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                <body style="margin-top: 60px;">
<div id="main">
<div class="jumbotron" id="img-div" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:80%">
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    <h1 style="text-align: center"; id="title">Nikola Tesla</h1>
    <h3 style="text-align: center";>The Poor Man's Genius</h3>
  <img id="image" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="Nikola Tesla sitting next to Tesla Coil"/>
    <figcaption id="img-caption" style="background-color: white; padding: 10px;">Nikola Tesla pictured next to his infamous creation the Tesla Coil</figcaption></div>
<h2 style="text-align: center;">Chronological timeline of Nikola Tesla</h2>
    <li>1856 - July 10th, born during a thunderstorm in Austria-Hungary.</li>
    <li>1863 - Nikola Tesla brother dies after falling from a horse at age 12.</li>
    <li>1870 - Tesla moves to modern-day Carlstadt, Croatia to live with his aunt and uncle where he attends school. His teacher, Martin Sekulić, teaches him math & physics.</li>
    <li>1873 - Tesla contracts Cholera and is bedridden and near death for 9 months. His father promises to send him to engineering school if he gets better.</li>1874 - He leaves for a neighboring town to both get better from Cholera and avoid the compulsory 3 year requirement in the army.</li>
    <li>1875 - Tesla is enrolled at the Austrian Polytechnic School in Graz on a Military Border scholarship, but drops out two years later.</li>
  <li>1878 - He takes his first job as a draftsman for a local engineering firm in Maribor, Slovenia.</li>
  <li>1879 - Tesla's father dies, he is deported from Maribor (not having a residence permit), and he moves back to Gospić to teach at his old school</li>
  <li>1884 - Moves to New York City and is immediately hired by Thomas Edison; Quits a year later after payment disputes.</li>
  <li>1885 - Starts his own company Tesla Electric Light Company in New Jersey and after completing his design is forced out of his company by investors.</li>
  <li>1886 - During the winter he was forced to work as a ditchdigger for $2 a day.</li>
  <li>1888 - Tesla sells patent the AC Polyphase System to George Westinghouse for $25,000 in cash, $50,000 in notes and a royalty of $2.50 per horsepower for each motor.</li>
  <li>1890 - Tesla developed some of the first neon and fluorescent illumination. Later it begins his lifelong obsession - the wireless transmission of energy.
  <li>1891 - Tesla becomes an American citizen; The infamous Tesla Coil was invented.</li>
  <li>1892 - Nikola Tesla is elected Vice President of the American Institute of Electrical Engineering, now coined IEEE.</li>
  <li>1899 - Tesla observed strange rhythmic pulses on the his very sensitive radio receiver. Reports findings and is criticized.</li>
  <li>1901 - He signs over 51 percent interest in his patents and inventions, including future ones, relating to both electric lighting and wireless telegraphy or telephony for a mere $150,000.00.</li>
  <li>1903 - Wardenclyffe testing begins.</li>
  <li>1906 - Wardenclyffe workers are laid off after J.P. Morgan withdraws support.</li>
  <li>1909 - Nobel Prize for physics is shared between Guglielmo Marconi and Karl Ferdinand Braun for their efforts in discovering radio. Tesla is furious and tries to correct the injustice.</li>
  <li>1916 - Tesla declares bankruptcy.</li>
  <li>1943 - Tesla died alone and penniless at the age of 86</li>
  <div class="container" style="text-align: center; padding-top: 20px;">
  <span><h4>The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.</h4>
    <h4><cite>&mdash; Nikola Tesla</cite></h4></span>
  <span class="inline"><h3 id="tribute-info">Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest minds in our generation.<br>  You can read more about his life at <a href="" target="_blank" id="tribute-link">Wikipedia</a>.</h3></span>
  <hr style="width: 80%;">
  <p style="text-align: center;">Written and coded by <a href="" target="_blank">Alexander S. Garcia</a></p>




