.wrap(role='group' aria-label='gradient from black to white with draggable progress position in between')
	input#lum(type='range' list='num')
	output.rgb(for='lum' style=`--i: 0`)
	output.hsl(for='lum' style=`--i: 1`)
	datalist#num(style=`--n: 3`)
		option(value='0' label='black' style=`--i: 0`)
		option(value='50' label='grey' style=`--i: 1`)
		option(value='100' label='white' style=`--i: 2`)
View Compiled
$s: .5em;
$r: 5px;
$l: 2px;
$o: -.5*$l;
$c: #5e0b15;

$thumb-w: 3*$l;
$thumb-x: .5*$thumb-w;
$thumb-o: -1*$thumb-x;

@mixin thumb($f: 1) {
	@if ($f > 0) {
		box-sizing: border-box;
		border: 0;
		border-radius: 0;
	padding: 0 .5*$l;
	width: $thumb-w; height: 9em;
	background: currentcolor content-box;
	filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 4px #0009);
	cursor: ew-resize

* { margin: 0; color: inherit; font: inherit }

html, body, div, datalist { display: grid }

html { min-height: 100% }

body {
	overflow-x: hidden;
	padding: $s 10ch;
	background: $c;
	color: #bc8034;
	font: 1em monospace;

.wrap {
	--val: 50;
	grid-gap: $s;
	place-self: center;
	container-type: inline-size;
	width: min(100%, 60em);
	& > * { --w: (100cqw - #{$thumb-w}) }

[type='range'] {
	&::-webkit-slider-thumb { appearance: none }
				#0000 0, #0009 $l, #90323d 0 2*$l, 
				#0009 0, #0000 3*$l calc(.5*var(--w)))
			fill 0/ / 20vh 0;
		linear-gradient(90deg, #000, #fff) 
			50%/ calc(100% - #{$thumb-w}) no-repeat;
	cursor: pointer;
	&::-webkit-slider-thumb { @include thumb(0) }
	&::-moz-range-thumb { @include thumb }
	&::slider-thumb { @include thumb }

output {
	--arr-p: 50% calc((1 - var(--i))*100%);
	grid-row: calc(2*var(--i) + 1);
	justify-self: start;
	border: solid $s #0000;
	padding: $s;
	border-radius: calc(#{$s} + #{$r});
		calc(#{$thumb-x} + .01*var(--val)*var(--w) - 50%);
		linear-gradient(currentcolor 0 0) padding-box, 
		conic-gradient(from calc(var(--i)*.5turn - 45deg) 
				at var(--arr-p), currentcolor 25%, #0000 0%) 
			var(--arr-p)/ 50% 50% no-repeat border-box;
	white-space: nowrap;
	filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 4px #0009);
	counter-reset: lum var(--val);
	&::after { color: #000 }
	&.rgb::after {
			'rgb(' counter(lum) '%,' 
			       counter(lum) '%,' 
			       counter(lum) '%)'
	&.hsl::after {
		content: 'hsl(0,0%,' counter(lum) '%)'

datalist {
	grid-auto-flow: column;
	justify-content: space-between;
	color: #fff

option {
	--m: (var(--n) - 1);
	padding: $s;
	border-radius: $r;
		calc((var(--i) - .5*var(--m))*(100%/var(--m) + #{$thumb-o}));
	background: $c;
	filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 4px #0009);
View Compiled
addEventListener('input', e => {
	let _t = e.target;
	_t.parentNode.style.setProperty('--val', +_t.value)

External CSS

This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.

External JavaScript

This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.