<!-- Inspired by https://dribbble.com/shots/3693442-Tabs -->
<!-- Illustrations: https://undraw.co/ -->
<main mv-app="tabs"
<h2 property="headline">Headline</h2>
<section mv-list class="tabs" style="--count: [count(tab)];">
<details property="tab"
mv-action="set(open.$all, false), set(open, true)">
<meta property="open" />
<summary property="title">
<img class="icon"
mv-attr-src="image" alt="Icon for the [text] tab" />
<span property="text">Tab name</span>
<section property="content">
<h3 property="headline">Tab headline</h3>
<img property="image"
alt="Illustration for [headline]" />
<p property="text">Tab content</p>
<a property="url" href="#">
<span property="destination">Call to action</span>
Want to see how it works under the hood and/or add your content? Simply <a href="?login">log in</a> with your <b>Github</b> account.
Made with Mavo. Want to know more? Visit the
<a href="https://mavo.io/">Mavo website</a>.
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"image headline"
"image text"
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