/* === CCI Journalist Press Card === */ 

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   span.journalist-title Happiest Man Alive
   h4 Lasse's Latest Articles
   div.article-link Why Startups Succeed
   div.article-link PCI's Next Big Opportunity

    ' Tap to view Lasse's Instagram
    span.triggerImage ➜
  <iframe src="http://snapwidget.com/in/?h=c3RhcnR1cHN8aW58NzV8NHw0fHxub3wwfG5vbmV8b25TdGFydA==" allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:300px; height: 300px" ></iframe>
   ' Tap here to go back

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/* === CCI Journalist Press Card === */

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/* === CCI Journalist Flip Card === */ 
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