p - pause
ESC - abandon game
Click the big P to choose one of three levels:
- Casual
- Medium
- Hard
The game will save your stats locally, via localStorage.
Click the F to see your stats.
Click I for these intructions.
Flip is a timed card memory game. When starting a level, there's a red bar on top of the screen that shows how much time you have left.
Click the green cards to see what symbol they uncover and try to find the matching symbol underneath the other cards.
Uncover two matching symbols in a row to eliminate them from the game.
Eliminate all cards as fast as you can to win the game. Have fun FLIPing!
<div id="g"></div>
<div class="logo">
<p class="info">Click the P to get started.</p>
<div class="card left">
<div class="flipper">
<div class="f c1">F</div>
<div class="b contentbox" id="stats">
<div class="padded">
Looks like you haven't FLIPped yet.
<a href="javascript:;" class="playnow">Play now</a>
<div class="card active twist">
<div class="flipper">
<div class="b f">
<div class="c2">L</div>
<div class="card left">
<div class="flipper">
<div class="f c3">I</div>
<div class="b contentbox instructions">
<div class="padded">
<p>Press [p] to pause, or [ESC] to abandon game.</p>
<p>Flip is a timed card memory game. Click the green cards to see what symbol they uncover and try to find the matching symbol underneath the other cards.</p>
<p>Uncover two matching symbols at once to eliminate them from the game.</p>
<p>Eliminate all cards as fast as you can to win the game. Have fun FLIPing!</p>
<div class="card">
<div class="flipper">
<div class="f c4">P</div>
<div class="b contentbox levels">
<a href="javascript:;" data-level="8" class="play">Casual</a>
<a href="javascript:;" data-level="18" class="play">Medium</a>
<a href="javascript:;" data-level="32" class="play">Hard</a>
<p class="info">Flip should work best in Google Chrome, decent in Firefox, IE10 and Opera;</p>
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.logo .card.left.active + .card{opacity:0}
.logo .card.left.active .b{margin-left:-100%}
.logo .f{font:normal 130px/225px 'Open Sans';text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;}
.logo .c2{transform:scale(-1, 1);-webkit-transform:scale(-1, 1);-moz-transform:scale(-1, 1);-ms-transform:scale(-1, 1)}
.logo .contentbox{width:200%;font:normal 12px/16px 'Open Sans';text-align:left}
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.logo .contentbox .padded{padding:0 15px;}
.logo .contentbox h2{font-size:24px;padding:0;margin:28px 0;text-transform:uppercase}
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@-webkit-keyframes timer {100% { width:100%; }}
@-moz-keyframes timer {100% { width:100%; }}
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@keyframes timer {100% { width:100%; }}
.pause{position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;left:0;top:0;z-index:100;background:rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.78)}
.pause::before{content:'PAUSED';width:100%;position:absolute;margin-top:-100px;top:50%;background:#C0392B;color:#fff;font:bold 80px/200px 'Open Sans';
/* card styles */
#g .found{display:inline-block}
.card .b::before{content:attr(data-f);display:block;font:normal 100px/100px "GeneralFoundicons";
/* flip cards */
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#g.hard .card .b::before{font-size:50px}
@media all and (max-width: 640px) and (min-width: 470px){
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#g.hard .card .b::before{font-size:50px}
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.logo .instructions h2{display:none}
.logo .instructions.contentbox p:nth-child(3){display:none}
#stats li b{width:auto}
function set(key, value) { localStorage.setItem(key, value); }
function get(key) { return localStorage.getItem(key); }
function increase(el) { set(el, parseInt( get(el) ) + 1); }
function decrease(el) { set(el, parseInt( get(el) ) - 1); }
var toTime = function(nr){
if(nr == '-:-') return nr;
else { var n = ' '+nr/1000+' '; return n.substr(0, n.length-1)+'s'; }
function updateStats(){
$('#stats').html('<div class="padded"><h2>Figures: <span>'+
'<ul><li><b>Best Casual:</b> <span>'+toTime( get('flip_casual') )+'</span></li>'+
'<li><b>Best Medium:</b> <span>'+toTime( get('flip_medium') )+'</span></li>'+
'<li><b>Best Hard:</b> <span>'+toTime( get('flip_hard') )+'</span></li></ul>'+
'<ul><li><b>Total Flips:</b> <span>'+parseInt( ( parseInt(get('flip_matched')) + parseInt(get('flip_wrong')) ) * 2)+'</span></li>'+
'<li><b>Matched Flips:</b> <span>'+get('flip_matched')+'</span></li>'+
'<li><b>Wrong Flips:</b> <span>'+get('flip_wrong')+'</span></li></ul></div>');
function shuffle(array) {
var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
function startScreen(text){
$('.c1').text(text.substring(0, 1));
$('.c2').text(text.substring(1, 2));
$('.c3').text(text.substring(2, 3));
$('.c4').text(text.substring(3, 4));
// If won game
if(text == 'nice'){
// If lost game
else if(text == 'fail'){
// Update stats
// Init localStorage
if( !get('flip_won') && !get('flip_lost') && !get('flip_abandoned') ){
//Overall Game stats
set('flip_won', 0);
set('flip_lost', 0);
set('flip_abandoned', 0);
//Best times
set('flip_casual', '-:-');
set('flip_medium', '-:-');
set('flip_hard', '-:-');
//Cards stats
set('flip_matched', 0);
set('flip_wrong', 0);
// Fill stats
if( get('flip_won') > 0 || get('flip_lost') > 0 || get('flip_abandoned') > 0) {updateStats();}
// Toggle start screen cards
$('.logo .card:not(".twist")').on('click', function(e){
if( $(e.target).is('.playnow') ) { $('.logo .card').last().addClass('active'); }
// Start game
$('.play').on('click', function(){
var difficulty = '',
timer = 1000,
level = $(this).data('level');
// Set game timer and difficulty
if (level == 8) { difficulty = 'casual'; timer *= level * 4; }
else if(level == 18) { difficulty = 'medium'; timer *= level * 5; }
else if(level == 32) { difficulty = 'hard'; timer *= level * 6; }
$('.logo').fadeOut(250, function(){
var startGame = $.now(),
obj = [];
// Create and add shuffled cards to game
for(i = 0; i < level; i++) { obj.push(i); }
var shu = shuffle( $.merge(obj, obj) ),
cardSize = 100/Math.sqrt(shu.length);
for(i = 0; i < shu.length; i++){
var code = shu[i];
if(code < 10) code = "0" + code;
if(code == 30) code = 10;
if(code == 31) code = 21;
$('<div class="card" style="width:'+cardSize+'%;height:'+cardSize+'%;">'+
'<div class="flipper"><div class="f"></div><div class="b" data-f="ð'+code+';"></div></div>'+
// Set card actions
$('#g .card').on({
'mousedown' : function(){
if($('#g').attr('data-paused') == 1) {return;}
var data = $(this).addClass('active').find('.b').attr('data-f');
if( $('#g').find('.card.active').length > 1){
var thisCard = $('#g .active .b[data-f='+data+']');
if( thisCard.length > 1 ) {
thisCard.parents('.card').toggleClass('active card found').empty(); //yey
// Win game
if( !$('#g .card').length ){
var time = $.now() - startGame;
if( get('flip_'+difficulty) == '-:-' || get('flip_'+difficulty) > time ){
set('flip_'+difficulty, time); // increase best score
else {
$('#g .card.active').removeClass('active'); // fail
}, 401);
// Add timer bar
$('<i class="timer"></i>')
'animation' : 'timer '+timer+'ms linear'
.one('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function(e) {
startScreen('fail'); // fail game
// Set keyboard (p)ause and [esc] actions
$(window).off().on('keyup', function(e){
// Pause game. (p)
if(e.keyCode == 80){
if( $('#g').attr('data-paused') == 1 ) { //was paused, now resume
$('#g').attr('data-paused', '0');
$('.timer').css('animation-play-state', 'running');
else {
$('#g').attr('data-paused', '1');
$('.timer').css('animation-play-state', 'paused');
$('<div class="pause"></div>').appendTo('body');
// Abandon game. (ESC)
if(e.keyCode == 27){
// If game was paused
if( $('#g').attr('data-paused') == 1 ){
$('#g').attr('data-paused', '0');
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.