<ul id="target">
<button>Add random entry</button>
<div>The list height is: <span id="height"></span></div>
document.querySelector( 'button' ).addEventListener("click", addRow);
function addRow() {
const newRow = document.createElement( 'li' );
newRow.innerText = 'RandomName' + Math.random();
document.querySelector( 'ul' ).append( newRow );
const targetNode = document.getElementById( 'target' );
const config = {
attributes: false,
childList: true,
subtree: false
const callback = (mutationList, observer) => {
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
if ( mutation.addedNodes.length > 0 || mutation.removedNodes.length > 0 ) {
const height = mutation.target.getBoundingClientRect().height;
document.getElementById( 'height' ).innerText = height;
// Create an observer instance linked to the callback function
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
// Start observing the target node for configured mutations
observer.observe(targetNode, config);
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.