<link href="//cdn.muicss.com/mui-0.5.1/css/mui.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/es6-promise/3.2.1/es6-promise.min.js"></script>
<script src="//d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<script src="//cdn.muicss.com/mui-0.5.1/js/mui.min.js"></script>
* @constructor DashTimer
* uses D3 to plot circular timer
* @param {object|string} div the container for the viz an element or #name
function DashTimer(div) {
var TAU = 2 * Math.PI,
NAME = "DashTimer";
var self = this,
data_, dash_,
dInfo_ = {},
div_ = Object(div) === div ? '#' + div.id : div;
* initialize the arc data
* @param {[object]} data the array of data for each arc
* @param {object} [options=] the viz options
* @return {DashTimer} self
self.setData = function(data, options) {
// first time in, set up the containers
if (!dash_) {
// set up values for d3
data_ = (data || [{}, {}]).map(function(d, i) {
var m = vanMerge_([dash_, d]);
m.index = i;
m.startAngle = m.start.angle * TAU;
m.endAngle = m.finish.angle * TAU;
m.start.innerRadius = dash_.height / 2 * m.start.innerRatio;
m.start.outerRadius = dash_.height / 2 * m.start.outerRatio;
m.innerRadius = m.start.innerRadius;
m.outerRadius = m.start.outerRadius;
m.finish.innerRadius = dash_.height / 2 * m.finish.innerRatio;
m.finish.outerRadius = dash_.height / 2 * m.finish.outerRatio;
m.value = m.start.value;
m.static = {
endAngle: m.immediate.angle,
innerRadius: m.finish.innerRadius === m.start.innerRadius,
outerRadius: m.finish.outerRadius === m.start.outerRadius,
value: m.start.value === m.finish.value
m.dataName = m.dataName || NAME + i;
return m;
dInfo_.arc = d3.svg.arc();
dInfo_.svg = d3.select(div_).append("svg")
.attr("width", dash_.width)
.attr("height", dash_.height)
.attr("transform", "translate(" +
dash_.width / 2 + "," + dash_.height / 2 + ")");
dInfo_.textElements = dInfo_.svg.append("text");
(dash_.values.styles.split(";") || []).forEach(function(d) {
if (d) {
var s = d.split(":");
if (s.length !== 2) throw 'invalid style ' + d;
dInfo_.textElements.style(s[0], s[1]);
if (dash_.values.classes) {
dash_.values.classes.split(" ").forEach(function(d) {
if (d) dInfo_.textElements.classed(d, true);
dash_.internal.cancelled = dash_.internal.paused= dash_.internal.finished= false;
return self;
* initialize the arcs
* @param {object} options the viz options
* @return {DashTimer} self
self.init = function(options) {
// merge default settings with given
dash_ = vanMerge_([{ // default settings - many can be overridden in data for individual items
height: 100, // height of viz
width: 100, // width of viz (since a circle both are equal)
ease: "linear", // type of easing (pause/resume will only work reliably with linear)
duration: 5000, // tranistion duration
callback:"", // function (d, self) to call back on every transition step
name: NAME + new Date().getTime(), // name of dashtimer
start: { // values at start of transition
innerRatio: .8, // diameter of inner circle relative to height
outerRatio: .95, // diameter of outer circle relative to height
angle: 0, // angle between 0 and 1
fill: '#2196F3', // fill color
value: 0 // value to interpolate
finish: { // values at end of transition
innerRatio: .8, // diameter of inner circle relative to height
outerRatio: .95, // diameter of outer circle relative to height
angle: 1, // angle between 0 and 1
fill: '#FFC107', // fill color
value: 100 // value to interpolate
immediate: { // if true then transition is skipped
angle:false, // the angle
values: { // things to do with displaying values
classes: "", // classes to apply separated by spaces
styles: "text-anchor:middle;", // styles to apply separated by ;
show: false, // whether to show values
decorate: function(d) { // function to clean up data before displaying
return Math.round(d);
custom:{}, // should be used for any custom data to be carried around
}, options || {}]);
return self;
* causes the timer to resolve from outside
* @return {DashTimer} self
self.resolve= function() {
dash_.internal.paused = false;
dash_.internal.finished = true;
return self;
* causes the timer to reject from outside
* @return {DashTimer} self
self.reject = function() {
dash_.internal.paused = false;
dash_.internal.finished = true;
return self;
* pauses the timer right now
* timeout promise is not resolved or rejected
* @return {DashTimer} self
self.pause = function() {
if (self.isRunning()) {
dash_.internal.paused = true;
return self;
* resumes at the last place paused at
* if not paused, nothing happens
* @return {Promise | null} a promise to th resumed run - not normally required
self.resume = function() {
// this will return the master promise
if (self.isPaused()) {
return work_(
dash_.internal.duration * (dash_.finishAt - dash_.internal.progress),
* kills any ongoing transition
* does not fire any promises
* @return {DashTimer} self
self.cancel = function() {
//if there is oe on the go then kill it and reject the promise
if (dash_.mp) {
dash_.internal.cancelled = true;
// this will cause a zero transition to cancel the current one
* start a new timer
* @param {number} duration number of seconds to run he transition for
* @param {[object]} [data=] replace the current data with this
* @param {number} [start=0] start place
* @param {number} [finish=1] finish place
* @return {Promise} a promise that'll be resolved when it times out
self.start = function(duration,start,finish) {
dash_.internal.duration = fixDef_ (duration,dash_.duration);
return work_(fixDef_ (start,0) , dash_.internal.duration, fixDef_ (finish,1));
* get the current data
* @return {[object]} the data
self.getData = function() {
return data_;
* get the current data
* @param {string} dataName the data name
* @return {object} the data
self.getItem = function(dataName) {
return data_.reduce(function(p,c) {
return c.dataName === dataName ? c : p;
* get all the current control values
* @return {object} the current control values
self.getControl = function() {
return dash_;
* get all the current control values
* @return {object} the current control values
self.getVizInfo = function() {
return dInfo_;
* is the viz currenly paused
* @return {boolean} is it paused
self.isPaused = function() {
return dash_.internal.paused;
* is the viz currenly finished
* @return {boolean} is it finished
self.isFinished = function() {
return dash_.internal.finished;
* is the viz currenly running
* @return {boolean} is it running
self.isRunning = function() {
return !self.isFinished() && !self.isPaused();
* is the viz currenly cancelled
* @return {boolean} is it running
self.isCancelled = function() {
return dash_.internal.cancelled;
* get the current progress
* @return {number} between 0 and 1
self.getProgress = function() {
return dash_.internal.progress;
* set the progress immediately and stop the viz
* the completion promise is rejected
* @param {number} between 0 and 1 to set it to
* @param {number} [duration=0] how long to take to do it
* @return {Promise} the master promise
self.setProgress = function(progress, duration) {
return work_(0, fixDef_ (duration ,0 ), progress);
* reset the paths for the arcs
function redoPath_() {
// redo the path
dInfo_.path = dInfo_.svg.selectAll("path").data(data_);
// add the new data
dInfo_.enter = dInfo_.path.enter().append("path")
.attr("fill", function(d) {
return d.start.fill
.attr("d", dInfo_.arc);
// get rid of any old
* make a new master promise
* @return {DashTimer} self
function resetPromise_() {
dash_.mp = {};
dash_.mp.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
dash_.mp.reject = reject;
dash_.mp.resolve = resolve;
return self;
* co-ordinate the work, and manage the completion promises
* @param {number} start place to start at between 0 and 1
* @param {number} duration number of seconds to run he transition for
* @param {number} [finish=1] place to stop at between 0 and 1
* @return {Promise} a promise that'll be resolved when it times out
function work_(start, duration, finish) {
// tidy up from last time
finish = fixDef_ ( finish,1);
// we'll need this if resuming
dash_.finishAt = finish;
dash_.startAt = start;
// this returns a promise that simply resolves the master promise
show_(start, duration, finish)
function(expired) {
function(stopped) {
// nothing to do here - we dont want to resolve or reject the master promise
// because this was just a pause
// return the master promise
return dash_.mp.promise;
* do the transition
* @param {number} startAt place to start at between 0 and 1
* @param {number} duration number of seconds to run he transition for
* @param {number} finishAt place to stop at between 0 and 1
* @return {Promise} a promise that'll be resolved when it times out
function show_(startAt, duration, finishAt) {
dash_.internal.paused = dash_.internal.finished = dash_.internal.cancelled = false, dash_.internal.progress = 0;
// this is a promise that will be resolved when the timer runs out
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// interpolation include any startat/finishat generated by a pause
// this returns a closure with the modified interpolation function
function rng(a, b) {
return d3.interpolate(
d3.interpolate(a, b)(startAt), d3.interpolate(a, b)(1)
.each("end", function(d, i) {
if (i === data_.length - 1) {
dash_.internal.finished = true;
.attrTween("d", function(d) {
// these interpolate closures for each of the transitioing values
d.interpolate = {
innerRadius: rng(d.start.innerRadius, d.finish.innerRadius),
outerRadius: rng(d.start.outerRadius, d.finish.outerRadius),
endAngle: rng(d.start.angle * TAU, d.finish.angle * TAU),
value: rng(d.start.value, d.finish.value)
// returns a closure for each tick
return function(t) {
// if a puase has been called in the meantime
// a transition pause is signalled by rejecting the promise
if (self.isPaused()) reject(self);
// statics mean that they dont transition
Object.keys(d.interpolate).forEach(function(k) {
if (!d.static[k]) d[k] = d.interpolate[k](t * finishAt);
dash_.internal.progress = (startAt + (1 - startAt) * t * finishAt);
// callback if requested
if(d.callback) d.callback(d , self , t);
// show the interpolated value
if (d.values.show) {
return dInfo_.arc(d);
.styleTween("fill", function(d) {
return d3.interpolate(
d3.interpolate(d.start.fill, d.finish.fill)(startAt),
d3.interpolate(d.start.fill, d.finish.fill)(finishAt));
* recursively extend an object with other objects
* @param {[object]} obs the array of objects to be merged
* @return {object} the extended object
function vanMerge_(obs) {
return (obs || []).reduce(function(p, c) {
return vanExtend_(p, c);
}, {});
function vanExtend_(result, opt) {
result = result || {};
return Object.keys(opt).reduce(function(p, c) {
// if its an object
if (typeof opt[c] === "object") {
p[c] = vanExtend_(p[c], opt[c]);
} else {
p[c] = opt[c];
return p;
}, result);
function fixDef_ (value , defValue) {
return typeof value === typeof undefined ? defValue : value;
<div class="mui-panel mui--text-center">
<div id="clock">
<div id="result"></div>
<button id="start">Start</button>
<button id="pause">Pause</button>
<button id="resume">Resume</button>
<button id="cancel">Cancel</button>
function getClockData() {
var now = new Date();
return [{
dataName: 'hoursShadow',
start: {
fill: '#B3E5FC',
outerRatio: .7,
innerRatio: .55,
angle: 0
finish: {
fill: '#B3E5FC',
outerRatio: .7,
innerRatio: .55,
angle: now.getHours() / 24
immediate: {
angle: true
}, {
dataName: 'minutesShadow',
start: {
fill: '#F0F4C3',
outerRatio: .85,
innerRatio: .7,
angle: 0
finish: {
fill: '#F0F4C3',
outerRatio: .85,
innerRatio: .7,
angle: now.getMinutes() / 60
immediate: {
angle: true
}, {
dataName: "hours",
start: {
angle: now.getHours() / 24,
outerRatio: .7,
innerRatio: .55,
fill: '#B3E5FC'
finish: {
angle: 1/60/24 + (now.getHours() / 24),
outerRatio: .7,
innerRatio: .55,
fill: '#B3E5FC'
}, {
dataName: "minutes",
start: {
angle: now.getMinutes() / 60,
outerRatio: .85,
innerRatio: .7,
fill: '#F0F4C3'
finish: {
angle: 1/60 + (now.getMinutes() / 60),
outerRatio: .85,
innerRatio: .7,
fill: '#F0F4C3'
}, {
dataName: "seconds",
start: {
angle: now.getSeconds() / 60,
outerRatio: 2,
innerRatio: .85,
fill: '#E1BEE7'
finish: {
angle: 1 + (now.getSeconds() / 60),
outerRatio: 2,
innerRatio: .85,
fill: '#FFEB3B'
values: {
show: true
var clockOptions = {
duration: 60 * 1000,
values: {
classes: "mu--text-caption",
styles: "font-size:.7em;text-anchor:middle;",
decorate: function(d) {
return d3.time.format("%X")(new Date());
var timer = new DashTimer('#clock').init(clockOptions);
d3.select('#cancel').on("click", function() {
d3.select('#pause').on("click", function() {
d3.select('#resume').on("click", function() {
d3.select('#start').on("click", function() {
function endless() {
function(expired) {
function(cancelled) {
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