      .pull-right.year 2014
      .big Here's where the main thing I did goes. It's very important, so it's big.
      .aside Some additional context or things I did. It is small because it is less important
      .pull-right.year 2013
      .big More big things
          li Sometimes lists
          li are important too
          li Lists with <a>Links</a>.
      .aside Some additional context or things I did. It is small because it is less important
      .pull-right.year 2012
      .big Here's where the main thing I did goes. It's very important, so it's big.
      .aside Some additional context or things I did. It is small because it is less important
          li Lists can be fun over here too.
          li ESPECIALLY IF THEY HAVE <a>LINKS</a>.
      .pull-right.year 2011
      .big Here's where the main thing I did goes. It's very important, so it's big.
      .aside Some additional context or things I did. It is small because it is less important
      .pull-right.year 2010
      .big Here's where the main thing I did goes. It's very important, so it's big.
      .aside Some additional context or things I did. It is small because it is less important
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@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:100,300,400,700);
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External CSS

  1. https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css

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