<h1>Animate the Details HTML Element Using Pure CSS</h1>
<p class="note">*Requires Chrome Canary with "Experimental Web Platform Features" flag enabled.</p>

<details open class="details" name="CSS Weekly" style="--i: 1;">
	<summary class="details__summary">CSS Weekly Newsletter</summary>
	<div class="details__content">
		<p>Weekly hands-on guides that will help you stay up to date with CSS.</p>
		<p><a href="https://css-weekly.com" target="_blank">Subscribe Now »</a></p>

<details class="details" name="CSS Weekly" style="--i: 2;">
	<summary class="details__summary">CSS Stickers</summary>
	<div class="details__content">
		<p>A set of beautiful, cute, and funny CSS stickers to showcase your love for CSS.</p>
		<p><a href="https://stickers.css-weekly.com" target="_blank">Check out CSS Stickers »</a></p>

<details class="details" name="CSS Weekly" style="--i: 3;">
	<summary class="details__summary">Mastering Linting</summary>
	<div class="details__content">
		<p>A course that will help you get proficient with the best Linting tools, Prettier & Stylelint.</p>
		<p><a href="https://masteringlinting.com" target="_blank">Enroll Now »</a></p>

<details class="details" name="CSS Weekly" style="--i: 4;">
	<summary class="details__summary">CSS Weekly YouTube Channel</summary>
	<div class="details__content">
		<p>Weekly hands-on guides that will help you stay up to date with CSS.</p>
	<p><a href="https://youtube.com/@cssweekly?sub_confirmation=1" target="_blank">Subscribe on YouTube »</a></p>
/* Page Style */
body {
	box-sizing: border-box;
	min-block-size: 100vb;
	padding: 2rem;
	font-family: sans-serif;
	font-size: 1.4rem;
	line-height: 1.5;
	color: hsl(261deg 100% 25%);
	background: linear-gradient(
		hsl(260deg 80% 50%),
		hsl(0deg 100% 50%)

a {
	color: hsl(1deg 70% 50%);

h1 {
	max-inline-size: 40rem;
	margin-block: 2rem;
	margin-inline: auto;
	font-size: 3rem;
	line-height: 1.2;
	color: hsl(0deg 100% 95%);
	text-align: center;
	text-wrap: balance;

code {
	padding-block: 0.5rem;
	padding-inline: 1rem;
	font-size: 0.8em;
	color: hsl(0deg 100% 15%);
	white-space: nowrap;
	background: yellow;
	border-radius: 5px;

p {
	margin-block: 0.5rem;

p:last-child {
	margin-block-end: 0;

.note {
	max-inline-size: 40rem;
	margin-inline: auto;
	margin-block: 2rem 3rem;
	color: hsl(0 100% 85%);
	text-align: center;
	text-wrap: balance;

details {
	position: relative;
	max-inline-size: 40rem;
	padding: 1rem;
	margin-block: 1rem 0;
	margin-inline: auto;
	background-image: linear-gradient(
		to top left,
		hsl(260deg 80% 80%) 0,
		hsl(0deg 100% 95%)
	border: 1px solid hsl(260deg 100% 95%);
	border-radius: 0.3rem;

summary {
	padding-inline: 2rem;
	position: relative;
	font-weight: 700;
	cursor: pointer;

/* Demo Code */
.details::details-content {
	display: block;
	margin-inline: 2rem;
	block-size: 0;
	overflow: hidden;
	transition-property: block-size, content-visibility;
	transition-duration: 0.5s;
	transition-behavior: allow-discrete;

.details[open]::details-content {
	/* Fallback for browsers that don't support calc-size() function */
	block-size: auto;
	/* calc-size() function allows transition to height: auto; */
	block-size: calc-size(auto, size);

/* List Item ::marker supports only some CSS properties, so we're using ::before pseudo-element instead */
summary::marker {
	content: '»';
	content: none;

summary::before {
	content: '»';
	position: absolute;
	inset-inline-start: 1rem;
	inset-block-start: -0.05rem;
	transition: rotate 0.2s;

.details[open] summary::before {
	rotate: 90deg;
	inset-block-start: 0.05rem;
// Pure CSS ❤️
// In-Depth Guide: https://youtu.be/idoaw75xjhU

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