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                <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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        <div class="am-btn am-btn-start animated zoomInDown" onclick="startInterval();">I want COFFEE</div>
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@import url(;
@import url(;

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    although ammap has methods like getAreaCenterLatitude and getAreaCenterLongitude,
    they are not suitable in quite a lot of cases as the center of some countries
    is even outside the country itself (like US, because of Alaska and Hawaii)d
    That's why wehave the coordinates stored here

var latlong = {};
latlong["AD"] = {
    "latitude": 42.5,
    "longitude": 1.5
latlong["AE"] = {
    "latitude": 24,
    "longitude": 54
latlong["AF"] = {
    "latitude": 33,
    "longitude": 65
latlong["AG"] = {
    "latitude": 17.05,
    "longitude": -61.8
latlong["AI"] = {
    "latitude": 18.25,
    "longitude": -63.1667
latlong["AL"] = {
    "latitude": 41,
    "longitude": 20
latlong["AM"] = {
    "latitude": 40,
    "longitude": 45
latlong["AN"] = {
    "latitude": 12.25,
    "longitude": -68.75
latlong["AO"] = {
    "latitude": -12.5,
    "longitude": 18.5
latlong["AP"] = {
    "latitude": 35,
    "longitude": 105
latlong["AQ"] = {
    "latitude": -90,
    "longitude": 0
latlong["AR"] = {
    "latitude": -34,
    "longitude": -64
latlong["AS"] = {
    "latitude": -14.3333,
    "longitude": -170
latlong["AT"] = {
    "latitude": 47.3333,
    "longitude": 13.3333
latlong["AU"] = {
    "latitude": -27,
    "longitude": 133
latlong["AW"] = {
    "latitude": 12.5,
    "longitude": -69.9667
latlong["AZ"] = {
    "latitude": 40.5,
    "longitude": 47.5
latlong["BA"] = {
    "latitude": 44,
    "longitude": 18
latlong["BB"] = {
    "latitude": 13.1667,
    "longitude": -59.5333
latlong["BD"] = {
    "latitude": 24,
    "longitude": 90
latlong["BE"] = {
    "latitude": 50.8333,
    "longitude": 4
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    "latitude": 13,
    "longitude": -2
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    "latitude": 43,
    "longitude": 25
latlong["BH"] = {
    "latitude": 26,
    "longitude": 50.55
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    "latitude": -3.5,
    "longitude": 30
latlong["BJ"] = {
    "latitude": 9.5,
    "longitude": 2.25
latlong["BM"] = {
    "latitude": 32.3333,
    "longitude": -64.75
latlong["BN"] = {
    "latitude": 4.5,
    "longitude": 114.6667
latlong["BO"] = {
    "latitude": -17,
    "longitude": -65
latlong["BR"] = {
    "latitude": -10,
    "longitude": -55
latlong["BS"] = {
    "latitude": 24.25,
    "longitude": -76
latlong["BT"] = {
    "latitude": 27.5,
    "longitude": 90.5
latlong["BV"] = {
    "latitude": -54.4333,
    "longitude": 3.4
latlong["BW"] = {
    "latitude": -22,
    "longitude": 24
latlong["BY"] = {
    "latitude": 53,
    "longitude": 28
latlong["BZ"] = {
    "latitude": 17.25,
    "longitude": -88.75
latlong["CA"] = {
    "latitude": 54,
    "longitude": -100
latlong["CC"] = {
    "latitude": -12.5,
    "longitude": 96.8333
latlong["CD"] = {
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 25
latlong["CF"] = {
    "latitude": 7,
    "longitude": 21
latlong["CG"] = {
    "latitude": -1,
    "longitude": 15
latlong["CH"] = {
    "latitude": 47,
    "longitude": 8
latlong["CI"] = {
    "latitude": 8,
    "longitude": -5
latlong["CK"] = {
    "latitude": -21.2333,
    "longitude": -159.7667
latlong["CL"] = {
    "latitude": -30,
    "longitude": -71
latlong["CM"] = {
    "latitude": 6,
    "longitude": 12
latlong["CN"] = {
    "latitude": 35,
    "longitude": 105
latlong["CO"] = {
    "latitude": 4,
    "longitude": -72
latlong["CR"] = {
    "latitude": 10,
    "longitude": -84
latlong["CU"] = {
    "latitude": 21.5,
    "longitude": -80
latlong["CV"] = {
    "latitude": 16,
    "longitude": -24
latlong["CX"] = {
    "latitude": -10.5,
    "longitude": 105.6667
latlong["CY"] = {
    "latitude": 35,
    "longitude": 33
latlong["CZ"] = {
    "latitude": 49.75,
    "longitude": 15.5
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    "latitude": 51,
    "longitude": 9
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    "latitude": 11.5,
    "longitude": 43
latlong["DK"] = {
    "latitude": 56,
    "longitude": 10
latlong["DM"] = {
    "latitude": 15.4167,
    "longitude": -61.3333
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    "latitude": 19,
    "longitude": -70.6667
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    "latitude": 28,
    "longitude": 3
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    "latitude": -2,
    "longitude": -77.5
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    "latitude": 59,
    "longitude": 26
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    "latitude": 27,
    "longitude": 30
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    "latitude": 24.5,
    "longitude": -13
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    "latitude": 15,
    "longitude": 39
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    "latitude": 40,
    "longitude": -4
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    "latitude": 8,
    "longitude": 38
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    "latitude": 47,
    "longitude": 8
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    "latitude": 62,
    "longitude": 26
latlong["FJ"] = {
    "latitude": -18,
    "longitude": 175
latlong["FK"] = {
    "latitude": -51.75,
    "longitude": -59
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    "latitude": 6.9167,
    "longitude": 158.25
latlong["FO"] = {
    "latitude": 62,
    "longitude": -7
latlong["FR"] = {
    "latitude": 46,
    "longitude": 2
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    "latitude": -1,
    "longitude": 11.75
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    "latitude": 54,
    "longitude": -2
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    "latitude": 12.1167,
    "longitude": -61.6667
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    "latitude": 42,
    "longitude": 43.5
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    "latitude": 4,
    "longitude": -53
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    "latitude": 8,
    "longitude": -2
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    "latitude": 36.1833,
    "longitude": -5.3667
latlong["GL"] = {
    "latitude": 72,
    "longitude": -40
latlong["GM"] = {
    "latitude": 13.4667,
    "longitude": -16.5667
latlong["GN"] = {
    "latitude": 11,
    "longitude": -10
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    "latitude": 16.25,
    "longitude": -61.5833
latlong["GQ"] = {
    "latitude": 2,
    "longitude": 10
latlong["GR"] = {
    "latitude": 39,
    "longitude": 22
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    "latitude": -54.5,
    "longitude": -37
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    "latitude": 15.5,
    "longitude": -90.25
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    "latitude": 13.4667,
    "longitude": 144.7833
latlong["GW"] = {
    "latitude": 12,
    "longitude": -15
latlong["GY"] = {
    "latitude": 5,
    "longitude": -59
latlong["HK"] = {
    "latitude": 22.25,
    "longitude": 114.1667
latlong["HM"] = {
    "latitude": -53.1,
    "longitude": 72.5167
latlong["HN"] = {
    "latitude": 15,
    "longitude": -86.5
latlong["HR"] = {
    "latitude": 45.1667,
    "longitude": 15.5
latlong["HT"] = {
    "latitude": 19,
    "longitude": -72.4167
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    "latitude": 47,
    "longitude": 20
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    "latitude": -5,
    "longitude": 120
latlong["IE"] = {
    "latitude": 53,
    "longitude": -8
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    "latitude": 31.5,
    "longitude": 34.75
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    "latitude": 20,
    "longitude": 77
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    "latitude": -6,
    "longitude": 71.5
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    "latitude": 33,
    "longitude": 44
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    "latitude": 32,
    "longitude": 53
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    "latitude": 65,
    "longitude": -18
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    "latitude": 42.8333,
    "longitude": 12.8333
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    "latitude": 18.25,
    "longitude": -77.5
latlong["JO"] = {
    "latitude": 31,
    "longitude": 36
latlong["JP"] = {
    "latitude": 36,
    "longitude": 138
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    "latitude": 1,
    "longitude": 38
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    "latitude": 41,
    "longitude": 75
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    "latitude": 13,
    "longitude": 105
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    "latitude": 1.4167,
    "longitude": 173
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    "longitude": 44.25
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    "longitude": -62.75
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    "longitude": 127
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    "longitude": 127.5
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    "longitude": 47.6581
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    "latitude": 19.5,
    "longitude": -80.5
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    "latitude": 48,
    "longitude": 68
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    "latitude": 18,
    "longitude": 105
latlong["LB"] = {
    "latitude": 33.8333,
    "longitude": 35.8333
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    "latitude": 13.8833,
    "longitude": -61.1333
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    "latitude": 47.1667,
    "longitude": 9.5333
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    "latitude": 7,
    "longitude": 81
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    "latitude": 6.5,
    "longitude": -9.5
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    "longitude": 28.5
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    "latitude": 55,
    "longitude": 24
latlong["LU"] = {
    "latitude": 49.75,
    "longitude": 6
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    "latitude": 57,
    "longitude": 25
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    "latitude": 25,
    "longitude": 17
latlong["MA"] = {
    "latitude": 32,
    "longitude": -5
latlong["MC"] = {
    "latitude": 43.7333,
    "longitude": 7.4
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    "latitude": 47,
    "longitude": 29
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    "latitude": 42.5,
    "longitude": 19.4
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    "latitude": -20,
    "longitude": 47
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    "latitude": 9,
    "longitude": 168
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    "latitude": 41.8333,
    "longitude": 22
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    "latitude": 17,
    "longitude": -4
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    "latitude": 22,
    "longitude": 98
latlong["MN"] = {
    "latitude": 46,
    "longitude": 105
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    "latitude": 22.1667,
    "longitude": 113.55
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    "latitude": 15.2,
    "longitude": 145.75
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    "latitude": 14.6667,
    "longitude": -61
latlong["MR"] = {
    "latitude": 20,
    "longitude": -12
latlong["MS"] = {
    "latitude": 16.75,
    "longitude": -62.2
latlong["MT"] = {
    "latitude": 35.8333,
    "longitude": 14.5833
latlong["MU"] = {
    "latitude": -20.2833,
    "longitude": 57.55
latlong["MV"] = {
    "latitude": 3.25,
    "longitude": 73
latlong["MW"] = {
    "latitude": -13.5,
    "longitude": 34
latlong["MX"] = {
    "latitude": 23,
    "longitude": -102
latlong["MY"] = {
    "latitude": 2.5,
    "longitude": 112.5
latlong["MZ"] = {
    "latitude": -18.25,
    "longitude": 35
latlong["NA"] = {
    "latitude": -22,
    "longitude": 17
latlong["NC"] = {
    "latitude": -21.5,
    "longitude": 165.5
latlong["NE"] = {
    "latitude": 16,
    "longitude": 8
latlong["NF"] = {
    "latitude": -29.0333,
    "longitude": 167.95
latlong["NG"] = {
    "latitude": 10,
    "longitude": 8
latlong["NI"] = {
    "latitude": 13,
    "longitude": -85
latlong["NL"] = {
    "latitude": 52.5,
    "longitude": 5.75
latlong["NO"] = {
    "latitude": 62,
    "longitude": 10
latlong["NP"] = {
    "latitude": 28,
    "longitude": 84
latlong["NR"] = {
    "latitude": -0.5333,
    "longitude": 166.9167
latlong["NU"] = {
    "latitude": -19.0333,
    "longitude": -169.8667
latlong["NZ"] = {
    "latitude": -41,
    "longitude": 174
latlong["OM"] = {
    "latitude": 21,
    "longitude": 57
latlong["PA"] = {
    "latitude": 9,
    "longitude": -80
latlong["PE"] = {
    "latitude": -10,
    "longitude": -76
latlong["PF"] = {
    "latitude": -15,
    "longitude": -140
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    "latitude": -6,
    "longitude": 147
latlong["PH"] = {
    "latitude": 13,
    "longitude": 122
latlong["PK"] = {
    "latitude": 30,
    "longitude": 70
latlong["PL"] = {
    "latitude": 52,
    "longitude": 20
latlong["PM"] = {
    "latitude": 46.8333,
    "longitude": -56.3333
latlong["PR"] = {
    "latitude": 18.25,
    "longitude": -66.5
latlong["PS"] = {
    "latitude": 32,
    "longitude": 35.25
latlong["PT"] = {
    "latitude": 39.5,
    "longitude": -8
latlong["PW"] = {
    "latitude": 7.5,
    "longitude": 134.5
latlong["PY"] = {
    "latitude": -23,
    "longitude": -58
latlong["QA"] = {
    "latitude": 25.5,
    "longitude": 51.25
latlong["RE"] = {
    "latitude": -21.1,
    "longitude": 55.6
latlong["RO"] = {
    "latitude": 46,
    "longitude": 25
latlong["RS"] = {
    "latitude": 44,
    "longitude": 21
latlong["RU"] = {
    "latitude": 60,
    "longitude": 100
latlong["RW"] = {
    "latitude": -2,
    "longitude": 30
latlong["SA"] = {
    "latitude": 25,
    "longitude": 45
latlong["SB"] = {
    "latitude": -8,
    "longitude": 159
latlong["SC"] = {
    "latitude": -4.5833,
    "longitude": 55.6667
latlong["SD"] = {
    "latitude": 15,
    "longitude": 30
latlong["SE"] = {
    "latitude": 62,
    "longitude": 15
latlong["SG"] = {
    "latitude": 1.3667,
    "longitude": 103.8
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    "latitude": -15.9333,
    "longitude": -5.7
latlong["SI"] = {
    "latitude": 46,
    "longitude": 15
latlong["SJ"] = {
    "latitude": 78,
    "longitude": 20
latlong["SK"] = {
    "latitude": 48.6667,
    "longitude": 19.5
latlong["SL"] = {
    "latitude": 8.5,
    "longitude": -11.5
latlong["SM"] = {
    "latitude": 43.7667,
    "longitude": 12.4167
latlong["SN"] = {
    "latitude": 14,
    "longitude": -14
latlong["SO"] = {
    "latitude": 10,
    "longitude": 49
latlong["SR"] = {
    "latitude": 4,
    "longitude": -56
latlong["ST"] = {
    "latitude": 1,
    "longitude": 7
latlong["SV"] = {
    "latitude": 13.8333,
    "longitude": -88.9167
latlong["SY"] = {
    "latitude": 35,
    "longitude": 38
latlong["SZ"] = {
    "latitude": -26.5,
    "longitude": 31.5
latlong["TC"] = {
    "latitude": 21.75,
    "longitude": -71.5833
latlong["TD"] = {
    "latitude": 15,
    "longitude": 19
latlong["TF"] = {
    "latitude": -43,
    "longitude": 67
latlong["TG"] = {
    "latitude": 8,
    "longitude": 1.1667
latlong["TH"] = {
    "latitude": 15,
    "longitude": 100
latlong["TJ"] = {
    "latitude": 39,
    "longitude": 71
latlong["TK"] = {
    "latitude": -9,
    "longitude": -172
latlong["TM"] = {
    "latitude": 40,
    "longitude": 60
latlong["TN"] = {
    "latitude": 34,
    "longitude": 9
latlong["TO"] = {
    "latitude": -20,
    "longitude": -175
latlong["TR"] = {
    "latitude": 39,
    "longitude": 35
latlong["TT"] = {
    "latitude": 11,
    "longitude": -61
latlong["TV"] = {
    "latitude": -8,
    "longitude": 178
latlong["TW"] = {
    "latitude": 23.5,
    "longitude": 121
latlong["TZ"] = {
    "latitude": -6,
    "longitude": 35
latlong["UA"] = {
    "latitude": 49,
    "longitude": 32
latlong["UG"] = {
    "latitude": 1,
    "longitude": 32
latlong["UM"] = {
    "latitude": 19.2833,
    "longitude": 166.6
latlong["US"] = {
    "latitude": 38,
    "longitude": -97
latlong["UY"] = {
    "latitude": -33,
    "longitude": -56
latlong["UZ"] = {
    "latitude": 41,
    "longitude": 64
latlong["VA"] = {
    "latitude": 41.9,
    "longitude": 12.45
latlong["VC"] = {
    "latitude": 13.25,
    "longitude": -61.2
latlong["VE"] = {
    "latitude": 8,
    "longitude": -66
latlong["VG"] = {
    "latitude": 18.5,
    "longitude": -64.5
latlong["VI"] = {
    "latitude": 18.3333,
    "longitude": -64.8333
latlong["VN"] = {
    "latitude": 16,
    "longitude": 106
latlong["VU"] = {
    "latitude": -16,
    "longitude": 167
latlong["WF"] = {
    "latitude": -13.3,
    "longitude": -176.2
latlong["WS"] = {
    "latitude": -13.5833,
    "longitude": -172.3333
latlong["YE"] = {
    "latitude": 15,
    "longitude": 48
latlong["YT"] = {
    "latitude": -12.8333,
    "longitude": 45.1667
latlong["ZA"] = {
    "latitude": -29,
    "longitude": 24
latlong["ZM"] = {
    "latitude": -15,
    "longitude": 30
latlong["ZW"] = {
    "latitude": -20,
    "longitude": 30

// this is not real population data - we adjusted China and India, as those
// bubbles are simply too big
var mapData = [{
    "code": "AF",
    "name": "Afghanistan",
    "value": 32358260,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "DZ",
    "name": "Algeria",
    "value": 20980193,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "AO",
    "name": "Angola",
    "value": 19618432,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "AR",
    "name": "Argentina",
    "value": 140764561,
    "color": "#dbccb4"
}, {
    "code": "AU",
    "name": "Australia",
    "value": 122605732,
    "color": "#7d4822"
}, {
    "code": "AT",
    "name": "Austria",
    "value": 18413429,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "AZ",
    "name": "Azerbaijan",
    "value": 9306023,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "BD",
    "name": "Bangladesh",
    "value": 50493658,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "BE",
    "name": "Belgium",
    "value": 30754056,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "BO",
    "name": "Bolivia",
    "value": 10088108,
    "color": "#dbccb4"
}, {
    "code": "BW",
    "name": "Botswana",
    "value": 2030738,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "BR",
    "name": "Brazil",
    "value": 196655014,
    "color": "#dbccb4"
}, {
    "code": "BG",
    "name": "Bulgaria",
    "value": 7446135,
    "color": "#ae774a"
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    "code": "KH",
    "name": "Cambodia",
    "value": 14305183,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "CM",
    "name": "Cameroon",
    "value": 20030362,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "CA",
    "name": "Canada",
    "value": 84349561,
    "color": "#dbccb3"
}, {
    "code": "CF",
    "name": "Central African Rep.",
    "value": 4486837,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "TD",
    "name": "Chad",
    "value": 11525496,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "CL",
    "name": "Chile",
    "value": 17269525,
    "color": "#dbccb4"
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    "code": "CN",
    "name": "China",
    "value": 47565324,
    "color": "#684831"
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    "code": "CO",
    "name": "Colombia",
    "value": 46927125,
    "color": "#dbccb4"
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    "code": "CD",
    "name": "Congo, Dem. Rep.",
    "value": 7757577,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "CG",
    "name": "Congo, Rep.",
    "value": 4139748,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
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    "name": "Costa Rica",
    "value": 4726575,
    "color": "#dbccb3"
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    "code": "CI",
    "name": "Cote d'Ivoire",
    "value": 20152894,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
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    "code": "CU",
    "name": "Cuba",
    "value": 71253665,
    "color": "#dbccb3"
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    "code": "CY",
    "name": "Cyprus",
    "value": 1116564,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "CZ",
    "name": "Czech Rep.",
    "value": 10534293,
    "color": "#ae774a"
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    "code": "DK",
    "name": "Denmark",
    "value": 5572594,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "EC",
    "name": "Ecuador",
    "value": 14666055,
    "color": "#dbccb4"
}, {
    "code": "EG",
    "name": "Egypt",
    "value": 52536770,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "GQ",
    "name": "Equatorial Guinea",
    "value": 720213,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "ET",
    "name": "Ethiopia",
    "value": 4734262,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "FI",
    "name": "Finland",
    "value": 15384770,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "FR",
    "name": "France",
    "value": 83125894,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "DE",
    "name": "Germany",
    "value": 62162512,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "GR",
    "name": "Greece",
    "value": 11390031,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "GT",
    "name": "Guatemala",
    "value": 14757316,
    "color": "#dbccb3"
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    "code": "IS",
    "name": "Iceland",
    "value": 4624366,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "IN",
    "name": "India",
    "value": 41491960,
    "color": "#684831"
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    "code": "ID",
    "name": "Indonesia",
    "value": 42325638,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "IR",
    "name": "Iran",
    "value": 34798599,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "IQ",
    "name": "Iraq",
    "value": 32664942,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "IE",
    "name": "Ireland",
    "value": 4525802,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "IL",
    "name": "Israel",
    "value": 7562194,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "IT",
    "name": "Italy",
    "value": 120788694,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "JM",
    "name": "Jamaica",
    "value": 2751273,
    "color": "#dbccb3"
}, {
    "code": "JP",
    "name": "Japan",
    "value": 126497241,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "JO",
    "name": "Jordan",
    "value": 6330169,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "KZ",
    "name": "Kazakhstan",
    "value": 16206750,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "KE",
    "name": "Kenya",
    "value": 41609728,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "KR",
    "name": "South Korea",
    "value": 78451285,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "KP",
    "name": "North Korea",
    "value": 391343,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "KG",
    "name": "Kyrgyzstan",
    "value": 5392580,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "LA",
    "name": "Laos",
    "value": 6288037,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "LR",
    "name": "Liberia",
    "value": 4128572,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "LY",
    "name": "Libya",
    "value": 6422772,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "LT",
    "name": "Lithuania",
    "value": 3307481,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "MG",
    "name": "Madagascar",
    "value": 21315135,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "MY",
    "name": "Malaysia",
    "value": 28859154,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "ML",
    "name": "Mali",
    "value": 15839538,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "MR",
    "name": "Mauritania",
    "value": 3541540,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "MX",
    "name": "Mexico",
    "value": 94793341,
    "color": "#dbccb3"
}, {
    "code": "MN",
    "name": "Mongolia",
    "value": 2800114,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "MA",
    "name": "Morocco",
    "value": 32272974,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "MZ",
    "name": "Mozambique",
    "value": 23929708,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "MM",
    "name": "Myanmar",
    "value": 48336763,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "NA",
    "name": "Namibia",
    "value": 2324004,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "NL",
    "name": "Netherlands",
    "value": 16664746,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "NZ",
    "name": "New Zealand",
    "value": 54414509,
    "color": "#7d4822"
}, {
    "code": "NI",
    "name": "Nicaragua",
    "value": 5869859,
    "color": "#dbccb3"
}, {
    "code": "NE",
    "name": "Niger",
    "value": 10068994,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "NG",
    "name": "Nigeria",
    "value": 22470737,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "NO",
    "name": "Norway",
    "value": 19924848,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "PK",
    "name": "Pakistan",
    "value": 76745364,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "PG",
    "name": "Papua New Guinea",
    "value": 7013829,
    "color": "#7d4822"
}, {
    "code": "PY",
    "name": "Paraguay",
    "value": 6568290,
    "color": "#dbccb4"
}, {
    "code": "PE",
    "name": "Peru",
    "value": 29399817,
    "color": "#dbccb4"
}, {
    "code": "PH",
    "name": "Philippines",
    "value": 94852030,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "PL",
    "name": "Poland",
    "value": 38298949,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "PT",
    "name": "Portugal",
    "value": 10689663,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "PR",
    "name": "Puerto Rico",
    "value": 3745526,
    "color": "#dbccb3"
}, {
    "code": "RO",
    "name": "Romania",
    "value": 21436495,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "RU",
    "name": "Russia",
    "value": 142835555,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "SA",
    "name": "Saudi Arabia",
    "value": 98082541,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "SN",
    "name": "Senegal",
    "value": 12767556,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "SI",
    "name": "Slovenia",
    "value": 2035012,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "SO",
    "name": "Somalia",
    "value": 9556873,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "ZA",
    "name": "South Africa",
    "value": 100459978,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "ES",
    "name": "Spain",
    "value": 136454895,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "LK",
    "name": "Sri Lanka",
    "value": 21045394,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "SD",
    "name": "Sudan",
    "value": 4735288,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "SE",
    "name": "Sweden",
    "value": 49440747,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "CH",
    "name": "Switzerland",
    "value": 7701690,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "TW",
    "name": "Taiwan",
    "value": 23072000,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "TJ",
    "name": "Tajikistan",
    "value": 6976958,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "TZ",
    "name": "Tanzania",
    "value": 46218486,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "TH",
    "name": "Thailand",
    "value": 69518555,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "TN",
    "name": "Tunisia",
    "value": 10594057,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "TR",
    "name": "Turkey",
    "value": 73639596,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "TM",
    "name": "Turkmenistan",
    "value": 5105301,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "UA",
    "name": "Ukraine",
    "value": 45190180,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "AE",
    "name": "United Arab Emirates",
    "value": 47890924,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "GB",
    "name": "United Kingdom",
    "value": 132417431,
    "color": "#ae774a"
}, {
    "code": "US",
    "name": "United States",
    "value": 223085380,
    "color": "#dbccb3"
}, {
    "code": "UY",
    "name": "Uruguay",
    "value": 3380008,
    "color": "#dbccb4"
}, {
    "code": "UZ",
    "name": "Uzbekistan",
    "value": 27760267,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "VE",
    "name": "Venezuela",
    "value": 29436891,
    "color": "#dbccb4"
}, {
    "code": "VN",
    "name": "Vietnam",
    "value": 88791996,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "YE",
    "name": "Yemen, Rep.",
    "value": 24799880,
    "color": "#684831"
}, {
    "code": "ZM",
    "name": "Zambia",
    "value": 13474959,
    "color": "#1f0f05"
}, {
    "code": "ZW",
    "name": "Zimbabwe",
    "value": 12754378,
    "color": "#1f0f05"

var sortBy = function(field, reverse) {

    var key = function(x) {
        return x[field]

    reverse = [-1, 1][+!!reverse];

    return function(a, b) {
        return a = key(a), b = key(b), reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));

mapData.sort(sortBy('color', true));

var map;
// min and max bullet sizes - adjust them to your needs
var minBulletSize = 4;
var maxBulletSize = 55;

// set dark theme
AmCharts.theme =;

// get min and max values
var min = Infinity;
var max = -Infinity;
for (var i = 0; i < mapData.length; i++) {
    var value = mapData[i].value;
    if (value < min) {
        min = value;
    if (value > max) {
        max = value;

// build map
AmCharts.ready(function() {
    map = new AmCharts.AmMap();
    map.addClassNames = true;
    map.pathToImages = "";
    map.fontFamily = "Lato";
    map.fontSize = 15;
    map.dragMap = false;
    map.creditsPosition = "top-right";
    map.zoomControl = {
        buttonFillColor: "#343434",
        minZoomLevel: 0.7,
        zoomControlEnabled: false,
        panControlEnabled: false

    // style tooltip
    map.balloon = {
        adjustBorderColor: false,
        horizontalPadding: 20,
        verticalPadding: 10,
        color: "#FFFFFF",
        maxWidth: 300,
        borderAlpha: 0,
        cornerRadius: 20,
        borderThickness: 1,
        shadowAlpha: 0

    // bubbles are images, we set opacity and tooltip text
    map.imagesSettings = {
        balloonText: "[[title]]",
        alpha: 0.85

    map.addClassNames = true;
    map.defs = {
        "filter": [{
            "id": "blur",
            "feGaussianBlur": {
                "in": "SourceGraphic",
                "stdDeviation": 2

    // make areas barely visible
    map.areasSettings = {
        outlineThickness: 1.5,
        unlistedAreasAlpha: 0,
        unlistedAreasOutlineAlpha: 0.7,
        unlistedAreasOutlineColor: "#d6cbc1"

    // data provider. We use continents map to show real world map in background.
    var dataProvider = {
        zoomLevel: 0.8,
        zoomY: 0.3,
        zoomX: 0.05,
        map: "continentsLow",
        images: []

    // create circle for each country
    var maxSquare = maxBulletSize * maxBulletSize * 2 * Math.PI;
    var minSquare = minBulletSize * minBulletSize * 2 * Math.PI;

    // create circle for each country
    for (var i = 0; i < mapData.length; i++) {
        var dataItem = mapData[i];
        var value = dataItem.value;
        // calculate size of a bubble
        var square = (value - min) / (max - min) * (maxSquare - minSquare) + minSquare;
        if (square < minSquare) {
            square = minSquare;
        var size = Math.sqrt(square / (Math.PI * 2));
        var id = dataItem.code;

            type: "circle",
            width: size,
            height: size,
            color: dataItem.color,
            longitude: latlong[id].longitude,
            latitude: latlong[id].latitude,
            value: value

    map.dataProvider = dataProvider;
		map.zoomOnDoubleClick = false;
    // Listen for the init event and initialize box2d part
    map.addListener("init", initBox2D)


// BOX2D (Physics) part
var width = 800;
var height = 700;
var pixels2meters = 30; // box2d uses meters, not pixels and this is ratio
var framesPerSecond = 40;
var world;
var images;
var floorBody;
var bottomBody;
var stopTimeout;
var interval;
var timeout;

function initBox2D() {
    var b2Vec2 = Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2;
    var b2BodyDef = Box2D.Dynamics.b2BodyDef;
    var b2Body = Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body;
    var b2FixtureDef = Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef;
    var b2Fixture = Box2D.Dynamics.b2Fixture;
    var b2World = Box2D.Dynamics.b2World;
    var b2PolygonShape = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape;
    var b2CircleShape = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape;
    var b2DistanceJointDef = Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2DistanceJointDef;
    var b2DebugDraw = Box2D.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw;

    world = new b2World(
        new b2Vec2(0, 10), //gravity
        false //allow sleep, false otherwise joints might not be restored

    // walls and ground. please, study box2d tutorials if you want to understand everything below
    var wallsBodyDef = new b2BodyDef();
    wallsBodyDef.type = b2Body.b2_staticBody;

    var wallsFixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
    wallsFixtureDef.density = 1.0;
    wallsFixtureDef.friction = 0.5;
    wallsFixtureDef.restitution = 0.2;

    // floor
    wallsFixtureDef.shape = new b2PolygonShape();
    wallsFixtureDef.shape.SetAsBox(width / pixels2meters, 20 / pixels2meters);
    wallsBodyDef.position.Set(0, (height) / pixels2meters);
    floorBody = world.CreateBody(wallsBodyDef).CreateFixture(wallsFixtureDef);

    // coffee cup walls
    // left wall
    wallsFixtureDef.shape.SetAsBox(5 / pixels2meters, 120 / pixels2meters);

    wallsBodyDef.position.Set((width / 2 - 48) / pixels2meters, (height - 100) / pixels2meters);
    wallsBodyDef.angle = -0.23;

    // right wall
    wallsBodyDef.position.Set((width / 2 + 148) / pixels2meters, (height - 100) / pixels2meters);
    wallsBodyDef.angle = 0.26;

    // bottom
    wallsBodyDef.angle = 0;
    wallsFixtureDef.shape = new b2PolygonShape();
    wallsFixtureDef.shape.SetAsBox(80 / pixels2meters, 20 / pixels2meters);
    wallsBodyDef.position.Set(447 / pixels2meters, (height - 13) / pixels2meters);
    bottomBody = world.CreateBody(wallsBodyDef).CreateFixture(wallsFixtureDef);

    // bubbles
    var bubbleBodyDef = new b2BodyDef();
    bubbleBodyDef.angularDamping = 1; // we don't want to bubbles to rotate like crazy
    bubbleBodyDef.linearDamping = 0.6; // makes movement more smooth. If you increase this value, bubbles will move like in some oil
    bubbleBodyDef.type = b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;

    var bubbleFixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
    bubbleFixtureDef.density = 0.2;
    bubbleFixtureDef.friction = 0.4;
    bubbleFixtureDef.restitution = 0.2; // adjust this property to reduce or increase bouncing

    // we need to keep bubbles in place, so we create a static body to which bubbles will be constrained - think of a nail at each bubble position
    var nailFixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
    nailFixtureDef.shape = new b2CircleShape(2 / pixels2meters);

    var nailBodyDef = new b2BodyDef();
    nailBodyDef.type = b2Body.b2_staticBody; // nails are static, they don't move

    // now, loop through images of map's data provider
    images = map.dataProvider.images;

    for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
        var image = images[i];
        // create bubble
        bubbleFixtureDef.shape = new b2CircleShape(image.width / 2 / pixels2meters);
        bubbleBodyDef.position.x = (width + 100 + Math.random() * 2) / 2 / pixels2meters;
        bubbleBodyDef.position.y = -30 * i / pixels2meters;
        var bubble = world.CreateBody(bubbleBodyDef).CreateFixture(bubbleFixtureDef);

        // create nail
        nailBodyDef.position.x = image.displayObject.x / pixels2meters;
        nailBodyDef.position.y = image.displayObject.y / pixels2meters;
        var nail = world.CreateBody(nailBodyDef).CreateFixture(nailFixtureDef);
        nail.SetSensor(true); // nail is sensor - this means the bubbles won't colide with it and can overlap

        // now, we need to link bubble with a nail with a joint (imagine a string)
        var jointDef = new b2DistanceJointDef();
        jointDef.bodyA = bubble.GetBody();
        jointDef.bodyB = nail.GetBody();
        // the following tow lines describes stiffness of a string, try to modify them.
        jointDef.dampingRatio = 2;
        jointDef.frequencyHz = 1.7;
        // lenght 0 means that the bubble will try to be at the nail position (if other bubbles allow)
        jointDef.length = 0;
        //connect the centers
        jointDef.localAnchorA = new b2Vec2(0, 0);
        jointDef.localAnchorB = new b2Vec2(0, 0);

        // var joint = world.CreateJoint(jointDef);
        // store definition, image and joint in mapImage object
        image.jointDef = jointDef;
        image.box2Dimage = bubble;
        // image.joint = joint;

    //setup debug draw (if you don't need it, just delete the lines, uncomment to see how box objects are drawn)
            var debugDraw = new b2DebugDraw();

            debugDraw.SetFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit | b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit);
    // interval to update bubbles
    // release initially to do some animation
    // releaseBubbles();
    // attach bubbles in some time

    stopTimeout = setTimeout(stopInterval, 3000);

//update bubbles
function update() {
    var images = map.dataProvider.images;
    for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
        var image = images[i];
        var box2Dimage = image.box2Dimage;
        // box2D takes care of positions of bubbles, we simply get those positions and set them on ammap bubbles.
        var bbody = box2Dimage.GetBody();
        var position = bbody.GetPosition();

        var currentX = position.x;
        var currentY = position.y;

        image.displayObject.translate(position.x * 30, position.y * 30, 1, true);

    if (counter == Math.round(15000 / framesPerSecond)) {
        counter = -Infinity;

    world.Step(1 / framesPerSecond, 10, 10);

    // uncomment next line if you want to see box2d objects in action (also canvas element at the bottom)

// releases bubbles
function releaseBubbles() {
    for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
        var image = images[i];
        setTimeout(destroyJoint, Math.random() * 1000, image);

// destroys joint
function destroyJoint(image) {
    if (image.joint) {
        image.joint = null;

// attach bubbles back
function attachBubbles() {
    var images = map.dataProvider.images;
    for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
        var image = images[i];
        if (!image.joint) {
            setTimeout(restoreJoint, (images.length - i) * 50, image); // we attach bubbles randomly during 0.1 sec interval

    setTimeout(showReplay, 8000);

// restores joint
function restoreJoint(image) {
    var joint = world.CreateJoint(image.jointDef);
    image.joint = joint;

var counter;

function startInterval() {
    //timeout = setTimeout(attachBubbles, 14000);
    counter = 0;
    interval = window.setInterval(update, 1000 / framesPerSecond);

function replay() {
    setTimeout(replayReal, 5000);

function replayReal() {
    var images = map.dataProvider.images;
    var b2Vec2 = Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2;


    for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
        var image = images[i];
        var box2Dimage = image.box2Dimage;
        // box2D takes care of positions of bubbles, we simply get those positions and set them on ammap bubbles.
        var bbody = box2Dimage.GetBody();

        var x = (width + 100 + Math.random() * 2) / 2 / pixels2meters;
        var y = -30 * i / pixels2meters;

        bbody.SetPosition(new b2Vec2(x, y));
    // interval = window.setInterval(update, 500 / framesPerSecond);

    counter = 0;
    //timeout = setTimeout(attachBubbles, 14000);

function stopInterval() {

function showReplay() {
        .removeClass("unreachable hidden");

jQuery(".am-btn").on("click", function() {
    var btn = this;

    if (!jQuery(this).hasClass("am-btn-label")) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 1000);

jQuery(".am-btn-start").on("click", function() {

jQuery(".am-btn-replay").on("click", function() {
        .addClass("hidden unreachable");

setTimeout(function() {
    jQuery(".am-btn-start").removeClass("zoomInDown unreachable");
}, 1000);
