-var baseURL = 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/544318/'
-var info = [{
- city: 'Venice',
- country: 'Italy',
- population: '260,060',
- founded: '697',
- image: baseURL + 'venice.jpg',
- emblem: baseURL + 'italian-emblem.svg'
- }, {
- city: 'Paris',
- country: 'France',
- population: '2.2 Million',
- founded: '~250BC',
- image: baseURL + 'paris.jpg',
- emblem: baseURL + 'french-emblem.svg'
- }, {
- city: 'Salzburg',
- country: 'Austria',
- population: '145,871',
- founded: '1622',
- image: baseURL + 'salzburg.jpg',
- emblem: baseURL + 'austrian-emblem.svg'
- }, {
- city: 'Prague',
- country: 'Czech Republic',
- population: '1.2 Million',
- founded: '870',
- image: baseURL + 'prague.jpg',
- emblem: baseURL + 'czech-emblem.svg'
each item in info
.image(style='background-image: url(' + item.image + ');')
h1.title(data-title=item.city)= item.city
.emblem(style='background-image: url(' + item.emblem + ');')
li.country= 'Country: ' + item.country
li.founded= 'Founded: ' + item.founded
li.population= 'Population: ' + item.population
a#codepen-link(href='https://www.codepen.io/seanfree' target='_blank')
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