<div class="container">
  <a class="card1" href="#">
    <h3>This is option 1</h3>
    <p class="small">Card description with lots of great facts and interesting details.</p>
    <div class="go-corner" href="#">
      <div class="go-arrow">
  <a class="card2" href="#">
    <h3>This is option 2</h3>
    <p class="small">Card description with lots of great facts and interesting details.</p>
    <div class="go-corner" href="#">
      <div class="go-arrow">
  <a class="card3" href="#">
    <h3>This is option 3</h3>
    <p class="small">Card description with lots of great facts and interesting details.</p>
    <div class="dimmer"></div>
    <div class="go-corner" href="#">
      <div class="go-arrow">
  <a class="card4" href="#">
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                            <path d="M24,18.9997333 L24,19.9997333" id="Stroke-24" stroke="#CD3D73"></path>
    <h3>This is option 4</h3>
    <p class="small">Card description with lots of great facts and interesting details.</p>
    <div class="dimmer"></div>
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