- let data = ['#f6b096', '#d19db4', '#f5b4d2', '#d0aad1', '#cf82b6', '#7f96cc', '#57a7b2', '#dbe285', '#fff7b6', '#fbd5a6', '#f5ad72', '#f8aa48'], n = data.length;
h3 Can you figure out how these were made without checking the code?
while n--
.circ(style=`background: ${data[n]}`) Hello, Gorgeous!
View Compiled
@import 'compass/css3';
$n: 7;
$gg: 1em;
$d: 5em;
$g: .125em;
$b: .375em;
$r: $b/2;
$o: -1*($b + $g);
$m: $g - $o;
$fs: 2.5;
$ro: 50%;
$rm: calc(50% - #{$r});
$ri: calc(50% - #{$b});
@function arrow($ua, $i, $m: 1, $in: 0, $dbl: 0, $sgn: 1) {
$a0: $i*$ua;
$a1: $a0 + $sgn*$m*$ua;
$a2: $a0 + $sgn*$ua;
$list: ();
$xo: 50% + $ro*cos($a0);
$yo: 50% + $ro*sin($a0);
$list: $list, $xo $yo;
@if $dbl > 0 {
$list: $list, 50% + $ro*cos($a1) 50% + $ro*sin($a1)
$list: $list, calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{cos($a2)}) calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{sin($a2)});
@if $dbl > 0 {
$list: $list, calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{cos($a1)}) calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{sin($a1)})
$list: $list, calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{cos($a0)}) calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{sin($a0)});
@if $in > 0 {
$list: $list, calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{cos($a1)}) calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{sin($a1)})
@return $list, $xo $yo
@function spike($ua, $i, $vo: 0, $in: 0) {
$a0: ($i - .5)*$ua;
$av: $a0 + ($vo + .5)*$ua;
$a1: $a0 + $ua;
$list: ();
$ao0: if($in < 1, $av, $a0);
$ai0: if($in < 1, $a0, $av);
$xo: 50% + $ro*cos($ao0);
$yo: 50% + $ro*sin($ao0);
$list: $list, $xo $yo;
@if $in > 0 {
$list: $list, 50% + $ro*cos($a1) 50% + $ro*sin($a1)
@else {
$list: $list, calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{cos($a1)}) calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{sin($a1)})
$list: $list, calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{cos($ai0)}) calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{sin($ai0)});
@return $list, $xo $yo
@function double($ua, $i) {
$a0: $i*$ua;
$a1: $a0 + .25*$ua;
$a2: $a0 + .5*$ua;
$a3: $a1 + .5*$ua;
$a4: $a0 + $ua;
$list: ();
$xo: 50% + $ro*cos($a1);
$yo: 50% + $ro*sin($a1);
@return $list,
$xo $yo,
calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{cos($a2)}) calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{sin($a2)}),
calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{cos($a0)}) calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{sin($a0)}),
$xo $yo,
50% + $ro*cos($a2) 50% + $ro*sin($a2),
50% + $ro*cos($a4) 50% + $ro*sin($a4),
calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{cos($a3)}) calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{sin($a3)}),
50% + $ro*cos($a2) 50% + $ro*sin($a2),
$xo $yo
@function rhombus($ua, $i) {
$a0: $i*$ua;
$a1: $a0 + .5*$ua;
$a2: $a0 + $ua;
$list: ();
$xo: 50% + $ro*cos($a1);
$yo: 50% + $ro*sin($a1);
@return $list,
$xo $yo,
calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{cos($a2)}) calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{sin($a2)}),
calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{cos($a1)}) calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{sin($a1)}),
calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{cos($a0)}) calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{sin($a0)}),
$xo $yo
@function hexagon($ua, $i) {
$a0: $i*$ua;
$a1: $a0 + .25*$ua;
$a2: $a1 + .5*$ua;
$a3: $a0 + $ua;
$list: ();
$xo: 50% + $ro*cos($a1);
$yo: 50% + $ro*sin($a1);
@return $list,
$xo $yo,
50% + $ro*cos($a2) 50% + $ro*sin($a2),
calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{cos($a3)}) calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{sin($a3)}),
calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{cos($a2)}) calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{sin($a2)}),
calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{cos($a1)}) calc(50% + #{$ri}*#{sin($a1)}),
calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{cos($a0)}) calc(50% + #{$rm}*#{sin($a0)}),
$xo $yo
@function points($n, $fn-name, $fn-args) {
$ua: 2*pi()/$n;
$list: ();
$x0: 100%;
$y0: 50%;
@for $i from 0 to $n {
$list: $list, call($fn-name, $ua, $i, $fn-args...), $x0 $y0
@return $list
body {
$s: $fs*($d + 2*$m);
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--n, #{$n}), $s);
grid-gap: $gg;
place-content: center;
margin: 0;
min-height: 100vh;
repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #000, #000 2px, transparent 0, transparent 7px) #555;
text-align: center;
@for $i from 1 to $n {
@media (max-width: ($n - $i + 1)*$s + ($n - $i + 2)*$gg) {
--n: #{$n - $i}
h3 {
grid-column: 1/ span var(--n);
color: #fff;
font: 2em z003, segoe script, comic sans ms, purisa, cursive
.circ {
box-sizing: border-box;
display: grid;
place-content: center;
position: relative;
margin: $m;
padding-left: .25em;
width: $d; height: $d;
border-radius: 50%;
font: 900 #{$fs*1em}/ 1.25 z003, segoe script, comic sans ms, cursive;
filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px #fff);
&::after {
position: absolute;
top: $o; right: $o; bottom: $o; left: $o;
background: inherit;
content: ''
.circ:nth-of-type(1)::after {
clip-path: polygon(#{points(36, arrow, ())})
.circ:nth-of-type(2)::after {
clip-path: polygon(#{points(36, rhombus, ())})
.circ:nth-of-type(3)::after {
clip-path: polygon(#{points(36, hexagon, ())})
.circ:nth-of-type(4)::after {
clip-path: polygon(points(36, spike, ()))
.circ:nth-of-type(5)::after {
clip-path: polygon(points(36, spike, (0, 1)))
.circ:nth-of-type(6)::after {
clip-path: polygon(points(36, spike, (1)))
.circ:nth-of-type(7)::after {
clip-path: polygon(points(36, spike, (-1)))
.circ:nth-of-type(8)::after {
clip-path: polygon(#{points(36, arrow, (.5, 1))})
.circ:nth-of-type(9)::after {
clip-path: polygon(#{points(36, arrow, (.5, 1, 0, -1))})
.circ:nth-of-type(10)::after {
clip-path: polygon(#{points(36, arrow, (.5, 1, 1))})
.circ:nth-of-type(11)::after {
clip-path: polygon(#{points(36, arrow, (.5, 1, 1, -1))})
.circ:nth-of-type(12)::after {
clip-path: polygon(#{points(24, double, ())})
View Compiled
This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.