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      <h2>The magazine differently!</h2>
      <p>Dare the online/offline reading experience.</p>
      <p>Download it every last friday of the month or read it directly here, and enjoy it during your weekend.</p>
      <p>Learn a little bit more about design and designers; and discover some night out locations to party with your friends!</p>
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        <header class="card__title">
            <h3>Design Matters</h3>
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            Alain Ngann: Amazing photographer in Douala.
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            <h3>Design Professionalism</h3>
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            Andy Rutledge on design professionalism.
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            <h3>Design Ethics</h3>
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            Dennis Khardys on ethics in the design profession.
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            <h3>Fashion Insights</h3>
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            A deep insight on fashion drawing design.
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            <h3>Beauty Advices</h3>
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            Want to softening your skin naturally?
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            <h3>Night Out</h3>
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            Loïck Food: Eat fast and balanced in Deïdo.
        <a href="#" class="button red-button">Read article</a>
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    <div class="credits">
        <p>© 2013 Design & Lifestyle – Lotin Corp.</p>
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/* ---------- HEADER ---------- */

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/* ----- DESIGN + LIFESTYLE ----- */

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