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Any URLs added here will be added as <link>s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.

+ add another resource


Babel includes JSX processing.

Add External Scripts/Pens

Any URL's added here will be added as <script>s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.

+ add another resource


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Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.


Auto Save

If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.

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                <!-- Hey guys, my name is Bhumi, and here is my try making a Jigsaw puzzle after referring to various videos and sites. Hope you all enjoy my game, drop a like if you do. Also, kindy leave your review about it, I would love to hear from you.
You can get to know me on LinkedIn:
Also, here is my blog-post on making this game. -->

<div class="puzzle">
	<div class="heading">
			<sub>🧩</sub> <sup>🧩</sup> <sub>🧩</sub> <sup>🧩</sup> <sub>🧩</sub>  <sub>🧩</sub>
		<h1>JigSaw Puzzle</h1>
			<sup>🧩</sup> <sub>🧩</sub> <sup>🧩</sup> <sub>🧩</sub> <sup>🧩</sup>  <sup>🧩</sup>
	<div class="answer"></div>
	<i><h6>🧩Wait for the screen below to load. <br>🧩Click on 'Options'. <br>🧩Select your puzzle level. <br>🧩You can also load your own image. <br>🧩Try not to look at the reference again. <br>🧩Refresh to solve a new image.
	&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
		Happy Puzzling! ;)
	<div class="grid">
		<div id="forPuzzle"></div>
		<div class="tile tile--empty" style="--area:I"></div>


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        background: url(,holiday,festive);
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    .tile--3 {
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    .tile--5 {
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    .tile--6 {
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    .tile--7 {
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    .tile--8 {
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                "use strict";
  let autoStart;
function isMiniature() {
return location.pathname.includes('/fullcpgrid/');
  function arrayShuffle (array) {
  let k1, temp;
  for (let k = array.length - 1; k >= 1; --k) {
    k1 = Math.floor((k + 1) * Math.random());
    temp = array[k];
    array[k] = array[k1];
    array[k1] = temp;
  return array
function Menu(params) {
  let parentDiv = params.parentDiv;
  if (typeof(parentDiv) == 'string') parentDiv = document.getElementById(parentDiv);
  let divMenu=document.createElement('div');
  divMenu.setAttribute ("id",params.idDivMenu);
  let dt = document.createElement('div');
  dt.classList.add('title'); dt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(params.title));
  for (let k = 0; k < params.lines.length; ++k){
    dt.classList.add('line'); dt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(params.lines[k].text)); + k * params.lineStep) + "px"; dt.addEventListener("click",params.lines[k].func);
  } = (params.lineOffset + params.lines.length * params.lineStep) +'px'
function Point(x,y) {
  this.x = Number(x);
  this.y = Number(y);
Point.prototype.copy = function() {
  return new Point(this.x,this.y);
function Segment(p1,p2) {
  this.p1=new Point(p1.x,p1.y);
  this.p2=new Point(p2.x,p2.y);
Segment.prototype.length = function() {
  var dx=this.p1.x-this.p2.x;
  var dy=this.p1.y-this.p2.y;
  return Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
Segment.prototype.intersect = function(otherSegment) {
  var x1=this.p1.x;
  var y1=this.p1.y;
  var x2=this.p2.x;
  var y2=this.p2.y;
  var x3=otherSegment.p1.x;
  var y3=otherSegment.p1.y;
  var x4=otherSegment.p2.x;
  var y4=otherSegment.p2.y;
  var discri=(y2-y1)*(x4-x3)-(x2-x1)*(y4-y3);
  var xs=x1*(y2-y1)*(x4-x3)-x3*(x2-x1)*(y4-y3)+(y3-y1)*(x2-x1)*(x4-x3);
  var ys=y1*(x2-x1)*(y4-y3)-y3*(y2-y1)*(x4-x3)+(x3-x1)*(y2-y1)*(y4-y3);
  return new Point(xs,ys);
Segment.prototype.dx =function() {
  return this.p2.x-this.p1.x;
Segment.prototype.dy =function() {
  return this.p2.y-this.p1.y;
Segment.prototype.cross =function(otherSegment) {
  return (this.dx()*otherSegment.dy()-this.dy()*otherSegment.dx());
Segment.prototype.sin =function(otherSegment) {
  return this.cross(otherSegment)/this.length()/otherSegment.length();
} =function(otherSegment) {
  return (this.dx()*otherSegment.dx()+this.dy()*otherSegment.dy());
Segment.prototype.cos =function(otherSegment) {
Segment.prototype.pointOnAbsolute = function (abscisse) {
  var dx= this.p2.x-this.p1.x;
  var dy= this.p2.y-this.p1.y;
  var lng=Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
  return new Point(this.p1.x+abscisse*dx/lng, this.p1.y+abscisse*dy/lng);
Segment.prototype.pointOnRelative = function (coeff) {
  var dx= this.p2.x-this.p1.x;
  var dy= this.p2.y-this.p1.y;
  return new Point(this.p1.x+coeff*dx, this.p1.y+coeff*dy);
Segment.prototype.perpendicularOrigin = function (positive) {
  var dx= this.p2.x-this.p1.x;
  var dy= this.p2.y-this.p1.y;
  if (positive) return new Segment(this.p1,new Point(this.p1.x-dy,this.p1.y+dx));
  return new Segment(this.p1,new Point(this.p1.x+dy,this.p1.y-dx));
Segment.prototype.perpendicularEnd = function (positive) {
  var dx= this.p2.x-this.p1.x;
  var dy= this.p2.y-this.p1.y;
  if (positive) return new Segment(this.p2,new Point(this.p2.x-dy,this.p2.y+dx));
  return new Segment(this.p2,new Point(this.p2.x+dy,this.p2.y-dx));
let uploadFile;
  let options, callBack;
  let elFile = document.createElement('input');
  elFile.setAttribute('type', 'file'); = 'none';
  elFile.addEventListener("change", getFile);
  function getFile() {
    if (this.files.length == 0) {
      returnLoadFile ({fail: 'no file'});
    let file = this.files[0];
    let reader = new FileReader();
    reader.addEventListener('load', () => {
      if (options.image) options.image.src = reader.result;
      returnLoadFile ({success: reader.result, file: file});
    reader.addEventListener('abort', () => {
      returnLoadFile ({fail: 'abort'});
    reader.addEventListener('error', () => {
      returnLoadFile ({fail: 'error'});
    if (options.image || options.readMethod == 'readAsDataURL')
    else    reader.readAsText(this.files[0]);
  function returnLoadFile(returnedValue) {
uploadFile = function(ocallBack, ooptions) {
  options = ooptions;
  callBack = ocallBack;
  if (options.accept) elFile.setAttribute("accept", options.accept);
  else elFile.removeAttribute("accept");;
function Side() {
  this.type = ""; 
  this.points = []; 
Side.prototype.drawPath = function(ctx, shiftx, shifty, backwards, withoutMoveTo) {
  let k, mix, miy;
  if (backwards) {
    if (!withoutMoveTo) {   ctx.moveTo(this.points[this.points.length - 1].x - shiftx, this.points[this.points.length - 1].y - shifty);
    if(this.type == "d") {
      ctx.lineTo(this.points[0].x - shiftx, this.points[0].y - shifty);
    } else {
      for (k = this.points.length - 2 ; k>0; k--) {
        if (k >1) {
          mix = (this.points[k].x + this.points[k - 1].x) / 2 - shiftx;
          miy = (this.points[k].y + this.points[k - 1].y) / 2 - shifty;    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.points[k].x - shiftx, this.points[k].y - shifty, mix, miy);
        } else {    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.points[k].x - shiftx, this.points[k].y - shifty, this.points[k - 1].x - shiftx, this.points[k - 1].y - shifty);
  } else {
    if (!withoutMoveTo) {
      ctx.moveTo(this.points[0].x - shiftx, this.points[0].y - shifty);
    if(this.type == "d") {
      ctx.lineTo(this.points[1].x - shiftx, this.points[1].y - shifty);
    } else { 
      for (k = 1 ; k < this.points.length - 1; k++) {
        if (k < this.points.length - 2) {
          mix = (this.points[k].x + this.points[k + 1].x) / 2 - shiftx;
          miy = (this.points[k].y + this.points[k + 1].y) / 2 - shifty;    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.points[k].x - shiftx, this.points[k].y - shifty, mix, miy);
        } else { ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.points[k].x - shiftx, this.points[k].y - shifty, this.points[k + 1].x - shiftx, this.points[k + 1].y - shifty);
function Piece(kx, ky) { 
  this.ts = new Side(); = new Side(); = new Side(); = new Side(); 
  this.kx = kx; = ky;
Piece.prototype.drawPath = function (ctx, shiftx, shifty, withoutBeginPath) {
  if (withoutBeginPath !== true) ctx.beginPath();
  this.ts.drawPath(ctx, shiftx, shifty, false, false);, shiftx, shifty, false, true);, shiftx, shifty, true, true);, shiftx, shifty, true, true);   
Piece.prototype.createDivPiece = function(puzzle, scale, offsx, offsy) {
  let ctx, shiftx, shifty;
  this.theDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 3 * puzzle.dx + "px"; = 3 * puzzle.dy + "px"; = "absolute";
  this.theCanv = document.createElement('canvas');
  this.theCanv.width = 3 * puzzle.dx;
  this.theCanv.height = 3 * puzzle.dy;
  shiftx = puzzle.dx * (this.kx - 1);
  shifty = puzzle.dy * ( - 1);
  ctx = this.ctx = this.theCanv.getContext("2d");
  this.drawPath(ctx, shiftx, shifty);
  ctx.drawImage(puzzle.image, (this.kx - 1) * puzzle.dx / scale + offsx, ( - 1 ) * puzzle.dy / scale + offsy, 3 * puzzle.dx / scale, 3 * puzzle.dy / scale,0, 0,3 * puzzle.dx, 3 * puzzle.dy);
let shift = 1, thickness = 2;
   if (puzzle.dx > 100 && puzzle.dy > 100) {
    shift = 2; thickness = 5;
  } else if (puzzle.dx > 50 && puzzle.dy > 50) {
    shift = 1.5; thickness = 3;
this.drawPath(ctx, shiftx + shift, shifty + shift);
  ctx.lineWidth = thickness;
  ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)";
  this.drawPath(ctx, shiftx - shift, shifty - shift);
  ctx.lineWidth = thickness;
  ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)";
  this.drawPath(ctx, shiftx, shifty); 
  this.moveTo(new Point((this.kx - 1) * puzzle.dx + Puzzle.MARGIN1,
                        ( - 1) * puzzle.dy + Puzzle.MARGIN1));
this.theDiv.appendChild(this.theCanv);return this.theDiv;
Piece.prototype.where = function() {
  let x, y;
  x = parseFloat(;
  y = parseFloat(;
  return new Point(x, y);
Piece.prototype.moveTo = function(onePoint) { = onePoint.y + "px"; = onePoint.x + "px";
Piece.prototype.insidePiece = function(x, y) {
  let styl = getComputedStyle(this.theDiv);
  let xloc = x - parseFloat(styl.left); 
  let yloc = y - parseFloat(;
  return this.ctx.isPointInPath(xloc, yloc);
function PolyPiece(initialPiece, puzz) {
  this.pckxmin  =
  this.pckxmax  =
  this.pckymin  =
  this.pckymax = initialPiece;
  this.pieces = [initialPiece];
  this.puzzle = puzz;
PolyPiece.prototype.merge = function(otherPoly) {
  for (let k = 0; k < otherPoly.pieces.length; ++k) { this.pieces.push(otherPoly.pieces[k]);   
    if (otherPoly.pieces[k].kx < this.pckxmin.kx) this.pckxmin = otherPoly.pieces[k];
    if (otherPoly.pieces[k].kx > this.pckxmax.kx) this.pckxmax = otherPoly.pieces[k];
    if (otherPoly.pieces[k].ky < this.pckymin = otherPoly.pieces[k];
    if (otherPoly.pieces[k].ky > this.pckymax = otherPoly.pieces[k];
  } // for k
  this.pieces.sort(function(p1, p2){
       if ( < return  - 1;
       if ( > return 1;
       if (p1.kx < p2.kx) return  - 1;
       if (p1.kx > p2.kx) return 1;
       return 0; // should not occur

PolyPiece.prototype.where = function() {
  return this.pieces[0].where();

PolyPiece.prototype.moveTo = function(pnt) {

  for (let kp = 1; kp < this.pieces.length; ++kp) {
    this.pieces[kp].moveTo(new Point(pnt.x + this.puzzle.dx * (this.pieces[kp].kx - this.pieces[0].kx ), pnt.y + this.puzzle.dy * (this.pieces[kp].ky - this.pieces[0].ky )));
  } // for kp
PolyPiece.prototype.ifNear = function(otherPoly) {

  let p1, p2;
  for (let kp = 0; kp < this.pieces.length; ++kp) {
    p1 = this.pieces[kp];
    for (let kn = 0; kn < otherPoly.pieces.length; ++kn) {
      p2 = otherPoly.pieces[kn];
      if ((p1.kx == p2.kx && == + 1) &&
          (this.puzzle.near(p1, p2, 0, - 1))) return true;
      if ((p1.kx == p2.kx && == - 1) &&
          (this.puzzle.near(p1, p2, 0, 1))) return true;
      if ((p1.kx - 1 == p2.kx && == &&
          (this.puzzle.near(p1, p2, - 1, 0))) return true;
      if ((p1.kx + 1 == p2.kx && == &&
          (this.puzzle.near(p1, p2, + 1, 0))) return true;
  return false; 
function Puzzle(params) {
  if (typeof(params.img) == 'string') {
    this.image = new Image();
    this.image.src = params.img; this.image.addEventListener("load", (function(obj){
      return function() {
  } else {
    this.image = params.img;
} // Puzzle
Puzzle.MARGIN1 = 5;
Puzzle.prototype.createPuzzle = function(params){
  let wi = this.image.width; 
  let he = this.image.height;
  this.reqHeight = params.height; 
  this.reqWidth = params.width;
  this.height = this.reqHeight - 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1; 
  this.width = this.reqWidth - 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1; 
  if (wi / he > this.width / this.height) { 
    this.height = this.width * he / wi;
  } else {
    this.width = this.height * wi / he;
  if (typeof(params.idiv) == 'string') {
    this.divGame = document.getElementById(params.idiv);
  } else {
    this.divGame = params.idiv;
  } = 'visible'; = 'relative';
  if (!this.divBoard) {
    this.divBoard = document.createElement('div'); this.divGame.appendChild(this.divBoard);
  } = 'hidden'; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0;
  this.listeners = []; = = this.width + 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1 + "px"; = = this.height + 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1 + "px";
  if (!this.canvMobile) {
    this.canvMobile = document.createElement('canvas');  this.divBoard.appendChild(this.canvMobile);
  } = 'visible';
  this.canvMobile.width = parseFloat(;
  this.canvMobile.height = parseFloat(; = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = 50000;
  this.dCoupling = 10;  this.canvMobile.getContext("2d").drawImage(this.image,0, 0, wi, he,
 Puzzle.MARGIN1, Puzzle.MARGIN1, this.width, this.height);
 if (! {
   = new Menu({
                parentDiv: this.divGame,
                idDivMenu: "divmenu",
                title: " OPTIONS",
                lineOffset: 40,
                lineStep: 30,
                lines: [
                  {text: "Load", func: this.loadImage()},
                  {text: "12 Pieces", func: this.returnFunct(12)},
                  {text: "25 Pieces", func: this.returnFunct(25)},
                  {text: "50 Pieces", func: this.returnFunct(50)},
                  {text: "100 Pieces", func: this.returnFunct(100)},
                  {text: "200 Pieces", func: this.returnFunct(200)}
  if (autoStart) {
     this.npieces = 25;;
Puzzle.prototype.returnFunct = function(nbpieces) {

  let puz = this;
    return function() {
     puz.npieces = nbpieces;;
Puzzle.prototype.loadImage = function () {
  let puz = this;
  return function() {
    uploadFile(() => {},
              {accept: 'image/*',
               readMethod: 'readAsDataURL',
               image: puz.image});
} = function() {
  let nx, ny, dx, dy, kx, ky, x, y, p1, p2, p3, brd, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, concav;
  let coeffDecentr = 0.15;
  let coeff1min = 0.8;
  let coeff1max = 0.9;
  let coeff2min = 0.1;
  let coeff2max = 0.15;
  let coeff3min = 0.05;
  let coeff3max = 0.1;
  let coeff4min = 0.15;
  let coeff4max = 0.2; = 'hidden'; 
  nx = this.nx;  ny = this.ny;
  if (this.image.width / this.image.height <
       (this.reqWidth - 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1) / (this.reqHeight - 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1)) { 
    this.width = (this.reqWidth - 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1) / (nx + 2) * nx;
    this.height = this.width / this.image.width * this.image.height;
    if (this.height > this.reqHeight - 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1) {
      this.height = this.reqHeight - 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1;
      this.width = this.height * this.image.width / this.image.height;
    this.freeSpace = 0; 
  } else {
    this.height = (this.reqHeight - 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1) / (ny + 2) * ny;
    this.width = this.height / this.image.height * this.image.width;
    if (this.width > this.reqWidth - 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1) {
      this.width = this.reqWidth - 2 * Puzzle.MARGIN1;
      this.height = this.width * this.image.height / this.image.width;
    this.freeSpace = 1; // place left under
  let height = this.height, width = this.width;
  this.dx = dx = this.width / nx; // horizontal side of tiling
  this.dy = dy = this.height / ny; // vertical side of tiling

/* adjust coupling distance to size of tiles */
  this.dCoupling = Math.max(10, Math.min(dx, dy) / 10);

// "clean" the board
  while (this.divBoard.firstChild) this.divBoard.removeChild(this.divBoard.firstChild);
// but keep the canvMobile

  this.canvMobile.width = this.reqWidth;
    = this.canvMobile.width + "px";

  this.canvMobile.height = this.reqHeight;
    = this.canvMobile.height + "px";

// compute the shapes of the pieces

  let lSide = [];
  let rSide = [];
  for (ky = 0; ky <=  ny; ++ky) {
    if (ky == 0) y = 0; else if (ky == ny) y = height; else y = (ky + (2 * Math.random() - 1) * coeffDecentr) * dy;
    lSide[ky] = new Point(0, y);
    if (ky == 0) y = 0; else if (ky == ny) y = height; else y = (ky + (2 * Math.random() - 1) * coeffDecentr) * dy;
    rSide[ky] = new Point(this.width, y);
  } // compute left and right side

  let tSide = [];
  let bSide = [];
  for (kx = 0; kx <=  nx; ++kx) {
    if (kx == 0) x = 0; else if (kx == nx) x = width; else x = (kx + (2 * Math.random() - 1) * coeffDecentr) * dx;
    tSide[kx] = new Point(x, 0);
    if (kx == 0) x = 0; else if (kx == nx) x = width; else x = (kx + (2 * Math.random() - 1) * coeffDecentr) * dx;
    bSide[kx] = new Point(x, this.height);
  } // compute top and bottom sides

// vertices along horizontal axis
  let verticesH = [];
  for (ky = 0; ky < ny - 1; ++ky) {
    verticesH[ky] = [];
    for (kx = 0; kx < nx; ++kx) {
      x = (kx + 0.5 + (2 * Math.random() - 1) * coeffDecentr / 2) * dx;
      y = (ky + 1 + (2 * Math.random() - 1) * coeffDecentr) * dy;
      verticesH[ky][kx] = new Point(x, y);
    } // for kx
  } // for ky

// vertices along vertical axis
  let verticesV = [];
  for (kx = 0; kx < nx - 1; ++kx) {
    verticesV[kx] = [];
    for (ky = 0; ky < ny; ++ky) {
      y = (ky + 0.5 + (2 * Math.random() - 1) * coeffDecentr / 2) * dy;
      x = (kx + 1 + (2 * Math.random() - 1) * coeffDecentr) * dx;
      verticesV[kx][ky] = new Point(x, y);
  let tbIntersect = [];
  for (ky = 0; ky < ny - 1; ++ky) {
    tbIntersect[ky] = [];
    for (kx = 0; kx < nx - 1; ++kx) {
      tbIntersect[ky][kx] = new Segment(verticesV[kx][ky], verticesV[kx][ky + 1])
         .intersect(new Segment(verticesH[ky][kx], verticesH[ky][kx + 1]));
    } // for kx
  } // for ky
  this.pieces = [];
  for (ky = 0; ky < ny; ++ky) {
    this.pieces[ky] = [];
      for (kx = 0; kx < nx; ++kx) {
      this.pieces[ky][kx] = new Piece(kx, ky);

      if (ky == 0) {
        this.pieces[ky][kx].ts.type = "d";
        this.pieces[ky][kx].ts.points = [tSide[kx].copy(), tSide[kx + 1].copy()];
      } else {
        this.pieces[ky][kx].ts.type = "z";
        if (kx == 0) p1 = lSide[ky]; else p1 = tbIntersect[ky - 1][kx - 1];
        p2 = verticesH[ky - 1][kx];
        if (kx == nx - 1) p3 = rSide[ky]; else p3 = tbIntersect[ky - 1][kx];
        this.pieces[ky][kx].ts.points = [p1.copy(), p2.copy(), p3.copy()];
      // right side
      if (kx == nx - 1) {
        this.pieces[ky][kx].rs.type = "d";
        this.pieces[ky][kx].rs.points = [rSide[ky].copy(), rSide[ky + 1].copy()];
      } else {
        this.pieces[ky][kx].rs.type = "z";
        if (ky == 0) p1 = tSide[kx + 1]; else p1 = tbIntersect[ky - 1][kx];
        p2 = verticesV[kx][ky];
        if (ky == ny - 1) p3 = bSide[kx + 1]; else p3 = tbIntersect[ky][kx];
        this.pieces[ky][kx].rs.points = [p1.copy(), p2.copy(), p3.copy()];
      // bottom side
      if (ky == ny - 1) {
        this.pieces[ky][kx].bs.type = "d";
        this.pieces[ky][kx].bs.points = [bSide[kx].copy(), bSide[kx + 1].copy()];
      } else {
        this.pieces[ky][kx].bs.type = "z";
        if (kx == 0) p1 = lSide[ky + 1]; else p1 = tbIntersect[ky][kx - 1];
        p2 = verticesH[ky][kx];
        if (kx == nx - 1) p3 = rSide[ky + 1]; else p3 = tbIntersect[ky][kx];
        this.pieces[ky][kx].bs.points = [p1.copy(), p2.copy(), p3.copy()];
      // left side
      if (kx == 0) {
        this.pieces[ky][kx].ls.type = "d";
        this.pieces[ky][kx].ls.points = [lSide[ky].copy(), lSide[ky + 1].copy()];
      } else {
        this.pieces[ky][kx].ls.type = "z";
        if (ky == 0) p1 = tSide[kx]; else p1 = tbIntersect[ky - 1][kx - 1];
        p2 = verticesV[kx - 1][ky];
        if (ky == ny - 1) p3 = bSide[kx]; else p3 = tbIntersect[ky][kx - 1];
        this.pieces[ky][kx].ls.points = [p1.copy(), p2.copy(), p3.copy()];
    } // for kx
  } // for ky
  for (ky = 0; ky < ny; ky++) {
    for (kx = 0; kx < nx; kx++) {

// bottom side
      if (ky < ny - 1) {
        brd = this.pieces[ky][kx].bs;
        s1 = new Segment(brd.points[0], brd.points[1]);
        s2 = new Segment(brd.points[2], brd.points[1]);
        concav = (s1.sin(s2) > 0);
        s1 = new Segment(s1.p1, s1.pointOnRelative(Math.random() * (coeff1max - coeff1min) + coeff1min));
        s3 = s1.perpendicularEnd(!concav);
        s3 = new Segment(s3.p1, s3.pointOnAbsolute(dy * (Math.random() * (coeff2max - coeff2min) + coeff2min)));
        s2 = new Segment(s2.p1, s2.pointOnRelative(Math.random() * (coeff1max - coeff1min) + coeff1min));
        s4 = s2.perpendicularEnd(concav);
        s4 = new Segment(s4.p1, s4.pointOnAbsolute(dy * (Math.random() * (coeff2max - coeff2min) + coeff2min)));
        s5 = new Segment(s3.p2, s4.p2);
        s6 = new Segment(s5.p1, s5.pointOnAbsolute( -dx * (Math.random() * (coeff3max - coeff3min) + coeff3min)));
        s5 = new Segment(s5.p2, s5.p1);
        s7 = new Segment(s5.p1, s5.pointOnAbsolute( -dx * (Math.random() * (coeff3max - coeff3min) + coeff3min)));
        s8 = s6.perpendicularEnd(concav);
        s8 = new Segment(s8.p1, s8.pointOnAbsolute(dy * (Math.random() * (coeff4max - coeff4min) + coeff4min)));
        s9 = s7.perpendicularEnd(!concav);
        s9 = new Segment(s9.p1, s9.pointOnAbsolute(dy * (Math.random() * (coeff4max - coeff4min) + coeff4min)));

        brd.points[0] = s1.p1.copy();
        brd.points[1] = s1.p2.copy();
        brd.points[2] = s3.p2.copy();
        brd.points[3] = s6.p2.copy();
        brd.points[4] = s8.p2.copy();
        brd.points[5] = s9.p2.copy();
        brd.points[6] = s7.p2.copy();
        brd.points[7] = s4.p2.copy();
        brd.points[8] = s2.p2.copy();
        brd.points[9] = s2.p1.copy();
      // duplicate as top side of cell below
        this.pieces[ky + 1][kx].ts = brd;
      } // end bottom side

// right side
      if (kx < nx - 1) {
        brd = this.pieces[ky][kx].rs;
        s1 = new Segment(brd.points[0], brd.points[1]);
        s2 = new Segment(brd.points[2], brd.points[1]);
        concav = (s1.sin(s2) > 0);
        s1 = new Segment(s1.p1, s1.pointOnRelative(Math.random() * (coeff1max - coeff1min) + coeff1min));
        s3 = s1.perpendicularEnd(!concav);
        s3 = new Segment(s3.p1, s3.pointOnAbsolute(dx * (Math.random() * (coeff2max - coeff2min) + coeff2min)));
        s2 = new Segment(s2.p1, s2.pointOnRelative(Math.random() * (coeff1max - coeff1min) + coeff1min));
        s4 = s2.perpendicularEnd(concav);
        s4 = new Segment(s4.p1, s4.pointOnAbsolute(dx * (Math.random() * (coeff2max - coeff2min) + coeff2min)));
        s5 = new Segment(s3.p2, s4.p2);
        s6 = new Segment(s5.p1, s5.pointOnAbsolute( - dy * (Math.random() * (coeff3max - coeff3min) + coeff3min)));
        s5 = new Segment(s5.p2, s5.p1);
        s7 = new Segment(s5.p1, s5.pointOnAbsolute( - dy * (Math.random() * (coeff3max - coeff3min) + coeff3min)));
        s8 = s6.perpendicularEnd(concav);
        s8 = new Segment(s8.p1, s8.pointOnAbsolute(dx * (Math.random() * (coeff4max - coeff4min) + coeff4min)));
        s9 = s7.perpendicularEnd(!concav);
        s9 = new Segment(s9.p1, s9.pointOnAbsolute(dx * (Math.random() * (coeff4max - coeff4min) + coeff4min)));
        brd.points[0] = s1.p1.copy();
        brd.points[1] = s1.p2.copy();
        brd.points[2] = s3.p2.copy();
        brd.points[3] = s6.p2.copy();
        brd.points[4] = s8.p2.copy();
        brd.points[5] = s9.p2.copy();
        brd.points[6] = s7.p2.copy();
        brd.points[7] = s4.p2.copy();
        brd.points[8] = s2.p2.copy();
        brd.points[9] = s2.p1.copy();
      // duplicate as left side of right cell
        this.pieces[ky][kx + 1].ls = brd;




Puzzle.prototype.associateImage = function() {
  let kx, ky, kn, kp;
  let div, scale, he, wi, offsx, offsy, pc;
  wi = this.image.width;
  he = this.image.height;
  if (wi / he > this.width / this.height) {
    scale = this.height / he;
    offsy = 0;
    offsx = (wi - this.width / scale) / 2; 
  } else { 
    scale = this.width / wi;
    offsx = 0;
    offsy = (he - this.height / scale) / 2; 

  this.mech =  { scale: scale, offsx: offsx, offsy: offsy }; 
  this.polyPieces = [];
  for (ky = 0; ky < this.ny; ky++) {
    for (kx = 0; kx < this.nx; kx++) {
      this.pieces[ky][kx].createDivPiece(this, scale, offsx, offsy);
      this.polyPieces.push(new PolyPiece(this.pieces[ky][kx], this));
  for (kp = 0; kp < this.polyPieces.length; kp++) {
    for (kn = 0; kn < this.polyPieces[kp].pieces.length; kn++) {
      pc = this.polyPieces[kp].pieces[kn]; this.divBoard.appendChild(pc.theDiv);
        case 0 : pc.pTarget = new Point(this.reqWidth - (2.25 + Math.random() / 4) * this.dx, Math.random() * (this.height -  this.dy) - this.dy);break;
        case 1 : pc.pTarget = new Point(Math.random() * (this.width -  this.dx) - this.dx, this.reqHeight - (2.25 + Math.random() / 4) * this.dy);
      } // switch
    } // for kn
  window.setTimeout((function(obj) {return function() {obj.launchAnimation()}})(this), 1000);
Puzzle.prototype.addRemovableEventListener = function(event, funct) {
this.divBoard.addEventListener(event, funct);
  this.listeners.push({event: event, funct: funct});
Puzzle.prototype.remove1Listener = function() {
  if (this.listeners.length == 0 ) return; 
  let a = this.listeners.pop(); this.divBoard.removeEventListener(a.event, a.funct);
Puzzle.prototype.removeAllListeners = function() {
  let a;
  while (this.listeners.length > 0 ) {
    a = this.listeners.pop(); this.divBoard.removeEventListener(a.event, a.funct);
Puzzle.prototype.launchAnimation = function() {
  this.anim = {cpt: autoStart ? 200 : 100 };
  this.anim.tmr = window.setInterval((function(puzz){return function(){puzz.animate()}})(this), 20);
Puzzle.prototype.animate = function() {
  let kp, kn, pc, act, cib;
  if (this.anim.cpt == 0){   window.clearInterval(this.anim.tmr);
    delete this.anim;
  for (kp = 0; kp < this.polyPieces.length; kp++) {
    for (kn = 0; kn < this.polyPieces[kp].pieces.length; kn++) {
      pc = this.polyPieces[kp].pieces[kn];
      act = pc.where();
      cib = pc.pTarget;
      pc.moveTo(new Point((this.anim.cpt * act.x + cib.x) / (this.anim.cpt + 1), (this.anim.cpt * act.y + cib.y) / (this.anim.cpt + 1)));
      if (this.anim.cpt == 0) { delete pc.pTarget ; }
Puzzle.prototype.animateEnd = function() {
  let xcou, ycou;
  if (this.anim.cpt == 0){  window.clearInterval(this.anim.tmr);
    delete this.anim;
  xcou = parseFloat(;
  ycou = parseFloat(; = (this.anim.cpt * xcou + this.anim.xfin) / (this.anim.cpt + 1) + "px"; = (this.anim.cpt * ycou + this.anim.yfin) / (this.anim.cpt + 1) + "px";
Puzzle.prototype.merge = function(n1, n2) {
  let nppiece, nbpieces, k; this.polyPieces[n1].merge(this.polyPieces[n2]);
  nppiece = this.polyPieces[n1];
  if (n1 > n2) {
    this.polyPieces.splice(n1, 1);
    this.polyPieces.splice(n2, 1);
  } else {
    this.polyPieces.splice(n2, 1);
    this.polyPieces.splice(n1, 1);
  nbpieces = nppiece.pieces.length;
  for (k = 0; k < this.polyPieces.length && this.polyPieces[k].pieces.length >= nbpieces; k++) {;}
  this.polyPieces.splice(k, 0, nppiece);
  return k;
Puzzle.prototype.evaluateZIndex = function() {
  let kp, kn, z;
  z = 1;
  for (kp = 0; kp < this.polyPieces.length; kp++) {
    for (kn = 0; kn < this.polyPieces[kp].pieces.length; kn++) {    this.polyPieces[kp].pieces[kn] = z++;
Puzzle.prototype.beginGame = function() {
  let styl = getComputedStyle(this.divGame);
  this.mouseOffsX = this.divGame.offsetLeft + parseFloat(styl.borderLeftWidth);
  this.mouseOffsY = this.divGame.offsetTop + parseFloat(styl.borderTopWidth);
  this.pieceMove = false;  this.addRemovableEventListener("mousedown", (function(puzzle){         return function(event) {
 puzzle.mouseDownGame(event);}})(this)); this.addRemovableEventListener("mouseup", (function(puzzle){
    return function(event) {
this.addRemovableEventListener("mousemove", (function(puzzle){
 return function(event) {
Puzzle.prototype.mouseDownGame = function(event) {
this.pieceMove = this.lookForPiece(event) ;
  if (this.pieceMove === false) return;
this.pieceMove.offsx =  event.pageX - this.mouseOffsX - parseFloat(;
  this.pieceMove.offsy =  event.pageY - this.mouseOffsY - parseFloat(; = 'move';
Puzzle.prototype.mouseUpGame = function(event) {
let k, polyP, pc; = 'default';
 if (this.pieceMove === false) return;
let canvx = parseFloat(;
  let canvy = parseFloat(;
this.canvMobile.getContext("2d").clearRect(0, 0, this.canvMobile.width, this.canvMobile.height);
polyP = this.polyPieces[this.pieceMove.pp];
  for (k = 0; k < polyP.pieces.length; k++) {
    pc = polyP.pieces[k]
    pc.moveTo (new Point( this.dx * (pc.kx - 1) + canvx, this.dy * ( - 1) + canvy)); = 'visible';
let idp = this.pieceMove.pp;
  let yesMerge = false, yesyesMerge = false;
  do {
    yesMerge = false;
    polyP = this.polyPieces[idp];
    for (k = 0; k < this.polyPieces.length; k++) {
      if (k ===  idp) continue; 
      if (polyP.ifNear(this.polyPieces[k])) { 
        idp = this.merge(k, idp); 
        yesMerge = true; yesyesMerge = true; 
  } while (yesMerge) ; 
  if (! yesyesMerge) {
    let tmp = this.polyPieces[idp]; 
    this.polyPieces.splice(idp, 1); 
    for (k = idp; (k < this.polyPieces.length) && (this.polyPieces[k].pieces.length >= tmp.pieces.length); k++) ;
    this.polyPieces.splice(k, 0, tmp); 
  this.pieceMove = false;
  if (this.polyPieces.length>1) return; 
  let ctx = this.canvMobile.getContext("2d");
                this.mech.offsx, this.mech.offsy,
                this.width / this.mech.scale, this.height / this.mech.scale,0, 0,this.width, this.height);
  this.anim = {cpt: 100, xorg: 0, yorg: 0, xfin: (this.reqWidth - this.dx * this.nx) / 2,                                  yfin: (this.reqHeight - this.dy * this.ny) / 2};
  this.anim.xorg = parseFloat(this.polyPieces[0].pieces[0] + this.dx;
  this.anim.yorg = parseFloat(this.polyPieces[0].pieces[0] + this.dy = this.anim.xorg + "px"; = this.anim.yorg + "px";
  for (k = 0; k < this.polyPieces[0].pieces.length; k++) {  this.polyPieces[0].pieces[k] = "hidden";
  let dist = Math.sqrt(
             (this.anim.xorg - this.anim.xfin) * (this.anim.xorg - this.anim.xfin) +
             (this.anim.yorg - this.anim.yfin) * (this.anim.yorg - this.anim.yfin));
    this.anim.cpt = dist / 2;
    if (this.anim.cpt < 12) this.anim.cpt = 12;
    if (this.anim.cpt > 100) this.anim.cpt = 100;
    this.anim.cpt = Math.floor(this.anim.cpt);
  this.anim.tmr = window.setInterval((function(puzz){return function(){puzz.animateEnd()}})(this), 20);
Puzzle.prototype.mouseMoveGame = function(event) {
  if (this.pieceMove === false) return;
  if ((event.buttons & 1) == 0) { this.mouseUpGame(event); return; }
  let x =  event.pageX - this.mouseOffsX;
  let y =  event.pageY - this.mouseOffsY;
  if (x < 2) x = 2;
  if (x > Math.floor(parseFloat( - 2) x  = Math.floor(parseFloat( - 2;
  if (y < 2) y = 2;
  if (y > Math.floor(parseFloat( - 2) y  = Math.floor(parseFloat( - 2; = (x - this.pieceMove.offsx) + "px"; = (y - this.pieceMove.offsy) + "px";
Puzzle.prototype.lookForPiece = function(event) {
  let kp, kn, z;
  let x =  event.pageX - this.mouseOffsX;
  let y =  event.pageY - this.mouseOffsY;
  for (kp = this.polyPieces.length - 1; kp >= 0; kp--) {
    for (kn = this.polyPieces[kp].pieces.length - 1; kn >= 0; kn--) {
      if (this.polyPieces[kp].pieces[kn].insidePiece(x, y)) return {pp: kp, pc: kn};
  return false; 
Puzzle.prototype.emphasize = function(npp) {
  let kbcl, kc, k;
  let ppc = this.polyPieces[npp];
  let ctx = this.canvMobile.getContext("2d");
  let loops = lookForLoops(ppc.pieces);
  let edge;;
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvMobile.width, this.canvMobile.height);
  for (kbcl = 0;kbcl < loops.length; kbcl++) {
    for (kc = 0; kc < loops[kbcl].length; kc++) {
      edge = loops[kbcl][kc];
      switch (edge.edge) {
        case 0 : ppc.pieces[].ts.drawPath(ctx, 0, 0, false, (kc!= 0)); break;
        case 1 : ppc.pieces[].rs.drawPath(ctx, 0, 0, false, (kc!= 0)); break;
        case 2 : ppc.pieces[].bs.drawPath(ctx, 0, 0, true, (kc!= 0)); break;
        case 3 : ppc.pieces[].ls.drawPath(ctx, 0, 0, true, (kc!= 0)); break;
  ctx.fillStyle = 'none';
  ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)';
  ctx.shadowBlur = 4;
  ctx.shadowOffsetX = 4;
  ctx.shadowOffsetY = 4;
                this.mech.offsx, this.mech.offsy,
                this.width / this.mech.scale, this.height / this.mech.scale,
                0, 0,
                this.width, this.height);
  for (k = 0; k < ppc.pieces.length; k++) { ppc.pieces[k] = "hidden";
  } // for k
  ctx.restore(); = (ppc.pieces[0].where().x - (ppc.pieces[0].kx - 1) * this.dx) + "px"; = (ppc.pieces[0].where().y - (ppc.pieces[0].ky - 1) * this.dy) + "px"; = 'visible';
Puzzle.prototype.near  = function (p1, p2, dx, dy) {
  let ou1 = p1.where();
  let ou2 = p2.where();
  if (Math.abs (ou1.x - ou2.x + dx * this.dx) > this.dCoupling) return false;
  if (Math.abs (ou1.y - ou2.y + dy * this.dy) > this.dCoupling) return false;
  return true;
Puzzle.prototype.computenxAndny = function() {
  let kx, ky, width = this.image.width, height = this.image.height, npieces = this.npieces;
  let err, err2, errmin = 1e9;
  let ncv, nch;
  let nHPieces = Math.round(Math.sqrt(npieces * width / height));
  let nVPieces = Math.round(npieces / nHPieces);
  for (ky = 0;ky < 5;ky++) {
    ncv = nVPieces + ky - 2;
    for (kx = 0;kx < 5;kx++) {
      nch = nHPieces + kx - 2;
      err = nch * height / ncv / width;
      err = (err + 1 / err) - 2;
      err += Math.abs(1 - nch * ncv / npieces); 
      if (err < errmin) { // keep smallest error
        errmin = err;
        this.nx = nch;
        this.ny = ncv;
function lookForLoops (tbCases) {
 function edgeIsCommon (kx, ky, edge) {
    let k;
    switch(edge) {
      case 0 : ky--; break; 
      case 1 : kx++; break; 
      case 2 : ky++; break;
      case 3 : kx--; break; 
    for (k = 0; k < tbCases.length;k++) {
      if (kx == tbCases[k].kx && ky == tbCases[k].ky) return true;
    return false; 
  function edgeIsInTbEdges (kx, ky, edge) {
    let k;
    for (k = 0; k < tbEdges.length;k++) {
      if (kx == tbEdges[k].kx && ky == tbEdges[k].ky && edge == tbEdges[k].edge) return k; // found it
    return false; // not found
  let tbLoops = []; 
  let tbEdges = []; 
  let k;
  let kEdge; 
  let lp; 
  let currEdge; 
  let tries; 
  let edgeNumber; 
  let potNext;
  let tbTentatives = [
      {dkx: 0, dky: 0, edge: 1}, 
      {dkx: 1, dky: 0, edge: 0},
      {dkx: 1, dky: -1, edge: 3} 
      {dkx: 0, dky: 0, edge: 2},
      {dkx: 0, dky: 1, edge: 1},
      {dkx: 1, dky: 1, edge: 0}
      {dkx: 0, dky: 0, edge: 3},
      {dkx: - 1, dky: 0, edge: 2},
      {dkx: - 1, dky: 1, edge: 1}
      {dkx: 0, dky: 0, edge: 0},
      {dkx: 0, dky: - 1, edge: 3},
      {dkx: - 1, dky: - 1, edge: 2}
  for (k = 0;k < tbCases.length;k++) {
    for (kEdge = 0; kEdge < 4; kEdge++) {
      if (!edgeIsCommon(tbCases[k].kx, tbCases[k].ky, kEdge))
           tbEdges.push({kx: tbCases[k].kx, ky: tbCases[k].ky, edge: kEdge, kp: k})
  while (tbEdges.length > 0) {
    lp = []; 
    currEdge = tbEdges[0]; 
    tbEdges.splice(0, 1);
    do {
      for (tries = 0; tries < 3;tries++) {
        potNext = tbTentatives[currEdge.edge][tries];
        edgeNumber = edgeIsInTbEdges(currEdge.kx + potNext.dkx, + potNext.dky, potNext.edge);
        if (edgeNumber === false) continue; 
        currEdge = tbEdges[edgeNumber]; 
        tbEdges.splice(edgeNumber, 1);  
      if (edgeNumber === false) break; 
    } while (1); 
  return tbLoops;
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
let img = ',holiday,festive';
autoStart = isMiniature();
let x = new Puzzle ( {img: img, width: window.innerWidth,height: window.innerHeight,idiv: "forPuzzle" });

//  Hey guys, my name is Bhumi, and here is my try making a Jigsaw puzzle after referring to various videos and sites. Hope you all enjoy my game, drop a like if you do. Also, kindy leave your review about it, I would love to hear from you.
// You can get to know me on LinkedIn:
// Also, here is my blog-post on making this game. 

