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                mixin structure()
  each val in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    div(class="planet__structure planet__structure--" + val)
mixin planet(planetname)
  div(class=planetname + "-orbit sun-orbit")
    div(class="ascending-node ascending-node--" + planetname)
      div(class="inclination inclination--" + planetname)
        div(class="orbit__shape orbit__shape--" + planetname)
          div(class="planet " + planetname)
input(type="radio" id="correct-orbit-size" name="orbit-size")
input(type="radio" id="ideal-orbit-size" name="orbit-size" checked)
input(type="radio" id="real-time" name="velocity")
input(type="radio" id="one-year-per-minute" name="velocity" checked)
input(type="radio" id="one-year-per-second" name="velocity")
input(type="radio" id="topview" name="perspective")
input(type="radio" id="isometric" name="perspective")
input(type="radio" id="threedee" name="perspective" checked)

  h1 The Solar System
      span Orbit Size:
      label(for="correct-orbit-size" class="button correct-size") Correct
      label(for="ideal-orbit-size" class="button ideal-size") Idealized
      span Velocity:
      label(for="real-time" class="button real-time") Realtime
      label(for="one-year-per-minute" class="button one-year-per-minute") 1 Year / Min
      label(for="one-year-per-second" class="button one-year-per-second") 1 Year / Sec
      span Perspective:
      label(for="threedee" class="button threedee") 3d
      label(for="topview" class="button topview") Top
      label(for="isometric" class="button isometric") Isometric


                @import url(',400')

  font-size 16px
  background-color black
#ideal-orbit-size ~ .universe
  --planet-size-factor 0.01
  --sun-size-factor 0.001
#ideal-orbit-size:checked ~ .universe
  @media (max-width: 649px)
    --planet-size-factor 0.075
    --sun-size-factor 0.0175
  @media (min-width: 650px)
    --planet-size-factor 0.15
    --sun-size-factor 0.025
#real-time:checked ~ .universe
  --speed-of-animation 1
#one-year-per-minute:checked ~ .universe
  --speed-of-animation 518400
#one-year-per-second:checked ~ .universe
  --speed-of-animation 31104000
#topview ~ .universe
  --topview -65deg
  --angle-sun-glow 65deg
#topview:checked ~ .universe
  --topview 0deg
  --angle-sun-glow 0deg
#isometric ~ .universe
  --perspective 750px
#isometric:checked ~ .universe
  --perspective 10000px
  --orbit-size-factor 1000000
  position absolute
  top 0
  left 0
  right 0
  bottom 0
  background radial-gradient(#020311 0%, black 100%)
  display flex
  justify-content center
  align-items center
  overflow hidden
  perspective var(--perspective)
  transition perspective 2s
  position relative
  width 90%
  max-width 100vh
  display flex
  justify-content center
  align-items center
  transform rotateZ(90deg) rotateY(var(--topview))
  transform-style preserve-3d
  transition transform 2s
    display block
    content ""
    width 100%
    padding-top 100%
    border-radius 50%
  position absolute
  width calc(1391px * var(--sun-size-factor))
  height calc(1391px * var(--sun-size-factor))
  background-color #ffe493
  border-radius 50%
  transform-style preserve-3d
  transition width 2s, height 2s
    display block
    content ""
    height 600%
    width 600%
    background radial-gradient(rgba(255, 228, 147, 0.4), rgba(255, 228, 147, 0.1) 40%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 70%)
    border-radius 50%
    transform-origin center center
    transform  translateY(-40%) translateX(-40%) rotateY(var(--angle-sun-glow))
    transition transform 2s
#ideal-orbit-size:checked ~ .universe .sun
  transition-delay 0.6s

  transform-style preserve-3d
  border-radius 50%
  transition width 2s, height 2s
  position absolute
  width 1.29%
  height 1.29%
  transform rotateZ(-224deg)
  transition-delay 0s
  z-index 9
#ideal-orbit-size:checked ~ .universe .mercury-orbit
  width 12.5%
  height 12.5%
  transition-delay 0.6s
  position absolute
  width 2.4%
  height 2.4%
  transform rotateZ(-144deg)
  transition-delay 0.1s
  z-index 8
#ideal-orbit-size:checked ~ .universe .venus-orbit
  width 25%
  height 25%
  transition-delay 0.5s
  position absolute
  width 3.33%
  height 3.33%
  transform rotateZ(-101deg)
  transition-delay 0.2s
  z-index 7
#ideal-orbit-size:checked ~ .universe .earth-orbit
  width 37.5%
  height 37.5%
  transition-delay 0.4s
  position absolute
  width 5.06%
  height 5.06%
  transform rotateZ(-39deg)
  transition-delay 0.3s
  z-index 6
#ideal-orbit-size:checked ~ .universe .mars-orbit
  width 50%
  height 50%
  transition-delay 0.3s
  position absolute
  width 17.25%
  height 17.25%
  transform rotateZ(-245deg)
  transition-delay 0.4s
  z-index 5
#ideal-orbit-size:checked ~ .universe .jupiter-orbit
  width 62.5%
  height 62.5%
  transition-delay 0.2s
  position absolute
  width 31.65%
  height 31.65%
  transform rotateZ(-282deg)
  transition-delay 0.5s
  z-index 4
#ideal-orbit-size:checked ~ .universe .saturn-orbit
  width 75%
  height 75%
  transition-delay 0.1s
  position absolute
  width 63.96%
  height 63.96%
  transform rotateZ(-29deg)
  transition-delay 0.6s
  z-index 3
#ideal-orbit-size:checked ~ .universe .uranus-orbit
  width 87.5%
  height 87.5%
  transition-delay 0s
  position absolute
  width 100%
  height 100%
  transform rotateZ(-347deg)
  z-index 2

  position absolute
  border 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.13)
  width 100%
  height 100%
  border-radius 50%
  transform translate3d(-1px, -1px, 0)
  transform-style preserve-3d
  position absolute
  width calc(100% + 1px)
  height calc(100% + 1px)
  animation orbit infinite
  animation-timing-function linear
  animation-delay calc((var(--seconds-left)  * -1) / var(--speed-of-animation))
  transform-style preserve-3d
    animation-duration calc(7603200s / var(--speed-of-animation))
    animation-duration calc(19414166s / var(--speed-of-animation))
    animation-duration calc(31553280s / var(--speed-of-animation))
    animation-duration calc(59356800s / var(--speed-of-animation))
    animation-duration calc(374025600s / var(--speed-of-animation))
    animation-duration calc(928886400s / var(--speed-of-animation))
    animation-duration calc(2649369600s / var(--speed-of-animation))
    animation-duration calc(5196787200s / var(--speed-of-animation))

  position relative
  border-radius 50%
  min-width 1px
  min-height 1px
  margin 0 auto
  left 0
  right 0
  transform-style preserve-3d
  transition width 2s, height 2s, top 2s
    position relative
    display none
    content ""
    height 500%
    transform translateY(-100%)
    width 100%
    background linear-gradient(to top, rgba(1,2,13,0.8), rgba(1,2,13,0) 100%)
    clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%);
    position absolute
    top 0
    left 0
    width 100%
    height 100%
    background-color inherit
    border-radius 50%
    transform-style preserve-3d
      transform rotateZ(30deg)
      transform rotateZ(-30deg)
      transform rotateX(30deg) rotateY(90deg)
      transform rotateX(-30deg) rotateY(90deg)
      transform rotateZ(90deg) rotateY(30deg)
      transform rotateZ(90deg) rotateY(-30deg)
      position absolute
      top 0
      content ""
      display block
      width 100%
      height 100%
      transform rotateX(45deg)
      background-color inherit
      border-radius 50%
      position absolute
      top 0
      content ""
      display block
      width 100%
      height 100%
      transform rotateX(-45deg)
      background-color inherit
      border-radius 50%
  width calc(4.87px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  height calc(4.87px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  background-color #68696D
  top calc(-2.435px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  width calc(12.10px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  height calc(12.10px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  background-color #d3a567
  top calc(-6.05px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  width calc(12.70px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  height calc(12.70px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  background-color blue
  top calc(-6.35px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  width calc(6.70px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  height calc(6.70px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  background-color #C1440E
  top calc(-3.45px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  width calc(139.822px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  height calc(139.822px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  background-color #d8ca9d
  top calc(-69.911px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  width calc(116.464px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  height calc(116.464px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  background-color #D2C0A5
  top calc(-58.232px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  width calc(50.724px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  height calc(50.724px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  background-color #d1e7e7
  top calc(-25.362px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  width calc(49.244px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  height calc(49.244px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  background-color #3f54ba
  top calc(-24.622px * var(--planet-size-factor))
  animation orbit infinite
  animation-timing-function linear
  transform-style preserve-3d
  top 0
  left 0
  right 0
  position absolute
    animation-duration calc(933465600s / var(--speed-of-animation))
    animation-delay calc(((var(--seconds-left) + 433366400) * -1) / var(--speed-of-animation))
  transform rotateX(0deg) rotateY(27deg)
  position absolute
  width calc(280px * var(--planet-size-factor) + 3px)
  height calc(280px * var(--planet-size-factor) + 3px)
  background radial-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0), rgba(0,0,0,0) 45%, #c1b199 48%, #c1b199 65%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 66%, #c1b199 68%, #c1b199 100%)
  top calc(-140px * var(--planet-size-factor) - 1.5px)
  border-radius 50%
  margin 0 auto
  left 0
  right 0
  transition width 2s, height 2s, top 2s
  position relative
  height 100%
  transform-style preserve-3d
    transform rotateZ(48.33deg)
    transform rotateZ(76.68deg)
    transform rotateZ(-11.26deg)
    transform rotateZ(49.58deg)
    transform rotateZ(100.55deg)
    transform rotateZ(113.72deg)
    transform rotateZ(74.23deg)
    transform rotateZ(131.72deg)*/
  position relative
  height 100%
  transform-style preserve-3d
    transform rotateX(-7deg)
    transform rotateX(-3.5deg)
    transform rotateX(0deg)
    transform rotateX(-1.9deg)
    transform rotateX(-1.3deg)
    transform rotateX(-2.5deg)
    transform rotateX(-0.8deg)
    transform rotateX(-1.8deg)*/
@keyframes orbit {
  from {
    transform rotate(360deg)
  to {
    transform rotate(0deg)

  color white
  width 100%
  height 100%
  font-size 16px
  top 0
  left 0
  position absolute
  font-family Open Sans, sans-serif
  text-align center
    font-weight 300
    text-transform uppercase
    font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
    letter-spacing 15px
  @media (max-width: 649px)
    position absolute
    bottom 0

  @media (min-width: 650px)
    display inline-block 
  justify-content center
  font-weight 300
  letter-spacing 1px
  font-size 13px
  max-width 600px
  width 100%

    width 120px
    border-radius 10px
    border 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)
    display flex
    flex 1
    margin-bottom 15px
    > *
      padding 10px
      display block
  flex 1
  transition background-color 0.4s
  text-transform uppercase
  user-select none
    background-color rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)
    border-radius 9px 0 0 9px
    border-radius 0 9px 9px 0

#ideal-orbit-size:checked ~ .content .button.ideal-size
#correct-orbit-size:checked ~ .content .button.correct-size
#real-time:checked ~ .content .button.real-time
#one-year-per-minute:checked ~ .content
#one-year-per-second:checked ~ .content
#topview:checked ~ .content .button.topview
#isometric:checked ~ .content .button.isometric
#threedee:checked ~ .content .button.threedee
  background-color rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)


                //For those who wonder why Javascript is here, a short explanation. This script only ensures that the initial position, the planetary position is calculated correctly by setting the seconds left since 1-1-2019 to a css custom variable. No hidden Magic 🤷

let timestamp_start = new Date("2019-01-01").getTime();
let timestamp_now = new Date().getTime();
let secondsLeft = (timestamp_now - timestamp_start) / 1000;
let root = document.documentElement;'--seconds-left', `${secondsLeft}s`);
