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Babel includes JSX processing.

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                <script type="module" src=""></script>

  Showing off Spicy Sections
  This demo shows different designed affordances at different screen sizes (resize your viewport and view the source too)…
  <li><code>0-30em</code>: collapsable sections</li>
  <li><code>30-60em</code>: structured content</li>
  <li><code>60em+</code>: tab-bar</li>

<spicy-sections id="demos">
      The <code>tab-bar</code> affordance
      can use shadow-dom to establish
      a styleable tab-bar and panels.
      The required parts can be exposed for styling
      with consistent pseudo-elements.
      In a tab state, we likely want to style:
      <li>The outer box</li>
      <li>The tab bar</li>
      <li>The tabs themselves</li>
      <li>The selected tab</li>
      <li>The tab panel area</li>
      The accordion-like <code>collapse</code> affordance
      also uses shadow-dom to establish
      summary-details like behavior for each section,
      with an option to make the toggle-states
      In an accordion state, we likely want to style:
      <li>The outer box</li>
      <li>The section headings/buttons</li>
      <li>The open/closed marker</li>
      <li>Open and closed heading styles</li>
      <li>Open and closed content styles</li>
  <h2>Structured Content</h2>
      The fallback state is simply structured HTML,
      without any show/hide affordances.
      This does not require any special styling.


                spicy-sections {
  /* Big hand-wave over how we'd ultimately express this, but for this custom element, this is how you inform when you'd like to emply which affodances 'collapse', 'tab-bar' and 'exclusive-collapse' are the available affordances.  Anything else is, effectively "plain" or "none". It is only read once.
  --const-mq-affordances: [screen and (max-width: 40em) ] collapse | [screen and
    (min-width: 60em) ] tab-bar;
  display: block;
  border: thick var(--demo-border, solid black);
  border-width: thick 0;
  padding: 1em;

/* just normal css/dom any heading works */
h2 {
  font-size: var(--heading-size, 1.2em);
  margin: 0;

/* you can tell there are none employed */
h2:not([affordance] *) {
  margin-bottom: 0.5em;

/* content panels when plain */
h2:not([affordance] *):not(:first-child) {
  margin-top: 1.5em;

/* content panels, always */
spicy-sections h2 + * {
  margin-top: 0;

/* accordion buttons */
[affordance="collapse"] {
  --heading-size: 1em;
  --demo-border: dotted tomato;

/* structured content */
spicy-sections:not([affordance]) {
  --demo-border: dashed teal;

/* tabs */
[affordance="tab-bar"] {
  --demo-border: solid mediumvioletred;

/* the pseudo element created around the tabs, when it exists */
::part(tab-list) {
  display: flex;

/* only when they're tabs */
[affordance="tab-bar"] h2 {
  padding: 0.125em 0.5em;
  cursor: pointer;

/* Only when they're tabs and selected */
[affordance="tab-bar"] h2[tabindex="0"] {
  background: papayawhip;
  border: 0;

/* Tabs that aren't selected */
[affordance="tab-bar"] h2:not([tabindex="0"]) {
  color: gray;

/* content, when it's tabs */
[affordance="tab-bar"] [role="tabpanel"] {
  background: papayawhip;
  padding: 1em;



