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    <table id="listing-events" class="listing text-muted">
      <thead class="dis-non">
            Event Name
      <tbody id="content">
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Tue, 01 - Wed, 02 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">1:00 PM</span>
            <p id="567941" data-edition="1121303">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Annual Drug Design
              &amp; Medicinal Chemistry Congress</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Novotel London West
            Hotel, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Annual Drug Design &amp; Medicinal Chemistry Congress
            will be bringing you the latest in enabling
            technologies, computational based drug design and
            discovery chemistry. Key focus areas include; DNA
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Medical &amp; Pharma</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Tue, 01 - Wed, 02 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">1:00 PM</span>
            <p id="394920" data-edition="1076856">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)" 
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Consortia will bring together the major consortiums
            pioneering blockchain and distributed ledger
            technology (DLT) for trade and receivables finance to
            the business and financial community. Despite
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Banking &amp; Finance</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 03 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">1:30 PM</span>
            <p id="580680" data-edition="1149099">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Practice
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Royal College Of
            Physicians, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            The Practice Evolution Conference is designed for and
            with accountants in practice firmly in mind. We cover
            topics that affect us all on a daily basis, topics
            that as accountants in practice we are expected...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Banking &amp; Finance</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 03 - Fri, 04 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">2:30 PM</span>
            <p id="584653" data-edition="1158502">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Annual Genomic
              Markers Congress</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Annual Genomic Markers Congress with key advancements
            ensuring continuous developments and new data in this
            field, pioneers in genomic technologies and markers
            will share experiences across the development...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Medical &amp; Pharma</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Fri, 04 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">7:30 PM</span>
            <p id="358498" data-edition="1167663">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Scrum Day
            <span class="venue text-drkr">etc.venues Prospero
            House, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Scrum Day London is one of the leading Agile and
            Scrum Conferences in London. You will get to learn
            from top industry players and be able to network .
            Scrum is now being used around the World as a
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Education &amp; Training</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Sat, 05 - Sun, 06 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">7:30 PM</span>
            <p id="427686" data-edition="1218920">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Over the Horizon:
              Comparative Perspectives on Literature
              International Conference</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London Centre for
            Interdisciplinary Research, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Over the Horizon: Comparative Perspectives on
            Literature International Conference will consider the
            theory and the practice of comparative literature and
            will discuss the transformations and travels of...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Education &amp; Training</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Literature</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr border-left-blue" data-localizer=
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Sun, 30 May - Tue, 01 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">7:30 PM</span>
          <td class="border-left-blue">
            <p id="626989" data-edition="1243440">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Australasian Viral
              Hepatitis Conference</a>
          <td class="border-left-blue">
            <span class="venue text-drkr xaLiveA">Online</span>
          <td class="word-break border-left-blue">
            Continuing with the theme of innovation, the Vp021
            committee has decided to move away from the
            traditional face-to-face conference planned for
            Brisbane and adopt a hub model for the conference in
          <td class="border-left-blue" style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Miscellaneous</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Sat, 05 - Sun, 06 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">8:30 Am</span>
            <p id="363915" data-edition="1254389">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)" 
               >Violence and
              Society International Conference (VSIC)</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Birkbeck, University of
            London, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            The Violence and Society International Conference
            will be an attempt to shed light on arguments about
            the social construction and nature of violence,
            applying an interdisciplinary approach to various
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Business Services</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Geography</a></span>
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Anthropology</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Sat, 05 - Sun, 06 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">8:30 Am</span>
            <p id="401143" data-edition="1220067">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Nonviolence and
              Intercultural Dialogue International Conference</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            The Nonviolence and Intercultural Dialogue
            International Conference will provide the attendees
            with the opportunity to gain insights relating to the
            various aspects of Theories of nonviolence,
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Education &amp; Training</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Philosophy</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Mon, 07 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">8:30 Am</span>
            <p id="425414" data-edition="1136112">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Aesthetics
              Business Conference (ABC)</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Royal College Of
            Physicians, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Aesthetics Business Conference, business education
            for start-up practitioners and small businesses so
            that they can grow their practices for the ultimate
            purpose of increasing their personal wealth. ABC...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Business Services</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Wellness, Health &amp; Fitness</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Tue, 08 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">8:00 Am</span>
            <p id="475832" data-edition="971052">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Plastics, From
              Cradle to Grave - and Resurrection</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">SCI, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Plastics, From Cradle to Grave - and Resurrection
            brings together academic and industrial speakers
            sectors with the aim of focussing on assessing
            challenges and opportunities for researchers,
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Industrial
            Engineering</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Plastic
            &amp; Polymers</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Science
            &amp; Research</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Tue, 08 - Wed, 09 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">8:00 Am</span>
            <p id="402950" data-edition="1073515">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)" 
              Sports Convention (ISC)</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Tottenham Hotspur
            Stadium, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            International Sports Convention will provide what we
            believe to be the best networking and delegate
            experience in the sports industry. It will truly
            enhance the overall participant experience and
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Entertainment
            &amp; Media</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Tue, 08 - Wed, 09 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">8:00 Am</span>
            <p id="205715" data-edition="843903">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">International Sun
              Protection Conference</a>
            </p><small>16th edition</small>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Royal College Of
            Physicians, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            The Sun Protection conference has been running
            biennially since 1993 and is one of the leading
            events in the industry calendar. The 15th edition of
            the Sun Protection conference series took place on
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Science
            &amp; Research</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Tue, 08 - Wed, 09 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">8:00 Am</span>
            <p id="406778" data-edition="1177962">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Resourcing the
              Future Conference</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">One Great George
            Street, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Resourcing the Future Conference will provide an
            unmissable opportunity to understand and debate the
            key issues surrounding the waste and resources sector
            and the circular economy. Join government
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Environment &amp; Waste</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td colspan="6" class="tb-foot" style=
          "min-height: 205px;">
            <ins class="adsbygoogle block" style=
            "min-height: 175px; height: 175px;" data-ad-client=
            "ca-pub-8525015516580200" data-ad-slot="5364750165"
            data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-layout-key=
            "-gi-2l-n-5m+rc" data-adsbygoogle-status=
            "done"><ins id="aswift_1_expand" style=
            <ins id="aswift_1_anchor" style=
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).requestNonPersonalizedAds=0;adsbygoogle.push({});
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Tue, 08 - Wed, 09 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">8:00 Am</span>
            <p id="608000" data-edition="1205921">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">EV Charging
              Infrastructure AC DC V1G V2G FOCUS Days (EVC)</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">The British Museum,
          <td class="word-break">
            EV Charging Infrastructure AC, DC, V1G, V2G is the
            Stakeholder Focus Day promoting responsible public
            and corporate stakeholder efforts in achieving net
            zero carbon commitment through facilitating EV
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Auto &amp;
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Wed, 09 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">8:00 Am</span>
            <p id="109913" data-edition="1160699">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">The Market Insight
              Forum UK</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">iET London: Savoy
            Place, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            The aim of our event is to put you in touch with your
            peer group, create lasting business relationships
            whilst providing high profile industry speakers
            within our CPD accredited conference programme.
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Business Services</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Wed, 09 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">10:00 Am</span>
            <p id="592448" data-edition="1174942">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Innovating for a
              Better Future: 9 Young Scientists Transforming Our
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Sixty One Whitehall,
          <td class="word-break">
            Science enthusiasts from all walks of life are
            invited to attend this public series of short,
            interactive talks. These young researchers are at the
            frontlines of research that will shape the future
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Science
            &amp; Research</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            IT &amp; Technology</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Wed, 09 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">10:00 Am</span>
            <p id="546498" data-edition="1084021">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Plasma Surfaces
              and Thin Films</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">The Institute Of
            Physics, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            This one day meeting is a popular annual event
            providing a forum for those involved in using plasmas
            and ion beams for surface modification, surface
            analysis and thin film deposition. Topics covered
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Science
            &amp; Research</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Wed, 09 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">10:00 Am</span>
            <p id="486207" data-edition="1137622">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">National Nursing
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            National Nursing Conference will provide a vital
            opportunity for the nursing community to consider the
            challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and the
            changing landscape of the nursing profession....
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Medical &amp; Pharma</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Wed, 09 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">10:00 Am</span>
            <p id="473376" data-edition="1137627">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">The National
              Conference for Nurses (Nursing Conference)</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            The National Conference for Nurses will provide a
            vital opportunity for the nursing community to
            consider the challenges and opportunities that lie
            ahead and the changing landscape of the nursing
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Medical &amp; Pharma</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Nursing</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Sun, 30 May - Thu, 10 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">10:00 Am</span>
            <p id="174767" data-edition="1245703">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">The Customer
              Service and Public Relations Masterclass</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            The Customer Service and Public Relations Masterclass
            combines the disciplines of advanced customer service
            management and PR/communications in a powerful
            state-of-the-art program to enable you to exploit...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Education &amp; Training</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Sun, 06 - Thu, 10 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="174877" data-edition="1254617">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Mastering
              Strategic Decision Making</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Every organisation is unique, with its own strategic
            objectives, capabilities and strategic options
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Education &amp; Training</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Sun, 06 - Thu, 10 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="174769" data-edition="1268607">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Advanced Conflict
              Resolution &amp; Change Management Strategies</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Advanced Conflict Resolution &amp; Change Management
            Strategies, we use trusted instruments to measure
            your personal style when in conflict and we will
            coach you through the issues that arise from the
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Education &amp; Training</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Sun, 06 - Thu, 10 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="601140" data-edition="1192144">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">IFSSH - FESSH
              Combined Congress</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">ExCeL London,
          <td class="word-break">
            IFSSH - FESSH Combined Congress topics are Fractures
            and Dislocations, Infection and Sepsis,
            Osteoarthritis, Dupuytren&#8217;s Disease, Tumours,
            Wrist Surgery, The Scaphoid, The Distal Radio-ulnar
            Joint and...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Medical &amp; Pharma</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td colspan="6" class="tb-foot" style=
          "min-height: 205px;">
            <ins class="adsbygoogle block" style=
            "min-height: 175px; height: 175px;" data-ad-client=
            "ca-pub-8525015516580200" data-ad-slot="5364750165"
            data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-layout-key=
            "-gi-2l-n-5m+rc" data-adsbygoogle-status=
            "done"><ins id="aswift_2_expand" style=
            <ins id="aswift_2_anchor" style=
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).requestNonPersonalizedAds=0;adsbygoogle.push({});
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Mon, 07 - Thu, 10 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <a href="javascript:void(0)"
             ><img class=
            "ml-5 mb-5 br pull-right" src=
            alt="wor" loading="lazy" width="70" height="70"></a>
            <p id="30989" data-edition="1067304">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Working Through
              Drug Development</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">The Rembrandt Hotel,
          <td class="word-break">
            Conference on working through drug development
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Medical &amp; Pharma</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Mon, 07 - Thu, 10 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="424712" data-edition="1078243">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Future Lawyer Week
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Studio Spaces,
          <td class="word-break">
            Future Lawyer Week is a four-day interactive legal
            innovation event filled with a series of social
            activities and three-full day conferences with
            thought-provoking discussions specifically designed
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Business Services</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Security &amp; Defense</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Wed, 09 - Thu, 10 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="389692" data-edition="1156946">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)" 
              Mental Health Nursing Research Conference London
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Royal College of
            Nursing, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            International Mental Health Nursing Research
            Conference London will feature transformed mental
            health care in support of the stronger policy,
            systems and shared purpose was reflected in our
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Medical &amp; Pharma</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Nursing</a></span>
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Mental
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="127270" data-edition="1072992">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">The Finance
              Directors Forum</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Four Seasons Hotel
            London at Park Lane, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Finance Directors Forum provides opportunities to
            connect and engage with your industry community.
            Discover more about your industry through a blend of
            CPD accredited conference sessions and individual...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Banking &amp; Finance</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="223417" data-edition="1187968">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">European Corporate
              Development Summit</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Corinthia,
          <td class="word-break">
            European Corporate Development Summit will provide a
            rare opportunity for in-house corporate development
            teams to engage in peer to peer discussions with
            fellow teams from European multinationals across...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Education &amp; Training</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="403559" data-edition="1075837">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Society of Trust
              and Estate Practitioners UK Tax Conference (STEP UK
              Tax Conference)</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Park Plaza Westminster
            Bridge London, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            STEP Annual Tax Conference will explore the impact of
            major developments that have occurred in recent
            years, including DOTAS one year on and the Capital
            Gains Tax changes in recent Finance Acts, notably...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Education &amp; Training</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Banking &amp; Finance</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 Jun 2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="546474" data-edition="1083977">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">LeadDev Manager of
              Managers London</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Banking Hall London,
          <td class="word-break">
            Senior engineering management roles bring a new set
            of challenges, but support can be hard to find. Join
            Directors, Heads and VPs of Engineering, and CTOs at
            Lead Dev Manager of Managers to become a better...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Business Services</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Wed, 09 - Fri, 11 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="166130" data-edition="1048507">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Risky Business
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Kings Place,
          <td class="word-break">
            The Risky Business London aims to think outside of
            our sphere of influence and share new ideas about
            managing risk, culture, systems, and human
            performance from other high-risk industries, to learn
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Science
            &amp; Research</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Wed, 09 - Fri, 11 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="436942" data-edition="878890">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)" 
              Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological
              Assessment and Remediation (CLEAR)</a>
            </p><small>5th edition</small>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Middlesex University
            London, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            International Conference on Contaminated Land,
            Ecological Assessment and Remediation provides an
            international platform for scientists, consultants,
            and policy makers to interact. The CLEAR biennial
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Environment &amp; Waste</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Ecology</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Wed, 09 - Fri, 11 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <a href="javascript:void(0)"
             ><img class=
            "ml-5 mb-5 br pull-right" src=
            alt="dat" loading="lazy" width="70" height="70"></a>
            <p id="428349" data-edition="1141943">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Data Mining and
              Engineering in Finance</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            How to to build an entire ecosystem of quality data
            for trade and risk in finance
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            IT &amp; Technology</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Big Data</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td colspan="6" class="tb-foot" style=
          "min-height: 205px;">
            <ins class="adsbygoogle block" style=
            "min-height: 175px; height: 175px;" data-ad-client=
            "ca-pub-8525015516580200" data-ad-slot="5364750165"
            data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-layout-key=
            "-gi-2l-n-5m+rc" data-adsbygoogle-status=
            "done"><ins id="aswift_3_expand" style=
            <ins id="aswift_3_anchor" style=
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).requestNonPersonalizedAds=0;adsbygoogle.push({});
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 - Fri, 11 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">6:00 PM</span>
            <p id="335073" data-edition="1152177">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Annual RPA and AI
              in the Financial Market</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Annual RPA and AI in the Financial Market will offer
            case studies on how financials are moving from the
            low hanging fruit of automation to cascading RPA
            projects with end to end automation of workflows...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Banking &amp; Finance</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            IT &amp; Technology</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 - Fri, 11 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">4:00 PM</span>
            <p id="298706" data-edition="1044101">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)" 
              Conference on Nuclear Power Plants Structures Risk
              Control &amp; Decommissioning (NUPP)</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Jurys Inn Croydon,
          <td class="word-break">
            The International Conference on Nuclear Power Plants,
            Structures, Risk &amp; Decommissioning, the
            conference will cover areas like advanced structural
            analysis, containment design, structural integrity,
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Renewable Energy</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Power
            &amp; Energy</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 - Fri, 11 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">4:00 PM</span>
            <a href="javascript:void(0)"
             ><img class=
            "ml-5 mb-5 br pull-right" src=
            alt="ann" loading="lazy" width="70" height="70"></a>
            <p id="456559" data-edition="1149687">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Annual RPA and AI
              in the Financial Market</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London Marriott Hotel
            Canary Wharf, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Drive large scale adoption of RPA and progress
            towards intelligent automation like machine learning
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Banking &amp; Finance</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            IT &amp; Technology</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 - Fri, 11 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">4:00 PM</span>
            <p id="590609" data-edition="1171056">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Behavioural
              Finance Working Group Conference- Behavioural
              Finance and Ethics</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">Queen Mary University
            of London, London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            The Behavioural Finance Working Group (BFWG)
            conference is a two-day meeting, jointly organized by
            the BFWG and School of Business and Management, Queen
            Mary University of London, UK. It examines a wide...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Business Services</a></span> <span class=
            "dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Banking &amp; Finance</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 - Fri, 11 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">4:00 PM</span>
            <a href="javascript:void(0)"
             ><img class=
            "ml-5 mb-5 br pull-right" src=
            alt="adv" loading="lazy" width="70" height="70"></a>
            <p id="473058" data-edition="1162505">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">Advanced
              Management of Banking Book Risk</a>
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            Take advantage of our online live stream of the
            event, enabling you to attend all presentations.
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Banking &amp; Finance</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 - Fri, 11 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">4:00 PM</span>
            <p id="273447" data-edition="1065713">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)" 
               >IFB National
            <span class="venue text-drkr">London</span>
          <td class="word-break">
            The IFB National Conference is an opportunity to hear
            from some world class speakers from the family
            business world, and to share experiences with other
            families in a relaxed, private environment. The...
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Business Services</a></span>
        <tr class="box">
          <td class="text-drkr" data-localizer="ignore">
            <img class="pull-right" src=
            "" data-src=
            alt="0" loading="lazy"> <span class="eventTime"
            data-timezone="" data-status="active"
            data-timezone-country="">Thu, 10 - Fri, 11 Jun
            2021</span> <span class="start-time">4:30 PM</span>
            <p id="549487" data-edition="1088078">
              <a href="javascript:void(0)">AFIRE European
            <span class="venue text-drkr">The Langham, London,
          <td class="word-break">
            We look forward to seeing you in London for the AFIRE
            European Conference! Taking place June 10-11, 2021.
            Registration will open December 2020.
          <td style="line-height:2;">
            <span class="dis-inblk label label-tag mr-5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">
            Business Services</a></span>



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                'use strict';

var inputFormat = "ccc, dd LLL yyyy",
    eventTimes  = $('.eventTime'),
    startDates  = new Array(eventTimes.length), 
    endDates    = new Array(eventTimes.length);

eventTimes.each(function(index) {
  var $this      = $(this),
      startTime  = $,
                               // remove extra newlines and spaces in source
      eventDates = $this.text().replace(/\n\s+/,' ').split(' - ');
  startTime = luxon.DateTime.fromString(startTime.text(), 'h:mm a', {zone: 'utc'});
  // check if date range
  if (eventDates.length === 1) {
    startDates[index] = 
      luxon.DateTime.fromFormat(eventDates[0], inputFormat, {zone: 'utc'})
      .set({hour: startTime.hour, minute: startTime.minute});
  } else if (eventDates.length === 2) {
    var startDate = eventDates[1].replace(/[a-zA-Z]{3}, \d{2}/, eventDates[0]);
    startDates[index] = 
      luxon.DateTime.fromFormat(startDate, inputFormat, {zone: 'utc'});
    endDates[index] = 
      luxon.DateTime.fromFormat(eventDates[1], inputFormat, {zone: 'utc'});

