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View Compiled
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View Compiled
var words = [{
id: 1,
word: 'Forelsket',
language: 'Norwegian',
description: 'The indescribable euphoria experienced as you begin to fall in love.'
}, {
word: 'Saudade',
language: 'Portuguese',
description: 'A bitter-sweet melancholic yearning for something beautiful that is now gone.'
}, {
word: 'Eudaimonia',
language: 'Ancient Greek',
description: 'Often translated as ‘happiness’, it really means the deepest kind of fulfilment, often comprising a flourishing work and love life.'
}, {
word: 'Querencia',
language: 'Spanish',
description: 'A place where we feel safe, a ‘home’ from which we draw our strength and inspiration.'
}, {
word: 'Mono no aware',
language: 'Japanese',
description: 'An acute sensitivity to the transience of lovely things; a melancholic awareness that everything nice will fade combined with a rich enjoyment of this short-lived beauty.'
}, {
word: 'Dustsceawung',
language: 'Old English',
description: 'Contemplation of the fact that dust used to be other things – the walls of a city, the chief of the guards, a book, a great tree: dust is always the ultimate destination. Such contemplation may loosen the grip of our worldly desires.'
}, {
word: 'Yūgen',
language: 'Japanese',
description: 'A mood in which one feels that the universe as a whole possesses a mysterious, elusive, but real, beauty. Moonlight, snow on distant mountains, birds flying very high in the evening sky all feed this sensibility.'
}, {
word: 'Fika',
language: 'Swedish',
description: 'A traditional break from work usually involving a drink of coffee or tea. In Swedish offices, you are strongly expected to take a fika, no matter how busy you are. It’s democracy and community in a beverage.'
}, {
word: 'Iktsuarpok',
language: 'Inuit',
description: 'A feeling of edgy anticipation that makes one keep on looking out the window to see if an expected visitor is coming up the path.'
}, {
word: 'Ataraxia',
language: 'Ancient Greek',
description: 'A state of calm that Stoic philosophers aspired to. It’s a lack of agitation that comes from understanding the ways of the universe, accepting fate, knowing what one can control and focusing only on the things one can actually change.'
}, {
word: 'Wabi-Sabi',
language: 'Japanese',
description: 'The quality of being attractive because of being imperfect in some way. Instead of getting annoyed and upset by imperfections, wabi-sabi suggests that we should see the flaw itself as being part of what is charming.'
}, {
word: 'Verschlimmbessern',
language: 'German',
description: 'To accidentally make something worse in the process of attempting to mend or improve it.'
}, {
word: 'Ya’aburnee',
language: 'Arabic',
description: 'The desire to die before another person, because of how unbearable it would be to learn of their death.'
}, {
word: 'Gökotta',
language: 'Swedish',
description: 'To wake up early in the morning with the specific purpose of going outside to hear the first birds sing.'
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