<input type="radio" name="a-0" class="correct" id="a-0-c" /><input type="radio" name="a-0" id="a-0-i-0" /><input type="radio" name="a-0" id="a-0-i-1" /><input type="radio" name="a-0" id="a-0-i-2" />
<input type="radio" name="a-1" class="correct" id="a-1-c" /><input type="radio" name="a-1" id="a-1-i-0" /><input type="radio" name="a-1" id="a-1-i-1" /><input type="radio" name="a-1" id="a-1-i-2" />
<input type="radio" name="a-2" class="correct" id="a-2-c" /><input type="radio" name="a-2" id="a-2-i-0" /><input type="radio" name="a-2" id="a-2-i-1" /><input type="radio" name="a-2" id="a-2-i-2" />
<input type="radio" name="a-3" class="correct" id="a-3-c" /><input type="radio" name="a-3" id="a-3-i-0" /><input type="radio" name="a-3" id="a-3-i-1" /><input type="radio" name="a-3" id="a-3-i-2" />
<input type="radio" name="a-4" class="correct" id="a-4-c" /><input type="radio" name="a-4" id="a-4-i-0" /><input type="radio" name="a-4" id="a-4-i-1" /><input type="radio" name="a-4" id="a-4-i-2" />
<div id="results" class="box">
<div class="results"><span id="result"></span> correct answers</div>
<p><a href="#">Restart the game</a></p>
<div>CSS Trivia developed by Alvaro Montoro</div>
<div class="options box" id="q-4">
<div class="question">How many lines of JavaScript code are there in this web game?</div>
<label for="a-4-c">0</label>
<label for="a-4-i-0">About 3.50</label>
<label for="a-4-i-1">42</label>
<label for="a-4-i-2">734</label>
<a href="#results">Complete Test</a>
<div class="options box" id="q-3">
<div class="question">Can a trivia game be developed only using HTML and CSS (no JS)?</div>
<label for="a-3-c">Yes</label>
<label for="a-3-i-0">No</label>
<label for="a-3-i-1">Maybe</label>
<label for="a-3-i-2">Inconceivable</label>
<a href="#q-4">Confirm Answer</a>
<div class="options box" id="q-2">
<div class="question">Which of these selectors is correct?</div>
<label for="a-2-i-0">#class</label>
<label for="a-2-i-1">.id</label>
<label for="a-2-i-2">Both are wrong</label>
<label for="a-2-c">Both are correct</label>
<a href="#q-3">Confirm Answer</a>
<div class="options box" id="q-1">
<div class="question">What does CSS stand for?</div>
<label for="a-1-i-0">CSS Style Sheet</label>
<label for="a-1-c">Cascading Style Sheet</label>
<label for="a-1-i-1">Casual Style Sheet</label>
<label for="a-1-i-2">Classy Style Sheets</label>
<a href="#q-2">Confirm Answer</a>
<div class="options box" id="q-0">
<div class="question">What year was CSS first released?</div>
<label for="a-0-i-0">1988</label>
<label for="a-0-i-1">1992</label>
<label for="a-0-c">1996</label>
<label for="a-0-i-2">2000</label>
<a href="#q-1">Confirm Answer</a>
<div class="box" id="welcome">
<h2>CSS Trivia</h2>
<p>Welcome to CSS Trivia! A small Q&A game developed exclusively with HTML and CSS, and not a single line of JavaScript</p>
<a href="#q-0">Start Game</a>
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This Pen doesn't use any external CSS resources.
This Pen doesn't use any external JavaScript resources.