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    <h1 class="text-center">Tribute to Buster Keaton</h1></div></div>

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       <FIGURE><img id="photo" src=""  alt="Buster Keaton"><figcaption>Joseph Frank "Buster" Keaton</figcaption></FIGURE>
        <p>Silent Film Comedy star Joseph Frank "Buster" Keaton. Started his acting as a small child working with his parents in vaudeville, where his father would throw him around the stage, starting his career in prat falls.  While well known in vaudeville circuits it was the movies that made him famous.</p>
        <p>In February 1917, Keaton met Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle, another famous silent film comedy star, at the Talmadge Studios in New York City, where Arbuckle was under contract to Joseph M. Schenck. Buster's father disapproved of films, and Buster also had reservations about the medium. During his first meeting with Arbuckle, he asked to borrow one of the cameras to get a feel for how it worked. He took the camera back to his hotel room, dismantled and reassembled it. With this rough understanding of the mechanics of the moving pictures, he returned the next day, camera in hand, asking for work. He was hired as a co-star and gag man, making his first appearance in The <em>'Butcher Boy'</em>. Keaton later claimed that he was soon Arbuckle's second director and his entire gag department. He appeared in a total of 14 Arbuckle shorts, running into 1920. They were popular and, contrary to Keaton's later reputation as <em>"The Great Stone Face"</em>, he often smiled and even laughed in them.</p>
        <p> Of the hundreds of shorts and feature film length here's a list of some of the most memorable films:</p>
<h3>Short Films:</h3>
<li>April 23, 1917 - The Butcher Boy	</li>
<li>June 25, 1917 - The Rough House; Writer, Director</li>
<li>August 20, 1917 - His Wedding Night</li>
<li>September 30, 1917 - Oh Doctor!</li>
<li>October 29, 1917 - Coney Island</li>
<li>December 10, 1917 - A Country Hero</li>
<li>January 20, 1918 - Out West</li>
<li>March 18, 1918 - The Bell Boy</li>
<li>May 13, 1918 - Moonshine</li>
<li>July 6, 1918 - Good Night, Nurse!</li>
<li>September 15, 1918 - The Cook</li>
<li>September 7, 1919 - Back Stage</li>
<li>October 26, 1919 - The Hayseed</li>
<li>January 11, 1920 - The Garage</li>
<li>September 1, 1920 - One Week; Writer, Director</li>
<li>October 27, 1920 - Convict 13; Writer, Director</li>
<li>December 22, 1920 - Neighbors; Writer, Director</li>
<li>December 22, 1920 - The Scarecrow; Writer, Director</li>
<li>February 10, 1921 - The Haunted House; Writer, Director</li>
<li>March 14, 1921 - Hard Luck; Writer, Director</li>
<li>April 12, 1921 - The High Sign; Writer, Director</li>
<li>May 18, 1921 - The Goat; Writer, Director</li>
<li>October 6, 1921 - The Playhouse; Writer, Director</li>
<li>January 1922 - The Paleface; Writer, Director</li>
<li>March 1922 - Cops; Writer, Director</li>
<li>May 1922 - My Wife's Relations; Writer, Director</li>
<li>July 21, 1922 - The Blacksmith; Writer, Director</li>
<li>August 28, 1922 - The Frozen North; Writer, Director</li>
<li>October 1922 - The Electric House; Writer, Director</li>
<li>November 1922 - Daydreams; Writer, Director</li>
<li>January 22, 1923 - The Balloonatic; Writer, Director</li>
<li>March 1923 - The Love Nest; Writer, Director</li>
<h3>Educational Pictures:</h3>
<li>March 16, 1934 - The Gold Ghost</li>
<li>May 25, 1934 - Allez Oop</li>
<li>January 11, 1935 - Palooka from Paducah</li>
<li>February 22, 1935 - One Run Elmer</li>
<li>March 15, 1935 - Hayseed Romance	</li>
<li>May 3, 1935 - Tars and Stripes</li>
<li>August 9, 1935 - The E-Flat Man	</li>
<li>October 25, 1935 - The Timid Young Man</li>
<li>January 3, 1936 - Three on a Limb	</li>
<li>February 21, 1936 - Grand Slam Opera</li>
<li>August 21, 1936 - Blue Blazes	</li>
<li>October 9, 1936 - The Chemist</li>
<li>November 20, 1936 - Mixed Magic</li>
<li>January 8, 1937 - Jail Bait	</li>
<li>February 12, 1937 - Ditto</li>
<li>March 26, 1937 - Love Nest on Wheels</li>
<h3>Columbia Pictures:</h3>
<li>June 16, 1939 - Pest from the West</li>
<li>August 11, 1939 - Mooching Through Georgia</li>
<li>January 19, 1940 - Nothing But Pleasure</li>
<li>March 22, 1940 - Pardon My Berth Marks</li>
<li>June 28, 1940 - The Taming of the Snood</li>
<li>September 20, 1940 - The Spook Speaks</li>
<li>December 13, 1940 - His Ex Marks the Spot</li>
<li>February 21, 1941 - So You Won't Squawk</li>
<li>September 18, 1941 - General Nuisance</li>
<li>November 20, 1941 - She's Oil Mine</li>
<h3>Independent Producers</h3>
<li>October 15, 1952 - Paradise for Buster</li>
<li>October 2, 1965 - The Railrodder</li>
<li>January 8, 1966 - Film</li>
<li>January 8, 1966 - The Scribe</li>
        <p> His most known movie <em>'The General'</em> was made in 1926. </p>
          <p>Keaton has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: 6619 Hollywood Boulevard (for motion pictures); and 6321 Hollywood Boulevard (for television).</p>
         <p class="link">To read more go to <a href=""target="_blank">Wikipedia</a></p>

<p ID="footer">Page created by Lynn Amacher</p>
<p ID="footer">Information from this page was gathered from <a href=""target="_blank">Wikipedia</a></p>



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