HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug.
In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body>
tags in a basic HTML5 template. So you don't have access to higher-up elements like the <html>
tag. If you want to add classes there that can affect the whole document, this is the place to do it.
In CodePen, whatever you write in the HTML editor is what goes within the <body>
tags in a basic HTML5 template. If you need things in the <head>
of the document, put that code here.
The resource you are linking to is using the 'http' protocol, which may not work when the browser is using https.
CSS preprocessors help make authoring CSS easier. All of them offer things like variables and mixins to provide convenient abstractions.
It's a common practice to apply CSS to a page that styles elements such that they are consistent across all browsers. We offer two of the most popular choices: normalize.css and a reset. Or, choose Neither and nothing will be applied.
To get the best cross-browser support, it is a common practice to apply vendor prefixes to CSS properties and values that require them to work. For instance -webkit-
or -moz-
We offer two popular choices: Autoprefixer (which processes your CSS server-side) and -prefix-free (which applies prefixes via a script, client-side).
Any URLs added here will be added as <link>
s in order, and before the CSS in the editor. You can use the CSS from another Pen by using its URL and the proper URL extension.
You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web. Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself.
You can also link to another Pen here (use the .css
URL Extension) and we'll pull the CSS from that Pen and include it. If it's using a matching preprocessor, use the appropriate URL Extension and we'll combine the code before preprocessing, so you can use the linked Pen as a true dependency.
JavaScript preprocessors can help make authoring JavaScript easier and more convenient.
Babel includes JSX processing.
Any URL's added here will be added as <script>
s in order, and run before the JavaScript in the editor. You can use the URL of any other Pen and it will include the JavaScript from that Pen.
You can apply a script from anywhere on the web to your Pen. Just put a URL to it here and we'll add it, in the order you have them, before the JavaScript in the Pen itself.
If the script you link to has the file extension of a preprocessor, we'll attempt to process it before applying.
You can also link to another Pen here, and we'll pull the JavaScript from that Pen and include it. If it's using a matching preprocessor, we'll combine the code before preprocessing, so you can use the linked Pen as a true dependency.
Search for and use JavaScript packages from npm here. By selecting a package, an import
statement will be added to the top of the JavaScript editor for this package.
Using packages here is powered by, which makes packages from npm not only available on a CDN, but prepares them for native JavaScript ESM usage.
All packages are different, so refer to their docs for how they work.
If you're using React / ReactDOM, make sure to turn on Babel for the JSX processing.
If active, Pens will autosave every 30 seconds after being saved once.
If enabled, the preview panel updates automatically as you code. If disabled, use the "Run" button to update.
If enabled, your code will be formatted when you actively save your Pen. Note: your code becomes un-folded during formatting.
Visit your global Editor Settings.
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(function () {
const t = document.createElement("link").relList;
if (t && t.supports && t.supports("modulepreload")) return;
for (const r of document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="modulepreload"]')) n(r);
new MutationObserver((r) => {
for (const i of r)
if (i.type === "childList")
for (const o of i.addedNodes)
o.tagName === "LINK" && o.rel === "modulepreload" && n(o);
}).observe(document, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 });
function s(r) {
const i = {};
return (
r.integrity && (i.integrity = r.integrity),
r.referrerPolicy && (i.referrerPolicy = r.referrerPolicy),
r.crossOrigin === "use-credentials"
? (i.credentials = "include")
: r.crossOrigin === "anonymous"
? (i.credentials = "omit")
: (i.credentials = "same-origin"),
function n(r) {
if (r.ep) return;
r.ep = !0;
const i = s(r);
fetch(r.href, i);
function zs(e, t) {
const s = Object.create(null),
n = e.split(",");
for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) s[n[r]] = !0;
return t ? (r) => !!s[r.toLowerCase()] : (r) => !!s[r];
const z = {},
it = [],
ve = () => {},
yi = () => !1,
gi = /^on[^a-z]/,
ss = (e) => gi.test(e),
Vs = (e) => e.startsWith("onUpdate:"),
te = Object.assign,
Ys = (e, t) => {
const s = e.indexOf(t);
s > -1 && e.splice(s, 1);
mi = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
H = (e, t) =>, t),
S = Array.isArray,
ot = (e) => ns(e) === "[object Map]",
dr = (e) => ns(e) === "[object Set]",
q = (e) => typeof e == "function",
G = (e) => typeof e == "string",
Js = (e) => typeof e == "symbol",
V = (e) => e !== null && typeof e == "object",
pr = (e) => V(e) && q(e.then) && q(e.catch),
yr = Object.prototype.toString,
ns = (e) =>,
vi = (e) => ns(e).slice(8, -1),
gr = (e) => ns(e) === "[object Object]",
Xs = (e) => G(e) && e !== "NaN" && e[0] !== "-" && "" + parseInt(e, 10) === e,
Lt = zs(
rs = (e) => {
const t = Object.create(null);
return (s) => t[s] || (t[s] = e(s));
bi = /-(\w)/g,
ct = rs((e) => e.replace(bi, (t, s) => (s ? s.toUpperCase() : ""))),
_i = /\B([A-Z])/g,
Ze = rs((e) => e.replace(_i, "-$1").toLowerCase()),
mr = rs((e) => e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)),
_s = rs((e) => (e ? `on${mr(e)}` : "")),
Et = (e, t) => !, t),
Ht = (e, t) => {
for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) e[s](t);
zt = (e, t, s) => {
Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: s });
Fs = (e) => {
const t = parseFloat(e);
return isNaN(t) ? e : t;
let wn;
const Ts = () =>
wn ||
(wn =
typeof globalThis < "u"
? globalThis
: typeof self < "u"
? self
: typeof window < "u"
? window
: typeof global < "u"
? global
: {});
function Zs(e) {
if (S(e)) {
const t = {};
for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) {
const n = e[s],
r = G(n) ? xi(n) : Zs(n);
if (r) for (const i in r) t[i] = r[i];
return t;
} else {
if (G(e)) return e;
if (V(e)) return e;
const Oi = /;(?![^(]*\))/g,
Ci = /:([^]+)/,
wi = /\/\*[^]*?\*\//g;
function xi(e) {
const t = {};
return (
.replace(wi, "")
.forEach((s) => {
if (s) {
const n = s.split(Ci);
n.length > 1 && (t[n[0].trim()] = n[1].trim());
function is(e) {
let t = "";
if (G(e)) t = e;
else if (S(e))
for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) {
const n = is(e[s]);
n && (t += n + " ");
else if (V(e)) for (const s in e) e[s] && (t += s + " ");
return t.trim();
const Ei =
Pi = zs(Ei);
function vr(e) {
return !!e || e === "";
const xn = (e) =>
? e
: e == null
? ""
: S(e) || (V(e) && (e.toString === yr || !q(e.toString)))
? JSON.stringify(e, br, 2)
: String(e),
br = (e, t) =>
t && t.__v_isRef
? br(e, t.value)
: ot(t)
? {
[`Map(${t.size})`]: [...t.entries()].reduce(
(s, [n, r]) => ((s[`${n} =>`] = r), s),
: dr(t)
? { [`Set(${t.size})`]: [...t.values()] }
: V(t) && !S(t) && !gr(t)
? String(t)
: t;
let fe;
class Ri {
constructor(t = !1) {
(this.detached = t),
(this._active = !0),
(this.effects = []),
(this.cleanups = []),
(this.parent = fe),
!t && fe && (this.index = (fe.scopes || (fe.scopes = [])).push(this) - 1);
get active() {
return this._active;
run(t) {
if (this._active) {
const s = fe;
try {
return (fe = this), t();
} finally {
fe = s;
on() {
fe = this;
off() {
fe = this.parent;
stop(t) {
if (this._active) {
let s, n;
for (s = 0, n = this.effects.length; s < n; s++) this.effects[s].stop();
for (s = 0, n = this.cleanups.length; s < n; s++) this.cleanups[s]();
if (this.scopes)
for (s = 0, n = this.scopes.length; s < n; s++) this.scopes[s].stop(!0);
if (!this.detached && this.parent && !t) {
const r = this.parent.scopes.pop();
r &&
r !== this &&
((this.parent.scopes[this.index] = r), (r.index = this.index));
(this.parent = void 0), (this._active = !1);
function Fi(e, t = fe) {
t && && t.effects.push(e);
function Ti() {
return fe;
function Ii(e) {
fe && fe.cleanups.push(e);
const Gs = (e) => {
const t = new Set(e);
return (t.w = 0), (t.n = 0), t;
_r = (e) => (e.w & je) > 0,
Or = (e) => (e.n & je) > 0,
Ai = ({ deps: e }) => {
if (e.length) for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t].w |= je;
Mi = (e) => {
const { deps: t } = e;
if (t.length) {
let s = 0;
for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
const r = t[n];
_r(r) && !Or(r) ? r.delete(e) : (t[s++] = r),
(r.w &= ~je),
(r.n &= ~je);
t.length = s;
Vt = new WeakMap();
let _t = 0,
je = 1;
const Is = 30;
let ge;
const Ye = Symbol(""),
As = Symbol("");
class en {
constructor(t, s = null, n) {
(this.fn = t),
(this.scheduler = s),
( = !0),
(this.deps = []),
(this.parent = void 0),
Fi(this, n);
run() {
if (! return this.fn();
let t = ge,
s = Ue;
for (; t; ) {
if (t === this) return;
t = t.parent;
try {
return (
(this.parent = ge),
(ge = this),
(Ue = !0),
(je = 1 << ++_t),
_t <= Is ? Ai(this) : En(this),
} finally {
_t <= Is && Mi(this),
(je = 1 << --_t),
(ge = this.parent),
(Ue = s),
(this.parent = void 0),
this.deferStop && this.stop();
stop() {
ge === this
? (this.deferStop = !0)
: &&
(En(this), this.onStop && this.onStop(), ( = !1));
function En(e) {
const { deps: t } = e;
if (t.length) {
for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) t[s].delete(e);
t.length = 0;
let Ue = !0;
const Cr = [];
function pt() {
Cr.push(Ue), (Ue = !1);
function yt() {
const e = Cr.pop();
Ue = e === void 0 ? !0 : e;
function ue(e, t, s) {
if (Ue && ge) {
let n = Vt.get(e);
n || Vt.set(e, (n = new Map()));
let r = n.get(s);
r || n.set(s, (r = Gs())), wr(r);
function wr(e, t) {
let s = !1;
_t <= Is ? Or(e) || ((e.n |= je), (s = !_r(e))) : (s = !e.has(ge)),
s && (e.add(ge), ge.deps.push(e));
function Ie(e, t, s, n, r, i) {
const o = Vt.get(e);
if (!o) return;
let l = [];
if (t === "clear") l = [...o.values()];
else if (s === "length" && S(e)) {
const u = Number(n);
o.forEach((f, h) => {
(h === "length" || h >= u) && l.push(f);
} else
switch ((s !== void 0 && l.push(o.get(s)), t)) {
case "add":
? Xs(s) && l.push(o.get("length"))
: (l.push(o.get(Ye)), ot(e) && l.push(o.get(As)));
case "delete":
S(e) || (l.push(o.get(Ye)), ot(e) && l.push(o.get(As)));
case "set":
ot(e) && l.push(o.get(Ye));
if (l.length === 1) l[0] && Ms(l[0]);
else {
const u = [];
for (const f of l) f && u.push(...f);
function Ms(e, t) {
const s = S(e) ? e : [...e];
for (const n of s) n.computed && Pn(n);
for (const n of s) n.computed || Pn(n);
function Pn(e, t) {
(e !== ge || e.allowRecurse) && (e.scheduler ? e.scheduler() :;
function Si(e, t) {
var s;
return (s = Vt.get(e)) == null ? void 0 : s.get(t);
const Qi = zs("__proto__,__v_isRef,__isVue"),
xr = new Set(
.filter((e) => e !== "arguments" && e !== "caller")
.map((e) => Symbol[e])
Di = tn(),
Ui = tn(!1, !0),
qi = tn(!0),
Rn = Ki();
function Ki() {
const e = {};
return (
["includes", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf"].forEach((t) => {
e[t] = function (...s) {
const n = B(this);
for (let i = 0, o = this.length; i < o; i++) ue(n, "get", i + "");
const r = n[t](...s);
return r === -1 || r === !1 ? n[t]( : r;
["push", "pop", "shift", "unshift", "splice"].forEach((t) => {
e[t] = function (...s) {
const n = B(this)[t].apply(this, s);
return yt(), n;
function ji(e) {
const t = B(this);
return ue(t, "has", e), t.hasOwnProperty(e);
function tn(e = !1, t = !1) {
return function (n, r, i) {
if (r === "__v_isReactive") return !e;
if (r === "__v_isReadonly") return e;
if (r === "__v_isShallow") return t;
if (r === "__v_raw" && i === (e ? (t ? to : Tr) : t ? Fr : Rr).get(n))
return n;
const o = S(n);
if (!e) {
if (o && H(Rn, r)) return Reflect.get(Rn, r, i);
if (r === "hasOwnProperty") return ji;
const l = Reflect.get(n, r, i);
return (Js(r) ? xr.has(r) : Qi(r)) || (e || ue(n, "get", r), t)
? l
: Z(l)
? o && Xs(r)
? l
: l.value
: V(l)
? e
? rn(l)
: ls(l)
: l;
const Ni = Er(),
Li = Er(!0);
function Er(e = !1) {
return function (s, n, r, i) {
let o = s[n];
if (at(o) && Z(o) && !Z(r)) return !1;
if (
!e &&
(!Yt(r) && !at(r) && ((o = B(o)), (r = B(r))), !S(s) && Z(o) && !Z(r))
return (o.value = r), !0;
const l = S(s) && Xs(n) ? Number(n) < s.length : H(s, n),
u = Reflect.set(s, n, r, i);
return (
s === B(i) && (l ? Et(r, o) && Ie(s, "set", n, r) : Ie(s, "add", n, r)), u
function Hi(e, t) {
const s = H(e, t);
const n = Reflect.deleteProperty(e, t);
return n && s && Ie(e, "delete", t, void 0), n;
function Bi(e, t) {
const s = Reflect.has(e, t);
return (!Js(t) || !xr.has(t)) && ue(e, "has", t), s;
function $i(e) {
return ue(e, "iterate", S(e) ? "length" : Ye), Reflect.ownKeys(e);
const Pr = { get: Di, set: Ni, deleteProperty: Hi, has: Bi, ownKeys: $i },
Wi = {
get: qi,
set(e, t) {
return !0;
deleteProperty(e, t) {
return !0;
ki = te({}, Pr, { get: Ui, set: Li }),
sn = (e) => e,
os = (e) => Reflect.getPrototypeOf(e);
function Qt(e, t, s = !1, n = !1) {
e = e.__v_raw;
const r = B(e),
i = B(t);
s || (t !== i && ue(r, "get", t), ue(r, "get", i));
const { has: o } = os(r),
l = n ? sn : s ? ln : Pt;
if (, t)) return l(e.get(t));
if (, i)) return l(e.get(i));
e !== r && e.get(t);
function Dt(e, t = !1) {
const s = this.__v_raw,
n = B(s),
r = B(e);
return (
t || (e !== r && ue(n, "has", e), ue(n, "has", r)),
e === r ? s.has(e) : s.has(e) || s.has(r)
function Ut(e, t = !1) {
return (
(e = e.__v_raw), !t && ue(B(e), "iterate", Ye), Reflect.get(e, "size", e)
function Fn(e) {
e = B(e);
const t = B(this);
return os(t), e) || (t.add(e), Ie(t, "add", e, e)), this;
function Tn(e, t) {
t = B(t);
const s = B(this),
{ has: n, get: r } = os(s);
let i =, e);
i || ((e = B(e)), (i =, e)));
const o =, e);
return (
s.set(e, t), i ? Et(t, o) && Ie(s, "set", e, t) : Ie(s, "add", e, t), this
function In(e) {
const t = B(this),
{ has: s, get: n } = os(t);
let r =, e);
r || ((e = B(e)), (r =, e))), n &&, e);
const i = t.delete(e);
return r && Ie(t, "delete", e, void 0), i;
function An() {
const e = B(this),
t = e.size !== 0,
s = e.clear();
return t && Ie(e, "clear", void 0, void 0), s;
function qt(e, t) {
return function (n, r) {
const i = this,
o = i.__v_raw,
l = B(o),
u = t ? sn : e ? ln : Pt;
return (
!e && ue(l, "iterate", Ye), o.forEach((f, h) =>, u(f), u(h), i))
function Kt(e, t, s) {
return function (...n) {
const r = this.__v_raw,
i = B(r),
o = ot(i),
l = e === "entries" || (e === Symbol.iterator && o),
u = e === "keys" && o,
f = r[e](...n),
h = s ? sn : t ? ln : Pt;
return (
!t && ue(i, "iterate", u ? As : Ye),
next() {
const { value: p, done: v } =;
return v
? { value: p, done: v }
: { value: l ? [h(p[0]), h(p[1])] : h(p), done: v };
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this;
function Me(e) {
return function (...t) {
return e === "delete" ? !1 : this;
function zi() {
const e = {
get(i) {
return Qt(this, i);
get size() {
return Ut(this);
has: Dt,
add: Fn,
set: Tn,
delete: In,
clear: An,
forEach: qt(!1, !1)
t = {
get(i) {
return Qt(this, i, !1, !0);
get size() {
return Ut(this);
has: Dt,
add: Fn,
set: Tn,
delete: In,
clear: An,
forEach: qt(!1, !0)
s = {
get(i) {
return Qt(this, i, !0);
get size() {
return Ut(this, !0);
has(i) {
return, i, !0);
add: Me("add"),
set: Me("set"),
delete: Me("delete"),
clear: Me("clear"),
forEach: qt(!0, !1)
n = {
get(i) {
return Qt(this, i, !0, !0);
get size() {
return Ut(this, !0);
has(i) {
return, i, !0);
add: Me("add"),
set: Me("set"),
delete: Me("delete"),
clear: Me("clear"),
forEach: qt(!0, !0)
return (
["keys", "values", "entries", Symbol.iterator].forEach((i) => {
(e[i] = Kt(i, !1, !1)),
(s[i] = Kt(i, !0, !1)),
(t[i] = Kt(i, !1, !0)),
(n[i] = Kt(i, !0, !0));
[e, s, t, n]
const [Vi, Yi, Ji, Xi] = zi();
function nn(e, t) {
const s = t ? (e ? Xi : Ji) : e ? Yi : Vi;
return (n, r, i) =>
r === "__v_isReactive"
? !e
: r === "__v_isReadonly"
? e
: r === "__v_raw"
? n
: Reflect.get(H(s, r) && r in n ? s : n, r, i);
const Zi = { get: nn(!1, !1) },
Gi = { get: nn(!1, !0) },
eo = { get: nn(!0, !1) },
Rr = new WeakMap(),
Fr = new WeakMap(),
Tr = new WeakMap(),
to = new WeakMap();
function so(e) {
switch (e) {
case "Object":
case "Array":
return 1;
case "Map":
case "Set":
case "WeakMap":
case "WeakSet":
return 2;
return 0;
function no(e) {
return e.__v_skip || !Object.isExtensible(e) ? 0 : so(vi(e));
function ls(e) {
return at(e) ? e : on(e, !1, Pr, Zi, Rr);
function ro(e) {
return on(e, !1, ki, Gi, Fr);
function rn(e) {
return on(e, !0, Wi, eo, Tr);
function on(e, t, s, n, r) {
if (!V(e) || (e.__v_raw && !(t && e.__v_isReactive))) return e;
const i = r.get(e);
if (i) return i;
const o = no(e);
if (o === 0) return e;
const l = new Proxy(e, o === 2 ? n : s);
return r.set(e, l), l;
function lt(e) {
return at(e) ? lt(e.__v_raw) : !!(e && e.__v_isReactive);
function at(e) {
return !!(e && e.__v_isReadonly);
function Yt(e) {
return !!(e && e.__v_isShallow);
function Ir(e) {
return lt(e) || at(e);
function B(e) {
const t = e && e.__v_raw;
return t ? B(t) : e;
function Ar(e) {
return zt(e, "__v_skip", !0), e;
const Pt = (e) => (V(e) ? ls(e) : e),
ln = (e) => (V(e) ? rn(e) : e);
function Mr(e) {
Ue && ge && ((e = B(e)), wr(e.dep || (e.dep = Gs())));
function Sr(e, t) {
e = B(e);
const s = e.dep;
s && Ms(s);
function Z(e) {
return !!(e && e.__v_isRef === !0);
function Bt(e) {
return io(e, !1);
function io(e, t) {
return Z(e) ? e : new oo(e, t);
class oo {
constructor(t, s) {
(this.__v_isShallow = s),
(this.dep = void 0),
(this.__v_isRef = !0),
(this._rawValue = s ? t : B(t)),
(this._value = s ? t : Pt(t));
get value() {
return Mr(this), this._value;
set value(t) {
const s = this.__v_isShallow || Yt(t) || at(t);
(t = s ? t : B(t)),
Et(t, this._rawValue) &&
((this._rawValue = t), (this._value = s ? t : Pt(t)), Sr(this));
function qe(e) {
return Z(e) ? e.value : e;
const lo = {
get: (e, t, s) => qe(Reflect.get(e, t, s)),
set: (e, t, s, n) => {
const r = e[t];
return Z(r) && !Z(s) ? ((r.value = s), !0) : Reflect.set(e, t, s, n);
function Qr(e) {
return lt(e) ? e : new Proxy(e, lo);
function uo(e) {
const t = S(e) ? new Array(e.length) : {};
for (const s in e) t[s] = ao(e, s);
return t;
class co {
constructor(t, s, n) {
(this._object = t),
(this._key = s),
(this._defaultValue = n),
(this.__v_isRef = !0);
get value() {
const t = this._object[this._key];
return t === void 0 ? this._defaultValue : t;
set value(t) {
this._object[this._key] = t;
get dep() {
return Si(B(this._object), this._key);
function ao(e, t, s) {
const n = e[t];
return Z(n) ? n : new co(e, t, s);
class fo {
constructor(t, s, n, r) {
(this._setter = s),
(this.dep = void 0),
(this.__v_isRef = !0),
(this.__v_isReadonly = !1),
(this._dirty = !0),
(this.effect = new en(t, () => {
this._dirty || ((this._dirty = !0), Sr(this));
(this.effect.computed = this),
( = this._cacheable = !r),
(this.__v_isReadonly = n);
get value() {
const t = B(this);
return (
(t._dirty || !t._cacheable) &&
((t._dirty = !1), (t._value =,
set value(t) {
function ho(e, t, s = !1) {
let n, r;
const i = q(e);
return (
i ? ((n = e), (r = ve)) : ((n = e.get), (r = e.set)),
new fo(n, r, i || !r, s)
function Ke(e, t, s, n) {
let r;
try {
r = n ? e(...n) : e();
} catch (i) {
us(i, t, s);
return r;
function be(e, t, s, n) {
if (q(e)) {
const i = Ke(e, t, s, n);
return (
i &&
pr(i) &&
i.catch((o) => {
us(o, t, s);
const r = [];
for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) r.push(be(e[i], t, s, n));
return r;
function us(e, t, s, n = !0) {
const r = t ? t.vnode : null;
if (t) {
let i = t.parent;
const o = t.proxy,
l = s;
for (; i; ) {
const f =;
if (f) {
for (let h = 0; h < f.length; h++) if (f[h](e, o, l) === !1) return;
i = i.parent;
const u = t.appContext.config.errorHandler;
if (u) {
Ke(u, null, 10, [e, o, l]);
po(e, s, r, n);
function po(e, t, s, n = !0) {
let Rt = !1,
Ss = !1;
const re = [];
let Ee = 0;
const ut = [];
let Fe = null,
$e = 0;
const Dr = Promise.resolve();
let un = null;
function yo(e) {
const t = un || Dr;
return e ? t.then(this ? e.bind(this) : e) : t;
function go(e) {
let t = Ee + 1,
s = re.length;
for (; t < s; ) {
const n = (t + s) >>> 1;
Ft(re[n]) < e ? (t = n + 1) : (s = n);
return t;
function cn(e) {
(!re.length || !re.includes(e, Rt && e.allowRecurse ? Ee + 1 : Ee)) &&
( == null ? re.push(e) : re.splice(go(, 0, e), Ur());
function Ur() {
!Rt && !Ss && ((Ss = !0), (un = Dr.then(Kr)));
function mo(e) {
const t = re.indexOf(e);
t > Ee && re.splice(t, 1);
function vo(e) {
? ut.push(...e)
: (!Fe || !Fe.includes(e, e.allowRecurse ? $e + 1 : $e)) && ut.push(e),
function Mn(e, t = Rt ? Ee + 1 : 0) {
for (; t < re.length; t++) {
const s = re[t];
s && s.pre && (re.splice(t, 1), t--, s());
function qr(e) {
if (ut.length) {
const t = [ Set(ut)];
if (((ut.length = 0), Fe)) {
for (Fe = t, Fe.sort((s, n) => Ft(s) - Ft(n)), $e = 0; $e < Fe.length; $e++)
(Fe = null), ($e = 0);
const Ft = (e) => ( == null ? 1 / 0 :,
bo = (e, t) => {
const s = Ft(e) - Ft(t);
if (s === 0) {
if (e.pre && !t.pre) return -1;
if (t.pre && !e.pre) return 1;
return s;
function Kr(e) {
(Ss = !1), (Rt = !0), re.sort(bo);
const t = ve;
try {
for (Ee = 0; Ee < re.length; Ee++) {
const s = re[Ee];
s && !== !1 && Ke(s, null, 14);
} finally {
(Ee = 0),
(re.length = 0),
(Rt = !1),
(un = null),
(re.length || ut.length) && Kr();
function _o(e, t, ...s) {
if (e.isUnmounted) return;
const n = e.vnode.props || z;
let r = s;
const i = t.startsWith("update:"),
o = i && t.slice(7);
if (o && o in n) {
const h = `${o === "modelValue" ? "model" : o}Modifiers`,
{ number: p, trim: v } = n[h] || z;
v && (r = => (G(O) ? O.trim() : O))), p && (r =;
let l,
u = n[(l = _s(t))] || n[(l = _s(ct(t)))];
!u && i && (u = n[(l = _s(Ze(t)))]), u && be(u, e, 6, r);
const f = n[l + "Once"];
if (f) {
if (!e.emitted) e.emitted = {};
else if (e.emitted[l]) return;
(e.emitted[l] = !0), be(f, e, 6, r);
function jr(e, t, s = !1) {
const n = t.emitsCache,
r = n.get(e);
if (r !== void 0) return r;
const i = e.emits;
let o = {},
l = !1;
if (!q(e)) {
const u = (f) => {
const h = jr(f, t, !0);
h && ((l = !0), te(o, h));
!s && t.mixins.length && t.mixins.forEach(u),
e.extends && u(e.extends),
e.mixins && e.mixins.forEach(u);
return !i && !l
? (V(e) && n.set(e, null), null)
: (S(i) ? i.forEach((u) => (o[u] = null)) : te(o, i),
V(e) && n.set(e, o),
function cs(e, t) {
return !e || !ss(t)
? !1
: ((t = t.slice(2).replace(/Once$/, "")),
H(e, t[0].toLowerCase() + t.slice(1)) || H(e, Ze(t)) || H(e, t));
let pe = null,
as = null;
function Jt(e) {
const t = pe;
return (pe = e), (as = (e && e.type.__scopeId) || null), t;
function Oo(e) {
as = e;
function Co() {
as = null;
function wo(e, t = pe, s) {
if (!t || e._n) return e;
const n = (...r) => {
n._d && Hn(-1);
const i = Jt(t);
let o;
try {
o = e(...r);
} finally {
Jt(i), n._d && Hn(1);
return o;
return (n._n = !0), (n._c = !0), (n._d = !0), n;
function Os(e) {
const {
type: t,
vnode: s,
proxy: n,
withProxy: r,
props: i,
propsOptions: [o],
slots: l,
attrs: u,
emit: f,
render: h,
renderCache: p,
data: v,
setupState: O,
ctx: F,
inheritAttrs: w
} = e;
let E, M;
const N = Jt(e);
try {
if (s.shapeFlag & 4) {
const R = r || n;
(E = xe(, R, p, i, O, v, F))), (M = u);
} else {
const R = t;
(E = xe(
R.length > 1 ? R(i, { attrs: u, slots: l, emit: f }) : R(i, null)
(M = t.props ? u : xo(u));
} catch (R) {
(xt.length = 0), us(R, e, 1), (E = Te(Xe));
let U = E;
if (M && w !== !1) {
const R = Object.keys(M),
{ shapeFlag: J } = U;
R.length && J & 7 && (o && R.some(Vs) && (M = Eo(M, o)), (U = ft(U, M)));
return (
s.dirs && ((U = ft(U)), (U.dirs = U.dirs ? U.dirs.concat(s.dirs) : s.dirs)),
s.transition && (U.transition = s.transition),
(E = U),
const xo = (e) => {
let t;
for (const s in e)
(s === "class" || s === "style" || ss(s)) && ((t || (t = {}))[s] = e[s]);
return t;
Eo = (e, t) => {
const s = {};
for (const n in e) (!Vs(n) || !(n.slice(9) in t)) && (s[n] = e[n]);
return s;
function Po(e, t, s) {
const { props: n, children: r, component: i } = e,
{ props: o, children: l, patchFlag: u } = t,
f = i.emitsOptions;
if (t.dirs || t.transition) return !0;
if (s && u >= 0) {
if (u & 1024) return !0;
if (u & 16) return n ? Sn(n, o, f) : !!o;
if (u & 8) {
const h = t.dynamicProps;
for (let p = 0; p < h.length; p++) {
const v = h[p];
if (o[v] !== n[v] && !cs(f, v)) return !0;
} else
return (r || l) && (!l || !l.$stable)
? !0
: n === o
? !1
: n
? o
? Sn(n, o, f)
: !0
: !!o;
return !1;
function Sn(e, t, s) {
const n = Object.keys(t);
if (n.length !== Object.keys(e).length) return !0;
for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
const i = n[r];
if (t[i] !== e[i] && !cs(s, i)) return !0;
return !1;
function Ro({ vnode: e, parent: t }, s) {
for (; t && t.subTree === e; ) ((e = t.vnode).el = s), (t = t.parent);
const Fo = (e) => e.__isSuspense;
function To(e, t) {
t && t.pendingBranch
? S(e)
? t.effects.push(...e)
: t.effects.push(e)
: vo(e);
const jt = {};
function ke(e, t, s) {
return Nr(e, t, s);
function Nr(
{ immediate: s, deep: n, flush: r, onTrack: i, onTrigger: o } = z
) {
var l;
const u = Ti() === ((l = se) == null ? void 0 : l.scope) ? se : null;
let f,
h = !1,
p = !1;
if (
? ((f = () => e.value), (h = Yt(e)))
: lt(e)
? ((f = () => e), (n = !0))
: S(e)
? ((p = !0),
(h = e.some((R) => lt(R) || Yt(R))),
(f = () => => {
if (Z(R)) return R.value;
if (lt(R)) return ze(R);
if (q(R)) return Ke(R, u, 2);
: q(e)
? t
? (f = () => Ke(e, u, 2))
: (f = () => {
if (!(u && u.isUnmounted)) return v && v(), be(e, u, 3, [O]);
: (f = ve),
t && n)
) {
const R = f;
f = () => ze(R());
let v,
O = (R) => {
v = N.onStop = () => {
Ke(R, u, 4);
if (It)
if (
((O = ve),
t ? s && be(t, u, 3, [f(), p ? [] : void 0, O]) : f(),
r === "sync")
) {
const R = Fl();
F = R.__watcherHandles || (R.__watcherHandles = []);
} else return ve;
let w = p ? new Array(e.length).fill(jt) : jt;
const E = () => {
if (
if (t) {
const R =;
(n || h || (p ? R.some((J, L) => Et(J, w[L])) : Et(R, w))) &&
(v && v(),
be(t, u, 3, [R, w === jt ? void 0 : p && w[0] === jt ? [] : w, O]),
(w = R));
} else;
E.allowRecurse = !!t;
let M;
r === "sync"
? (M = E)
: r === "post"
? (M = () => le(E, u && u.suspense))
: ((E.pre = !0), u && ( = u.uid), (M = () => cn(E)));
const N = new en(f, M);
? s
? E()
: (w =
: r === "post"
? le(, u && u.suspense)
const U = () => {
N.stop(), u && u.scope && Ys(u.scope.effects, N);
return F && F.push(U), U;
function Io(e, t, s) {
const n = this.proxy,
r = G(e) ? (e.includes(".") ? Lr(n, e) : () => n[e]) : e.bind(n, n);
let i;
q(t) ? (i = t) : ((i = t.handler), (s = t));
const o = se;
const l = Nr(r, i.bind(n), s);
return o ? ht(o) : Je(), l;
function Lr(e, t) {
const s = t.split(".");
return () => {
let n = e;
for (let r = 0; r < s.length && n; r++) n = n[s[r]];
return n;
function ze(e, t) {
if (!V(e) || e.__v_skip || ((t = t || new Set()), t.has(e))) return e;
if ((t.add(e), Z(e))) ze(e.value, t);
else if (S(e)) for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) ze(e[s], t);
else if (dr(e) || ot(e))
e.forEach((s) => {
ze(s, t);
else if (gr(e)) for (const s in e) ze(e[s], t);
return e;
function Ao(e, t) {
const s = pe;
if (s === null) return e;
const n = ps(s) || s.proxy,
r = e.dirs || (e.dirs = []);
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
let [o, l, u, f = z] = t[i];
o &&
(q(o) && (o = { mounted: o, updated: o }),
o.deep && ze(l),
dir: o,
instance: n,
value: l,
oldValue: void 0,
arg: u,
modifiers: f
return e;
function He(e, t, s, n) {
const r = e.dirs,
i = t && t.dirs;
for (let o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
const l = r[o];
i && (l.oldValue = i[o].value);
let u = l.dir[n];
u && (pt(), be(u, s, 8, [e.el, l, e, t]), yt());
function Mo(e, t) {
return q(e) ? (() => te({ name: }, t, { setup: e }))() : e;
const $t = (e) => !!e.type.__asyncLoader,
Hr = (e) => e.type.__isKeepAlive;
function So(e, t) {
Br(e, "a", t);
function Qo(e, t) {
Br(e, "da", t);
function Br(e, t, s = se) {
const n =
e.__wdc ||
(e.__wdc = () => {
let r = s;
for (; r; ) {
if (r.isDeactivated) return;
r = r.parent;
return e();
if ((fs(t, n, s), s)) {
let r = s.parent;
for (; r && r.parent; )
Hr(r.parent.vnode) && Do(n, t, s, r), (r = r.parent);
function Do(e, t, s, n) {
const r = fs(t, e, n, !0);
$r(() => {
Ys(n[t], r);
}, s);
function fs(e, t, s = se, n = !1) {
if (s) {
const r = s[e] || (s[e] = []),
i =
t.__weh ||
(t.__weh = (...o) => {
if (s.isUnmounted) return;
pt(), ht(s);
const l = be(t, s, e, o);
return Je(), yt(), l;
return n ? r.unshift(i) : r.push(i), i;
const Ae = (e) => (t, s = se) =>
(!It || e === "sp") && fs(e, (...n) => t(...n), s),
Uo = Ae("bm"),
qo = Ae("m"),
Ko = Ae("bu"),
jo = Ae("u"),
No = Ae("bum"),
$r = Ae("um"),
Lo = Ae("sp"),
Ho = Ae("rtg"),
Bo = Ae("rtc");
function $o(e, t = se) {
fs("ec", e, t);
const Wo = Symbol.for("v-ndc");
function ko(e, t, s, n) {
let r;
const i = s && s[n];
if (S(e) || G(e)) {
r = new Array(e.length);
for (let o = 0, l = e.length; o < l; o++)
r[o] = t(e[o], o, void 0, i && i[o]);
} else if (typeof e == "number") {
r = new Array(e);
for (let o = 0; o < e; o++) r[o] = t(o + 1, o, void 0, i && i[o]);
} else if (V(e))
if (e[Symbol.iterator])
r = Array.from(e, (o, l) => t(o, l, void 0, i && i[l]));
else {
const o = Object.keys(e);
r = new Array(o.length);
for (let l = 0, u = o.length; l < u; l++) {
const f = o[l];
r[l] = t(e[f], f, l, i && i[l]);
else r = [];
return s && (s[n] = r), r;
const Qs = (e) => (e ? (ti(e) ? ps(e) || e.proxy : Qs(e.parent)) : null),
Ct = te(Object.create(null), {
$: (e) => e,
$el: (e) => e.vnode.el,
$data: (e) =>,
$props: (e) => e.props,
$attrs: (e) => e.attrs,
$slots: (e) => e.slots,
$refs: (e) => e.refs,
$parent: (e) => Qs(e.parent),
$root: (e) => Qs(e.root),
$emit: (e) => e.emit,
$options: (e) => an(e),
$forceUpdate: (e) => e.f || (e.f = () => cn(e.update)),
$nextTick: (e) => e.n || (e.n = yo.bind(e.proxy)),
$watch: (e) => Io.bind(e)
Cs = (e, t) => e !== z && !e.__isScriptSetup && H(e, t),
zo = {
get({ _: e }, t) {
const {
ctx: s,
setupState: n,
data: r,
props: i,
accessCache: o,
type: l,
appContext: u
} = e;
let f;
if (t[0] !== "$") {
const O = o[t];
if (O !== void 0)
switch (O) {
case 1:
return n[t];
case 2:
return r[t];
case 4:
return s[t];
case 3:
return i[t];
else {
if (Cs(n, t)) return (o[t] = 1), n[t];
if (r !== z && H(r, t)) return (o[t] = 2), r[t];
if ((f = e.propsOptions[0]) && H(f, t)) return (o[t] = 3), i[t];
if (s !== z && H(s, t)) return (o[t] = 4), s[t];
Ds && (o[t] = 0);
const h = Ct[t];
let p, v;
if (h) return t === "$attrs" && ue(e, "get", t), h(e);
if ((p = l.__cssModules) && (p = p[t])) return p;
if (s !== z && H(s, t)) return (o[t] = 4), s[t];
if (((v = u.config.globalProperties), H(v, t))) return v[t];
set({ _: e }, t, s) {
const { data: n, setupState: r, ctx: i } = e;
return Cs(r, t)
? ((r[t] = s), !0)
: n !== z && H(n, t)
? ((n[t] = s), !0)
: H(e.props, t) || (t[0] === "$" && t.slice(1) in e)
? !1
: ((i[t] = s), !0);
_: {
data: e,
setupState: t,
accessCache: s,
ctx: n,
appContext: r,
propsOptions: i
) {
let l;
return (
!!s[o] ||
(e !== z && H(e, o)) ||
Cs(t, o) ||
((l = i[0]) && H(l, o)) ||
H(n, o) ||
H(Ct, o) ||
H(r.config.globalProperties, o)
defineProperty(e, t, s) {
return (
s.get != null
? (e._.accessCache[t] = 0)
: H(s, "value") && this.set(e, t, s.value, null),
Reflect.defineProperty(e, t, s)
function Qn(e) {
return S(e) ? e.reduce((t, s) => ((t[s] = null), t), {}) : e;
let Ds = !0;
function Vo(e) {
const t = an(e),
s = e.proxy,
n = e.ctx;
(Ds = !1), t.beforeCreate && Dn(t.beforeCreate, e, "bc");
const {
data: r,
computed: i,
methods: o,
watch: l,
provide: u,
inject: f,
created: h,
beforeMount: p,
mounted: v,
beforeUpdate: O,
updated: F,
activated: w,
deactivated: E,
beforeDestroy: M,
beforeUnmount: N,
destroyed: U,
unmounted: R,
render: J,
renderTracked: L,
renderTriggered: K,
errorCaptured: Q,
serverPrefetch: ee,
expose: ce,
inheritAttrs: Pe,
components: gt,
directives: Ge,
filters: ms
} = t;
if ((f && Yo(f, n, null), o))
for (const Y in o) {
const W = o[Y];
q(W) && (n[Y] = W.bind(s));
if (r) {
const Y =, s);
V(Y) && ( = ls(Y));
if (((Ds = !0), i))
for (const Y in i) {
const W = i[Y],
Ne = q(W) ? W.bind(s, s) : q(W.get) ? W.get.bind(s, s) : ve,
Mt = !q(W) && q(W.set) ? W.set.bind(s) : ve,
Le = js({ get: Ne, set: Mt });
Object.defineProperty(n, Y, {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: () => Le.value,
set: (_e) => (Le.value = _e)
if (l) for (const Y in l) Wr(l[Y], n, s, Y);
if (u) {
const Y = q(u) ? : u;
Reflect.ownKeys(Y).forEach((W) => {
tl(W, Y[W]);
h && Dn(h, e, "c");
function ie(Y, W) {
S(W) ? W.forEach((Ne) => Y(Ne.bind(s))) : W && Y(W.bind(s));
if (
(ie(Uo, p),
ie(qo, v),
ie(Ko, O),
ie(jo, F),
ie(So, w),
ie(Qo, E),
ie($o, Q),
ie(Bo, L),
ie(Ho, K),
ie(No, N),
ie($r, R),
ie(Lo, ee),
if (ce.length) {
const Y = || ( = {});
ce.forEach((W) => {
Object.defineProperty(Y, W, {
get: () => s[W],
set: (Ne) => (s[W] = Ne)
} else || ( = {});
J && e.render === ve && (e.render = J),
Pe != null && (e.inheritAttrs = Pe),
gt && (e.components = gt),
Ge && (e.directives = Ge);
function Yo(e, t, s = ve) {
S(e) && (e = Us(e));
for (const n in e) {
const r = e[n];
let i;
? "default" in r
? (i = wt(r.from || n, r.default, !0))
: (i = wt(r.from || n))
: (i = wt(r)),
? Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: () => i.value,
set: (o) => (i.value = o)
: (t[n] = i);
function Dn(e, t, s) {
be(S(e) ? => n.bind(t.proxy)) : e.bind(t.proxy), t, s);
function Wr(e, t, s, n) {
const r = n.includes(".") ? Lr(s, n) : () => s[n];
if (G(e)) {
const i = t[e];
q(i) && ke(r, i);
} else if (q(e)) ke(r, e.bind(s));
else if (V(e))
if (S(e)) e.forEach((i) => Wr(i, t, s, n));
else {
const i = q(e.handler) ? e.handler.bind(s) : t[e.handler];
q(i) && ke(r, i, e);
function an(e) {
const t = e.type,
{ mixins: s, extends: n } = t,
mixins: r,
optionsCache: i,
config: { optionMergeStrategies: o }
} = e.appContext,
l = i.get(t);
let u;
return (
? (u = l)
: !r.length && !s && !n
? (u = t)
: ((u = {}), r.length && r.forEach((f) => Xt(u, f, o, !0)), Xt(u, t, o)),
V(t) && i.set(t, u),
function Xt(e, t, s, n = !1) {
const { mixins: r, extends: i } = t;
i && Xt(e, i, s, !0), r && r.forEach((o) => Xt(e, o, s, !0));
for (const o in t)
if (!(n && o === "expose")) {
const l = Jo[o] || (s && s[o]);
e[o] = l ? l(e[o], t[o]) : t[o];
return e;
const Jo = {
data: Un,
props: qn,
emits: qn,
methods: Ot,
computed: Ot,
beforeCreate: oe,
created: oe,
beforeMount: oe,
mounted: oe,
beforeUpdate: oe,
updated: oe,
beforeDestroy: oe,
beforeUnmount: oe,
destroyed: oe,
unmounted: oe,
activated: oe,
deactivated: oe,
errorCaptured: oe,
serverPrefetch: oe,
components: Ot,
directives: Ot,
watch: Zo,
provide: Un,
inject: Xo
function Un(e, t) {
return t
? e
? function () {
return te(
q(e) ?, this) : e,
q(t) ?, this) : t
: t
: e;
function Xo(e, t) {
return Ot(Us(e), Us(t));
function Us(e) {
if (S(e)) {
const t = {};
for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) t[e[s]] = e[s];
return t;
return e;
function oe(e, t) {
return e ? [ Set([].concat(e, t))] : t;
function Ot(e, t) {
return e ? te(Object.create(null), e, t) : t;
function qn(e, t) {
return e
? S(e) && S(t)
? [ Set([...e, ...t])]
: te(Object.create(null), Qn(e), Qn(t ?? {}))
: t;
function Zo(e, t) {
if (!e) return t;
if (!t) return e;
const s = te(Object.create(null), e);
for (const n in t) s[n] = oe(e[n], t[n]);
return s;
function kr() {
return {
app: null,
config: {
isNativeTag: yi,
performance: !1,
globalProperties: {},
optionMergeStrategies: {},
errorHandler: void 0,
warnHandler: void 0,
compilerOptions: {}
mixins: [],
components: {},
directives: {},
provides: Object.create(null),
optionsCache: new WeakMap(),
propsCache: new WeakMap(),
emitsCache: new WeakMap()
let Go = 0;
function el(e, t) {
return function (n, r = null) {
q(n) || (n = te({}, n)), r != null && !V(r) && (r = null);
const i = kr(),
o = new Set();
let l = !1;
const u = ( = {
_uid: Go++,
_component: n,
_props: r,
_container: null,
_context: i,
_instance: null,
version: Tl,
get config() {
return i.config;
set config(f) {},
use(f, ...h) {
return (
o.has(f) ||
(f && q(f.install)
? (o.add(f), f.install(u, ...h))
: q(f) && (o.add(f), f(u, ...h))),
mixin(f) {
return i.mixins.includes(f) || i.mixins.push(f), u;
component(f, h) {
return h ? ((i.components[f] = h), u) : i.components[f];
directive(f, h) {
return h ? ((i.directives[f] = h), u) : i.directives[f];
mount(f, h, p) {
if (!l) {
const v = Te(n, r);
return (
(v.appContext = i),
h && t ? t(v, f) : e(v, f, p),
(l = !0),
(u._container = f),
(f.__vue_app__ = u),
ps(v.component) || v.component.proxy
unmount() {
l && (e(null, u._container), delete u._container.__vue_app__);
provide(f, h) {
return (i.provides[f] = h), u;
runWithContext(f) {
Zt = u;
try {
return f();
} finally {
Zt = null;
return u;
let Zt = null;
function tl(e, t) {
if (se) {
let s = se.provides;
const n = se.parent && se.parent.provides;
n === s && (s = se.provides = Object.create(n)), (s[e] = t);
function wt(e, t, s = !1) {
const n = se || pe;
if (n || Zt) {
const r = n
? n.parent == null
? n.vnode.appContext && n.vnode.appContext.provides
: n.parent.provides
: Zt._context.provides;
if (r && e in r) return r[e];
if (arguments.length > 1) return s && q(t) ? && n.proxy) : t;
function sl(e, t, s, n = !1) {
const r = {},
i = {};
zt(i, ds, 1), (e.propsDefaults = Object.create(null)), zr(e, t, r, i);
for (const o in e.propsOptions[0]) o in r || (r[o] = void 0);
s ? (e.props = n ? r : ro(r)) : e.type.props ? (e.props = r) : (e.props = i),
(e.attrs = i);
function nl(e, t, s, n) {
const {
props: r,
attrs: i,
vnode: { patchFlag: o }
} = e,
l = B(r),
[u] = e.propsOptions;
let f = !1;
if ((n || o > 0) && !(o & 16)) {
if (o & 8) {
const h = e.vnode.dynamicProps;
for (let p = 0; p < h.length; p++) {
let v = h[p];
if (cs(e.emitsOptions, v)) continue;
const O = t[v];
if (u)
if (H(i, v)) O !== i[v] && ((i[v] = O), (f = !0));
else {
const F = ct(v);
r[F] = qs(u, l, F, O, e, !1);
else O !== i[v] && ((i[v] = O), (f = !0));
} else {
zr(e, t, r, i) && (f = !0);
let h;
for (const p in l)
(!t || (!H(t, p) && ((h = Ze(p)) === p || !H(t, h)))) &&
? s &&
(s[p] !== void 0 || s[h] !== void 0) &&
(r[p] = qs(u, l, p, void 0, e, !0))
: delete r[p]);
if (i !== l) for (const p in i) (!t || !H(t, p)) && (delete i[p], (f = !0));
f && Ie(e, "set", "$attrs");
function zr(e, t, s, n) {
const [r, i] = e.propsOptions;
let o = !1,
if (t)
for (let u in t) {
if (Lt(u)) continue;
const f = t[u];
let h;
r && H(r, (h = ct(u)))
? !i || !i.includes(h)
? (s[h] = f)
: ((l || (l = {}))[h] = f)
: cs(e.emitsOptions, u) ||
((!(u in n) || f !== n[u]) && ((n[u] = f), (o = !0)));
if (i) {
const u = B(s),
f = l || z;
for (let h = 0; h < i.length; h++) {
const p = i[h];
s[p] = qs(r, u, p, f[p], e, !H(f, p));
return o;
function qs(e, t, s, n, r, i) {
const o = e[s];
if (o != null) {
const l = H(o, "default");
if (l && n === void 0) {
const u = o.default;
if (o.type !== Function && !o.skipFactory && q(u)) {
const { propsDefaults: f } = r;
s in f ? (n = f[s]) : (ht(r), (n = f[s] =, t)), Je());
} else n = u;
o[0] &&
(i && !l ? (n = !1) : o[1] && (n === "" || n === Ze(s)) && (n = !0));
return n;
function Vr(e, t, s = !1) {
const n = t.propsCache,
r = n.get(e);
if (r) return r;
const i = e.props,
o = {},
l = [];
let u = !1;
if (!q(e)) {
const h = (p) => {
u = !0;
const [v, O] = Vr(p, t, !0);
te(o, v), O && l.push(...O);
!s && t.mixins.length && t.mixins.forEach(h),
e.extends && h(e.extends),
e.mixins && e.mixins.forEach(h);
if (!i && !u) return V(e) && n.set(e, it), it;
if (S(i))
for (let h = 0; h < i.length; h++) {
const p = ct(i[h]);
Kn(p) && (o[p] = z);
else if (i)
for (const h in i) {
const p = ct(h);
if (Kn(p)) {
const v = i[h],
O = (o[p] = S(v) || q(v) ? { type: v } : te({}, v));
if (O) {
const F = Ln(Boolean, O.type),
w = Ln(String, O.type);
(O[0] = F > -1),
(O[1] = w < 0 || F < w),
(F > -1 || H(O, "default")) && l.push(p);
const f = [o, l];
return V(e) && n.set(e, f), f;
function Kn(e) {
return e[0] !== "$";
function jn(e) {
const t = e && e.toString().match(/^\s*(function|class) (\w+)/);
return t ? t[2] : e === null ? "null" : "";
function Nn(e, t) {
return jn(e) === jn(t);
function Ln(e, t) {
return S(t) ? t.findIndex((s) => Nn(s, e)) : q(t) && Nn(t, e) ? 0 : -1;
const Yr = (e) => e[0] === "_" || e === "$stable",
fn = (e) => (S(e) ? : [xe(e)]),
rl = (e, t, s) => {
if (t._n) return t;
const n = wo((...r) => fn(t(...r)), s);
return (n._c = !1), n;
Jr = (e, t, s) => {
const n = e._ctx;
for (const r in e) {
if (Yr(r)) continue;
const i = e[r];
if (q(i)) t[r] = rl(r, i, n);
else if (i != null) {
const o = fn(i);
t[r] = () => o;
Xr = (e, t) => {
const s = fn(t);
e.slots.default = () => s;
il = (e, t) => {
if (e.vnode.shapeFlag & 32) {
const s = t._;
s ? ((e.slots = B(t)), zt(t, "_", s)) : Jr(t, (e.slots = {}));
} else (e.slots = {}), t && Xr(e, t);
zt(e.slots, ds, 1);
ol = (e, t, s) => {
const { vnode: n, slots: r } = e;
let i = !0,
o = z;
if (n.shapeFlag & 32) {
const l = t._;
? s && l === 1
? (i = !1)
: (te(r, t), !s && l === 1 && delete r._)
: ((i = !t.$stable), Jr(t, r)),
(o = t);
} else t && (Xr(e, t), (o = { default: 1 }));
if (i) for (const l in r) !Yr(l) && !(l in o) && delete r[l];
function Ks(e, t, s, n, r = !1) {
if (S(e)) {
e.forEach((v, O) => Ks(v, t && (S(t) ? t[O] : t), s, n, r));
if ($t(n) && !r) return;
const i = n.shapeFlag & 4 ? ps(n.component) || n.component.proxy : n.el,
o = r ? null : i,
{ i: l, r: u } = e,
f = t && t.r,
h = l.refs === z ? (l.refs = {}) : l.refs,
p = l.setupState;
if (
(f != null &&
f !== u &&
? ((h[f] = null), H(p, f) && (p[f] = null))
: Z(f) && (f.value = null)),
Ke(u, l, 12, [o, h]);
else {
const v = G(u),
O = Z(u);
if (v || O) {
const F = () => {
if (e.f) {
const w = v ? (H(p, u) ? p[u] : h[u]) : u.value;
? S(w) && Ys(w, i)
: S(w)
? w.includes(i) || w.push(i)
: v
? ((h[u] = [i]), H(p, u) && (p[u] = h[u]))
: ((u.value = [i]), e.k && (h[e.k] = u.value));
} else
? ((h[u] = o), H(p, u) && (p[u] = o))
: O && ((u.value = o), e.k && (h[e.k] = o));
o ? (( = -1), le(F, s)) : F();
const le = To;
function ll(e) {
return ul(e);
function ul(e, t) {
const s = Ts();
s.__VUE__ = !0;
const {
insert: n,
remove: r,
patchProp: i,
createElement: o,
createText: l,
createComment: u,
setText: f,
setElementText: h,
parentNode: p,
nextSibling: v,
setScopeId: O = ve,
insertStaticContent: F
} = e,
w = (
g = null,
y = null,
_ = null,
x = !1,
b = null,
C = !!a.dynamicChildren
) => {
if (c === a) return;
c && !bt(c, a) && ((g = St(c)), _e(c, y, _, !0), (c = null)),
a.patchFlag === -2 && ((C = !1), (a.dynamicChildren = null));
const { type: m, ref: I, shapeFlag: P } = a;
switch (m) {
case hs:
E(c, a, d, g);
case Xe:
M(c, a, d, g);
case ws:
c == null && N(a, d, g, x);
case we:
gt(c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C);
P & 1
? J(c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C)
: P & 6
? Ge(c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C)
: (P & 64 || P & 128) && m.process(c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C, et);
I != null && y && Ks(I, c && c.ref, _, a || c, !a);
E = (c, a, d, g) => {
if (c == null) n((a.el = l(a.children)), d, g);
else {
const y = (a.el = c.el);
a.children !== c.children && f(y, a.children);
M = (c, a, d, g) => {
c == null ? n((a.el = u(a.children || "")), d, g) : (a.el = c.el);
N = (c, a, d, g) => {
[c.el, c.anchor] = F(c.children, a, d, g, c.el, c.anchor);
U = ({ el: c, anchor: a }, d, g) => {
let y;
for (; c && c !== a; ) (y = v(c)), n(c, d, g), (c = y);
n(a, d, g);
R = ({ el: c, anchor: a }) => {
let d;
for (; c && c !== a; ) (d = v(c)), r(c), (c = d);
J = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C) => {
(x = x || a.type === "svg"),
c == null ? L(a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C) : ee(c, a, y, _, x, b, C);
L = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b) => {
let C, m;
const { type: I, props: P, shapeFlag: A, transition: D, dirs: j } = c;
if (
((C = c.el = o(c.type, _, P &&, P)),
A & 8
? h(C, c.children)
: A & 16 &&
Q(c.children, C, null, g, y, _ && I !== "foreignObject", x, b),
j && He(c, null, g, "created"),
K(C, c, c.scopeId, x, g),
) {
for (const $ in P)
$ !== "value" &&
!Lt($) &&
i(C, $, null, P[$], _, c.children, g, y, Re);
"value" in P && i(C, "value", null, P.value),
(m = P.onVnodeBeforeMount) && Ce(m, g, c);
j && He(c, null, g, "beforeMount");
const k = (!y || (y && !y.pendingBranch)) && D && !D.persisted;
k && D.beforeEnter(C),
n(C, a, d),
((m = P && P.onVnodeMounted) || k || j) &&
le(() => {
m && Ce(m, g, c), k && D.enter(C), j && He(c, null, g, "mounted");
}, y);
K = (c, a, d, g, y) => {
if ((d && O(c, d), g)) for (let _ = 0; _ < g.length; _++) O(c, g[_]);
if (y) {
let _ = y.subTree;
if (a === _) {
const x = y.vnode;
K(c, x, x.scopeId, x.slotScopeIds, y.parent);
Q = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C = 0) => {
for (let m = C; m < c.length; m++) {
const I = (c[m] = b ? Se(c[m]) : xe(c[m]));
w(null, I, a, d, g, y, _, x, b);
ee = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x) => {
const b = (a.el = c.el);
let { patchFlag: C, dynamicChildren: m, dirs: I } = a;
C |= c.patchFlag & 16;
const P = c.props || z,
A = a.props || z;
let D;
d && Be(d, !1),
(D = A.onVnodeBeforeUpdate) && Ce(D, d, a, c),
I && He(a, c, d, "beforeUpdate"),
d && Be(d, !0);
const j = y && a.type !== "foreignObject";
if (
? ce(c.dynamicChildren, m, b, d, g, j, _)
: x || W(c, a, b, null, d, g, j, _, !1),
C > 0)
) {
if (C & 16) Pe(b, a, P, A, d, g, y);
else if (
(C & 2 && P.class !== A.class && i(b, "class", null, A.class, y),
C & 4 && i(b, "style",,, y),
C & 8)
) {
const k = a.dynamicProps;
for (let $ = 0; $ < k.length; $++) {
const X = k[$],
ye = P[X],
tt = A[X];
(tt !== ye || X === "value") &&
i(b, X, ye, tt, y, c.children, d, g, Re);
C & 1 && c.children !== a.children && h(b, a.children);
} else !x && m == null && Pe(b, a, P, A, d, g, y);
((D = A.onVnodeUpdated) || I) &&
le(() => {
D && Ce(D, d, a, c), I && He(a, c, d, "updated");
}, g);
ce = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x) => {
for (let b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
const C = c[b],
m = a[b],
I =
C.el && (C.type === we || !bt(C, m) || C.shapeFlag & 70)
? p(C.el)
: d;
w(C, m, I, null, g, y, _, x, !0);
Pe = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x) => {
if (d !== g) {
if (d !== z)
for (const b in d)
!Lt(b) && !(b in g) && i(c, b, d[b], null, x, a.children, y, _, Re);
for (const b in g) {
if (Lt(b)) continue;
const C = g[b],
m = d[b];
C !== m && b !== "value" && i(c, b, m, C, x, a.children, y, _, Re);
"value" in g && i(c, "value", d.value, g.value);
gt = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C) => {
const m = (a.el = c ? c.el : l("")),
I = (a.anchor = c ? c.anchor : l(""));
let { patchFlag: P, dynamicChildren: A, slotScopeIds: D } = a;
D && (b = b ? b.concat(D) : D),
c == null
? (n(m, d, g), n(I, d, g), Q(a.children, d, I, y, _, x, b, C))
: P > 0 && P & 64 && A && c.dynamicChildren
? (ce(c.dynamicChildren, A, d, y, _, x, b),
(a.key != null || (y && a === y.subTree)) && Zr(c, a, !0))
: W(c, a, d, I, y, _, x, b, C);
Ge = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C) => {
(a.slotScopeIds = b),
c == null
? a.shapeFlag & 512
? y.ctx.activate(a, d, g, x, C)
: ms(a, d, g, y, _, x, C)
: mn(c, a, C);
ms = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x) => {
const b = (c.component = _l(c, g, y));
if ((Hr(c) && (b.ctx.renderer = et), Cl(b), b.asyncDep)) {
if ((y && y.registerDep(b, ie), !c.el)) {
const C = (b.subTree = Te(Xe));
M(null, C, a, d);
ie(b, c, a, d, y, _, x);
mn = (c, a, d) => {
const g = (a.component = c.component);
if (Po(c, a, d))
if (g.asyncDep && !g.asyncResolved) {
Y(g, a, d);
} else ( = a), mo(g.update), g.update();
else (a.el = c.el), (g.vnode = a);
ie = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x) => {
const b = () => {
if (c.isMounted) {
let { next: I, bu: P, u: A, parent: D, vnode: j } = c,
k = I,
Be(c, !1),
I ? ((I.el = j.el), Y(c, I, x)) : (I = j),
P && Ht(P),
($ = I.props && I.props.onVnodeBeforeUpdate) && Ce($, D, I, j),
Be(c, !0);
const X = Os(c),
ye = c.subTree;
(c.subTree = X),
w(ye, X, p(ye.el), St(ye), c, y, _),
(I.el = X.el),
k === null && Ro(c, X.el),
A && le(A, y),
($ = I.props && I.props.onVnodeUpdated) &&
le(() => Ce($, D, I, j), y);
} else {
let I;
const { el: P, props: A } = a,
{ bm: D, m: j, parent: k } = c,
$ = $t(a);
if (
(Be(c, !1),
D && Ht(D),
!$ && (I = A && A.onVnodeBeforeMount) && Ce(I, k, a),
Be(c, !0),
P && bs)
) {
const X = () => {
(c.subTree = Os(c)), bs(P, c.subTree, c, y, null);
? a.type.__asyncLoader().then(() => !c.isUnmounted && X())
: X();
} else {
const X = (c.subTree = Os(c));
w(null, X, d, g, c, y, _), (a.el = X.el);
if ((j && le(j, y), !$ && (I = A && A.onVnodeMounted))) {
const X = a;
le(() => Ce(I, k, X), y);
(a.shapeFlag & 256 ||
(k && $t(k.vnode) && k.vnode.shapeFlag & 256)) &&
c.a &&
le(c.a, y),
(c.isMounted = !0),
(a = d = g = null);
C = (c.effect = new en(b, () => cn(m), c.scope)),
m = (c.update = () =>;
( = c.uid), Be(c, !0), m();
Y = (c, a, d) => {
a.component = c;
const g = c.vnode.props;
(c.vnode = a),
( = null),
nl(c, a.props, g, d),
ol(c, a.children, d),
W = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C = !1) => {
const m = c && c.children,
I = c ? c.shapeFlag : 0,
P = a.children,
{ patchFlag: A, shapeFlag: D } = a;
if (A > 0) {
if (A & 128) {
Mt(m, P, d, g, y, _, x, b, C);
} else if (A & 256) {
Ne(m, P, d, g, y, _, x, b, C);
D & 8
? (I & 16 && Re(m, y, _), P !== m && h(d, P))
: I & 16
? D & 16
? Mt(m, P, d, g, y, _, x, b, C)
: Re(m, y, _, !0)
: (I & 8 && h(d, ""), D & 16 && Q(P, d, g, y, _, x, b, C));
Ne = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C) => {
(c = c || it), (a = a || it);
const m = c.length,
I = a.length,
P = Math.min(m, I);
let A;
for (A = 0; A < P; A++) {
const D = (a[A] = C ? Se(a[A]) : xe(a[A]));
w(c[A], D, d, null, y, _, x, b, C);
m > I ? Re(c, y, _, !0, !1, P) : Q(a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C, P);
Mt = (c, a, d, g, y, _, x, b, C) => {
let m = 0;
const I = a.length;
let P = c.length - 1,
A = I - 1;
for (; m <= P && m <= A; ) {
const D = c[m],
j = (a[m] = C ? Se(a[m]) : xe(a[m]));
if (bt(D, j)) w(D, j, d, null, y, _, x, b, C);
else break;
for (; m <= P && m <= A; ) {
const D = c[P],
j = (a[A] = C ? Se(a[A]) : xe(a[A]));
if (bt(D, j)) w(D, j, d, null, y, _, x, b, C);
else break;
P--, A--;
if (m > P) {
if (m <= A) {
const D = A + 1,
j = D < I ? a[D].el : g;
for (; m <= A; )
w(null, (a[m] = C ? Se(a[m]) : xe(a[m])), d, j, y, _, x, b, C), m++;
} else if (m > A) for (; m <= P; ) _e(c[m], y, _, !0), m++;
else {
const D = m,
j = m,
k = new Map();
for (m = j; m <= A; m++) {
const ae = (a[m] = C ? Se(a[m]) : xe(a[m]));
ae.key != null && k.set(ae.key, m);
let $,
X = 0;
const ye = A - j + 1;
let tt = !1,
_n = 0;
const mt = new Array(ye);
for (m = 0; m < ye; m++) mt[m] = 0;
for (m = D; m <= P; m++) {
const ae = c[m];
if (X >= ye) {
_e(ae, y, _, !0);
let Oe;
if (ae.key != null) Oe = k.get(ae.key);
for ($ = j; $ <= A; $++)
if (mt[$ - j] === 0 && bt(ae, a[$])) {
Oe = $;
Oe === void 0
? _e(ae, y, _, !0)
: ((mt[Oe - j] = m + 1),
Oe >= _n ? (_n = Oe) : (tt = !0),
w(ae, a[Oe], d, null, y, _, x, b, C),
const On = tt ? cl(mt) : it;
for ($ = On.length - 1, m = ye - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
const ae = j + m,
Oe = a[ae],
Cn = ae + 1 < I ? a[ae + 1].el : g;
mt[m] === 0
? w(null, Oe, d, Cn, y, _, x, b, C)
: tt && ($ < 0 || m !== On[$] ? Le(Oe, d, Cn, 2) : $--);
Le = (c, a, d, g, y = null) => {
const { el: _, type: x, transition: b, children: C, shapeFlag: m } = c;
if (m & 6) {
Le(c.component.subTree, a, d, g);
if (m & 128) {
c.suspense.move(a, d, g);
if (m & 64) {
x.move(c, a, d, et);
if (x === we) {
n(_, a, d);
for (let P = 0; P < C.length; P++) Le(C[P], a, d, g);
n(c.anchor, a, d);
if (x === ws) {
U(c, a, d);
if (g !== 2 && m & 1 && b)
if (g === 0) b.beforeEnter(_), n(_, a, d), le(() => b.enter(_), y);
else {
const { leave: P, delayLeave: A, afterLeave: D } = b,
j = () => n(_, a, d),
k = () => {
P(_, () => {
j(), D && D();
A ? A(_, j, k) : k();
else n(_, a, d);
_e = (c, a, d, g = !1, y = !1) => {
const {
type: _,
props: x,
ref: b,
children: C,
dynamicChildren: m,
shapeFlag: I,
patchFlag: P,
dirs: A
} = c;
if ((b != null && Ks(b, null, d, c, !0), I & 256)) {
const D = I & 1 && A,
j = !$t(c);
let k;
if ((j && (k = x && x.onVnodeBeforeUnmount) && Ce(k, a, c), I & 6))
pi(c.component, d, g);
else {
if (I & 128) {
c.suspense.unmount(d, g);
D && He(c, null, a, "beforeUnmount"),
I & 64
? c.type.remove(c, a, d, y, et, g)
: m && (_ !== we || (P > 0 && P & 64))
? Re(m, a, d, !1, !0)
: ((_ === we && P & 384) || (!y && I & 16)) && Re(C, a, d),
g && vn(c);
((j && (k = x && x.onVnodeUnmounted)) || D) &&
le(() => {
k && Ce(k, a, c), D && He(c, null, a, "unmounted");
}, d);
vn = (c) => {
const { type: a, el: d, anchor: g, transition: y } = c;
if (a === we) {
di(d, g);
if (a === ws) {
const _ = () => {
r(d), y && !y.persisted && y.afterLeave && y.afterLeave();
if (c.shapeFlag & 1 && y && !y.persisted) {
const { leave: x, delayLeave: b } = y,
C = () => x(d, _);
b ? b(c.el, _, C) : C();
} else _();
di = (c, a) => {
let d;
for (; c !== a; ) (d = v(c)), r(c), (c = d);
pi = (c, a, d) => {
const { bum: g, scope: y, update: _, subTree: x, um: b } = c;
g && Ht(g),
_ && (( = !1), _e(x, c, a, d)),
b && le(b, a),
le(() => {
c.isUnmounted = !0;
}, a),
a &&
a.pendingBranch &&
!a.isUnmounted &&
c.asyncDep &&
!c.asyncResolved &&
c.suspenseId === a.pendingId &&
(a.deps--, a.deps === 0 && a.resolve());
Re = (c, a, d, g = !1, y = !1, _ = 0) => {
for (let x = _; x < c.length; x++) _e(c[x], a, d, g, y);
St = (c) =>
c.shapeFlag & 6
? St(c.component.subTree)
: c.shapeFlag & 128
: v(c.anchor || c.el),
bn = (c, a, d) => {
c == null
? a._vnode && _e(a._vnode, null, null, !0)
: w(a._vnode || null, c, a, null, null, null, d),
(a._vnode = c);
et = {
p: w,
um: _e,
m: Le,
r: vn,
mt: ms,
mc: Q,
pc: W,
pbc: ce,
n: St,
o: e
let vs, bs;
return (
t && ([vs, bs] = t(et)), { render: bn, hydrate: vs, createApp: el(bn, vs) }
function Be({ effect: e, update: t }, s) {
e.allowRecurse = t.allowRecurse = s;
function Zr(e, t, s = !1) {
const n = e.children,
r = t.children;
if (S(n) && S(r))
for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
const o = n[i];
let l = r[i];
l.shapeFlag & 1 &&
!l.dynamicChildren &&
((l.patchFlag <= 0 || l.patchFlag === 32) &&
((l = r[i] = Se(r[i])), (l.el = o.el)),
s || Zr(o, l)),
l.type === hs && (l.el = o.el);
function cl(e) {
const t = e.slice(),
s = [0];
let n, r, i, o, l;
const u = e.length;
for (n = 0; n < u; n++) {
const f = e[n];
if (f !== 0) {
if (((r = s[s.length - 1]), e[r] < f)) {
(t[n] = r), s.push(n);
for (i = 0, o = s.length - 1; i < o; )
(l = (i + o) >> 1), e[s[l]] < f ? (i = l + 1) : (o = l);
f < e[s[i]] && (i > 0 && (t[n] = s[i - 1]), (s[i] = n));
for (i = s.length, o = s[i - 1]; i-- > 0; ) (s[i] = o), (o = t[o]);
return s;
const al = (e) => e.__isTeleport,
we = Symbol.for("v-fgt"),
hs = Symbol.for("v-txt"),
Xe = Symbol.for("v-cmt"),
ws = Symbol.for("v-stc"),
xt = [];
let me = null;
function nt(e = !1) {
xt.push((me = e ? null : []));
function fl() {
xt.pop(), (me = xt[xt.length - 1] || null);
let Tt = 1;
function Hn(e) {
Tt += e;
function Gr(e) {
return (
(e.dynamicChildren = Tt > 0 ? me || it : null),
Tt > 0 && me && me.push(e),
function vt(e, t, s, n, r, i) {
return Gr(De(e, t, s, n, r, i, !0));
function hl(e, t, s, n, r) {
return Gr(Te(e, t, s, n, r, !0));
function dl(e) {
return e ? e.__v_isVNode === !0 : !1;
function bt(e, t) {
return e.type === t.type && e.key === t.key;
const ds = "__vInternal",
ei = ({ key: e }) => e ?? null,
Wt = ({ ref: e, ref_key: t, ref_for: s }) => (
typeof e == "number" && (e = "" + e),
e != null
? G(e) || Z(e) || q(e)
? { i: pe, r: e, k: t, f: !!s }
: e
: null
function De(
t = null,
s = null,
n = 0,
r = null,
i = e === we ? 0 : 1,
o = !1,
l = !1
) {
const u = {
__v_isVNode: !0,
__v_skip: !0,
type: e,
props: t,
key: t && ei(t),
ref: t && Wt(t),
scopeId: as,
slotScopeIds: null,
children: s,
component: null,
suspense: null,
ssContent: null,
ssFallback: null,
dirs: null,
transition: null,
el: null,
anchor: null,
target: null,
targetAnchor: null,
staticCount: 0,
shapeFlag: i,
patchFlag: n,
dynamicProps: r,
dynamicChildren: null,
appContext: null,
ctx: pe
return (
? (hn(u, s), i & 128 && e.normalize(u))
: s && (u.shapeFlag |= G(s) ? 8 : 16),
Tt > 0 &&
!o &&
me &&
(u.patchFlag > 0 || i & 6) &&
u.patchFlag !== 32 &&
const Te = pl;
function pl(e, t = null, s = null, n = 0, r = null, i = !1) {
if (((!e || e === Wo) && (e = Xe), dl(e))) {
const l = ft(e, t, !0);
return (
s && hn(l, s),
Tt > 0 &&
!i &&
me &&
(l.shapeFlag & 6 ? (me[me.indexOf(e)] = l) : me.push(l)),
(l.patchFlag |= -2),
if ((Pl(e) && (e = e.__vccOpts), t)) {
t = yl(t);
let { class: l, style: u } = t;
l && !G(l) && (t.class = is(l)),
V(u) && (Ir(u) && !S(u) && (u = te({}, u)), ( = Zs(u)));
const o = G(e) ? 1 : Fo(e) ? 128 : al(e) ? 64 : V(e) ? 4 : q(e) ? 2 : 0;
return De(e, t, s, n, r, o, i, !0);
function yl(e) {
return e ? (Ir(e) || ds in e ? te({}, e) : e) : null;
function ft(e, t, s = !1) {
const { props: n, ref: r, patchFlag: i, children: o } = e,
l = t ? ml(n || {}, t) : n;
return {
__v_isVNode: !0,
__v_skip: !0,
type: e.type,
props: l,
key: l && ei(l),
t && t.ref ? (s && r ? (S(r) ? r.concat(Wt(t)) : [r, Wt(t)]) : Wt(t)) : r,
scopeId: e.scopeId,
slotScopeIds: e.slotScopeIds,
children: o,
targetAnchor: e.targetAnchor,
staticCount: e.staticCount,
shapeFlag: e.shapeFlag,
patchFlag: t && e.type !== we ? (i === -1 ? 16 : i | 16) : i,
dynamicProps: e.dynamicProps,
dynamicChildren: e.dynamicChildren,
appContext: e.appContext,
dirs: e.dirs,
transition: e.transition,
component: e.component,
suspense: e.suspense,
ssContent: e.ssContent && ft(e.ssContent),
ssFallback: e.ssFallback && ft(e.ssFallback),
el: e.el,
anchor: e.anchor,
ctx: e.ctx,
ce: e.ce
function gl(e = " ", t = 0) {
return Te(hs, null, e, t);
function Bn(e = "", t = !1) {
return t ? (nt(), hl(Xe, null, e)) : Te(Xe, null, e);
function xe(e) {
return e == null || typeof e == "boolean"
? Te(Xe)
: S(e)
? Te(we, null, e.slice())
: typeof e == "object"
? Se(e)
: Te(hs, null, String(e));
function Se(e) {
return (e.el === null && e.patchFlag !== -1) || e.memo ? e : ft(e);
function hn(e, t) {
let s = 0;
const { shapeFlag: n } = e;
if (t == null) t = null;
else if (S(t)) s = 16;
else if (typeof t == "object")
if (n & 65) {
const r = t.default;
r && (r._c && (r._d = !1), hn(e, r()), r._c && (r._d = !0));
} else {
s = 32;
const r = t._;
!r && !(ds in t)
? (t._ctx = pe)
: r === 3 &&
pe &&
(pe.slots._ === 1 ? (t._ = 1) : ((t._ = 2), (e.patchFlag |= 1024)));
? ((t = { default: t, _ctx: pe }), (s = 32))
: ((t = String(t)), n & 64 ? ((s = 16), (t = [gl(t)])) : (s = 8));
(e.children = t), (e.shapeFlag |= s);
function ml(...e) {
const t = {};
for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) {
const n = e[s];
for (const r in n)
if (r === "class")
t.class !== n.class && (t.class = is([t.class, n.class]));
else if (r === "style") = Zs([,]);
else if (ss(r)) {
const i = t[r],
o = n[r];
o &&
i !== o &&
!(S(i) && i.includes(o)) &&
(t[r] = i ? [].concat(i, o) : o);
} else r !== "" && (t[r] = n[r]);
return t;
function Ce(e, t, s, n = null) {
be(e, t, 7, [s, n]);
const vl = kr();
let bl = 0;
function _l(e, t, s) {
const n = e.type,
r = (t ? t.appContext : e.appContext) || vl,
i = {
uid: bl++,
vnode: e,
type: n,
parent: t,
appContext: r,
root: null,
next: null,
subTree: null,
effect: null,
update: null,
scope: new Ri(!0),
render: null,
proxy: null,
exposed: null,
exposeProxy: null,
withProxy: null,
provides: t ? t.provides : Object.create(r.provides),
accessCache: null,
renderCache: [],
components: null,
directives: null,
propsOptions: Vr(n, r),
emitsOptions: jr(n, r),
emit: null,
emitted: null,
propsDefaults: z,
inheritAttrs: n.inheritAttrs,
ctx: z,
data: z,
props: z,
attrs: z,
slots: z,
refs: z,
setupState: z,
setupContext: null,
attrsProxy: null,
slotsProxy: null,
suspense: s,
suspenseId: s ? s.pendingId : 0,
asyncDep: null,
asyncResolved: !1,
isMounted: !1,
isUnmounted: !1,
isDeactivated: !1,
bc: null,
c: null,
bm: null,
m: null,
bu: null,
u: null,
um: null,
bum: null,
da: null,
a: null,
rtg: null,
rtc: null,
ec: null,
sp: null
return (
(i.ctx = { _: i }),
(i.root = t ? t.root : i),
(i.emit = _o.bind(null, i)),
e.ce && e.ce(i),
let se = null;
const Ol = () => se || pe;
let dn,
(st = Ts()[$n]) || (st = Ts()[$n] = []),
st.push((e) => (se = e)),
(dn = (e) => {
st.length > 1 ? st.forEach((t) => t(e)) : st[0](e);
const ht = (e) => {
dn(e), e.scope.on();
Je = () => {
se &&, dn(null);
function ti(e) {
return e.vnode.shapeFlag & 4;
let It = !1;
function Cl(e, t = !1) {
It = t;
const { props: s, children: n } = e.vnode,
r = ti(e);
sl(e, s, r, t), il(e, n);
const i = r ? wl(e, t) : void 0;
return (It = !1), i;
function wl(e, t) {
const s = e.type;
(e.accessCache = Object.create(null)), (e.proxy = Ar(new Proxy(e.ctx, zo)));
const { setup: n } = s;
if (n) {
const r = (e.setupContext = n.length > 1 ? El(e) : null);
ht(e), pt();
const i = Ke(n, e, 0, [e.props, r]);
if ((yt(), Je(), pr(i))) {
if ((i.then(Je, Je), t))
return i
.then((o) => {
Wn(e, o, t);
.catch((o) => {
us(o, e, 0);
e.asyncDep = i;
} else Wn(e, i, t);
} else si(e, t);
function Wn(e, t, s) {
? e.type.__ssrInlineRender
? (e.ssrRender = t)
: (e.render = t)
: V(t) && (e.setupState = Qr(t)),
si(e, s);
let kn;
function si(e, t, s) {
const n = e.type;
if (!e.render) {
if (!t && kn && !n.render) {
const r = n.template || an(e).template;
if (r) {
const { isCustomElement: i, compilerOptions: o } = e.appContext.config,
{ delimiters: l, compilerOptions: u } = n,
f = te(te({ isCustomElement: i, delimiters: l }, o), u);
n.render = kn(r, f);
e.render = n.render || ve;
ht(e), pt(), Vo(e), yt(), Je();
function xl(e) {
return (
e.attrsProxy ||
(e.attrsProxy = new Proxy(e.attrs, {
get(t, s) {
return ue(e, "get", "$attrs"), t[s];
function El(e) {
const t = (s) => { = s || {};
return {
get attrs() {
return xl(e);
slots: e.slots,
emit: e.emit,
expose: t
function ps(e) {
if (
return (
e.exposeProxy ||
(e.exposeProxy = new Proxy(Qr(Ar(, {
get(t, s) {
if (s in t) return t[s];
if (s in Ct) return Ct[s](e);
has(t, s) {
return s in t || s in Ct;
function Pl(e) {
return q(e) && "__vccOpts" in e;
const js = (e, t) => ho(e, t, It),
Rl = Symbol.for("v-scx"),
Fl = () => wt(Rl),
Tl = "3.3.4",
Il = "",
We = typeof document < "u" ? document : null,
zn = We && We.createElement("template"),
Al = {
insert: (e, t, s) => {
t.insertBefore(e, s || null);
remove: (e) => {
const t = e.parentNode;
t && t.removeChild(e);
createElement: (e, t, s, n) => {
const r = t
? We.createElementNS(Il, e)
: We.createElement(e, s ? { is: s } : void 0);
return (
e === "select" &&
n &&
n.multiple != null &&
r.setAttribute("multiple", n.multiple),
createText: (e) => We.createTextNode(e),
createComment: (e) => We.createComment(e),
setText: (e, t) => {
e.nodeValue = t;
setElementText: (e, t) => {
e.textContent = t;
parentNode: (e) => e.parentNode,
nextSibling: (e) => e.nextSibling,
querySelector: (e) => We.querySelector(e),
setScopeId(e, t) {
e.setAttribute(t, "");
insertStaticContent(e, t, s, n, r, i) {
const o = s ? s.previousSibling : t.lastChild;
if (r && (r === i || r.nextSibling))
for (
t.insertBefore(r.cloneNode(!0), s),
!(r === i || !(r = r.nextSibling));
else {
zn.innerHTML = n ? `<svg>${e}</svg>` : e;
const l = zn.content;
if (n) {
const u = l.firstChild;
for (; u.firstChild; ) l.appendChild(u.firstChild);
t.insertBefore(l, s);
return [
o ? o.nextSibling : t.firstChild,
s ? s.previousSibling : t.lastChild
function Ml(e, t, s) {
const n = e._vtc;
n && (t = (t ? [t, ...n] : [...n]).join(" ")),
t == null
? e.removeAttribute("class")
: s
? e.setAttribute("class", t)
: (e.className = t);
function Sl(e, t, s) {
const n =,
r = G(s);
if (s && !r) {
if (t && !G(t)) for (const i in t) s[i] == null && Ns(n, i, "");
for (const i in s) Ns(n, i, s[i]);
} else {
const i = n.display;
r ? t !== s && (n.cssText = s) : t && e.removeAttribute("style"),
"_vod" in e && (n.display = i);
const Vn = /\s*!important$/;
function Ns(e, t, s) {
if (S(s)) s.forEach((n) => Ns(e, t, n));
else if ((s == null && (s = ""), t.startsWith("--"))) e.setProperty(t, s);
else {
const n = Ql(e, t);
? e.setProperty(Ze(n), s.replace(Vn, ""), "important")
: (e[n] = s);
const Yn = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"],
xs = {};
function Ql(e, t) {
const s = xs[t];
if (s) return s;
let n = ct(t);
if (n !== "filter" && n in e) return (xs[t] = n);
n = mr(n);
for (let r = 0; r < Yn.length; r++) {
const i = Yn[r] + n;
if (i in e) return (xs[t] = i);
return t;
const Jn = "";
function Dl(e, t, s, n, r) {
if (n && t.startsWith("xlink:"))
s == null
? e.removeAttributeNS(Jn, t.slice(6, t.length))
: e.setAttributeNS(Jn, t, s);
else {
const i = Pi(t);
s == null || (i && !vr(s))
? e.removeAttribute(t)
: e.setAttribute(t, i ? "" : s);
function Ul(e, t, s, n, r, i, o) {
if (t === "innerHTML" || t === "textContent") {
n && o(n, r, i), (e[t] = s ?? "");
const l = e.tagName;
if (t === "value" && l !== "PROGRESS" && !l.includes("-")) {
e._value = s;
const f = l === "OPTION" ? e.getAttribute("value") : e.value,
h = s ?? "";
f !== h && (e.value = h), s == null && e.removeAttribute(t);
let u = !1;
if (s === "" || s == null) {
const f = typeof e[t];
f === "boolean"
? (s = vr(s))
: s == null && f === "string"
? ((s = ""), (u = !0))
: f === "number" && ((s = 0), (u = !0));
try {
e[t] = s;
} catch {}
u && e.removeAttribute(t);
function rt(e, t, s, n) {
e.addEventListener(t, s, n);
function ql(e, t, s, n) {
e.removeEventListener(t, s, n);
function Kl(e, t, s, n, r = null) {
const i = e._vei || (e._vei = {}),
o = i[t];
if (n && o) o.value = n;
else {
const [l, u] = jl(t);
if (n) {
const f = (i[t] = Hl(n, r));
rt(e, l, f, u);
} else o && (ql(e, l, o, u), (i[t] = void 0));
const Xn = /(?:Once|Passive|Capture)$/;
function jl(e) {
let t;
if (Xn.test(e)) {
t = {};
let n;
for (; (n = e.match(Xn)); )
(e = e.slice(0, e.length - n[0].length)), (t[n[0].toLowerCase()] = !0);
return [e[2] === ":" ? e.slice(3) : Ze(e.slice(2)), t];
let Es = 0;
const Nl = Promise.resolve(),
Ll = () => Es || (Nl.then(() => (Es = 0)), (Es =;
function Hl(e, t) {
const s = (n) => {
if (!n._vts) n._vts =;
else if (n._vts <= s.attached) return;
be(Bl(n, s.value), t, 5, [n]);
return (s.value = e), (s.attached = Ll()), s;
function Bl(e, t) {
if (S(t)) {
const s = e.stopImmediatePropagation;
return (
(e.stopImmediatePropagation = () => {, (e._stopped = !0);
}), => (r) => !r._stopped && n && n(r))
} else return t;
const Zn = /^on[a-z]/,
$l = (e, t, s, n, r = !1, i, o, l, u) => {
t === "class"
? Ml(e, n, r)
: t === "style"
? Sl(e, s, n)
: ss(t)
? Vs(t) || Kl(e, t, s, n, o)
: (
t[0] === "."
? ((t = t.slice(1)), !0)
: t[0] === "^"
? ((t = t.slice(1)), !1)
: Wl(e, t, n, r)
? Ul(e, t, n, i, o, l, u)
: (t === "true-value"
? (e._trueValue = n)
: t === "false-value" && (e._falseValue = n),
Dl(e, t, n, r));
function Wl(e, t, s, n) {
return n
? !!(
t === "innerHTML" ||
t === "textContent" ||
(t in e && Zn.test(t) && q(s))
: t === "spellcheck" ||
t === "draggable" ||
t === "translate" ||
t === "form" ||
(t === "list" && e.tagName === "INPUT") ||
(t === "type" && e.tagName === "TEXTAREA") ||
(Zn.test(t) && G(s))
? !1
: t in e;
const Gn = (e) => {
const t = e.props["onUpdate:modelValue"] || !1;
return S(t) ? (s) => Ht(t, s) : t;
function kl(e) { = !0;
function er(e) {
const t =;
t.composing && ((t.composing = !1), t.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")));
const zl = {
created(e, { modifiers: { lazy: t, trim: s, number: n } }, r) {
e._assign = Gn(r);
const i = n || (r.props && r.props.type === "number");
rt(e, t ? "change" : "input", (o) => {
if ( return;
let l = e.value;
s && (l = l.trim()), i && (l = Fs(l)), e._assign(l);
s &&
rt(e, "change", () => {
e.value = e.value.trim();
t ||
(rt(e, "compositionstart", kl),
rt(e, "compositionend", er),
rt(e, "change", er));
mounted(e, { value: t }) {
e.value = t ?? "";
{ value: t, modifiers: { lazy: s, trim: n, number: r } },
) {
if (
((e._assign = Gn(i)),
e.composing ||
(document.activeElement === e &&
e.type !== "range" &&
(s ||
(n && e.value.trim() === t) ||
((r || e.type === "number") && Fs(e.value) === t))))
const o = t ?? "";
e.value !== o && (e.value = o);
Vl = ["ctrl", "shift", "alt", "meta"],
Yl = {
stop: (e) => e.stopPropagation(),
prevent: (e) => e.preventDefault(),
self: (e) => !== e.currentTarget,
ctrl: (e) => !e.ctrlKey,
shift: (e) => !e.shiftKey,
alt: (e) => !e.altKey,
meta: (e) => !e.metaKey,
left: (e) => "button" in e && e.button !== 0,
middle: (e) => "button" in e && e.button !== 1,
right: (e) => "button" in e && e.button !== 2,
exact: (e, t) => Vl.some((s) => e[`${s}Key`] && !t.includes(s))
Ps = (e, t) => (s, ...n) => {
for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
const i = Yl[t[r]];
if (i && i(s, t)) return;
return e(s, ...n);
Jl = {
esc: "escape",
space: " ",
up: "arrow-up",
left: "arrow-left",
right: "arrow-right",
down: "arrow-down",
delete: "backspace"
Rs = (e, t) => (s) => {
if (!("key" in s)) return;
const n = Ze(s.key);
if (t.some((r) => r === n || Jl[r] === n)) return e(s);
Xl = te({ patchProp: $l }, Al);
let tr;
function Zl() {
return tr || (tr = ll(Xl));
const Gl = (...e) => {
const t = Zl().createApp(...e),
{ mount: s } = t;
return (
(t.mount = (n) => {
const r = eu(n);
if (!r) return;
const i = t._component;
!q(i) && !i.render && !i.template && (i.template = r.innerHTML),
(r.innerHTML = "");
const o = s(r, !1, r instanceof SVGElement);
return (
r instanceof Element &&
(r.removeAttribute("v-cloak"), r.setAttribute("data-v-app", "")),
function eu(e) {
return G(e) ? document.querySelector(e) : e;
class At {
constructor() {
(this.listeners = new Set()), (this.subscribe = this.subscribe.bind(this));
subscribe(t) {
const s = { listener: t };
return (
() => {
this.listeners.delete(s), this.onUnsubscribe();
hasListeners() {
return this.listeners.size > 0;
onSubscribe() {}
onUnsubscribe() {}
const dt = typeof window > "u" || "Deno" in window;
function de() {}
function tu(e, t) {
return typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : e;
function Ls(e) {
return typeof e == "number" && e >= 0 && e !== 1 / 0;
function ni(e, t) {
return Math.max(e + (t || 0) -, 0);
function Nt(e, t, s) {
return ys(e)
? typeof t == "function"
? { ...s, queryKey: e, queryFn: t }
: { ...t, queryKey: e }
: e;
function Qe(e, t, s) {
return ys(e) ? [{ ...t, queryKey: e }, s] : [e || {}, t];
function sr(e, t) {
const {
type: s = "all",
exact: n,
fetchStatus: r,
predicate: i,
queryKey: o,
stale: l
} = e;
if (ys(o)) {
if (n) {
if (t.queryHash !== pn(o, t.options)) return !1;
} else if (!Gt(t.queryKey, o)) return !1;
if (s !== "all") {
const u = t.isActive();
if ((s === "active" && !u) || (s === "inactive" && u)) return !1;
return !(
(typeof l == "boolean" && t.isStale() !== l) ||
(typeof r < "u" && r !== t.state.fetchStatus) ||
(i && !i(t))
function nr(e, t) {
const { exact: s, fetching: n, predicate: r, mutationKey: i } = e;
if (ys(i)) {
if (!t.options.mutationKey) return !1;
if (s) {
if (Ve(t.options.mutationKey) !== Ve(i)) return !1;
} else if (!Gt(t.options.mutationKey, i)) return !1;
return !(
(typeof n == "boolean" && (t.state.status === "loading") !== n) ||
(r && !r(t))
function pn(e, t) {
return ((t == null ? void 0 : t.queryKeyHashFn) || Ve)(e);
function Ve(e) {
return JSON.stringify(e, (t, s) =>
? Object.keys(s)
.reduce((n, r) => ((n[r] = s[r]), n), {})
: s
function Gt(e, t) {
return ri(e, t);
function ri(e, t) {
return e === t
? !0
: typeof e != typeof t
? !1
: e && t && typeof e == "object" && typeof t == "object"
? !Object.keys(t).some((s) => !ri(e[s], t[s]))
: !1;
function ii(e, t) {
if (e === t) return e;
const s = rr(e) && rr(t);
if (s || (Bs(e) && Bs(t))) {
const n = s ? e.length : Object.keys(e).length,
r = s ? t : Object.keys(t),
i = r.length,
o = s ? [] : {};
let l = 0;
for (let u = 0; u < i; u++) {
const f = s ? u : r[u];
(o[f] = ii(e[f], t[f])), o[f] === e[f] && l++;
return n === i && l === n ? e : o;
return t;
function Hs(e, t) {
if ((e && !t) || (t && !e)) return !1;
for (const s in e) if (e[s] !== t[s]) return !1;
return !0;
function rr(e) {
return Array.isArray(e) && e.length === Object.keys(e).length;
function Bs(e) {
if (!ir(e)) return !1;
const t = e.constructor;
if (typeof t > "u") return !0;
const s = t.prototype;
return !(!ir(s) || !s.hasOwnProperty("isPrototypeOf"));
function ir(e) {
return === "[object Object]";
function ys(e) {
return Array.isArray(e);
function oi(e) {
return new Promise((t) => {
setTimeout(t, e);
function or(e) {
function su() {
if (typeof AbortController == "function") return new AbortController();
function $s(e, t, s) {
return s.isDataEqual != null && s.isDataEqual(e, t)
? e
: typeof s.structuralSharing == "function"
? s.structuralSharing(e, t)
: s.structuralSharing !== !1
? ii(e, t)
: t;
class nu extends At {
constructor() {
(this.setup = (t) => {
if (!dt && window.addEventListener) {
const s = () => t();
return (
window.addEventListener("visibilitychange", s, !1),
window.addEventListener("focus", s, !1),
() => {
window.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", s),
window.removeEventListener("focus", s);
onSubscribe() {
this.cleanup || this.setEventListener(this.setup);
onUnsubscribe() {
if (!this.hasListeners()) {
var t;
(t = this.cleanup) == null ||, (this.cleanup = void 0);
setEventListener(t) {
var s;
(this.setup = t),
(s = this.cleanup) == null ||,
(this.cleanup = t((n) => {
typeof n == "boolean" ? this.setFocused(n) : this.onFocus();
setFocused(t) {
this.focused !== t && ((this.focused = t), this.onFocus());
onFocus() {
this.listeners.forEach(({ listener: t }) => {
isFocused() {
return typeof this.focused == "boolean"
? this.focused
: typeof document > "u"
? !0
: [void 0, "visible", "prerender"].includes(document.visibilityState);
const es = new nu(),
lr = ["online", "offline"];
class ru extends At {
constructor() {
(this.setup = (t) => {
if (!dt && window.addEventListener) {
const s = () => t();
return (
lr.forEach((n) => {
window.addEventListener(n, s, !1);
() => {
lr.forEach((n) => {
window.removeEventListener(n, s);
onSubscribe() {
this.cleanup || this.setEventListener(this.setup);
onUnsubscribe() {
if (!this.hasListeners()) {
var t;
(t = this.cleanup) == null ||, (this.cleanup = void 0);
setEventListener(t) {
var s;
(this.setup = t),
(s = this.cleanup) == null ||,
(this.cleanup = t((n) => {
typeof n == "boolean" ? this.setOnline(n) : this.onOnline();
setOnline(t) { !== t && (( = t), this.onOnline());
onOnline() {
this.listeners.forEach(({ listener: t }) => {
isOnline() {
return typeof == "boolean"
: typeof navigator > "u" || typeof navigator.onLine > "u"
? !0
: navigator.onLine;
const ts = new ru();
function iu(e) {
return Math.min(1e3 * 2 ** e, 3e4);
function gs(e) {
return (e ?? "online") === "online" ? ts.isOnline() : !0;
class li {
constructor(t) {
(this.revert = t == null ? void 0 : t.revert),
(this.silent = t == null ? void 0 : t.silent);
function kt(e) {
return e instanceof li;
function ui(e) {
let t = !1,
s = 0,
n = !1,
const l = new Promise((E, M) => {
(i = E), (o = M);
u = (E) => {
n || (O(new li(E)), e.abort == null || e.abort());
f = () => {
t = !0;
h = () => {
t = !1;
p = () => !es.isFocused() || (e.networkMode !== "always" && !ts.isOnline()),
v = (E) => {
n ||
((n = !0),
e.onSuccess == null || e.onSuccess(E),
r == null || r(),
O = (E) => {
n ||
((n = !0), e.onError == null || e.onError(E), r == null || r(), o(E));
F = () =>
new Promise((E) => {
(r = (M) => {
const N = n || !p();
return N && E(M), N;
e.onPause == null || e.onPause();
}).then(() => {
(r = void 0), n || e.onContinue == null || e.onContinue();
w = () => {
if (n) return;
let E;
try {
E = e.fn();
} catch (M) {
E = Promise.reject(M);
.catch((M) => {
var N, U;
if (n) return;
const R = (N = e.retry) != null ? N : 3,
J = (U = e.retryDelay) != null ? U : iu,
L = typeof J == "function" ? J(s, M) : J,
K =
R === !0 ||
(typeof R == "number" && s < R) ||
(typeof R == "function" && R(s, M));
if (t || !K) {
e.onFail == null || e.onFail(s, M),
.then(() => {
if (p()) return F();
.then(() => {
t ? O(M) : w();
return (
gs(e.networkMode) ? w() : F().then(w),
promise: l,
cancel: u,
continue: () => ((r == null ? void 0 : r()) ? l : Promise.resolve()),
cancelRetry: f,
continueRetry: h
const yn = console;
function ou() {
let e = [],
t = 0,
s = (h) => {
n = (h) => {
const r = (h) => {
let p;
try {
p = h();
} finally {
t--, t || l();
return p;
i = (h) => {
? e.push(h)
: or(() => {
o = (h) => (...p) => {
i(() => {
l = () => {
const h = e;
(e = []),
h.length &&
or(() => {
n(() => {
h.forEach((p) => {
return {
batch: r,
batchCalls: o,
schedule: i,
setNotifyFunction: (h) => {
s = h;
setBatchNotifyFunction: (h) => {
n = h;
const ne = ou();
class ci {
destroy() {
scheduleGc() {
Ls(this.cacheTime) &&
(this.gcTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, this.cacheTime));
updateCacheTime(t) {
this.cacheTime = Math.max(
this.cacheTime || 0,
t ?? (dt ? 1 / 0 : 5 * 60 * 1e3)
clearGcTimeout() {
this.gcTimeout && (clearTimeout(this.gcTimeout), (this.gcTimeout = void 0));
class lu extends ci {
constructor(t) {
(this.abortSignalConsumed = !1),
(this.defaultOptions = t.defaultOptions),
(this.observers = []),
(this.cache = t.cache),
(this.logger = t.logger || yn),
(this.queryKey = t.queryKey),
(this.queryHash = t.queryHash),
(this.initialState = t.state || uu(this.options)),
(this.state = this.initialState),
get meta() {
return this.options.meta;
setOptions(t) {
(this.options = { ...this.defaultOptions, ...t }),
optionalRemove() {
!this.observers.length &&
this.state.fetchStatus === "idle" &&
setData(t, s) {
const n = $s(, t, this.options);
return (
data: n,
type: "success",
dataUpdatedAt: s == null ? void 0 : s.updatedAt,
manual: s == null ? void 0 : s.manual
setState(t, s) {
this.dispatch({ type: "setState", state: t, setStateOptions: s });
cancel(t) {
var s;
const n = this.promise;
return (
(s = this.retryer) == null || s.cancel(t),
n ? n.then(de).catch(de) : Promise.resolve()
destroy() {
super.destroy(), this.cancel({ silent: !0 });
reset() {
this.destroy(), this.setState(this.initialState);
isActive() {
return this.observers.some((t) => t.options.enabled !== !1);
isDisabled() {
return this.getObserversCount() > 0 && !this.isActive();
isStale() {
return (
this.state.isInvalidated ||
!this.state.dataUpdatedAt ||
this.observers.some((t) => t.getCurrentResult().isStale)
isStaleByTime(t = 0) {
return (
this.state.isInvalidated ||
!this.state.dataUpdatedAt ||
!ni(this.state.dataUpdatedAt, t)
onFocus() {
var t;
const s = this.observers.find((n) => n.shouldFetchOnWindowFocus());
s && s.refetch({ cancelRefetch: !1 }),
(t = this.retryer) == null || t.continue();
onOnline() {
var t;
const s = this.observers.find((n) => n.shouldFetchOnReconnect());
s && s.refetch({ cancelRefetch: !1 }),
(t = this.retryer) == null || t.continue();
addObserver(t) {
this.observers.includes(t) ||
this.cache.notify({ type: "observerAdded", query: this, observer: t }));
removeObserver(t) {
this.observers.includes(t) &&
((this.observers = this.observers.filter((s) => s !== t)),
this.observers.length ||
(this.retryer &&
? this.retryer.cancel({ revert: !0 })
: this.retryer.cancelRetry()),
this.cache.notify({ type: "observerRemoved", query: this, observer: t }));
getObserversCount() {
return this.observers.length;
invalidate() {
this.state.isInvalidated || this.dispatch({ type: "invalidate" });
fetch(t, s) {
var n, r;
if (this.state.fetchStatus !== "idle") {
if (this.state.dataUpdatedAt && s != null && s.cancelRefetch)
this.cancel({ silent: !0 });
else if (this.promise) {
var i;
return (i = this.retryer) == null || i.continueRetry(), this.promise;
if ((t && this.setOptions(t), !this.options.queryFn)) {
const O = this.observers.find((F) => F.options.queryFn);
O && this.setOptions(O.options);
const o = su(),
l = { queryKey: this.queryKey, pageParam: void 0, meta: this.meta },
u = (O) => {
Object.defineProperty(O, "signal", {
enumerable: !0,
get: () => {
if (o) return (this.abortSignalConsumed = !0), o.signal;
const f = () =>
? ((this.abortSignalConsumed = !1), this.options.queryFn(l))
: Promise.reject(
"Missing queryFn for queryKey '" + this.options.queryHash + "'"
h = {
fetchOptions: s,
options: this.options,
queryKey: this.queryKey,
state: this.state,
fetchFn: f
if (
(n = this.options.behavior) == null || n.onFetch(h),
(this.revertState = this.state),
this.state.fetchStatus === "idle" ||
this.state.fetchMeta !==
((r = h.fetchOptions) == null ? void 0 : r.meta))
) {
var p;
type: "fetch",
meta: (p = h.fetchOptions) == null ? void 0 : p.meta
const v = (O) => {
if (
((kt(O) && O.silent) || this.dispatch({ type: "error", error: O }),
) {
var F, w, E, M;
(F = (w = this.cache.config).onError) == null ||, O, this),
(E = (M = this.cache.config).onSettled) == null ||,, O, this);
this.isFetchingOptimistic || this.scheduleGc(),
(this.isFetchingOptimistic = !1);
return (
(this.retryer = ui({
fn: h.fetchFn,
abort: o == null ? void 0 : o.abort.bind(o),
onSuccess: (O) => {
var F, w, E, M;
if (typeof O > "u") {
v(new Error(this.queryHash + " data is undefined"));
(F = (w = this.cache.config).onSuccess) == null ||, O, this),
(E = (M = this.cache.config).onSettled) == null ||, O, this.state.error, this),
this.isFetchingOptimistic || this.scheduleGc(),
(this.isFetchingOptimistic = !1);
onError: v,
onFail: (O, F) => {
this.dispatch({ type: "failed", failureCount: O, error: F });
onPause: () => {
this.dispatch({ type: "pause" });
onContinue: () => {
this.dispatch({ type: "continue" });
retry: h.options.retry,
retryDelay: h.options.retryDelay,
networkMode: h.options.networkMode
(this.promise = this.retryer.promise),
dispatch(t) {
const s = (n) => {
var r, i;
switch (t.type) {
case "failed":
return {
fetchFailureCount: t.failureCount,
fetchFailureReason: t.error
case "pause":
return { ...n, fetchStatus: "paused" };
case "continue":
return { ...n, fetchStatus: "fetching" };
case "fetch":
return {
fetchFailureCount: 0,
fetchFailureReason: null,
fetchMeta: (r = t.meta) != null ? r : null,
fetchStatus: gs(this.options.networkMode) ? "fetching" : "paused",
...(!n.dataUpdatedAt && { error: null, status: "loading" })
case "success":
return {
dataUpdateCount: n.dataUpdateCount + 1,
dataUpdatedAt: (i = t.dataUpdatedAt) != null ? i :,
error: null,
isInvalidated: !1,
status: "success",
...(!t.manual && {
fetchStatus: "idle",
fetchFailureCount: 0,
fetchFailureReason: null
case "error":
const o = t.error;
return kt(o) && o.revert && this.revertState
? { ...this.revertState, fetchStatus: "idle" }
: {
error: o,
errorUpdateCount: n.errorUpdateCount + 1,
fetchFailureCount: n.fetchFailureCount + 1,
fetchFailureReason: o,
fetchStatus: "idle",
status: "error"
case "invalidate":
return { ...n, isInvalidated: !0 };
case "setState":
return { ...n, ...t.state };
(this.state = s(this.state)),
ne.batch(() => {
this.observers.forEach((n) => {
this.cache.notify({ query: this, type: "updated", action: t });
function uu(e) {
const t =
typeof e.initialData == "function" ? e.initialData() : e.initialData,
s = typeof t < "u",
n = s
? typeof e.initialDataUpdatedAt == "function"
? e.initialDataUpdatedAt()
: e.initialDataUpdatedAt
: 0;
return {
data: t,
dataUpdateCount: 0,
dataUpdatedAt: s ? n ?? : 0,
error: null,
errorUpdateCount: 0,
errorUpdatedAt: 0,
fetchFailureCount: 0,
fetchFailureReason: null,
fetchMeta: null,
isInvalidated: !1,
status: s ? "success" : "loading",
fetchStatus: "idle"
let ai = class extends At {
constructor(t) {
(this.config = t || {}),
(this.queries = []),
(this.queriesMap = {});
build(t, s, n) {
var r;
const i = s.queryKey,
o = (r = s.queryHash) != null ? r : pn(i, s);
let l = this.get(o);
return (
l ||
((l = new lu({
cache: this,
logger: t.getLogger(),
queryKey: i,
queryHash: o,
options: t.defaultQueryOptions(s),
state: n,
defaultOptions: t.getQueryDefaults(i)
add(t) {
this.queriesMap[t.queryHash] ||
((this.queriesMap[t.queryHash] = t),
this.notify({ type: "added", query: t }));
remove(t) {
const s = this.queriesMap[t.queryHash];
s &&
(this.queries = this.queries.filter((n) => n !== t)),
s === t && delete this.queriesMap[t.queryHash],
this.notify({ type: "removed", query: t }));
clear() {
ne.batch(() => {
this.queries.forEach((t) => {
get(t) {
return this.queriesMap[t];
getAll() {
return this.queries;
find(t, s) {
const [n] = Qe(t, s);
return (
typeof n.exact > "u" && (n.exact = !0), this.queries.find((r) => sr(n, r))
findAll(t, s) {
const [n] = Qe(t, s);
return Object.keys(n).length > 0
? this.queries.filter((r) => sr(n, r))
: this.queries;
notify(t) {
ne.batch(() => {
this.listeners.forEach(({ listener: s }) => {
onFocus() {
ne.batch(() => {
this.queries.forEach((t) => {
onOnline() {
ne.batch(() => {
this.queries.forEach((t) => {
class cu extends ci {
constructor(t) {
(this.defaultOptions = t.defaultOptions),
(this.mutationId = t.mutationId),
(this.mutationCache = t.mutationCache),
(this.logger = t.logger || yn),
(this.observers = []),
(this.state = t.state || au()),
setOptions(t) {
(this.options = { ...this.defaultOptions, ...t }),
get meta() {
return this.options.meta;
setState(t) {
this.dispatch({ type: "setState", state: t });
addObserver(t) {
this.observers.includes(t) ||
type: "observerAdded",
mutation: this,
observer: t
removeObserver(t) {
(this.observers = this.observers.filter((s) => s !== t)),
type: "observerRemoved",
mutation: this,
observer: t
optionalRemove() {
this.observers.length ||
(this.state.status === "loading"
? this.scheduleGc()
: this.mutationCache.remove(this));
continue() {
var t, s;
return (t = (s = this.retryer) == null ? void 0 : s.continue()) != null
? t
: this.execute();
async execute() {
const t = () => {
var K;
return (
(this.retryer = ui({
fn: () =>
? this.options.mutationFn(this.state.variables)
: Promise.reject("No mutationFn found"),
onFail: (Q, ee) => {
this.dispatch({ type: "failed", failureCount: Q, error: ee });
onPause: () => {
this.dispatch({ type: "pause" });
onContinue: () => {
this.dispatch({ type: "continue" });
retry: (K = this.options.retry) != null ? K : 0,
retryDelay: this.options.retryDelay,
networkMode: this.options.networkMode
s = this.state.status === "loading";
try {
var n, r, i, o, l, u, f, h;
if (!s) {
var p, v, O, F;
this.dispatch({ type: "loading", variables: this.options.variables }),
await ((p = (v = this.mutationCache.config).onMutate) == null
? void 0
:, this.state.variables, this));
const Q = await ((O = (F = this.options).onMutate) == null
? void 0
:, this.state.variables));
Q !== this.state.context &&
type: "loading",
context: Q,
variables: this.state.variables
const K = await t();
return (
await ((n = (r = this.mutationCache.config).onSuccess) == null
? void 0
:, K, this.state.variables, this.state.context, this)),
await ((i = (o = this.options).onSuccess) == null
? void 0
:, K, this.state.variables, this.state.context)),
await ((l = (u = this.mutationCache.config).onSettled) == null
? void 0
:, K, null, this.state.variables, this.state.context, this)),
await ((f = (h = this.options).onSettled) == null
? void 0
:, K, null, this.state.variables, this.state.context)),
this.dispatch({ type: "success", data: K }),
} catch (K) {
try {
var w, E, M, N, U, R, J, L;
throw (
(await ((w = (E = this.mutationCache.config).onError) == null
? void 0
:, K, this.state.variables, this.state.context, this)),
await ((M = (N = this.options).onError) == null
? void 0
:, K, this.state.variables, this.state.context)),
await ((U = (R = this.mutationCache.config).onSettled) == null
? void 0
void 0,
await ((J = (L = this.options).onSettled) == null
? void 0
:, void 0, K, this.state.variables, this.state.context)),
} finally {
this.dispatch({ type: "error", error: K });
dispatch(t) {
const s = (n) => {
switch (t.type) {
case "failed":
return { ...n, failureCount: t.failureCount, failureReason: t.error };
case "pause":
return { ...n, isPaused: !0 };
case "continue":
return { ...n, isPaused: !1 };
case "loading":
return {
context: t.context,
data: void 0,
failureCount: 0,
failureReason: null,
error: null,
isPaused: !gs(this.options.networkMode),
status: "loading",
variables: t.variables
case "success":
return {
failureCount: 0,
failureReason: null,
error: null,
status: "success",
isPaused: !1
case "error":
return {
data: void 0,
error: t.error,
failureCount: n.failureCount + 1,
failureReason: t.error,
isPaused: !1,
status: "error"
case "setState":
return { ...n, ...t.state };
(this.state = s(this.state)),
ne.batch(() => {
this.observers.forEach((n) => {
mutation: this,
type: "updated",
action: t
function au() {
return {
context: void 0,
data: void 0,
error: null,
failureCount: 0,
failureReason: null,
isPaused: !1,
status: "idle",
variables: void 0
let fi = class extends At {
constructor(t) {
(this.config = t || {}),
(this.mutations = []),
(this.mutationId = 0);
build(t, s, n) {
const r = new cu({
mutationCache: this,
logger: t.getLogger(),
mutationId: ++this.mutationId,
options: t.defaultMutationOptions(s),
state: n,
defaultOptions: s.mutationKey
? t.getMutationDefaults(s.mutationKey)
: void 0
return this.add(r), r;
add(t) {
this.mutations.push(t), this.notify({ type: "added", mutation: t });
remove(t) {
(this.mutations = this.mutations.filter((s) => s !== t)),
this.notify({ type: "removed", mutation: t });
clear() {
ne.batch(() => {
this.mutations.forEach((t) => {
getAll() {
return this.mutations;
find(t) {
return (
typeof t.exact > "u" && (t.exact = !0),
this.mutations.find((s) => nr(t, s))
findAll(t) {
return this.mutations.filter((s) => nr(t, s));
notify(t) {
ne.batch(() => {
this.listeners.forEach(({ listener: s }) => {
resumePausedMutations() {
var t;
return (
(this.resuming = ((t = this.resuming) != null ? t : Promise.resolve())
.then(() => {
const s = this.mutations.filter((n) => n.state.isPaused);
return ne.batch(() =>
(n, r) => n.then(() => r.continue().catch(de)),
.then(() => {
this.resuming = void 0;
function fu() {
return {
onFetch: (e) => {
e.fetchFn = () => {
var t, s, n, r, i, o;
const l =
(t = e.fetchOptions) == null || (s = t.meta) == null
? void 0
: s.refetchPage,
u =
(n = e.fetchOptions) == null || (r = n.meta) == null
? void 0
: r.fetchMore,
f = u == null ? void 0 : u.pageParam,
h = (u == null ? void 0 : u.direction) === "forward",
p = (u == null ? void 0 : u.direction) === "backward",
v = ((i = == null ? void 0 : i.pages) || [],
O = ((o = == null ? void 0 : o.pageParams) || [];
let F = O,
w = !1;
const E = (L) => {
Object.defineProperty(L, "signal", {
enumerable: !0,
get: () => {
var K;
if ((K = e.signal) != null && K.aborted) w = !0;
else {
var Q;
(Q = e.signal) == null ||
Q.addEventListener("abort", () => {
w = !0;
return e.signal;
M =
e.options.queryFn ||
(() =>
"Missing queryFn for queryKey '" + e.options.queryHash + "'"
N = (L, K, Q, ee) => (
(F = ee ? [K, ...F] : [...F, K]), ee ? [Q, ...L] : [...L, Q]
U = (L, K, Q, ee) => {
if (w) return Promise.reject("Cancelled");
if (typeof Q > "u" && !K && L.length) return Promise.resolve(L);
const ce = {
queryKey: e.queryKey,
pageParam: Q,
meta: e.options.meta
const Pe = M(ce);
return Promise.resolve(Pe).then((Ge) => N(L, Q, Ge, ee));
let R;
if (!v.length) R = U([]);
else if (h) {
const L = typeof f < "u",
K = L ? f : ur(e.options, v);
R = U(v, L, K);
} else if (p) {
const L = typeof f < "u",
K = L ? f : hu(e.options, v);
R = U(v, L, K, !0);
} else {
F = [];
const L = typeof e.options.getNextPageParam > "u";
R = (l && v[0] ? l(v[0], 0, v) : !0)
? U([], L, O[0])
: Promise.resolve(N([], O[0], v[0]));
for (let Q = 1; Q < v.length; Q++)
R = R.then((ee) => {
if (l && v[Q] ? l(v[Q], Q, v) : !0) {
const Pe = L ? O[Q] : ur(e.options, ee);
return U(ee, L, Pe);
return Promise.resolve(N(ee, O[Q], v[Q]));
return R.then((L) => ({ pages: L, pageParams: F }));
function ur(e, t) {
return e.getNextPageParam == null
? void 0
: e.getNextPageParam(t[t.length - 1], t);
function hu(e, t) {
return e.getPreviousPageParam == null
? void 0
: e.getPreviousPageParam(t[0], t);
let du = class {
constructor(t = {}) {
(this.queryCache = t.queryCache || new ai()),
(this.mutationCache = t.mutationCache || new fi()),
(this.logger = t.logger || yn),
(this.defaultOptions = t.defaultOptions || {}),
(this.queryDefaults = []),
(this.mutationDefaults = []),
(this.mountCount = 0);
mount() {
this.mountCount === 1 &&
((this.unsubscribeFocus = es.subscribe(() => {
es.isFocused() &&
(this.resumePausedMutations(), this.queryCache.onFocus());
(this.unsubscribeOnline = ts.subscribe(() => {
ts.isOnline() &&
(this.resumePausedMutations(), this.queryCache.onOnline());
unmount() {
var t, s;
this.mountCount === 0 &&
((t = this.unsubscribeFocus) == null ||,
(this.unsubscribeFocus = void 0),
(s = this.unsubscribeOnline) == null ||,
(this.unsubscribeOnline = void 0));
isFetching(t, s) {
const [n] = Qe(t, s);
return (n.fetchStatus = "fetching"), this.queryCache.findAll(n).length;
isMutating(t) {
return this.mutationCache.findAll({ ...t, fetching: !0 }).length;
getQueryData(t, s) {
var n;
return (n = this.queryCache.find(t, s)) == null ? void 0 :;
ensureQueryData(t, s, n) {
const r = Nt(t, s, n),
i = this.getQueryData(r.queryKey);
return i ? Promise.resolve(i) : this.fetchQuery(r);
getQueriesData(t) {
return this.getQueryCache()
.map(({ queryKey: s, state: n }) => {
const r =;
return [s, r];
setQueryData(t, s, n) {
const r = this.queryCache.find(t),
i = r == null ? void 0 :,
o = tu(s, i);
if (typeof o > "u") return;
const l = Nt(t),
u = this.defaultQueryOptions(l);
return, u).setData(o, { ...n, manual: !0 });
setQueriesData(t, s, n) {
return ne.batch(() =>
.map(({ queryKey: r }) => [r, this.setQueryData(r, s, n)])
getQueryState(t, s) {
var n;
return (n = this.queryCache.find(t, s)) == null ? void 0 : n.state;
removeQueries(t, s) {
const [n] = Qe(t, s),
r = this.queryCache;
ne.batch(() => {
r.findAll(n).forEach((i) => {
resetQueries(t, s, n) {
const [r, i] = Qe(t, s, n),
o = this.queryCache,
l = { type: "active", ...r };
return ne.batch(
() => (
o.findAll(r).forEach((u) => {
this.refetchQueries(l, i)
cancelQueries(t, s, n) {
const [r, i = {}] = Qe(t, s, n);
typeof i.revert > "u" && (i.revert = !0);
const o = ne.batch(() =>
this.queryCache.findAll(r).map((l) => l.cancel(i))
return Promise.all(o).then(de).catch(de);
invalidateQueries(t, s, n) {
const [r, i] = Qe(t, s, n);
return ne.batch(() => {
var o, l;
if (
(this.queryCache.findAll(r).forEach((f) => {
r.refetchType === "none")
return Promise.resolve();
const u = {
(o = (l = r.refetchType) != null ? l : r.type) != null ? o : "active"
return this.refetchQueries(u, i);
refetchQueries(t, s, n) {
const [r, i] = Qe(t, s, n),
o = ne.batch(() =>
.filter((u) => !u.isDisabled())
.map((u) => {
var f;
return u.fetch(void 0, {
(f = i == null ? void 0 : i.cancelRefetch) != null ? f : !0,
meta: { refetchPage: r.refetchPage }
let l = Promise.all(o).then(de);
return (i != null && i.throwOnError) || (l = l.catch(de)), l;
fetchQuery(t, s, n) {
const r = Nt(t, s, n),
i = this.defaultQueryOptions(r);
typeof i.retry > "u" && (i.retry = !1);
const o =, i);
return o.isStaleByTime(i.staleTime)
? o.fetch(i)
: Promise.resolve(;
prefetchQuery(t, s, n) {
return this.fetchQuery(t, s, n).then(de).catch(de);
fetchInfiniteQuery(t, s, n) {
const r = Nt(t, s, n);
return (r.behavior = fu()), this.fetchQuery(r);
prefetchInfiniteQuery(t, s, n) {
return this.fetchInfiniteQuery(t, s, n).then(de).catch(de);
resumePausedMutations() {
return this.mutationCache.resumePausedMutations();
getQueryCache() {
return this.queryCache;
getMutationCache() {
return this.mutationCache;
getLogger() {
return this.logger;
getDefaultOptions() {
return this.defaultOptions;
setDefaultOptions(t) {
this.defaultOptions = t;
setQueryDefaults(t, s) {
const n = this.queryDefaults.find((r) => Ve(t) === Ve(r.queryKey));
? (n.defaultOptions = s)
: this.queryDefaults.push({ queryKey: t, defaultOptions: s });
getQueryDefaults(t) {
if (!t) return;
const s = this.queryDefaults.find((n) => Gt(t, n.queryKey));
return s == null ? void 0 : s.defaultOptions;
setMutationDefaults(t, s) {
const n = this.mutationDefaults.find((r) => Ve(t) === Ve(r.mutationKey));
? (n.defaultOptions = s)
: this.mutationDefaults.push({ mutationKey: t, defaultOptions: s });
getMutationDefaults(t) {
if (!t) return;
const s = this.mutationDefaults.find((n) => Gt(t, n.mutationKey));
return s == null ? void 0 : s.defaultOptions;
defaultQueryOptions(t) {
if (t != null && t._defaulted) return t;
const s = {
...this.getQueryDefaults(t == null ? void 0 : t.queryKey),
_defaulted: !0
return (
!s.queryHash && s.queryKey && (s.queryHash = pn(s.queryKey, s)),
typeof s.refetchOnReconnect > "u" &&
(s.refetchOnReconnect = s.networkMode !== "always"),
typeof s.useErrorBoundary > "u" && (s.useErrorBoundary = !!s.suspense),
defaultMutationOptions(t) {
return t != null && t._defaulted
? t
: {
...this.getMutationDefaults(t == null ? void 0 : t.mutationKey),
_defaulted: !0
clear() {
this.queryCache.clear(), this.mutationCache.clear();
class pu extends At {
constructor(t, s) {
(this.client = t),
(this.options = s),
(this.trackedProps = new Set()),
(this.selectError = null),
bindMethods() {
(this.remove = this.remove.bind(this)),
(this.refetch = this.refetch.bind(this));
onSubscribe() {
this.listeners.size === 1 &&
cr(this.currentQuery, this.options) && this.executeFetch(),
onUnsubscribe() {
this.hasListeners() || this.destroy();
shouldFetchOnReconnect() {
return Ws(this.currentQuery, this.options, this.options.refetchOnReconnect);
shouldFetchOnWindowFocus() {
return Ws(
destroy() {
(this.listeners = new Set()),
setOptions(t, s) {
const n = this.options,
r = this.currentQuery;
if (
((this.options = this.client.defaultQueryOptions(t)),
Hs(n, this.options) ||
type: "observerOptionsUpdated",
query: this.currentQuery,
observer: this
typeof this.options.enabled < "u" &&
typeof this.options.enabled != "boolean")
throw new Error("Expected enabled to be a boolean");
this.options.queryKey || (this.options.queryKey = n.queryKey),
const i = this.hasListeners();
i && ar(this.currentQuery, r, this.options, n) && this.executeFetch(),
i &&
(this.currentQuery !== r ||
this.options.enabled !== n.enabled ||
this.options.staleTime !== n.staleTime) &&
const o = this.computeRefetchInterval();
i &&
(this.currentQuery !== r ||
this.options.enabled !== n.enabled ||
o !== this.currentRefetchInterval) &&
getOptimisticResult(t) {
const s = this.client.getQueryCache().build(this.client, t),
n = this.createResult(s, t);
return (
gu(this, n, t) &&
((this.currentResult = n),
(this.currentResultOptions = this.options),
(this.currentResultState = this.currentQuery.state)),
getCurrentResult() {
return this.currentResult;
trackResult(t) {
const s = {};
return (
Object.keys(t).forEach((n) => {
Object.defineProperty(s, n, {
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !0,
get: () => (this.trackedProps.add(n), t[n])
getCurrentQuery() {
return this.currentQuery;
remove() {
refetch({ refetchPage: t, ...s } = {}) {
return this.fetch({ ...s, meta: { refetchPage: t } });
fetchOptimistic(t) {
const s = this.client.defaultQueryOptions(t),
n = this.client.getQueryCache().build(this.client, s);
return (
(n.isFetchingOptimistic = !0),
n.fetch().then(() => this.createResult(n, s))
fetch(t) {
var s;
return this.executeFetch({
cancelRefetch: (s = t.cancelRefetch) != null ? s : !0
}).then(() => (this.updateResult(), this.currentResult));
executeFetch(t) {
let s = this.currentQuery.fetch(this.options, t);
return (t != null && t.throwOnError) || (s = s.catch(de)), s;
updateStaleTimeout() {
if (
dt || this.currentResult.isStale || !Ls(this.options.staleTime))
const s = ni(this.currentResult.dataUpdatedAt, this.options.staleTime) + 1;
this.staleTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
this.currentResult.isStale || this.updateResult();
}, s);
computeRefetchInterval() {
var t;
return typeof this.options.refetchInterval == "function"
? this.options.refetchInterval(, this.currentQuery)
: (t = this.options.refetchInterval) != null
? t
: !1;
updateRefetchInterval(t) {
(this.currentRefetchInterval = t),
dt ||
this.options.enabled === !1 ||
!Ls(this.currentRefetchInterval) ||
this.currentRefetchInterval === 0
) &&
(this.refetchIntervalId = setInterval(() => {
(this.options.refetchIntervalInBackground || es.isFocused()) &&
}, this.currentRefetchInterval));
updateTimers() {
clearStaleTimeout() {
this.staleTimeoutId &&
(clearTimeout(this.staleTimeoutId), (this.staleTimeoutId = void 0));
clearRefetchInterval() {
this.refetchIntervalId &&
(this.refetchIntervalId = void 0));
createResult(t, s) {
const n = this.currentQuery,
r = this.options,
i = this.currentResult,
o = this.currentResultState,
l = this.currentResultOptions,
u = t !== n,
f = u ? t.state : this.currentQueryInitialState,
h = u ? this.currentResult : this.previousQueryResult,
{ state: p } = t;
let {
dataUpdatedAt: v,
error: O,
errorUpdatedAt: F,
fetchStatus: w,
status: E
} = p,
M = !1,
N = !1,
if (s._optimisticResults) {
const Q = this.hasListeners(),
ee = !Q && cr(t, s),
ce = Q && ar(t, n, s, r);
(ee || ce) &&
((w = gs(t.options.networkMode) ? "fetching" : "paused"),
v || (E = "loading")),
s._optimisticResults === "isRestoring" && (w = "idle");
if (
s.keepPreviousData &&
!p.dataUpdatedAt &&
h != null &&
h.isSuccess &&
E !== "error"
(U =, (v = h.dataUpdatedAt), (E = h.status), (M = !0);
else if ( && typeof < "u")
if (
i && === (o == null ? void 0 : && === this.selectFn
U = this.selectResult;
try {
(this.selectFn =,
(U =,
(U = $s(i == null ? void 0 :, U, s)),
(this.selectResult = U),
(this.selectError = null);
} catch (Q) {
this.selectError = Q;
else U =;
if (typeof s.placeholderData < "u" && typeof U > "u" && E === "loading") {
let Q;
if (
i != null &&
i.isPlaceholderData &&
s.placeholderData === (l == null ? void 0 : l.placeholderData)
Q =;
else if (
((Q =
typeof s.placeholderData == "function"
? s.placeholderData()
: s.placeholderData), && typeof Q < "u")
try {
(Q =, (this.selectError = null);
} catch (ee) {
this.selectError = ee;
typeof Q < "u" &&
((E = "success"),
(U = $s(i == null ? void 0 :, Q, s)),
(N = !0));
this.selectError &&
((O = this.selectError),
(U = this.selectResult),
(F =,
(E = "error"));
const R = w === "fetching",
J = E === "loading",
L = E === "error";
return {
status: E,
fetchStatus: w,
isLoading: J,
isSuccess: E === "success",
isError: L,
isInitialLoading: J && R,
data: U,
dataUpdatedAt: v,
error: O,
errorUpdatedAt: F,
failureCount: p.fetchFailureCount,
failureReason: p.fetchFailureReason,
errorUpdateCount: p.errorUpdateCount,
isFetched: p.dataUpdateCount > 0 || p.errorUpdateCount > 0,
p.dataUpdateCount > f.dataUpdateCount ||
p.errorUpdateCount > f.errorUpdateCount,
isFetching: R,
isRefetching: R && !J,
isLoadingError: L && p.dataUpdatedAt === 0,
isPaused: w === "paused",
isPlaceholderData: N,
isPreviousData: M,
isRefetchError: L && p.dataUpdatedAt !== 0,
isStale: gn(t, s),
refetch: this.refetch,
remove: this.remove
updateResult(t) {
const s = this.currentResult,
n = this.createResult(this.currentQuery, this.options);
if (
((this.currentResultState = this.currentQuery.state),
(this.currentResultOptions = this.options),
Hs(n, s))
this.currentResult = n;
const r = { cache: !0 },
i = () => {
if (!s) return !0;
const { notifyOnChangeProps: o } = this.options,
l = typeof o == "function" ? o() : o;
if (l === "all" || (!l && !this.trackedProps.size)) return !0;
const u = new Set(l ?? this.trackedProps);
return (
this.options.useErrorBoundary && u.add("error"),
Object.keys(this.currentResult).some((f) => {
const h = f;
return this.currentResult[h] !== s[h] && u.has(h);
(t == null ? void 0 : t.listeners) !== !1 && i() && (r.listeners = !0),
this.notify({ ...r, ...t });
updateQuery() {
const t = this.client.getQueryCache().build(this.client, this.options);
if (t === this.currentQuery) return;
const s = this.currentQuery;
(this.currentQuery = t),
(this.currentQueryInitialState = t.state),
(this.previousQueryResult = this.currentResult),
this.hasListeners() &&
(s == null || s.removeObserver(this), t.addObserver(this));
onQueryUpdate(t) {
const s = {};
t.type === "success"
? (s.onSuccess = !t.manual)
: t.type === "error" && !kt(t.error) && (s.onError = !0),
this.hasListeners() && this.updateTimers();
notify(t) {
ne.batch(() => {
if (t.onSuccess) {
var s, n, r, i;
(s = (n = this.options).onSuccess) == null ||,,
(r = (i = this.options).onSettled) == null ||,, null);
} else if (t.onError) {
var o, l, u, f;
(o = (l = this.options).onError) == null ||, this.currentResult.error),
(u = (f = this.options).onSettled) == null ||, void 0, this.currentResult.error);
t.listeners &&
this.listeners.forEach(({ listener: h }) => {
t.cache &&
query: this.currentQuery,
type: "observerResultsUpdated"
function yu(e, t) {
return (
t.enabled !== !1 &&
!e.state.dataUpdatedAt &&
!(e.state.status === "error" && t.retryOnMount === !1)
function cr(e, t) {
return yu(e, t) || (e.state.dataUpdatedAt > 0 && Ws(e, t, t.refetchOnMount));
function Ws(e, t, s) {
if (t.enabled !== !1) {
const n = typeof s == "function" ? s(e) : s;
return n === "always" || (n !== !1 && gn(e, t));
return !1;
function ar(e, t, s, n) {
return (
s.enabled !== !1 &&
(e !== t || n.enabled === !1) &&
(!s.suspense || e.state.status !== "error") &&
gn(e, s)
function gn(e, t) {
return e.isStaleByTime(t.staleTime);
function gu(e, t, s) {
return s.keepPreviousData
? !1
: s.placeholderData !== void 0
? t.isPlaceholderData
: !Hs(e.getCurrentResult(), t);
const mu = "VUE_QUERY_CLIENT";
function hi(e) {
const t = e ? ":" + e : "";
return "" + mu + t;
function he(e) {
return Array.isArray(e);
function fr(e, t) {
Object.keys(e).forEach((s) => {
e[s] = t[s];
function ks(e, t) {
if (t) {
const s = t(e);
if (s !== void 0 || Z(e)) return s;
if (Array.isArray(e)) return => ks(s, t));
if (typeof e == "object" && vu(e)) {
const s = Object.entries(e).map(([n, r]) => [n, ks(r, t)]);
return Object.fromEntries(s);
return e;
function T(e) {
return ks(e, (t) => {
if (Z(t)) return T(qe(t));
function vu(e) {
if ( !== "[object Object]") return !1;
const t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
return t === null || t === Object.prototype;
function bu(e, t) {
return typeof e == "function" ? e(...t) : !!e;
function _u(e = "") {
const t = hi(e),
s = wt(t, null);
if (!s) {
var n;
throw ((n = Ol()) == null ? void 0 : n.proxy)
? new Error(
"No 'queryClient' found in Vue context, use 'VueQueryPlugin' to properly initialize the library."
: new Error("vue-query hooks can only be used inside setup() function.");
return s;
class Ou extends ai {
find(t, s) {
const n = T(t),
r = T(s);
return super.find(n, r);
findAll(t, s) {
const n = T(t),
r = T(s);
return he(n) ? super.findAll(n, r) : super.findAll(n);
class Cu extends fi {
find(t) {
return super.find(T(t));
findAll(t) {
return super.findAll(T(t));
class hr extends du {
constructor(t = {}) {
const s = T(t),
n = {
logger: T(s.logger),
defaultOptions: T(s.defaultOptions),
queryCache: s.queryCache || new Ou(),
mutationCache: s.mutationCache || new Cu()
super(n), (this.isRestoring = Bt(!1));
isFetching(t, s) {
const n = T(t),
r = T(s);
return he(n) ? super.isFetching(n, r) : super.isFetching(n);
isMutating(t) {
return super.isMutating(T(t));
getQueryData(t, s) {
return super.getQueryData(T(t), T(s));
getQueriesData(t) {
const s = T(t);
return he(s) ? super.getQueriesData(s) : super.getQueriesData(s);
setQueryData(t, s, n) {
return super.setQueryData(T(t), s, T(n));
setQueriesData(t, s, n) {
const r = T(t),
i = T(n);
return he(r)
? super.setQueriesData(r, s, i)
: super.setQueriesData(r, s, i);
getQueryState(t, s) {
return super.getQueryState(T(t), T(s));
removeQueries(t, s) {
const n = T(t);
return he(n) ? super.removeQueries(n, T(s)) : super.removeQueries(n);
resetQueries(t, s, n) {
const r = T(t),
i = T(s);
return he(r) ? super.resetQueries(r, i, T(n)) : super.resetQueries(r, i);
cancelQueries(t, s, n) {
const r = T(t),
i = T(s);
return he(r) ? super.cancelQueries(r, i, T(n)) : super.cancelQueries(r, i);
invalidateQueries(t, s, n) {
const r = T(t),
i = T(s);
return he(r)
? super.invalidateQueries(r, i, T(n))
: super.invalidateQueries(r, i);
refetchQueries(t, s, n) {
const r = T(t),
i = T(s);
return he(r)
? super.refetchQueries(r, i, T(n))
: super.refetchQueries(r, i);
fetchQuery(t, s, n) {
const r = T(t),
i = T(s);
return he(r) ? super.fetchQuery(r, i, T(n)) : super.fetchQuery(r);
prefetchQuery(t, s, n) {
return super.prefetchQuery(T(t), T(s), T(n));
fetchInfiniteQuery(t, s, n) {
const r = T(t),
i = T(s);
return he(r)
? super.fetchInfiniteQuery(r, i, T(n))
: super.fetchInfiniteQuery(r);
prefetchInfiniteQuery(t, s, n) {
return super.prefetchInfiniteQuery(T(t), T(s), T(n));
setDefaultOptions(t) {
setQueryDefaults(t, s) {
super.setQueryDefaults(T(t), T(s));
getQueryDefaults(t) {
return super.getQueryDefaults(T(t));
setMutationDefaults(t, s) {
super.setMutationDefaults(T(t), T(s));
getMutationDefaults(t) {
return super.getMutationDefaults(T(t));
const wu = {
install: (e, t = {}) => {
const s = hi(t.queryClientKey);
let n;
if ("queryClient" in t && t.queryClient) n = t.queryClient;
else if (t.contextSharing && typeof window < "u")
if (window.__VUE_QUERY_CONTEXT__) n = window.__VUE_QUERY_CONTEXT__;
else {
const o = "queryClientConfig" in t ? t.queryClientConfig : void 0;
(n = new hr(o)), (window.__VUE_QUERY_CONTEXT__ = n);
else {
const o = "queryClientConfig" in t ? t.queryClientConfig : void 0;
n = new hr(o);
dt || n.mount();
let r = () => {};
if (t.clientPersister) {
n.isRestoring.value = !0;
const [o, l] = t.clientPersister(n);
(r = o),
l.then(() => {
(n.isRestoring.value = !1),
t.clientPersisterOnSuccess == null || t.clientPersisterOnSuccess(n);
const i = () => {
n.unmount(), r();
if (e.onUnmount) e.onUnmount(i);
else {
const o = e.unmount;
e.unmount = function () {
i(), o();
e.provide(s, n);
function xu(e, t, s = {}, n = {}) {
var r;
const i = js(() => Eu(t, s, n)),
o = (r = i.value.queryClient) != null ? r : _u(i.value.queryClientKey),
l = js(() => {
const w = o.defaultQueryOptions(i.value);
return (
(w._optimisticResults = o.isRestoring.value
? "isRestoring"
: "optimistic"),
u = new e(o, l.value),
f = ls(u.getCurrentResult());
let h = () => {};
(w) => {
w ||
(h = u.subscribe((E) => {
fr(f, E);
{ immediate: !0 }
const p = () => {
u.setOptions(l.value), fr(f, u.getCurrentResult());
ke(l, p),
Ii(() => {
const v = (...w) => (p(), f.refetch(...w)),
O = () =>
new Promise((w, E) => {
let M = () => {};
const N = () => {
if (l.value.enabled !== !1) {
const U = u.getOptimisticResult(l.value);
? (M(), u.fetchOptimistic(l.value).then(w, E))
: (M(), w(U));
N(), (M = ke(l, N));
() => f.error,
(w) => {
if (
f.isError &&
!f.isFetching &&
bu(l.value.useErrorBoundary, [w, u.getCurrentQuery()])
throw w;
const F = uo(rn(f));
for (const w in f) typeof f[w] == "function" && (F[w] = f[w]);
return (F.suspense = O), (F.refetch = v), F;
function Eu(e, t = {}, s = {}) {
const n = qe(e),
r = qe(t),
i = qe(s);
let o = n;
return (
? typeof r == "function"
? (o = { ...i, queryKey: n, queryFn: r })
: (o = { ...r, queryKey: n })
: (o = n),
function Pu(e, t, s) {
return xu(pu, e, t, s);
const Ru = (e) => (Oo("data-v-b459b213"), (e = e()), Co(), e),
Fu = { class: "flex w-full min-h-screen items-center justify-center" },
Tu = { class: "flex flex-col" },
Iu = { class: "flex flex-col" },
Au = Ru(() => De("label", { for: "search" }, "Search a country by name", -1)),
Mu = ["onKeydown", "onKeyup"],
Su = { key: 0 },
Qu = { key: 1 },
Du = { class: "mt-8" },
Uu = Mo({
__name: "App",
setup(e) {
const t = Bt(),
s = Bt(null),
n = Bt([]),
{ isFetching: r, data: i } = Pu({
queryKey: ["countries", t],
queryFn: async () => {
const h = new URL(
t.value && h.searchParams.set("search", t.value);
const v = await (await fetch(h.toString())).json();
return o(), v;
function o() {
s.value = null;
function l() {
var h, p;
s.value !==
((p = (h = i.value) == null ? void 0 : h.items) == null
? void 0
: p.length) -
1 && (s.value === null ? (s.value = 0) : (s.value += 1));
function u() {
var h, p;
s.value !== 0 &&
(s.value === null
? (s.value =
((p = (h = i.value) == null ? void 0 : h.items) == null
? void 0
: p.length) - 1)
: (s.value = s.value - 1));
function f() {
if (s.value === null) return;
const h = i.value.items[s.value];
? (n.value = n.value.filter((p) => p !==
: n.value.push(;
return (h, p) => {
var v, O;
return (
vt("div", Fu, [
De("div", Tu, [
De("div", Iu, [
type: "search",
name: "search",
p[0] || (p[0] = (F) => (t.value = F)),
class: "border rounded px-2 h-10",
autocomplete: "off",
onKeydown: [
Rs(Ps(l, ["prevent"]), ["down"]),
Rs(Ps(u, ["prevent"]), ["up"])
onKeyup: Rs(Ps(f, ["prevent"]), ["enter"])
[[zl, t.value]]
qe(r) ? (nt(), vt("p", Su, "Fetching...")) : Bn("", !0),
(O = (v = qe(i)) == null ? void 0 : v.items) != null && O.length
? (nt(),
vt("ul", Qu, [
(F, w) => (
vt("li", { key: }, [
class: is([
w === s.value && "selected",
n.value.includes( && "!bg-blue-500"
: Bn("", !0),
De("div", Du, "Selected countries: " + xn(n.value), 1)
const qu = (e, t) => {
const s = e.__vccOpts || e;
for (const [n, r] of t) s[n] = r;
return s;
Ku = qu(Uu, [["__scopeId", "data-v-b459b213"]]);
Also see: Tab Triggers