%h2.title Click on + to read more
	.blog-card-close{onclick: "openArticle();"} +
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			- 6.times do
		%span.date 11 • 09 • 2018
		%h2.title Article title
		%p.description Lets talk about idiocratic principles of usual routine
			%p Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Beatae recusandae, dolores in doloremque veritatis eius esse debitis veniam aliquid cum culpa consequatur eos amet eligendi corporis est laudantium quam reprehenderit?
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			%small Photo by Unsplash Hero
			%p Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Beatae recusandae, dolores in doloremque veritatis eius esse debitis veniam aliquid cum culpa consequatur eos amet eligendi corporis est laudantium quam reprehenderit?
			%p Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Beatae recusandae, dolores in doloremque veritatis eius esse debitis veniam aliquid cum culpa consequatur eos amet eligendi corporis est laudantium quam reprehenderit?
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