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                <h3>Downtime clock</h3>
<div id="downtime"></div>


                #downtime {
  color: maroon;


 * Test class used to show how one could calculate takt time with various scenarios for blog post:
 * TODO add blog link here
 * 12/5/2020 KM
class TaktCalculations {
   * Validates data for calculating takt downtime
   * @param {Number} createdTime
   * @param {Number} resolvedTime
   * @param {Number} downtime
   * @param {Number} index
   * @param {Array} taktAlerts - must be in ascending order by creation time
   * @return true if invalid data, false if valid
  hasInvalidCalculationData(createdTime, resolvedTime, downtime, index, taktAlerts) {
    // verify we have data
    if (!taktAlerts || !taktAlerts.length === 0) {
      return true;
    // Note: additionally we could check if its ascended here if we wanted to be extra cautious
    // createdTime checks
    if (isNaN(createdTime)) {
      console.error('Created time was not a number or undefined when calculating downtime.');
      return true;
    // resolved checks
    if (isNaN(resolvedTime)) {
      console.error('Resolved time was not a number or undefined when calculating downtime.');
      return true;
    // downtime checks
    if (isNaN(downtime)) {
      console.error('Downtime was not a number or undefined when calculating downtime.');
      return true;
    // index checks
    if (isNaN(index)) {
      console.error('Index was not a number or undefined when calculating downtime.');
      return true;

   * Recusively calculates downtime for raised downtime alerts with recursion!
   * One could add more try/catch and data validations in this function. The original had more checking, but for
   * brevity of the code in this blog post, I removed them.
   * @param {Number} createdTime
   * @param {Number} resolvedTime
   * @param {Number} totalDowntime
   * @param {Number} index
   * @param {Array} taktAlerts - must be in ascending order by creation time
   * @return {Number}
  ) {
    // make sure there isn't any funny business in our data before trying to calculate downtime
    if (this.hasInvalidCalculationData(createdTime, resolvedTime, totalDowntime, index, taktAlerts)) {
      return 0;

    // conventient local consts to ease referencing the times
    // we could further validate that these have data before continuing, left it out for concise example
    const currentTaktAlertCreationTime = taktAlerts[index].creationTime;
    const currentTaktAlertResolvedTime = taktAlerts[index].alertResolved ? 
          taktAlerts[index].resolvedTime : new Date().getTime();
    // ////////////////
    // initialization
    // ////////////////
    if (index === 0 && taktAlerts.length === 1) {
      // only 1 alert so let's just return downtime
      return currentTaktAlertResolvedTime - currentTaktAlertCreationTime;
    } else if (index === 0 && taktAlerts.length > 1) {
      // start recursing with init data set
      return this.calculateDowntime(
        currentTaktAlertCreationTime, // createdTime
        currentTaktAlertResolvedTime, // resolvedTime
        currentTaktAlertResolvedTime - currentTaktAlertCreationTime, // downtime
        index + 1, // index

    // ////////////////
    // engulf case
    // example: [
    // { id: 1, creationTime: 10, resolvedTime: 20},
    // { id: 2, creationTime: 11, resolvedTime: 19}
    // ]
    // ////////////////
    if (currentTaktAlertCreationTime >= createdTime && 
        currentTaktAlertResolvedTime <= resolvedTime) {
      // check for next iteration
      if (index + 1 < taktAlerts.length) {
        return this.calculateDowntime(
          index + 1,
      // return total downtime since theres not a next alert
      return totalDowntime;
      // ////////////////
      // overlap case
      // example: [
      //  { id: 1, creationTime: 10, resolvedTime: 20},
      //  { id: 2, creationTime: 11, resolvedTime: 25}
      // ]
      // ////////////////
    } else if (
      currentTaktAlertCreationTime >= createdTime &&
      currentTaktAlertCreationTime <= resolvedTime &&
      currentTaktAlertResolvedTime >= resolvedTime
    ) {
      // set resolve to TA resolve
      totalDowntime += currentTaktAlertResolvedTime - resolvedTime;
      resolvedTime = currentTaktAlertResolvedTime;
      // check for next iteration
      if (index + 1 < taktAlerts.length) {
        return this.calculateDowntime(
          index + 1,
      // overlap base case -> return downtime
      return totalDowntime;
      // ////////////////
      // next alert case
      // example: [
      //  { id: 1, creationTime: 10, resolvedTime: 20},
      //  { id: 2, creationTime: 40, resolvedTime: 50}
      // ]
      // ////////////////
    } else if (currentTaktAlertCreationTime >= resolvedTime) {
      if (index + 1 < taktAlerts.length) {
        return this.calculateDowntime(
          totalDowntime + (currentTaktAlertResolvedTime - currentTaktAlertCreationTime),
          index + 1,
      // next alert base case -> return total downtime
      return totalDowntime + (currentTaktAlertResolvedTime - currentTaktAlertCreationTime);
    } else {
      console.error('Unknown alert case when calculating downtime.');
      return 0;

// ***********************
// Test Data and Inits
// ***********************
const calculator = new TaktCalculations();
const now = moment();
const fiveMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(5, 'm');
const tenMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(10, 'm');
const fifteenMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(15, 'm');
const twentyMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(20, 'm');
const twentyFiveMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(25, 'm');
const thirtyMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(30, 'm');
const thirtyFiveMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(35, 'm');
const fortyMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(40, 'm');
const fortyFiveMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(45, 'm');
const fiftyMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(50, 'm');
const fiftyFiveMinutesAgo = moment(now).subtract(55, 'm');
const oneMinuteInMs = 60000;
const oneSecondInMs = 1000;

const oneTaktAlert = [
  { id: 1, creationTime: twentyFiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: twentyMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // 5

const taktAlertsNoOverlapOrEngulf = [
  { id: 1, creationTime: twentyFiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: twentyMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // 5
  { id: 2, creationTime: tenMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: fiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // 5

const taktAlertsWithEngulf = [
  { id: 1, creationTime: twentyFiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: fiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // 20
  { id: 2, creationTime: twentyMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: fifteenMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // eng

const taktAlertsWithOverlap = [
  { id: 1, creationTime: thirtyFiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: fifteenMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // 15
  { id: 2, creationTime: twentyMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: fiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, //ext 15

const talkAlertsWithAllScenarios = [
  { id: 1, creationTime: fiftyFiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: fiftyMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // 5
  { id: 2, creationTime: fortyFiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: thirtyMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // 15
  { id: 3, creationTime: fortyMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: thirtyFiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, //en
  { id: 4, creationTime: thirtyMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: twentyMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // 10
  { id: 5, creationTime: twentyFiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: fifteenMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, //ext5
  { id: 6, creationTime: tenMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: fiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true} // 5

console.log(`${calculator.calculateDowntime(0, 0, 0, 0, oneTaktAlert)/oneMinuteInMs} should be 5`);
console.log(`${calculator.calculateDowntime(0, 0, 0, 0, taktAlertsNoOverlapOrEngulf)/oneMinuteInMs} should be 10`);
console.log(`${calculator.calculateDowntime(0, 0, 0, 0, taktAlertsWithEngulf)/oneMinuteInMs} should be 20`);
console.log(`${calculator.calculateDowntime(0, 0, 0, 0, taktAlertsWithOverlap)/oneMinuteInMs} should be 30`);
console.log(`${calculator.calculateDowntime(0, 0, 0, 0, talkAlertsWithAllScenarios)/oneMinuteInMs} should be 40`);

// Counting Clock due to unresolved alert
const taktAlertsWithOneUnresolved = [
  { id: 1, creationTime: twentyFiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: twentyMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // 5
  { id: 2, creationTime: fifteenMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: tenMinutesAgo.toDate(), alertResolved: true}, // 5
  { id: 3, creationTime: fiveMinutesAgo.toDate(), resolvedTime: null, alertResolved: false},

setInterval(() => { 
  const downtime = calculator.calculateDowntime(0, 0, 0, 0, taktAlertsWithOneUnresolved);
  const minutes = Math.floor(downtime / oneMinuteInMs);
  const seconds = ((downtime % oneMinuteInMs) / oneSecondInMs).toFixed(0);
  document.getElementById("downtime").innerHTML = `${minutes} minutes(s) and ${seconds} second(s)`;
}, 750);
