- const RING_COUNT = 10;
.plane(style=`--ring-count: ${RING_COUNT}`)
- let rings = 0;
while rings < RING_COUNT
.ring(style=`--index: ${rings}; --name: slink-${rings};`)
- rings++;
View Compiled
--border-width 1.2vmin
--depth 20vmin
--stack-height 6vmin
--scene-size 20vmin
--ring-percentage 0.6
--ring-size calc(var(--scene-size) * var(--ring-percentage))
--ring-transform calc(100% + (var(--scene-size) * ((1 - var(--ring-percentage)) * 0.5))) 50%
--plane radial-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.1) 50%, transparent 65%)
--ring-shadow hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.5)
--hue-one 320
--hue-two 210
--blur 10px
--speed 1.2s
--bg hsl(0, 0%, 98%)
--ring-filter brightness(1) drop-shadow(0 0 0 var(--accent))
box-sizing border-box
transform-style preserve-3d
display grid
place-items center
min-height 100vh
height var(--scene-size)
width var(--scene-size)
transform translate3d(0, 0, 100vmin) rotateX(-24deg) rotateY(-32deg) rotateX(90deg) translate3d(0, 0, calc((var(--depth) + var(--stack-height)) * -1)) rotate(0deg)
height 100%
width 100%
position relative
background hsla(280, 80%, 50%, 0.25)
background hsla(200, 80%, 50%, 0.25)
transform translate3d(0, 0, var(--depth))
--origin-z calc(var(--stack-height) - (var(--stack-height) / var(--ring-count)) * var(--index))
--destination-z calc(((var(--depth) + var(--origin-z)) - (var(--stack-height) - var(--origin-z))) * -1)
--hue calc((360 / var(--ring-count)) * var(--index))
--accent 'hsl(%s 80% 65%)' % var(--hue)
height var(--ring-size)
width var(--ring-size)
border-radius 50%
border var(--border-width) solid var(--accent)
position absolute
top 50%
left 50%
transform-origin var(--ring-transform)
transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, var(--origin-z)) translateZ(var(--destination-z)) rotateY(180deg)
animation var(--name) var(--speed) both infinite cubic-bezier(.25,0,1,1)
$ring-count = 10
$animation-window = 45
$animation-step = $animation-window / $ring-count
for $ring in (0..$ring-count)
// Generate a set of keyframes based on the ring index
// index is the ring
$start = $animation-step * ($ring + 1)
@keyframes slink-{$ring} {
// In here is where we need to generate the keyframe steps based on ring count and window.
0%, {$start * 1%} {
transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, var(--origin-z)) translateZ(0) rotateY(0deg)
// Flip without falling
{($start + ($animation-window * 0.75)) * 1%} {
transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, var(--origin-z)) translateZ(0) rotateY(180deg)
// Fall until cut off point
{($start + $animation-window) * 1%}, 100% {
transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, var(--origin-z)) translateZ(var(--destination-z)) rotateY(180deg)
View Compiled
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.