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				<h2>2nd Level Heading</h2>
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				<p> Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet sweet roll icing cupcake ice cream sugar plum. Danish I love biscuit carrot cake tart jelly beans candy. Chupa chups chocolate bar I love pie ice cream brownie gummi bears. Soufflé cookie I love gummi bears faworki sweet sweet tart croissant. Muffin bonbon danish wafer candy macaroon I love dessert. Muffin pudding danish chupa chups. Halvah lollipop applicake icing. Brownie I love cupcake. I love gingerbread cheesecake gummi bears powder candy toffee icing. Pastry jelly beans candy canes dragée croissant I love halvah jujubes. Cotton candy icing wafer caramels applicake.</p>

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				<h2>2nd Level Heading</h2>
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							Article Title
							<img src="http://placehold.it/200" alt="" />
					<strong class="date">1.01.2012</strong>
					<p>Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet sweet roll icing cupcake ice cream sugar plum. Danish I love biscuit carrot cake tart jelly beans candy. Chupa chups chocolate bar I love pie ice cream brownie gummi bears. Soufflé cookie I love gummi bears faworki sweet sweet tart croissant. Muffin bonbon danish wafer candy macaroon I love dessert. Muffin pudding danish chupa chups. Halvah lollipop applicake icing. Brownie I love cupcake. I love gingerbread cheesecake gummi bears powder candy toffee icing. Pastry jelly beans candy canes dragée croissant I love halvah jujubes. Cotton candy icing wafer caramels applicake. <a href="#">Read full article &rarr;</a></p>

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							Article Title 
							<img src="http://placehold.it/200" alt="" />
					<strong class="date">01.01.2012</strong>
					<p>Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet sweet roll icing cupcake ice cream sugar plum. Danish I love biscuit carrot cake tart jelly beans candy. Chupa chups chocolate bar I love pie ice cream brownie gummi bears. Soufflé cookie I love gummi bears faworki sweet sweet tart croissant. Muffin bonbon danish wafer candy macaroon I love dessert. Muffin pudding danish chupa chups. Halvah lollipop applicake icing. Brownie I love cupcake. I love gingerbread cheesecake gummi bears powder candy toffee icing. Pastry jelly beans candy canes dragée croissant I love halvah jujubes. Cotton candy icing wafer caramels applicake.. <a href="#">Read full article &rarr;</a></p>

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//changed .page-wrap { width: 960px } to { max-width: 960px } and now it's ~responsive~. Still have some work to do to make it legit responsive though. 
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