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// Vars

function Room(fill, viewBox, items) {
	this.value = 0;
	this.items = items || 4;
	this.fill = fill;
	this.viewBox = viewBox;

var rooms = {
	dressingroom: new Room('#cd5c5c', '30 202 150 100', 3),
	livingroom: new Room('#66cdaa', '153 198 165 105'),
	kitchen: new Room('#f0e68c', '305 202 150 100'),
	bedroom: new Room('#ffe4c4', '103 104 155 98'),
	bathroom: new Room('#ffffe0', '259 104 165 100', 3),
	cabinet: new Room('#d8Bfd8', '105 -20 255 150', 3),
	totalItems: 0

var tlThrowItems = new TimelineMax();
var tlEnd = new TimelineMax({paused: true});

// Set

TweenMax.set(['.item', '.place', '#ground', '#smile'], {
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// Timelines

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// Draggable

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	onDrag: onDrag,
	onDragEnd: onDragEnd

function onDragEnd() {
	var hitTarget ='data-item');
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	if (rooms[room].value >= rooms[room].items) {'#' + room, .85, {
			fill: rooms[room].fill,
			ease: Back.easeOut
	if (rooms.totalItems >= 21) {;

function onDrag() {
	var hitTarget ='data-item');
	var room ='data-room');

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			ease: Bounce.easeOut
		})'.place-' + hitTarget, .35, {
			scale: 0
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// Helpers

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function cursorShow() {
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function zoomIn(viewBox) {'svg', .95, {
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function zoomOut() {'svg', 1.15, {
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