<h1>Mooana's Potential Matches</h1>
<div class="profiles">
  <zombie-profile class="high-match">
    <img slot="profile-image" src="https://assets.codepen.io/1804713/leroy.png" />
    <span slot="zombie-name">Leroy</span>
    <span slot="z-age">29</span>
    <span slot="idate">March 1, 2026</span>
    <ul slot="z-interests">
      <li>leisure suits</li>
    <span slot="statement">Disco daddy who won't stop dancing your heart away.</span>
  <zombie-profile class="medium-match">
    <img slot="profile-image" src="https://assets.codepen.io/1804713/phil.png" />
    <span slot="zombie-name">Phil</span>
    <span slot="z-age">31</span>
    <span slot="idate">December 22, 2025</span>
    <ul slot="z-interests">
    <span slot="statement">I'm out of this world! You know... because of the spacesuit... get it?</span>
  <zombie-profile class="high-match">
    <img slot="profile-image" src="https://assets.codepen.io/1804713/ahabcshanty.png" />
    <span slot="zombie-name">A. C. Shanty</span>
    <span slot="z-age">41</span>
    <span slot="idate">November 7, 2026</span>
    <ul slot="z-interests">
      <li>sea shanties</li>
      <li>reality tv</li>
      <li>more brains</li>
    <span slot="statement">What's a pirate's favorite letter?<br>Rrrrrrr!<br>Aye! But his first love be the C</span>
  <zombie-profile class="low-match">
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    <div class="info">
      <h2 part="zname">
        <slot name="zombie-name">Zombie Bob</slot>
      <span class="age"><span class="label">Age:</span>
        <slot name="z-age">37</slot>
      <span class="infection-date"><span class="label">Infection Date:</span>
        <slot name="idate">September 12, 2025</slot>
      <div class="interests">
        <span class="label">Interests: </span>
        <slot name="z-interests">
            <li>Long Walks on Beach</li>
            <li>defeating humanity</li>
      <span class="z-statement"><span class="label">Apocalyptic Statement: </span>
        <slot name="statement">Moooooooan!</slot>
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