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                <center id="react">
  <div id="root"></div>
  <div id="centered-container">
    <div id="top">
      <div id="semiCircle" class="semiCircle"></div>
      <div id="semiCircle2" class="semiCircle"></div>

    <div id ="middle">
      <div id="circle2" class="circle"></div>
      <div id="circle" class="circle">
        <!-- renders the current time use {formattedMinutes} : {formattedSeconds} in React-->
        <div id="time-left">6 : 00</div>
    <div id="bottom">
      <div id="leg" class="leg"></div>     
    <div id="leg2" class="leg"></div> <!-- leave this out of bottom, otherwise you will face skewing problems (skew of one element will influence the other element)-->
  <div id="bottomRoot"></div>


                #root {
  margin-top: 50px;

#bottomRoot {
  margin-top: 50px;
  margin-bottom: 50px;

#centered-container {
  /*background-color: green;*/
  width: 500px;

/*this class is only rendered when the time on the clock is below 1 minute*/
.red {
  color: red;

#top {
  height: 100px;
  width: ;
  background-color: black;

.semiCircle {
  height: 150px;
  width: 150px;
  border-radius: 50%;

#semiCircle {
  margin-right: 200px;
  margin-top: 50px;
  background: linear-gradient(135deg, grey 50%, white 50%);

#semiCircle2 {
  margin-top: -150px;
  margin-left: 200px;
  background: linear-gradient(225deg, grey 50%, white 50%);

#middle {
  margin-top: -100px;

.circle {
  border-radius: 50%;

#circle {
  height: 200px;
  width: 200px;
  background-color: white;
  margin-top: -225px;

#circle2 {
  height: 250px;
  width: 250px;
  background-color: grey;

#time-left {
  padding-top: 70px; /*50px works with font-size 24px*/
  font-size: 50px;

#leg {
  margin-left: 275px; /*margin-right on leg2 + 2 * width*/
  width: 100px;
  height: 50px;  
  border-left: 30px solid grey;
  transform: skew(45deg);

#leg2 {
  margin-top: -50px;
  margin-right: 75px;
  width: 100px;
  height: 50px;  
  border-left: 30px solid grey;
  transform: skew(-45deg);


                //this component displays the time of the clock
class Clock extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      minutes: this.props.startTime, //pass in the initial time from the SetTime component, alternatively just set equal to 25
      seconds: 0,
      running: "off",
      break: 5,
      current: "session"
    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    this.incrementTime = this.incrementTime.bind(this);
    this.decrementTime = this.decrementTime.bind(this);
    this.resetTime = this.resetTime.bind(this);
    this.incrementBreak = this.incrementBreak.bind(this);
    this.decrementBreak = this.decrementBreak.bind(this);
  //creates a pause/play button
  handleClick() {
    if (this.state.running == 'off') {
      this.setState((state) => ({
        running: 'on'
    } else {
      this.setState((state) => (
      {running: 'off'}));
  //increase the number of minutes the clock will run for, on button click
  incrementTime() {
    if (this.state.minutes < 59 && this.state.running == "off") { //the second part of this if statement is optional, you can remove it so that the code will be able to increase the time allotted while running (which may be more functional). If altering make sure to adjust all increment/decrement methods
      this.setState((state) => ({
        minutes: state.minutes + 1
  decrementTime() {
    if (this.state.minutes > 1  && this.state.running == "off") {
      this.setState((state) => ({
        minutes: state.minutes - 1
  incrementBreak() {
    if (this.state.break < 59  && this.state.running == "off") {
      this.setState((state) => ({
        break: state.break + 1
  decrementBreak() {
    if (this.state.break > 1  && this.state.running == "off") {
      this.setState((state) => ({
        break: state.break - 1
  resetTime() {
    this.setState((state) => ({
      minutes: 25,
      seconds: 0,
      running: "off",
      current: "session"
  //re-renders the entire component every second, to count down the time
  componentDidMount() {
    this.timerID = setInterval(
      () => this.tick(),
  componentWillUnmount() {
  tick() {
    //add audio here later
    //var audio = new Audio('audio_file.mp3');
    //reduces seconds
    if (this.state.seconds != 0 && this.state.running == 'on') {
      this.setState((state) => ({
        seconds: state.seconds - 1
    //reduce minutes
    if (this.state.seconds == 0 && this.state.minutes != 0 && this.state.running == 'on') {
      this.setState((state) => ({
        minutes: state.minutes - 1,
        seconds: 59
    //make the code enter break mode when the session time hits zero
    if (this.state.seconds == 0 && this.state.minutes == 0 && this.state.current == "session") {
      this.setState((state) => ({
        minutes: this.state.break,
        current: "break"
    //make the code enter session mode when the break time hits zero
    if (this.state.seconds == 0 && this.state.minutes == 0 && this.state.current == "break") {
      this.setState((state) => ({
        minutes: 25,
        current: "session"
  render() {
    //this formatting code helps to render times below 10 seconds, so that they are still formatted like this "06 : 05" rather than "6 : 5"
    let formattedSeconds = "";
    if (this.state.seconds < 10) {
      formattedSeconds = "0" + String(this.state.seconds);
    } else {
      formattedSeconds = String(this.state.seconds);
    let formattedMinutes = "";
    if (this.state.minutes < 10) {
      formattedMinutes = "0" + String(this.state.minutes);
    } else {
      formattedMinutes = String(this.state.minutes);
    //its worth noting that for this project, I developed the project without meeting some of the specific code requirements that would have made the code worse. I skipped separating the certain lines of text from their labels, and avoided adding some uncessary IDs. Requirements 5-7, 22 worsen the project. 22 would be beneficial if I displayed whether we are currently in break or session --> to alter this simply add a variable to the return and if a conditional is met (i.e. time hits zero), swap the variable. Then use this variable to display the current string (session or break) & go into the tick method and add an additional conditional to evaluate the current break/session to alternate the two. I also didn't bother adding the audio, because to be honest I didn't feel like doing it. I might add it later though.
    return (
        <div id="root">
          <h2>On/Off: {this.state.running}</h2>
          <button id="reset" onClick={this.handleClick}>Pause/Play</button>
          <h2 id="session-label">Session Length: {formattedMinutes}</h2>
          <button id="session-increment" onClick={this.incrementTime}>Increase Time</button>
          <button id="session-decrement" onClick={this.decrementTime}>Decrease Time</button>
          <br />
          <button onClick={this.resetTime}>Reset Button</button>
        <div id="centered-container">
          <br />
          <div id="top">
            <div id="semiCircle" class="semiCircle"></div>
            <div id="semiCircle2" class="semiCircle"></div>

          <div id ="middle">
            <div id="circle2" class="circle"></div>
            <div id="circle" class="circle">
            {this.state.minutes >= 1 && this.state.current == "session" ? (
              <div id="time-left">{formattedMinutes} : {formattedSeconds}</div>
            ) : (
              <div id="time-left" class="red">{formattedMinutes} : {formattedSeconds}</div>
          <div id="bottom">
            <div id="leg" class="leg"></div>
          <div id="leg2" class="leg"></div>
        <div id="bottomRoot">
          <h2 id="break-label">Break Length: {this.state.break}</h2>
          <button id="break-increment" onClick={this.incrementBreak}>Increase Break</button>
          <button id="break-decrement" onClick={this.decrementBreak}>Decrease Break</button>

//run the Clock component
  <Clock startTime={25}/>,
