@import 'compass/css3';
$d: 49vmin;
// $n: number of vertices/ edges (integer)
// $oa: offset angle (angle)
@mixin reg-poly($n: 3, $oa: -90deg) {
$ba: 360deg/$n;
$p: ();
@for $i from 0 to $n {
$ca: $i*$ba + $oa;
$x: 50%*(1 + cos($ca));
$y: 50%*(1 + sin($ca));
$p: $p, $x $y
// avoid prefixing repetition
--points: #{$p};
-webkit-clip-path: polygon(var(--points));
clip-path: polygon(var(--points))
// $n: number of star points (integer)
// $f: star factor (number - between 0 and 1 for a star)
// $oa: offset angle (angle)
@mixin star-shape-poly($n: 3, $f: .5, $oa: -90deg) {
$m: 2*$n;
$ba: 360deg/$m;
$rr: $f*cos($ba);
$p: ();
@for $i from 0 to $m {
$ca: $i*$ba + $oa;
$cr: if($i%2 == 0, 1, $rr);
$x: 50%*(1 + $cr*cos($ca));
$y: 50%*(1 + $cr*sin($ca));
$p: $p, $x $y
// avoid prefixing repetition
--points: #{$p};
-webkit-clip-path: polygon(var(--points));
clip-path: polygon(var(--points))
div {
display: inline-block;
width: $d; height: $d;
background: orange;
@include reg-poly(8, 15deg);
&:nth-child(2) { @include star-shape-poly(14, .85, 5deg) }
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