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	 <h1>Material Design</h1>
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	 <h1>Style Guidlines</h1>
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	<section class="content">
	 <h1>Material Componets</h1>
	 <p>donec mattis dui lorem vestibulum nec sodales tortor tortor ipsum erat viverra nonummy ornare ...</p>
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/* by Ryan Tarson Twitter @rtarson 
	I'm going to look into dynamically
	change the algorithm based on height of $pMain
	but for now enjoy that liquid smooth parralax*/
(function($) {
	var $pMain = $("#parallax_main"),
		$pToolbar = $pMain.find("#toolbar_main"),
		$pTitle = $pToolbar.find("#title_main"),
		$pNavTrigger = $pMain.find("#nav-button"),
	$(window).scroll(function() {
    var st = $(window).scrollTop();
    if (st <= 0) {
        maxHeight = 350;
    } else if (st > 350) {
		  alpha = 1;
        maxHeight = 70;
    } else {
		 	alpha =
			0.0 + 1.2 * st / 350;
	 scale =
			1 - 0.20 * st / 350;
        maxHeight =350 - 280 * ((st - 0)) / 350;
	 $pToolbar.css("background", "rgba(33,14,61," + alpha + ")");
        'max-height': maxHeight + "px"

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