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                <div class="center">
	<pre class="output0">Downloading ML Model</pre>
	<pre class="output1"></pre>
	<pre class="output2"></pre>
	<pre class="output3"></pre>




                body {
	padding: 0; 
	margin: 0;
	width: 100vw;
	position: relative;
pre {
  font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace;
	padding : 30px;

.center {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row; 
    justify-content: center;


                // Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//Play with this to get back a larger or smaller blend of melodies
var numInterpolations = 4; //numInterpolations containing 32 notes

// generates an array where indices correspond to midi notes
var everyNote = 'C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#,A,A#,B,'.repeat(20).split(',').map( function(x,i) {
    return x + '' + Math.floor(i/12);

//returns the midi pitch value for the given note.
//returns -1 if not found
function toMidi(note) {
    return everyNote.indexOf(note);

//If you want to try out other melodies copy and paste any of these in https://github.....
var MELODY1 = { notes: [
    {pitch: toMidi('A3'), quantizedStartStep: 0, quantizedEndStep: 4},
    {pitch: toMidi('D4'), quantizedStartStep: 4, quantizedEndStep: 6},
    {pitch: toMidi('E4'), quantizedStartStep: 6, quantizedEndStep: 8},
    {pitch: toMidi('F4'), quantizedStartStep: 8, quantizedEndStep: 10},
    {pitch: toMidi('D4'), quantizedStartStep: 10, quantizedEndStep: 12},
    {pitch: toMidi('E4'), quantizedStartStep: 12, quantizedEndStep: 16},
    {pitch: toMidi('C4'), quantizedStartStep: 16, quantizedEndStep: 20},
    {pitch: toMidi('D4'), quantizedStartStep: 20, quantizedEndStep: 26},
    {pitch: toMidi('A3'), quantizedStartStep: 26, quantizedEndStep: 28},
    {pitch: toMidi('A3'), quantizedStartStep: 28, quantizedEndStep: 32}

//you can also just put in the midi pitch note if you know it
var MELODY2 = { notes: [
    {pitch: 50, quantizedStartStep: 0, quantizedEndStep: 1},
    {pitch: 53, quantizedStartStep: 1, quantizedEndStep: 2},
    {pitch: 58, quantizedStartStep: 2, quantizedEndStep: 3},
    {pitch: 58, quantizedStartStep: 3, quantizedEndStep: 4},
    {pitch: 58, quantizedStartStep: 4, quantizedEndStep: 5},
    {pitch: 53, quantizedStartStep: 5, quantizedEndStep: 6},
    {pitch: 53, quantizedStartStep: 6, quantizedEndStep: 7},
    {pitch: 53, quantizedStartStep: 7, quantizedEndStep: 8},
    {pitch: 52, quantizedStartStep: 8, quantizedEndStep: 9},
    {pitch: 55, quantizedStartStep: 9, quantizedEndStep: 10},
    {pitch: 60, quantizedStartStep: 10, quantizedEndStep: 11},
    {pitch: 60, quantizedStartStep: 11, quantizedEndStep: 12},
    {pitch: 60, quantizedStartStep: 12, quantizedEndStep: 13},
    {pitch: 60, quantizedStartStep: 13, quantizedEndStep: 14},
    {pitch: 60, quantizedStartStep: 14, quantizedEndStep: 15},
    {pitch: 52, quantizedStartStep: 15, quantizedEndStep: 16},
    {pitch: 57, quantizedStartStep: 16, quantizedEndStep: 17},
    {pitch: 57, quantizedStartStep: 17, quantizedEndStep: 18},
    {pitch: 57, quantizedStartStep: 18, quantizedEndStep: 19},
    {pitch: 65, quantizedStartStep: 19, quantizedEndStep: 20},
    {pitch: 65, quantizedStartStep: 20, quantizedEndStep: 21},
    {pitch: 65, quantizedStartStep: 21, quantizedEndStep: 22},
    {pitch: 57, quantizedStartStep: 22, quantizedEndStep: 23},
    {pitch: 57, quantizedStartStep: 23, quantizedEndStep: 24},
    {pitch: 57, quantizedStartStep: 24, quantizedEndStep: 25},
    {pitch: 57, quantizedStartStep: 25, quantizedEndStep: 26},
    {pitch: 62, quantizedStartStep: 26, quantizedEndStep: 27},
    {pitch: 62, quantizedStartStep: 27, quantizedEndStep: 28},
    {pitch: 65, quantizedStartStep: 28, quantizedEndStep: 29},
    {pitch: 65, quantizedStartStep: 29, quantizedEndStep: 30},
    {pitch: 69, quantizedStartStep: 30, quantizedEndStep: 31},
    {pitch: 69, quantizedStartStep: 31, quantizedEndStep: 32}

// go to to see more checkpoint urls
var melodiesModelCheckPoint = '';

//Uses promises to chain together asynchronous operations.
//Check out for info on promises
new musicvae.MusicVAE(melodiesModelCheckPoint)
    .then(function(musicVAE) {
        //blends between the given two melodies and returns numInterpolations note sequences
        var noteSequences = musicVAE.interpolate([MELODY1, MELODY2], numInterpolations);
        noteSequences.forEach(function(noteSequence, index) {
            displayMelodies(noteSequence.notes, index);

// takes the given array of notes and index. updates the output <spans>
function displayMelodies(notes, index) {
    var output = 'Melody ' + index + ' <br>';
    output += JSON.stringify(notes, null, '  ') + '<br><br>';
    document.querySelector('.output' + index).innerHTML = output;

