-7.3 35.9c8-17 19.3-39.1 27-35.9 7.7 3.2-17.7 28.2-5.7 32.2 0 0 11.7 0.7 21.7-18.3" data-llp-id="logo-1" data-llp-duration="1500" data-llp-delay="3000" class="a"/><path d="M319.7 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54.1-4.5 55.7 6.9 0.8 18.7-12.7 21-19.2" data-llp-id="logo-6" data-llp-duration="600" data-llp-delay="6600" class="a"/><path d="M191 154.3c0 0 4 2 6-2.3 2-4.3-3-6.7-6-4.7C188 149.3 191 154.3 191 154.3z" data-llp-id="logo-7" data-llp-duration="600" data-llp-delay="7200" class="a"/><path d="M249.1 162c0 0 13.2-0.7 18.2-2 5-1.3 6.7-1 6.7-1" data-llp-id="logo-8" data-llp-duration="300" data-llp-delay="7800" class="a"/><path d="M283.7 175.7c0 0 16.3-4 20.7-13.7 4.3-9.7-8-7.1-13.3-1 -5.3 6-16 24-2 27.5 15.7 5.5 33-23.1 33-36.9 0-5.6-6.4-4.9-6.4 0.8 0 5.5 3.1 4.3 9.8 4.3 6.7 0 11.3 5.3 6.3 10.7s-10.8 12.5-3.3 16.7c8 4.5 12-9 12-9" data-llp-id="logo-9" data-llp-duration="3000" data-llp-delay="7800" class="a"/><path d="M67 35.3c0 0 18-21.3 4-28.7S44.8 15 41.7 48c-3.7 39-27 56.6-33 43.7 -0.9-7.8 8.3-11.3 22.7 1.7 19 16 37.3-13.3 42-19C78 68.7 96.7 57.7 92 54S63.7 79.2 78.3 87.7c6.1 2.9 22-10.7 27-32 0 0-14.7 29.7-7 29.7 11.7 0 27.3-37.7 37.7-36.3 10.3 1.3 15.3 22-10 26.7 9 16.7-7 37.3-14.7 30.3 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class="a"/><path d="M71.1 69.2c-1.8 4.2-3.3 11-1 16.8" data-llp-id="logo-22" data-llp-stroke-color="#b5287b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="400" data-llp-delay="2800" class="a"/><path d="M78.8 76.9c0 0 1.5-13.6 10.2-18.9" data-llp-id="logo-23" data-llp-stroke-color="#cc2e8b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="400" data-llp-delay="3200" class="a"/><path d="M93.3 80c-1.1 3.5-1.1 8 1.9 9.7" data-llp-id="logo-24" data-llp-stroke-color="#b5287b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="400" data-llp-delay="3600" class="a"/><path d="M123 82.2c0 0 5.8 13.8-8.5 21.8" data-llp-id="logo-25" data-llp-stroke-color="#b5287b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="400" data-llp-delay="4000" class="a"/><path d="M159 62.7c0 0-5.5 8-0.7 15" data-llp-id="logo-26" data-llp-stroke-color="#b5287b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="400" data-llp-delay="4400" class="a"/><path d="M175.9 70c0 0-0.1 18.8-15.1 27.8" data-llp-id="logo-27" 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class="a"/><path d="M115.5 186.7c0 0-6.5-2.6-13.6-2.5" data-llp-id="logo-38" data-llp-stroke-color="#b5287b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="400" data-llp-delay="7200" class="a"/><path d="M113.9 176.1c0 0 9.5 2.7 12.5 3.9" data-llp-id="logo-39" data-llp-stroke-color="#cc2e8b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="400" data-llp-delay="7600" class="a"/><path d="M139.2 184.6c-2.8 5.2-4.2 12.7-2.7 18.6" data-llp-id="logo-40" data-llp-stroke-color="#b5287b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="300" data-llp-delay="7800" class="a"/><path d="M145.5 196.2c0.8-8 3.9-13.2 10-18.2" data-llp-id="logo-41" data-llp-stroke-color="#cc2e8b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="300" data-llp-delay="8000" class="a"/><path d="M166.7 206.5c-2-0.4-6.3-3.5-4.7-9" data-llp-id="logo-42" data-llp-stroke-color="#b5287b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="300" data-llp-delay="8200" class="a"/><path d="M186 184.1c0 0-3 7.7-1.7 13" data-llp-id="logo-43" 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data-llp-duration="300" data-llp-delay="8900" class="a"/><path d="M281.5 175.2c0 0-1 8.7 2 11" data-llp-id="logo-49" data-llp-stroke-color="#b5287b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="300" data-llp-delay="9000" class="a"/><path d="M290.2 178c0 0-0.6-8.2 5.8-14.8" data-llp-id="logo-50" data-llp-stroke-color="#cc2e8b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="300" data-llp-delay="9100" class="a"/><path d="M318 157.8c0 0 4.1 1.1 9.8 0.8" data-llp-id="logo-51" data-llp-stroke-color="#b5287b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="300" data-llp-delay="9200" class="a"/><path d="M322 146c0 0 1.1 2.8 8.8 2.8" data-llp-id="logo-52" data-llp-stroke-color="#cc2e8b" data-llp-stroke-width="2.3" data-llp-duration="300" data-llp-delay="9300" class="a"/></svg>
  <div class="api-functions">
    <h2 id="paint" class=" button">Paint</h2>
    <h2 id="pause" class=" button">Pause</h2>
    <h2 id="erase" class=" button">Erase</h2>
    <h2 id="destroy" class="button">Destroy</h2>


                body {
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  height: 100vh;
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.content {
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.logo-wrap {
    width: 100%;
    position: relative;

.api-functions {
  margin-top: 60px;
  text-align: center;

/* buttons */
h2.button {
	background-color: #b5287b;
	padding: 5px 8px;
	margin: 0 3px;
	border-radius: 5px;
	display: inline-block;
	text-transform: uppercase;
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	cursor: pointer;

h2.button:hover {
	background-color: #f7f2ec;
	color: #cc2e8b;

h2.button.inactive {
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	color: #cc2e8b;
	cursor: default;



                document.onreadystatechange = () => {

  if (document.readyState === 'complete') {

    let els = {
      logo: document.querySelector('#logo'),
      paint : document.getElementById('paint'), 
      erase : document.getElementById('erase'),
      pause : document.getElementById('pause'),
      destroy: document.getElementById('destroy')
    let destroyed = false;
    let myAnimation;

						 * Setup your Lazy Line element.
						 * see README file for more settings
    function init(){ 
      myAnimation = new LazyLinePainter(els.logo, { 
        strokeWidth: 8,
        strokeCap :'round',
        strokeColor: '#b5287b',
        ease: 'easeInOutSine',
        drawSequential: false
      myAnimation.on('start', onStart);

    function destroy() {'start', onStart);
      myAnimation = null;

    function onComplete(){

    function onStart(){

    function onPaintClick(){
      update(els.paint, 'paint'); 

    function onEraseClick(){
      update(els.pause, 'erase'); 

    function onPauseClick(){

      var data = myAnimation.get();
      var state = data.paused ? 'resume' : 'pause';
      var html = data.paused ? 'pause' : 'resume';

      update(els.pause, state);
      els.pause.innerText = html;

    function onDestroyClick(){ 
      if (confirm('Are you sure you want to destroy your lazyline')) {

    function hasClass($el, target){
      return ((" " + $el.className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(target) > -1 );

    function update($el, func){

      if (hasClass($el, 'inactive')) {

      console.log('>> ' + func);

    els.paint.addEventListener('click', onPaintClick);
    els.erase.addEventListener('click', onEraseClick);
    els.pause.addEventListener('click', onPauseClick);
    els.destroy.addEventListener('click', onDestroyClick);

