| 2018 End of the year Bingo
span 2018 End of the year Checklist
each val, index in ['tried & failed to give up an unhealthy habit','Participated in a marriage proposal','Went on a Tinder date', 'Made a post about Stan Lee', ' Mocked trump & his tweets','came up with an app idea & did nothing','spent >$800 on coffee','predicted a game of thrones event','thought of getting a pet','"you know, Thanos has a point!"','Went soul searching but you\'re still lost','became a fan of a Winter Olympian','free space','accidentally walked into an mlm convo','invested in crypto','flossed before your dental visit','tuned into the royal wedding','watched all marvel movies before the Avengers','"ugh, my mom is on facebook!"','got passionately angry when brooklyn 99 got axed','binged on red dead redemption 2','got told you should go vegan','deleted tinder','achieved none of your NY resolutions','already made resolutions for 2019']
.bingo-card__item= val
.clear-button Clear board
| Part of the
a(href="https://codepen.io/collection/DQvYpQ" target="_blank") CSS Grid collection here
| .
a(href="https://twitter.com/meowlivia_" target="_blank")
a(href="https://github.com/oliviale" target="_blank")
a(href="https://dribbble.com/oliviale" target="_blank")
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