<div class="container">
<h1>Dramatic Effect Sections</h1>
<p>Mouse over or tap on the section card to view effect.</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3 section-card" id="section-1">
<div class="img-container" id="section-1-image">
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/712521/pexels-photo-712521.jpeg" id="test-img" alt="" />
<h3>Default Behavior</h3>
<p>The default behavior consists of a slightly sepia image that grows while regaining all its color.</p>
<p><strong>Results may vary for Internet Explorer users because IE does not support CSS variables or <code>clip-path</code></strong>.</p>
<div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3 section-card" id="section-2">
<div class="img-container">
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/712521/pexels-photo-712521.jpeg" id="test-img" alt="" />
<h3>...with <code>clip-path</code></h3>
<p>If you add a <code>clip-path</code>, then only the clipped/highlighted area of the front will grow and regain color. The background will go darker and blurrier to create a dramatic effect</p>
<div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3 section-card" id="section-3">
<div class="img-container">
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/712521/pexels-photo-712521.jpeg" id="test-img" alt="" />
<h3>Change the effects</h3>
<p>By specifying the initial and hover values for the animation (based on CSS filters and transformations), you can create different effects for each image. You can use: blur, brightness, grayscale, or sepia.</p>
<div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3 section-card" id="section-4">
<div class="img-container">
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/712521/pexels-photo-712521.jpeg" id="test-img" alt="" />
<p>If the <code>clip-path</code> value is in percentages, it will behave in a responsive way. You can see an example by resizing this window (Bootstrap was used as a base for the demo, but it is not needed for the code to run.)</p>
.img-container {
width: 100%;
height: 0;
padding-top: 66.66%;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.img-container img {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
.section-card {
/*border: 4px solid transparent;*/
padding-top: 15px;
transition: all 0.5s;
display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer;
.section-card:hover {
/*border: 4px solid #beeeef;*/
background: #f8f8f8;
.section-card h3 {
margin-top: 0.5em;
.dreff-holder {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.dreff-holder .dreff-img {
--blur: 0;
--brightness: 1;
--grayscale: 0;
--scale: 1;
--sepia: 0.5;
--front-blur: 0;
--front-brightness: 1;
--front-grayscale: 0;
--front-scale: 1;
--front-sepia: 0.5;
--duration: 0.5s;
--hover-blur: 3px;
--hover-brightness: 0.6;
--hover-grayscale: 1;
--hover-scale: 1;
--hover-sepia: 0;
--hover-duration: 2s;
--hover-front-blur: 0;
--hover-front-brightness: 1;
--hover-front-grayscale: 0;
--hover-front-scale: 1.15;
--hover-front-sepia: 0;
--hover-front-duration: 3s;
--hover-front-clippath: "";
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(var(--scale));
-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(var(--scale));
filter: blur(var(--blur)) brightness(var(--brightness)) grayscale(var(--grayscale)) sepia(var(--sepia));
-webkit-filter: blur(var(--blur)) brightness(var(--brightness)) grayscale(var(--grayscale)) sepia(var(--sepia));
transition: var(--duration);
-webkit-transition: var(--duration);
.dreff-holder .dreff-front {
transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(var(--front-scale));
-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(var(--front-scale));
filter: blur(var(--front-blur)) brightness(var(--front-brightness)) grayscale(var(--front-grayscale)) sepia(var(--front-sepia));
-webkit-filter: blur(var(--front-blur)) brightness(var(--front-brightness)) grayscale(var(--front-grayscale)) sepia(var(--front-sepia));
clip-path: var(--hover-front-clippath);
-webkit-clip-path: var(--hover-front-clippath);
.dreff-holder:hover .dreff-back {
filter: blur(var(--hover-blur)) brightness(var(--hover-brightness)) grayscale(var(--hover-grayscale)) sepia(var(--hover-sepia));
-webkit-filter: blur(var(--hover-blur)) brightness(var(--hover-brightness)) grayscale(var(--hover-grayscale)) sepia(var(--hover-sepia));
transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(var(--hover-scale));
-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(var(--hover-scale));
transition: all var(--hover-duration);
.dreff-holder:hover .dreff-front {
filter: blur(var(--hover-front-blur)) brightness(var(--hover-front-brightness)) grayscale(var(--hover-front-grayscale)) sepia(var(--hover-front-sepia));
-webkit-filter: blur(var(--hover-front-blur)) brightness(var(--hover-front-brightness)) grayscale(var(--hover-front-grayscale)) sepia(var(--hover-front-sepia));
transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(var(--hover-front-scale));
-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(var(--hover-front-scale));
transition: all var(--hover-front-duration);
** Dreff: a function to create dramatic effects on images
const Dreff = (arg) => {
// some basic values
let init = ".dreff";
let clipPath = "";
let clipType = "polygon";
// if no values are specified, create a fake object (it will default)
let args = arg || { };
if (!args.hover) { args.hover = { back:{}, front:{} } }
if (!args.hover.back) { args.hover.back = {} }
if (!args.hover.front) { args.hover.front = {} }
if (!args.initial) { args.initial = { back:{}, front:{} } }
if (!args.initial.back) { args.initial.back = {} }
if (!args.initial.front) { args.initial.front = {} }
// update default settings
init = args.init ? args.init : init;
// apply all to the selectors
let elements = document.querySelectorAll(init);
elements.forEach((el) => {
// add the dreff classes, and duplicate image
let img = el.querySelector("img");
let parent = img.parentNode;
let clone = img.cloneNode(true);
// generate clip-path if specified
if (args.clipPath) {
clipType = args.clipType ? args.clipType : "polygon";
clipPath = args.clipPath ? clipType + "(" + args.clipPath + ")" : "";
clone.style.setProperty("--hover-front-clippath", clipPath);
// set initial state for front and back images
if (args.initial.back.hasOwnProperty("blur")) { img.style.setProperty("--blur", args.initial.back.blur); }
if (args.initial.back.hasOwnProperty("brightness")) { img.style.setProperty("--brightness", args.initial.back.brightness); }
if (args.initial.back.hasOwnProperty("grayscale")) { img.style.setProperty("--grayscale", args.initial.back.grayscale); }
if (args.initial.back.hasOwnProperty("scale")) { img.style.setProperty("--scale", args.initial.back.scale); }
if (args.initial.back.hasOwnProperty("sepia")) { img.style.setProperty("--sepia", args.initial.back.sepia); }
if (args.initial.front.hasOwnProperty("blur")) { clone.style.setProperty("--front-blur", args.initial.front.blur); }
if (args.initial.front.hasOwnProperty("brightness")) { clone.style.setProperty("--front-brightness", args.initial.front.brightness); }
if (args.initial.front.hasOwnProperty("grayscale")) { clone.style.setProperty("--front-grayscale", args.initial.front.grayscale); }
if (args.initial.front.hasOwnProperty("scale")) { clone.style.setProperty("--front-scale", args.initial.front.scale); }
if (args.initial.front.hasOwnProperty("sepia")) { clone.style.setProperty("--front-sepia", args.initial.front.sepia); }
// set hover state for front and back images
if (args.hover.back.duration) { img.style.setProperty("--hover-duration", args.hover.back.duration); }
if (args.hover.back.hasOwnProperty("blur")) { img.style.setProperty("--hover-blur", args.hover.back.blur); }
if (args.hover.back.hasOwnProperty("brightness")) { img.style.setProperty("--hover-brightness", args.hover.back.brightness); }
if (args.hover.back.hasOwnProperty("grayscale")) { img.style.setProperty("--hover-grayscale", args.hover.back.grayscale); }
if (args.hover.back.hasOwnProperty("scale")) { img.style.setProperty("--hover-scale", args.hover.back.scale); }
if (args.hover.back.hasOwnProperty("sepia")) { img.style.setProperty("--hover-sepia", args.hover.back.sepia); }
if (args.hover.front.duration) { clone.style.setProperty("--hover-front-duration", args.hover.front.duration); }
if (args.hover.front.hasOwnProperty("blur")) { clone.style.setProperty("--hover-front-blur", args.hover.front.blur); }
if (args.hover.front.hasOwnProperty("brightness")) { clone.style.setProperty("--hover-front-brightness", args.hover.front.brightness); }
if (args.hover.front.hasOwnProperty("grayscale")) { clone.style.setProperty("--hover-front-grayscale", args.hover.front.grayscale); }
if (args.hover.front.hasOwnProperty("scale")) { clone.style.setProperty("--hover-front-scale", args.hover.front.scale); }
if (args.hover.front.hasOwnProperty("sepia")) { clone.style.setProperty("--hover-front-sepia", args.hover.front.sepia); }
// add the second picture to the container
/** END **/
// #section-1 will be default: only grow front image
Dreff({ init: "#section-1" });
// #section-2 will be default, but the front will be clipped to create an effect
Dreff({ init: "#section-2", clipPath: "22% 100%,22% 84%,25% 70%,29% 60%,34% 47%,36% 32%,40% 18%,45% 13%,51% 12%,55% 16%,59% 22%,60% 29%,59% 38%,58% 48%,58% 55%,57% 60%,55% 61%,57% 71%,61% 79%,65% 100%" });
// #section-3 will start as a shadow and will reveal front as the effect
init: "#section-3",
initial: {
back: {
grayscale: 1,
brightness: 0.4,
sepia: 0,
front: {
brightness: 0,
grayscale: 1,
sepia: 0
hover: {
front: {
grayscale: 0,
scale: 1.6
back: {
blur: 0,
grayscale: 0,
sepia: 0.7
clipPath: "22% 100%,22% 84%,25% 70%,29% 60%,34% 47%,36% 32%,40% 18%,45% 13%,51% 12%,55% 16%,59% 22%,60% 29%,59% 38%,58% 48%,58% 55%,57% 60%,55% 61%,57% 71%,61% 79%,65% 100%"
init: "#section-4",
clipPath: "22% 100%,22% 84%,25% 70%,29% 60%,34% 47%,36% 32%,40% 18%,45% 13%,51% 12%,55% 16%,59% 22%,60% 29%,59% 38%,58% 48%,58% 55%,57% 60%,55% 61%,57% 71%,61% 79%,65% 100%",
initial: {
back: { sepia: 0 },
front: { sepia: 0 }
hover: {
back: {
blur: 0
front: {
scale: 1,
sepia: 0.3,
duration: "0.6s"
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