<div class="container">
<header class="title">
<h1>JavaScript Snake Game</h1>
<h2 id="score" class="score">Score: </h2>
<div class="container">
<section class="overlay">
<div class="gameOverGrid">
<h2 id="gameOver">You lose!</h2>
<button class="gameOverGrid btn">Play</button>
<section id="gameBoard"></section>
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/* Game */
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/*jslint browser: true*/
/*global $, jQuery, alert*/
var gameBoardSize = 40;
var gamePoints = 0;
var gameSpeed = 100;
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".btn").click(function() {
var Snake = {
position: [[20, 20], [20, 19], [20, 18]], // snake start position
size: 3,
direction: "r",
alive: true
var Food = {
position: [],
present: false
function createBoard() {
var size = gameBoardSize;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
$("#gameBoard").append('<div class="row"></div>');
for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
$(".row:last-child").append('<div class="pixel"></div>');
function moveSnake() {
var head = Snake.position[0].slice();
switch (Snake.direction) {
case 'r':
head[1] += 1;
case 'l':
head[1] -= 1;
case 'u':
head[0] -= 1;
case 'd':
head[0] += 1;
// check after head is moved
if (alive(head)) {
// draw head
$(".row:nth-child(" + head[0] + ") > .pixel:nth-child(" + head[1] + ")").addClass("snakePixel");
// draw rest of body loop
for (var i = 0; i < Snake.size; i++) {
$(".row:nth-child(" + Snake.position[i][0] + ") > .pixel:nth-child(" + Snake.position[i][1] + ")").addClass("snakePixel");
// if head touches food
if (head.every(function(e,i) {
return e === Food.position[i];
})) {
Food.present = false;
gamePoints += 5;
$(".row:nth-child(" + Food.position[0] + ") > .pixel:nth-child(" + Food.position[1] + ")").removeClass("foodPixel");
$("#score").html("Score: "+gamePoints)
if (gamePoints % 16 == 0 && gameSpeed > 10) { gameSpeed -= 5; };
} else {
$(".row:nth-child(" + Snake.position[Snake.size-1][0] + ") > .pixel:nth-child(" + Snake.position[Snake.size-1][1] + ")").removeClass("snakePixel");
} else {
function generateFood() {
if (Food.present === false) {
Food.position = [Math.floor((Math.random()*40) + 1), Math.floor((Math.random()*40) + 1)]
Food.present = true;
console.log("Food at: "+Food.position);
$(".row:nth-child(" + Food.position[0] + ") > .pixel:nth-child(" + Food.position[1] + ")").addClass("foodPixel");
function keyPress() {
$(document).one("keydown", function(key) {
switch(key.which) {
case 37: // left arrow
if (Snake.direction != "r") {Snake.direction = "l";}
case 38: // up arrow
if (Snake.direction != "d") {Snake.direction = "u";}
case 39: // right arrow
if (Snake.direction != "l") {Snake.direction = "r";}
case 40: // down arrow
if (Snake.direction != "u") {Snake.direction = "d";}
function gameLoop() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (Snake.alive) {gameLoop(); }
}, gameSpeed);
function alive(head) {
// head check
if (head[0] < 1 || head[0] > 40 || head[1] < 1 || head[1] > 40) {
return false;
// wall collision
if (Snake.position[0][0] < 1 || Snake.position[0][0] > 40 || Snake.position[0][1] < 1 || Snake.position[0][1] > 40) {
return false;
// self collision
for (var i = 1; i < Snake.size; i++) {
if ((Snake.position[0]).every(function(element,index) {
return element === Snake.position[i][index];
})) {
return false;
return true;
function gameOver() {
Snake.alive = false;
console.log("Game Over!");
var blink = function() {
$(".row:nth-child(" + Snake.position[0][0] + ") > .pixel:nth-child(" + Snake.position[0][1] + ")").toggleClass("snakePixel");
var i = 0;
function blinkLoop() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (i < 10) { blinkLoop();}
}, 400);
function startGame() {
// reset game settings
Snake.size = 3;
Snake.position = [[20,20],[20,19],[20,18]];
Snake.direction = "r";
Snake.alive = true;
gameSpeed = 100;
gamePoints = 0;
Food.present = false;
// start game
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.