  p.resize resize container
    h1 Animating border-radius
    span & 
    h2 mix-blend-mode: luminosity
    | Follow me 
    a(href="https://twitter.com/andrejsharapov" target="_blank") in Twitter
    | .
    | Part of the 
    a(href="https://codepen.io/collection/DPjNmW/" target="_blank") CSS Mix-blend-mode here
    | .

  h2 Mix-blend-mode: luminosity
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Temporibus soluta, quas dolore, non, officia ea sequi molestias assumenda libero ratione expedita hic consequatur eos ipsum et quasi id incidunt odit?
    Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Harum error id aspernatur magni rem provident nemo nulla corporis culpa laudantium. Ea temporibus non vitae voluptatem sunt, pariatur odio dolorem harum.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Temporibus soluta, quas dolore, non, officia ea sequi molestias assumenda libero ratione expedita hic consequatur eos ipsum et quasi id incidunt odit?
    Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Harum error id aspernatur magni rem provident nemo nulla corporis culpa laudantium. Ea temporibus non vitae voluptatem sunt, pariatur odio dolorem harum.
  .copy Copyright © 2019
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$color_one: #ab49de;
$color_two: #5b41f2;
$bgcolor: #201c29;
$light: #fefefe;

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    animation: vawe 7s linear infinite;
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.resize {
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.content {
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section {
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@keyframes vawe {
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  80% {
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