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				<label class="next" for="i2"><span></span></label>	
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				<label class="next" for="i3"><span></span></label>
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			<img src="http://wallpaperswide.com/download/up_house-wallpaper-1280x800.jpg">	
				<label class="prev" for="i2"><span></span></label>
				<label class="next" for="i4"><span></span></label>

	<div class="slide_img" id="four">
			<img src="http://www.wallpapereast.com/static/images/toys-wallpaper-hd-16339-17046-hd-wallpapers.jpg">	
				<label class="prev" for="i3"><span></span></label>
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<div class="yt">
	<a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z74ExMz-cWU' target="_blank"> See Video
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