Pen Settings



CSS Base

Vendor Prefixing

Add External Stylesheets/Pens

Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


Add Packages

Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

Auto-Updating Preview

If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.

Format on Save

If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.

Editor Settings

Code Indentation

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Visit your global Editor Settings.


	<div class="card">
		<a href="#" class="back">&larr;</a>
		<div class="meta">
			<img src="" alt="Avatar of Bramus" width="800" height="800" class="avatar" draggable="false">
				<div class="name">Bramus</div>
				<div class="date">Jan 2024</div>
		<h1 class="title">Summer Vibes</h1>
		<ul class="moremeta">
			<li>15 songs</li>
			<li>59 minutes</li>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Most popular songs for that summer feeling | Updated weekly | Good vibes only | Photo by Atikh Bana</p>
		<img src="" alt="" width="668" height="900" class="cover" draggable="false">
	<ul class="tracks">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">
		<li class="track">
			<img src="" alt="Album Cover" width="800" height="800" class="album" draggable="false">
			<div class="trackinfo">
				<div class="tracktitle">Who needs to know?</div>
				<div class="artist">Bramus</div>
			<div class="more">


                @layer scrollsnapping {
	html {
		scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;
		--card-large: 0; /* Value gets set via JS */
		--card-small: 0; /* Value gets set via JS */

	.card::before, .tracks::before {
		content: "";
		pointer-events: none;
		z-index: -1;
		position: absolute;
		width: 100%;
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		scroll-snap-align: start;
		z-index: 10;
		opacity: 0.35;

	.card::before {
		height: var(--card-large);

	.tracks {
		position: relative;
	.tracks::before {
		scroll-margin-top: var(--card-small);
		top: var(--card-large);
		height: calc(100% - var(--card-large));

@layer viewtransitions {
	/* Configure the durations.

	   The idea here is that the card itself runs for a certain duration,
	   but elements in that card only for a certain part of that entire duration.
	   To achieve this, the durations and delays are expressed as fractions, which
	   are then used in a calcuation to get the actual duration in seconds.
	::view-transition {
		--vt-base-duration: 1s;
		--vt-description-duration: 0.5;
		--vt-description-delay: 0;
		--vt-moremeta-duration: 0.65;
		--vt-moremeta-delay: 0.2;
		--vt-title-duration: 0.6;
		--vt-title-delay: 0.2;
		--vt-meta-duration: 0.5;
		--vt-meta-delay: 0.3;
	/* Apply base duration to all + make sure they are linear */
	::view-transition-group(*) {
		animation-duration: var(--vt-base-duration);
		animation-timing-function: linear;
	/* Also inherit the delay and easing from the group onto the child pseudos */
	::view-transition-old(*) {
		animation-delay: inherit;
		animation-timing-function: inherit;
	/* Allow cursor to send events to underlying page while a VT is running */
	::view-transition {
		pointer-events: none;
	/* Some keyframes to use */
	@keyframes slide-up { to { translate: 0 -100%; }}
	@keyframes slide-down { from { translate: 0 -100%; }}
	@keyframes fade-out { to { opacity: 0; }}
	@keyframes fade-in { from { opacity: 0; }}
	/* Capture all these individual elements instead. Also, don’t capture the root. */
	/* Note: we don’t capture the tracklist in this version! */
	:root {
		view-transition-name: none;
	.card {
		view-transition-name: card;
	.meta {
		view-transition-name: meta;
	.title {
		view-transition-name: title;
	.moremeta {
		view-transition-name: moremeta;
	.description {
		view-transition-name: description;
	.cover {
		view-transition-name: cover;
	/* The card itself should just shrink, not fade */
	::view-transition-group(card) {
		overflow: clip;
	::view-transition-old(card) {
		animation-name: none;
	/* The title and moremeta remain the same. Therefore, don’t fade but immediately use the new snapshot */
	::view-transition-new(moremeta) {
		animation-name: none;
	::view-transition-old(moremeta) {
		display: none;
	/* Slide and fade description. */
	::view-transition-old(description):only-child {
		animation-duration: calc(var(--vt-base-duration) * var(--vt-description-duration));
		animation-delay: calc(var(--vt-base-duration) * var(--vt-description-delay));
		animation-name: slide-up, fade-out;
	::view-transition-new(description):only-child {
		animation-duration: calc(var(--vt-base-duration) * var(--vt-description-duration));
		animation-delay: calc(var(--vt-base-duration) * (1 - (var(--vt-description-delay) + var(--vt-description-duration))));
		animation-name: slide-down, fade-in;
	/* Set timing for various components */
	::view-transition-group(moremeta) {
		animation-duration: calc(var(--vt-base-duration) * var(--vt-moremeta-duration));
		animation-delay: calc(var(--vt-base-duration) * var(--vt-moremeta-delay));
	::view-transition-group(title) {
		animation-duration: calc(var(--vt-base-duration) * var(--vt-title-duration));
		animation-delay: calc(var(--vt-base-duration) * var(--vt-title-delay));
	::view-transition-group(meta) {
		animation-duration: calc(var(--vt-base-duration) * var(--vt-meta-duration));
		animation-delay: calc(var(--vt-base-duration) * var(--vt-meta-delay));
	::view-transition-old(meta):only-child {
		animation-name: fade-out;
	::view-transition-new(meta):only-child {
		animation-name: fade-in;

@layer reset {
	* {
		box-sizing: border-box;

	ul[class] {
		margin: 0;
		padding: 0;

	body {
		width: 100%;

	ul[class] {
		list-style: none;

	img {
		max-width: 100%;
		height: auto;

@layer baselayout {
	html {
		font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
		background-color: #f6f6f6;
	main {
		width: 100%;
		min-width: 360px;
		max-width: 500px;
		margin: 0 auto;
	button {
		position: fixed;
		right: 1rem;
		top: 1rem;
		font-size: 1.5em;
		padding: 0.25em 0.5em;

@layer card {
	.card {
		background: black;
		color: white;
		text-align: center;
		padding: 2rem 3rem 0;
		position: relative;

		display: grid;
			"meta" auto
			"title" 100px
			"moremeta" auto
			"description" 80px
			"cover" auto / auto;
		align-items: center;
		gap: 1rem;

	.meta {
		grid-area: meta;
	.title {
		grid-area: title;
	.moremeta {
		grid-area: moremeta;
	.description {
		grid-area: description;
	.cover {
		grid-area: cover;

	.card.small {
			"cover title" 1fr
			"cover moremeta" 1fr / 80px auto;
		gap: 0;
		padding: 1rem 0 0 3rem;

		.title {
			align-self: end;
		.moremeta {
			align-self: start;

		.meta {
			display: none;

	.card * {
		margin: 0;

	.meta {
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;
		align-items: center;
		gap: 1rem;

		.name {
			font-weight: bold;
			text-transform: uppercase;

		.date {
			font-size: 0.8em;
			color: #ccc;

	.avatar {
		display: block;
		width: 50px;
		height: 50px;
		border-radius: 50%;
		outline: 1px solid #fff;
		outline-offset: 3px;

	.moremeta {
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: row;
		gap: 0.5em;
		justify-content: center;
		color: #ccc;

	.description {
		width: 90%;
		margin: 0 auto;
		text-wrap: balance;
		color: #ccc;

	.back {
		position: absolute;
		left: 1rem;
		top: 2rem;
		width: 2rem;
		display: grid;
		justify-content: start;
		text-decoration: none;
		font-size: 2em;
		color: white;

@layer tracklist {
	.tracks {
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;

	.track {
		padding: 1em;
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: row;
		gap: 1em;
		&:hover {
			background: #eee;
	.album {
		display: block;
		width: 4em;
		aspect-ratio: 1;
		border-radius: 0.25em;
	.trackinfo {
		flex: 1;
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;
		justify-content: center;
		.tracktitle {
			font-weight: bold;
	.more {
		justify-self: end;
		color: #ccc;
		font-size: 2rem;
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;
		justify-content: center;
		&:hover {
			cursor: pointer;
			color: red;


                // This version:
// - Same as V1 (
//   - Starts a VT that remains active
//   - Adds a scroll listener that updates the VT’s animations based on the scroll position via scrollTop
//   - Re-initializes everything on resize, as ongoing VTs get cancelled on resize
// - Only creates the VT when in range

const go = () => {
	let activeViewTransition = null;
	let activeAnimations = [];
	const $card = document.querySelector('.card');
	const $tracks = document.querySelector('.tracks');
	const cardHeight = CSS.px($card.offsetHeight);
	const cardWidth = CSS.px($card.offsetWidth);
	const cardHeightSmall = CSS.px(120); // @TODO: Make this dynamic'--card-large', cardHeight.toString());'--card-small', cardHeightSmall.toString());

	// Determine things to track
	const scrollTimelineAxis = 'y';
	let scrollTimelineStart = CSS.px(0);
	let scrollTimelineEnd = cardHeight.sub(cardHeightSmall);

	// Make the card faux-sticky, and offset the tracks
	$ = cardWidth;
	$ = 'fixed';
	$ = '1';
	$ = '0';
	$ = cardHeight;
	// The base duration of the animation
	// Same as --vt-base-duration in the CSS
	const baseDuration = 1000;
	const scrollDistance = scrollTimelineEnd.sub(scrollTimelineStart);
	// Method that starts the View Transition
	const startViewTransition = async () => {
		// Determine if we are going back or not
		const isReverse = document.querySelector('.small') ? true : false;
		// Start the View Transition
		activeViewTransition = document.startViewTransition(() => {
		await activeViewTransition.ready;
		// Immediately pause all animations linked to it
		activeAnimations = document.getAnimations().filter((anim) => === document.documentElement && anim.effect.pseudoElement?.startsWith("::view-transition")
		for (const anim of activeAnimations) {
			if (isReverse) anim.reverse();
		// Make sure animations their currentTime is up-to-date

		// The VT finishes when all the animations have reached 100%,
		// i.e. when having scroll past the scrollTimelineEnd offset.
		await activeViewTransition.finished;

		// Make sure the card has the correct end state
		if (document.documentElement.scrollTop > scrollTimelineStart.value) {
		} else {

		// Clear activeViewTransition so that scroll listener can create a new VT once in the correct range
		activeViewTransition = null;
	// Method that updates the tracked animations
	const updateAnimations = () => {
		// No need to do anything when there are no animations being tracked
		if (!activeAnimations.length) return;
		const scrollProgress = (document.documentElement.scrollTop - scrollTimelineStart.value) / scrollDistance.value;
		// Determine time based on dragging delta
		// Clamp it between 0 and baseDuration.
		const currentTime = Math.max(0, Math.min(baseDuration, scrollProgress * baseDuration));

		for (const animation of activeAnimations) {
			// Take playbackRate into account
			if (animation.playbackRate === -1) {
				animation.currentTime = baseDuration - currentTime;
			} else {
				animation.currentTime = currentTime;
	const checkScrollPosition = async () => {
		// In-range: start or update the VT
		if (
			(document.documentElement.scrollTop > scrollTimelineStart.value) && 
			(document.documentElement.scrollTop < scrollTimelineEnd.value)
		) {
			if (!activeViewTransition) {
			} else {
		// Outside of the range: clean up the VT
		else {

			// Explicitly clear the VT when outside the range.
			// This because when undershooting the scrollTimelineStart offset, the VT doesn’t finish automatically
			// (When overshooting the scrollTimelineEnd offset it does cancel automatically)
			if (activeViewTransition) {
				activeViewTransition = null;
			// Make sure the card has the correct class depending on the scroll offset
			if (document.documentElement.scrollTop >= scrollTimelineEnd.value) {
			} else {
	// Add a scroll listener, and update the viewTransition based on the active offset
	window.addEventListener('scroll', checkScrollPosition);
	// On resize View Transitions get cancelled, so we need to make sure we’re at the correct state again
	// @TODO: Debounce this
	window.addEventListener('resize', checkScrollPosition);
	// Make sure the card has the correct class when already at the specific offset

window.addEventListener('load', () => {
