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                <div class="center">

  <div class="card">
    <div class="additional">
      <div class="user-card">
        <div class="level center">
          Level 13
        <div class="points center">
          5,312 Points
        <svg width="110" height="110" viewBox="0 0 250 250" xmlns="" role="img" aria-labelledby="title desc" class="center">
          <title id="title">Teacher</title>
          <desc id="desc">Cartoon of a Caucasian woman smiling, and wearing black glasses and a purple shirt with white collar drawn by Alvaro Montoro.</desc>
            .skin { fill: #eab38f; }
            .eyes { fill: #1f1f1f; }
            .hair { fill: #2f1b0d; }
            .line { fill: none; stroke: #2f1b0d; stroke-width:2px; }
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              <path class="line eyebrow" d="M 160,98 C 157,90 147,89 140,94" id="eyebrow-right"/>
              <path stroke="#111111" stroke-width="4" d="M 68,103 83,102.5" />
              <path stroke="#111111" stroke-width="4" d="M 182,103 167,102.5" />
              <path stroke="#050505" stroke-width="3" fill="none" d="M 119,102 C 123,99 127,99 131,102" />
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              <path fill="#050505" d="M 158,97 C 165,97 171,98 170,101 169,104 166,104 165,102" />
              <path stroke="#050505" stroke-width="3" fill="rgba(240,240,255,0.4)" d="M 119,102 C 118,111 115,119 98,117 85,115 84,108 84,104 84,97 94,96 105,97 112,98 117,98 119,102 Z" />
              <path stroke="#050505" stroke-width="3" fill="rgba(240,240,255,0.4)" d="M 131,102 C 132,111 135,119 152,117 165,115 166,108 166,104 166,97 156,96 145,97 138,98 133,98 131,102 Z" />
              <path class="hair" d="M 60,109 C 59,39 118,40 129,40 139,40 187,43 189,99 135,98 115,67 115,67 115,67 108,90 80,109 86,101 91,92 92,87 85,99 65,108 60,109" />
              <path id="mouth" fill="#d73e3e" d="M 106,132 C 113,127 125,128 125,132 125,128 137,127 144,132 141,142  134,146  125,146  116,146 109,142 106,132 Z" /> 
              <path id="smile" fill="white" d="M125,141 C 140,141 143,132 143,132 143,132 125,133 125,133 125,133 106.5,132 106.5,132 106.5,132 110,141 125,141 Z" clip-path="url(#lips)" />
            <g id="shirt">
              <path fill="#8665c2" d="M 132,170 C 146,170 154,200 154,200 154,200 158,250 158,250 158,250 92,250 92,250 92,250 96,200 96,200 96,200 104,170 118,170 118,170 125,172 125,172 125,172 132,170 132,170 Z"/>
              <path id="arm-left" class="arm" stroke="#8665c2" fill="none" stroke-width="14" d="M 118,178 C 94,179 66,220 65,254" />
              <path id="arm-right" class="arm" stroke="#8665c2" fill="none" stroke-width="14" d="M 132,178 C 156,179 184,220 185,254" />
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              <path stroke="#daa37f" stroke-width="1" class="skin hand" id="hand-right" d="M 199,270 C 204,263 190,243 187,246 185,247 184,248 189,255 178,243 174,238 171,240 168,243 178,254 181,257 178,254 168,241 164,244 161,247 175,261 177,263 173,258 166,251 164,253 161,256 180,287 191,278"/> 
      <div class="more-info">
        <h1>Jane Doe</h1>
        <div class="coords">
          <span>Group Name</span>
          <span>Joined January 2019</span>
        <div class="coords">
          <span>City, Country</span>
        <div class="stats">
            <div class="title">Awards</div>
            <i class="fa fa-trophy"></i>
            <div class="value">2</div>
            <div class="title">Matches</div>
            <i class="fa fa-gamepad"></i>
            <div class="value">27</div>
            <div class="title">Pals</div>
            <i class="fa fa-group"></i>
            <div class="value">123</div>
            <div class="title">Coffee</div>
            <i class="fa fa-coffee"></i>
            <div class="value infinity">∞</div>
    <div class="general">
      <h1>Jane Doe</h1>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a volutpat mauris, at molestie lacus. Nam vestibulum sodales odio ut pulvinar.</p>
      <span class="more">Mouse over the card for more info</span>

  <div class="card green">
    <div class="additional">
      <div class="user-card">
        <div class="level center">
          Level 13
        <div class="points center">
          5,312 Points
        <svg width="110" height="110" viewBox="0 0 250 250" xmlns="" role="img" aria-labelledby="title desc" class="center">
          <title id="title">Teacher</title>
          <desc id="desc">Cartoon of a Caucasian woman smiling, and wearing black glasses and a purple shirt with white collar drawn by Alvaro Montoro.</desc>
            .skin { fill: #eab38f; }
            .eyes { fill: #1f1f1f; }
            .hair { fill: #2f1b0d; }
            .line { fill: none; stroke: #2f1b0d; stroke-width:2px; }
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              <circle cx="125" cy="125" r="115"/>
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              <path d="M 106,132 C 113,127 125,128 125,132 125,128 137,127 144,132 141,142  134,146  125,146  116,146 109,142 106,132 Z" />
          <circle cx="125" cy="125" r="120" fill="rgba(0,0,0,0.15)" />
          <g stroke="none" stroke-width="0" clip-path="url(#scene)">
            <rect x="0" y="0" width="250" height="250" fill="#b0d2e5" />
            <g id="head">
              <path fill="none" stroke="#111111" stroke-width="2" d="M 68,103 83,103.5" />
              <path class="hair" d="M 67,90 67,169 78,164 89,169 100,164 112,169 125,164 138,169 150,164 161,169 172,164 183,169 183,90 Z" />
              <circle cx="125" cy="100" r="55" class="skin" />
              <ellipse cx="102" cy="107" rx="5" ry="5" class="eyes" id="eye-left" />
              <ellipse cx="148" cy="107" rx="5" ry="5" class="eyes" id="eye-right" />
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              <path class="line eyebrow" d="M 160,98 C 157,90 147,89 140,94" id="eyebrow-right"/>
              <path stroke="#111111" stroke-width="4" d="M 68,103 83,102.5" />
              <path stroke="#111111" stroke-width="4" d="M 182,103 167,102.5" />
              <path stroke="#050505" stroke-width="3" fill="none" d="M 119,102 C 123,99 127,99 131,102" />
              <path fill="#050505" d="M 92,97 C 85,97 79,98 80,101 81,104 84,104 85,102" />
              <path fill="#050505" d="M 158,97 C 165,97 171,98 170,101 169,104 166,104 165,102" />
              <path stroke="#050505" stroke-width="3" fill="rgba(240,240,255,0.4)" d="M 119,102 C 118,111 115,119 98,117 85,115 84,108 84,104 84,97 94,96 105,97 112,98 117,98 119,102 Z" />
              <path stroke="#050505" stroke-width="3" fill="rgba(240,240,255,0.4)" d="M 131,102 C 132,111 135,119 152,117 165,115 166,108 166,104 166,97 156,96 145,97 138,98 133,98 131,102 Z" />
              <path class="hair" d="M 60,109 C 59,39 118,40 129,40 139,40 187,43 189,99 135,98 115,67 115,67 115,67 108,90 80,109 86,101 91,92 92,87 85,99 65,108 60,109" />
              <path id="mouth" fill="#d73e3e" d="M 106,132 C 113,127 125,128 125,132 125,128 137,127 144,132 141,142  134,146  125,146  116,146 109,142 106,132 Z" /> 
              <path id="smile" fill="white" d="M125,141 C 140,141 143,132 143,132 143,132 125,133 125,133 125,133 106.5,132 106.5,132 106.5,132 110,141 125,141 Z" clip-path="url(#lips)" />
            <g id="shirt">
              <path fill="#8665c2" d="M 132,170 C 146,170 154,200 154,200 154,200 158,250 158,250 158,250 92,250 92,250 92,250 96,200 96,200 96,200 104,170 118,170 118,170 125,172 125,172 125,172 132,170 132,170 Z"/>
              <path id="arm-left" class="arm" stroke="#8665c2" fill="none" stroke-width="14" d="M 118,178 C 94,179 66,220 65,254" />
              <path id="arm-right" class="arm" stroke="#8665c2" fill="none" stroke-width="14" d="M 132,178 C 156,179 184,220 185,254" />
              <path fill="white" d="M 117,166 C 117,166 125,172 125,172 125,182 115,182 109,170 Z" />
              <path fill="white" d="M 133,166 C 133,166 125,172 125,172 125,182 135,182 141,170 Z" />
              <circle cx="125" cy="188" r="4" fill="#5a487b" />
              <circle cx="125" cy="202" r="4" fill="#5a487b" />
              <circle cx="125" cy="216" r="4" fill="#5a487b" />
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              <circle cx="125" cy="244" r="4" fill="#5a487b" />
              <path stroke="#daa37f" stroke-width="1" class="skin hand" id="hand-left" d="M 51,270 C 46,263 60,243 63,246 65,247 66,248 61,255 72,243 76,238 79,240 82,243 72,254 69,257 72,254 82,241 86,244 89,247 75,261 73,263 77,258 84,251 86,253 89,256 70,287 59,278" /> 
              <path stroke="#daa37f" stroke-width="1" class="skin hand" id="hand-right" d="M 199,270 C 204,263 190,243 187,246 185,247 184,248 189,255 178,243 174,238 171,240 168,243 178,254 181,257 178,254 168,241 164,244 161,247 175,261 177,263 173,258 166,251 164,253 161,256 180,287 191,278"/> 
      <div class="more-info">
        <h1>Jane Doe</h1>
        <div class="coords">
          <span>Group Name</span>
          <span>Joined January 2019</span>
        <div class="coords">
          <span>City, Country</span>
        <div class="stats">
            <div class="title">Awards</div>
            <i class="fa fa-trophy"></i>
            <div class="value">2</div>
            <div class="title">Matches</div>
            <i class="fa fa-gamepad"></i>
            <div class="value">27</div>
            <div class="title">Pals</div>
            <i class="fa fa-group"></i>
            <div class="value">123</div>
            <div class="title">Coffee</div>
            <i class="fa fa-coffee"></i>
            <div class="value infinity">∞</div>
    <div class="general">
      <h1>Jane Doe</h1>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a volutpat mauris, at molestie lacus. Nam vestibulum sodales odio ut pulvinar.</p>
      <span class="more">Mouse over the card for more info</span>



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