h2 The Amur Leopard
h3 rarest kitty in the world - too beautiful for its own good?

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		p Amur leopards are relatively easy to distinguish from other leopard subscpecies because, in order to survive the long cold winter, they have a soft coat with long and thick hair. This gives them a fluffy and extremely aesthetically pleasing appearance - just look at them!
		p Their beauty has been both a curse and a blessing.
		p Their gorgeous coats have made them poached to such an extent that, ten years ago, only about 20 of them were still to be found in the wild.
		p At the same time, their charisma has made them popular in zoos or as vanity "pets" for rich people and had raised the interest in saving them from extinction.
		p For the past ten years however, their numbers have climbed slowly. There are about 50- 60 cats living in the wild today.
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