:root {
--stars: 'see html editor'; /* How many stars are there */
--votes: 20; /* How many people have voted? */
--score: 70; /* ...out of (stars * votes) */
body {
font-family: "Helvetica";
font-size: 62.5%;
input {
font-family: inherit;
.rating Contains .ratings, which contains .rating__blank, .rating__people, and .rating__you
.ratings Acts as a cosmetic container for all the different ratings.
I needed it to help me give the stars some space away from the .rating's border.
Plus, if I simply tried to modify .rating's padding, .rating__people's content width would act up and display a bit of shading despite the lack of a score (if --score were to be set to 0).
.star Star Icon styling which houses the shade and the outline.
.star:before Star Shade
.star:after Star Outline
.rating__blank The first/base layer.
This is what will give the .rating bar shape as the other .rating__* elements will be absolutely positioned as well as positioned over the base.
.rating__people All the stars within this element are already shaded.
The magic comes from the overflow property being set to hidden as well as the width that gets readjusted based on the voting --score being calculated against the number of --votes multiplied by the number of --stars.
.rating__you The final layer as well as the most interactive aspect of the rating system.
All of the .star elements within it are radio buttons instead of span tags.
The yellow outlined stars highlight your current rating whereas the yellow shaded stars highlight the rating you want to give it.
.rating {
background-color: #7bf;
border: 4px solid #0003;
border-radius: 32px;
display: inline-block;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
vertical-align: middle;
&s {
margin: 8px 16px;
position: relative;
& .star {
/* General Rating Star styles */
appearance: none;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-family: FontAwesome;
font-size: 3em;
margin: 0 -.1em;
position: relative;
&:before, &:after {
display: inline-block;
padding: .05em .15em;
vertical-align: top;
transition: all .25s;
&:before {
/* Filled Star icon */
content: "\f005";
position: relative;
&:after {
/* Outline Star icon */
content: "\f006";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
&__blank, &__people, &__you {
box-sizing: border-box;
white-space: nowrap;
transition: all 1s;
&__people, &__you {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
/* The base. Basically layer 0. */
&__blank {
& .star:before {
color: #ddd;
-webkit-text-stroke: 1px #000;
& .star:after {
color: #0003;
/* The people's votes. Layer 1. */
&__people {
width: calc(100% * (var(--score) / (var(--votes) * var(--stars))));
overflow: hidden;
& .star:before {
color: #39f;
& .star:after {
color: #0003;
/* Your vote. Layer 2. */
&__you {
The following property was necessary to rearrange the radio button values from 1-5
as the radio buttons within the HTML was ordered from 5 to 1 in order to make use of
the CSS combinators without much issue.
You can comment/take out the direction property to see how this really works.
direction: rtl;
& .star {
cursor: pointer;
&:before, &:after { opacity: 0; }
/* When you hover over a star, the hovered star along with the stars preceding it starts to highlight */
&:before {
color: #fc0;
text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #000;
&:hover ~ .star, &:hover {
&:before { opacity: 1; }
/* When a rating is selected, you will see a yellow outline of a star along with a subtle dark stroke which will inform you which rating you picked */
&:after {
color: #ff0;
-webkit-text-stroke: .025em #0006;
&:checked ~ .star, &:checked {
&:after { opacity: 1; }
/* Clear Rating button */
.btn {
appearance: none;
background-color: #eee;
border-radius: 32px;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #0003, inset 0 3px #fff6;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
margin-top: 8px;
padding: .4em .8em;
font-size: 1.25em;
transition: all .2s;
outline: none;
vertical-align: middle;
&:hover, &:focus { background-color: #fff; }
&:active { background-color: #ddd; }
&:after { content: "Clear Rating"; }
/* Rating Info box */
.info {
border-top: 1px solid #0001;
margin-top: 8px;
padding: 1em;
.num:before {
content: "???";
#rating_ {
¤t:before {
counter-reset: num var(--score);
content: counter(num);
&max:before {
counter-reset: num var(--score_max);
content: counter(num);
&percent:before {
counter-reset: num var(--a);
content: counter(num);
&votes:before {
counter-reset: num var(--votes);
content: counter(num);
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