<html ng-app="ionicApp">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">
    <title>Tabs Example</title>

    <link href="https://code.ionicframework.com/0.9.27/css/ionic.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="https://code.ionicframework.com/0.9.27/js/ionic.bundle.min.js"></script>

    <ion-nav-bar animation="nav-title-slide-ios7" 
    <ion-nav-view animation="slide-left-right"></ion-nav-view>

    <script id="tabs.html" type="text/ng-template">
      <ion-tabs tabs-style="tabs-icon-top" tabs-type="tabs-positive">

        <ion-tab title="Home" icon="ion-home" href="#/tab/home">
          <ion-nav-view name="home-tab"></ion-nav-view>


    <script id="home.html" type="text/ng-template">
      <ion-view title="'Home'">
        <ion-content has-header="true" padding="true">
          I'm currently in the "tabs.home" state, THE PARENT STATE<br/>
            <a ui-sref="tabs.home.childLvl1">go to the "tabs.home.childLvl1" state</a>
          <br/> I expect to get a right to left animation
          <div class="padding">
            <div class="button" ng-click="showHistory()">Show History</div>

            <div class="button" ng-click="clearHistory()">Clear History</div>




    <script id="childLvl1.html" type="text/ng-template">
      <ion-view title="'tabs.home.childLvl1'">
        <ion-content has-header="true" padding="true">
          Everything is fine.<br/>
          I am now in the "tabs.home.childLvl1" state<br/>
          <a ui-sref="tabs.home.childLvl1.childLvl2">Lets' go to the "tabs.home.childLvl1.childLvl2" state</a>
          <br/> I still expect to get a right to left animation
    <script id="childLvl2.html" type="text/ng-template">
      <ion-view title="'tabs.home.childLvl1.childLvl2'">
        <ion-content has-header="true" padding="true">
          I am now in the "tabs.home.childLvl1.childLvl2" state<br/>
          <a style="text-decoration: underline" ng-click="goBack()">Let's go to the parent "tabs.home" state</a><br/>
          As I am leaving to a parent state, I do expect to get a slide left to right animation. But I will have a right to left :'(

angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic'])

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

    .state('tabs', {
      url: "/tab",
      abstract: true,
      templateUrl: "tabs.html"
    .state('tabs.home', {
      url: "/home",
      views: {
        'home-tab': {
          templateUrl: "home.html",
          controller: 'HomeTabCtrl'
    .state('tabs.home.childLvl1', {
      url: "/childLvl1",
      views: {
        'home-tab@tabs': {
          templateUrl: "childLvl1.html",
          controller: 'HomeTabCtrl'
  .state('tabs.home.childLvl1.childLvl2', {
      url: "/childLvl2",
      views: {
        'home-tab@tabs': {
          templateUrl: "childLvl2.html",
          controller: 'HomeTabCtrl'
    .state('tabs.navstack', {
      url: "/navstack",
      views: {
        'about-tab': {
          templateUrl: "nav-stack.html"



.controller('HomeTabCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $ionicViewService ) {
  $scope.data = { "history" : ""};
  $scope.showHistory = function() {
    $scope.data.history = $rootScope.$viewHistory;

  $scope.clearHistory = function() {
  $scope.goBack = function() {
    console.log('Going back');

    // This will show you the history stuff.
    var history = $ionicViewService.getBackView();
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